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欲望都市第二季 強(qiáng)烈痛苦 La Douleur Exquise!




[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:24:37
[00:49.04]New York Clty restaurants are always looklng for the next new angle... 紐約的餐廳總試圖尋求新賣點(diǎn)
[00:54.04]...to grab that eluslve and somewhat jaded Manhattan palate. 為了吸引善變的曼哈頓民眾
[00:56.20]Last year, lt was ''Fuslon-Cajun.'' 去年是推出紐奧良肯猶美食 上個(gè)月是布魯塞爾的河蚌
[00:59.40]Last month, lt was ''Mussels from Brussels.''
[01:02.48]And tonlght, lt's ''S & M.'' 今晚則是性虐待秀
[01:05.12]Samantha's PR flrm was hlred to do the openlng party for La Douleur Exqulse. 莎曼珊的公關(guān)公司負(fù)責(zé)
[01:09.72]Translatlon.: The Exqulslte Paln. 這家餐廳叫做:強(qiáng)烈痛苦
[01:13.88]Of course, we were all lnvlted. 我們?nèi)急谎埩?br /> [01:15.88]This is what happens when the Mayor shuts down the sex shops. 市長勒令情趣商店停業(yè)
[01:18.88]Pops up in your cuisine. 但它卻突然出現(xiàn)在餐廳里
[01:20.84]Stanford! 史丹佛
[01:21.52]I know where I'm taking Mother for dinner the next time she's in town. 我知道下次該帶我媽 到哪里吃飯了
[01:25.52]-Honey! -Excuse me. -親愛的 -借過
[01:29.48]Let her through! 讓她過來
[01:31.68]-What are you wearing? -The invitation said ''kinky.'' 你穿的是什么? 邀請函上寫了是變態(tài)派對(duì)
[01:36.44]I kinked my hair. 我纏卷了頭發(fā)
[01:38.28]The Iadies are inside. Go have fun. 姐妹們都在里面 去吧,好好玩,下一個(gè)
[01:43.00]Excuse me, but when did wiId sex come back in styIe? 何時(shí)狂野性愛又開始流行?
[01:48.40]I think it was the weekend you spent at the Barneys warehouse saIe. 巴尼百貨清倉拍賣 你去血拼的那個(gè)周末
[01:51.64]Three CosmopoIitans, a Diet Coke, and a vodka Martini with a twist. 三杯四海為家、一杯健怡可樂 跟一杯搖勻的伏特加馬丁尼
[01:58.52]I said oIive. 我要的是橄欖
[01:60.20]Bad waiter, bad waiter. 差勁服務(wù)生…
[02:02.20]-What do you tip for that? -Anyone eIse want a whack? -你干嘛這樣打他? -有沒有人想玩玩?
[02:07.20]How does he wait on tabIes dressed Iike that? It's humiIiating. 那個(gè)服務(wù)生怎么穿成那樣? 真丟臉
[02:10.04]The summer I worked at Howard Johnsons, I wore an orange hat. 霍華強(qiáng)森冰淇淋的服務(wù)生 也規(guī)定要戴橘色帽子
[02:13.56]Don't be so judgmentaI. This is just a sexuaI expression. 別如此評(píng)判他人 這只是一種性的表現(xiàn)方式
[02:18.20]AII these peopIe have jobs and pay their biIIs. 這些人有工作,不偷也不搶
[02:19.60]They're just having fun with fetishes. 他們只是在享受戀物癖的樂趣
[02:24.36]I wonder what your fetish is? 不知道你的癖好是什么?
[02:26.28]CharIotte has a thing for Crabtree and EveIyn potpourri. 夏綠蒂對(duì)香薰罐有戀物癖
[02:28.64]-I don't have a fetish! -We aII have a fetish. -我才沒有戀物癖 -每個(gè)人都有戀物癖
[02:33.24]The difference between us and them is: 只是他們把癖好展現(xiàn)出來 讓大家都看到
[02:35.52]They're putting it out there where everyone can see.
[02:37.08]I think it's heaIthy and fabuIous. 我認(rèn)為這樣很好又很健康
[02:38.76]It was IoveIy to see you aII. 很高興見到你們 小姐們,要記住
[02:41.36]And remember Iadies:
[02:44.04]Whipping on the first date is considered forward. 別第一次約會(huì)就玩性虐待 那太過激烈了
[02:48.04]Sit your ass down, Mistress Carrie. There are drinks present. 坐下來,飲料還沒喝完
[02:51.32]No can do. Big's fIying to Paris tomorrow for business and I wanna say goodbye. 大人物明天要去巴黎 我想去跟他道別
[02:54.92]Why not give him a goodbye he'II never forget? 何不送他一個(gè)難忘的道別?
[02:59.08]SacrebleuI -糟透了 -把他弄到手來
[02:60.44]Go get him, girI.
[03:07.72]Laugh, it's a joke. 快笑,這是個(gè)玩笑
[03:13.40]Wait, wait. Not so fast. 等等…別急著脫,讓我看看
[03:17.84]Let me see.
[03:21.32]Baby. 寶貝
[03:28.68]Baby? 寶貝
[03:42.48]I wasn't sure lf lt was the cap, the crop, or me, but lt worked. 我不確定是因?yàn)槟琼斆弊?還是馬鞭,或是我
[03:47.76]Meanwhlle, at a fetlsh across town, Stanford Blanche had a secret sex llfe. 在戀物癖彌漫全市的同時(shí) 史丹佛進(jìn)行著秘密性生活
[03:52.36]A very actlve secret sex llfe on the Internet as ''Rlck9Plus.'' 他化名午夜干柴在網(wǎng)路上 進(jìn)行非?;钴S的秘密性生活
[03:57.12]It all started lnnocently enough as a goof on a lonely Frlday nlght. 起初只是在孤獨(dú)的周五夜晚 犯下的一個(gè)不經(jīng)意錯(cuò)誤
[04:02.80]But pretty soon he was logglng ln hours and hours on hls favorlte webslte. 但很快地他便時(shí)常花時(shí)間 上他最愛的網(wǎng)站
[04:05.04]It was a comfort to know that others shared hls underwear fetlsh. 他很高興知道有其他人 能分享他的戀內(nèi)褲癖
[04:08.96]Sometlmes as many as 2,000 hlts a day. 有時(shí)網(wǎng)站參觀人數(shù) 一天多達(dá)兩千
[04:13.84]No sooner had Rlck9Plus entered the chat room... 不久后,午夜干柴 開始進(jìn)聊天室聊天
[04:17.68]...that he got a message from hls favorlte on-screen pal, ''Blgtool4U.'' 他收到他最喜歡的網(wǎng)友 大玩意的訊息
[04:21.04]Some fetlshes can only flourlsh behlnd closed doors... 某些戀物癖 只會(huì)在午夜的門后發(fā)酵
[04:24.16]...ln the very late nlght hours on a laptop.
[04:28.40]Whlle others are out ln the broad dayllght where everyone can see them. 然而有某些則在 人人都看得見的大白天發(fā)作
[04:35.36]Charlotte, llke every other normal woman ln Manhattan, had a thlng for shoes. 夏綠蒂和其他曼哈頓女人 對(duì)鞋子有狂熱
[04:44.12]-Good morning. -Good morning. -早安 -早安,好漂亮的鞋子
[04:47.80]-BeautifuI shoes. -Just got those in. 是新款,要不要試試?
[04:52.40]-WouId you Iike to try them on? -No. 不了,我只是看看 我的鞋太多了
[04:52.100]I'm just Iooking. I have way too many shoes as it is.
[04:57.12]Size seven? 你穿七號(hào)?
[05:02.32]Size seven. 這是七號(hào)鞋
[05:06.08]You are bad. 你真壞
[05:11.60]I'm just trying them on. 我只要試試就好
[05:13.88]I can't even afford them. I'm saving for a summershare in the Hamptons. 我買不起,我在存錢去漢普頓
[05:19.92]BeautifuI. 好漂亮,看看它的手工
[05:21.64]Look at that craftsmanship.
[05:23.88]I Iove them. 我好喜歡
[05:26.60]-How much? -$400. -多少錢? -四百元
[05:27.76]No. I can't. 不行,請?jiān)谖铱拗?把它脫下來
[05:31.88]PIease take it off before I start to cry.
[05:34.92]$200. 兩百元
[05:34.80]-Why? -Shoes were meant to be Ioved. -為什么? -鞋子該被喜愛的人珍惜
[05:37.60]You're gonna need a beautifuI sandaI Iike that in the Hamptons. 你去漢普頓 會(huì)需要這樣一雙涼鞋
[05:42.40]Thank you so much. 謝謝你
[05:43.68]-Buster. -Thank you, Buster. -我叫巴斯特 -謝謝你,巴斯特
[05:47.64]Whlle one woman was uptown eyelng her artful new sandal... 當(dāng)一個(gè)女人在這頭 審視她的美麗新涼鞋
[05:50.16]...another was downtown eyelng Art of ScandaI: 另一個(gè)女人正在城里 注意新戀情的對(duì)象
[05:54.24]The Life and Times of IsabeIIa Stewart Gardner. “伊莎貝拉史都華賈德納所著 生命與時(shí)代”
[05:56.88]Mlranda was obsessed wlth readlng hlstorlcal blographles. In fact... 米蘭達(dá)喜愛讀歷史傳記
[06:02.96]...she spent all last weekend ln bed wlth Phlllp of Spaln. 其實(shí)她上個(gè)周末 都在讀西班牙王菲利浦的傳記
[06:05.64]'Morning. -早安 -那本書很不錯(cuò)
[06:10.72]That's very good. Crazy Horse and Custer.: “瘋馬與卡士達(dá) 兩名美國戰(zhàn)士的人生”
[06:12.12]The Parallel Llves of Two Amerlcan Warrlors.
[06:15.32]Stephen Ambrose. Great writer. 史蒂芬安伯斯是個(gè)很棒的作家
[06:16.88]I know. I just finished his... 我知道,我剛讀完他的…
[06:18.68]...Merlwether Lewls and Thomas Jefferson.: Undaunted Courage. “路易斯與湯瑪士 無畏的膽量”
[06:24.04]Amazing. 真是太棒了
[06:24.100]I'II pick that up right after I finish F.D.R..: The New York Years. 等讀完“羅斯福的紐約時(shí)代” 我打算看那本
[06:32.40]Jack. -我是杰克 -我是米蘭達(dá)
[06:33.48]Miranda. 當(dāng)米蘭達(dá)讀完 瓊斯里萊的“伊莉沙白一世”
[06:33.88]And rlght after Mlranda plcked up EIizabeth I by Jasper Rlley...
[06:40.56]...Jack plcked up Mlranda. 杰克也把上了米蘭達(dá)
[06:43.44]Blg and I stayed ln bed all mornlng... 大人物和我整個(gè)早上 都待在床上
[06:45.60]...whlch gave us just enough tlme for coffee and some last mlnute detalls. 我們有時(shí)間一起喝咖啡 交代一些剩余的瑣事
[06:48.68]I'm gonna miss you. 我會(huì)很想你
[06:49.68]I'II be back in a week and you can sit there and watch as I unpack. 我一周內(nèi)就會(huì)回來 到時(shí)候你可以看我整理行李
[07:01.24]There. I heIped. 我?guī)土四忝?br /> [07:06.20]Before I forget, CharIotte wants to do a share in the Hamptons. 對(duì)了,夏綠蒂計(jì)劃去漢普頓
[07:09.88]Are we thinking about it or shouId I go in on that? -我們怎么樣?要一起去嗎? -我想我不行
[07:12.64]-Don't think I can. -Why, not a big fan of the $40 crab saIad? 為什么? 不喜歡吃螃蟹沙拉嗎?
[07:19.84]There's a possibiIity I'm not gonna be here this summer. 我今年夏天可能不會(huì)在這里
[07:24.48]I may have to move to Paris for work. 我可能得為了工作 搬去巴黎一陣子
[07:25.56]Just for a whiIe.
[07:29.64]For how Iong a whiIe? -一陣子是多久? -我不知道
[07:31.36]I don't know. Seven months, maybe a year. 七個(gè)月或是一年,還不確定
[07:34.00]Nothing's definite.
[07:33.84]Wait! 等一下,等等…
[07:36.72]Wait, wait, wait.
[07:41.68]How Iong have you known? 你知道這件事多久了?
[07:43.96]It's been in the works for a whiIe. I'II know more detaiIs after this trip. 已經(jīng)籌劃一陣子 這次出差回來會(huì)知道更多細(xì)節(jié)
[07:47.92]When did you pIan on teIIing me? 你打算什么時(shí)候告訴我?
[07:51.60]When I knew more. Nothing's definite. Don't get carried away. 等我知道更多細(xì)節(jié) 還不確定,你別激動(dòng)
[07:54.96]There's the car. 車子在等 我得走了否則會(huì)趕不上飛機(jī)
[07:58.80]I have to go, or I'II miss the pIane.
[08:01.04]We'II figure this aII out when I get back. 這件事等我回來再談
[08:05.72]I wanted to kiII him! 我真想殺了他
[08:05.84]He's standing there giving me the ''what's-the-big-probIem'' eyes. 他的眼神就是一副 “有什么大不了”的樣子
[08:10.20]I don't understand, Iike it's my probIem. 好像這是我的問題
[08:13.16]CaIm down. There are ways to make this work. 冷靜點(diǎn),總有辦法可以解決
[08:13.48]It's seven months. You can go visit in Paris. 你可以去巴黎看他
[08:16.68]-He can come back here. -It's not about that. 不全是這樣 他甚至都沒考慮到我
[08:19.92]It's about the fact that I wasn't even a factor in his decision-making process.
[08:22.00]-TotaIIy. -Men do this aII the time. 男人總是這樣 女人想的是“我們”
[08:25.60]Women waIking around thinking ''we.''
[08:27.72]And their version of ''we'' is ''me and my dick.'' 但他們的“我們” 只是“我和我的小弟弟”
[08:30.20]TotaIIy. 為什么會(huì)這樣? 這樣的要求過分嗎?
[08:31.08]Just teII me what's going on! Is that too much to ask?
[08:33.16]''Carrie, I'm thinking about going to France for the rest of my Iife!'' “凱莉 我想我之后要定居法國”
[08:37.84]-Am I right? -TotaIIy. 我有說錯(cuò)嗎?
[08:41.00]One minute he's aII over me, and the next he's pushing me away. 這一分鐘還繞著我打轉(zhuǎn) 下一分鐘就急著把我推走
[08:44.92]And I just cannot beIieve this is happening, again! 我不敢相信又發(fā)生這種事
[08:48.40]Yes, caIm down. There'II be no breaking of things. 別激動(dòng),事情不會(huì)那么糟
[08:51.64]Why do I keep doing this to myseIf? 我為何要這樣折磨自己?
[08:54.64]I must be a masochist or something. 我一定有被虐狂
[08:59.32]That's when I flrst reallzed lt. 那是我第一次體認(rèn)到
[09:01.12]I was ln an S & M relatlonshlp wlth Mr. Blg. 我和大人物的關(guān)系 就像是性虐待
[09:05.00]Excuse me.
[09:05.44]In love relatlonshlps, there ls a flne llne between pleasure and paln. 在愛情里 快樂與痛苦只有一線之隔
[09:09.84]In fact, lt's a common bellef that a relatlonshlp wlthout paln... 有些人相信沒有痛苦的愛情
[09:13.92]...ls a relatlonshlp not worth havlng. 便不值得擁有
[09:17.80]To some, paln lmplles growth. 對(duì)某些人而言,痛苦代表成長
[09:18.96]But how do we know when the growlng palns stop... 但何時(shí)成長的痛苦 會(huì)轉(zhuǎn)變成疼痛的痛苦?
[09:20.88]...and the ''paln-palns'' take over?
[09:24.24]Are we masochlsts or optlmlsts, lf we contlnue to walk that flne llne? 若我們繼續(xù)走在那條線上 我們是被虐狂或只是樂觀?
[09:29.72]When lt comes to relatlonshlps... 談到愛情
[09:29.40]...how do you know when enough ls enough? 如何知道是真的夠了?
[09:34.16]When you read The Complete War Memolrs of Charles de Gaulle... 等你讀完戴高樂的戰(zhàn)爭回憶錄
[09:40.88]...get back to me. 再回來找我
[09:41.96]On Tuesday nlght, Mlranda and Jack had dlnner. 星期二晚上 米蘭達(dá)和杰克共進(jìn)晚餐
[09:44.56]In the blography of her llfe... 在她生平傳記中 這是最美好的一次約會(huì)
[09:45.80]...thls would go down as the best flrst date ln hlstory.
[09:50.20]This is kind of what I wanted to show you. 這就是我想讓你看的
[09:56.16]Mark Twain Iived here. 馬克吐溫曾住在這里 大約是他寫哈克系列故事時(shí)
[09:56.08]Right around the time he wrote Huck Flnn.
[10:01.72]ReaIIy? 是嗎?
[10:03.52]Come on. 來吧
[10:05.32]-It's private property. -I know. -這是私人住宅 -我知道
[10:10.60]I'm gonna show you his IittIe house. 我想帶你看他的房子
[10:14.76]Right there, number 27. 就在那里,二十七號(hào)
[10:16.44]It's cute. 很不錯(cuò)
[10:32.04]Just when Mlranda thought she could read Jack perfectly... 正當(dāng)米蘭達(dá)以為 她能完全讀透杰克
[10:36.24]...he opened an entlre new chapter. 他又開展了一個(gè)新的章節(jié)
[10:37.00]No. 不要…可能會(huì)有人經(jīng)過 我們會(huì)被看到
[10:41.48]Someone might come by, we couId get caught.
[10:43.76]I know. 我知道
[10:47.96]A chapter entltled.: 這個(gè)章節(jié)叫做
[10:48.76]''I llke to have sex ln places I can get caught.'' “我喜歡在 可能被看到的地方做愛”
[10:53.12]Wlth my one man out of town ln Parls... 我的男人去了巴黎 所以我能和另一個(gè)男人喝酒
[10:55.80]...I found tlme to have drlnks wlth my other man.
[10:57.08]I need your advice. 我需要你的意見
[11:01.68]But in order to get it, I have to confess something. 我要向你坦白一些事 希望你不要評(píng)判我
[11:02.24]-I'm asking you not to judge me. -Who am I to judge anyone?
[11:05.48]我有什么資格評(píng)判人? 我一點(diǎn)影響力也沒有
[11:05.92]I had bangs in the 80s.
[11:09.44]I have cybersex on the Internet. 我在體驗(yàn)網(wǎng)路性愛
[11:12.88]And this wouId be the nonjudgment part? 這是不要我評(píng)判的部分嗎?
[11:15.92]My name is Rick9PIus. -我的化名是午夜干柴 -不會(huì)吧
[11:18.28]No, you didn't!
[11:21.16]Rick9PIus: How sad is that? 午夜干柴,是不是很可悲?
[11:22.72]I think it shows a great deaI of restraint. You couId have been ''Rick11.'' 這表現(xiàn)出你的壓抑 你甚至可以是午夜烈火
[11:29.64]So, I've been chatting with this guy and we have a reaIIy great time. 我跟某個(gè)家伙聊得很愉快
[11:33.88]But now he wants to meet and I don't know if I shouId. 但是現(xiàn)在他想要見面 我不知道該不該答應(yīng)
[11:37.04]Let's figure this out. 讓我問你,你對(duì)他了解多少?
[11:38.64]What do you know about him?
[11:40.92]His name is BigtooI4U. 他叫做大玩意
[11:44.84]My God. 拜托,凱莉,我是認(rèn)真的
[11:45.80]Come on, Carrie. This is serious.
[11:49.16]I'm sorry. 對(duì)不起…干柴
[11:53.88]I'm sorry, Rick.
[11:58.52]Where does he want to meet you? 他想約在哪里?
[12:01.20]At an after-hours gay cIub in the Meatpacking District. 密派區(qū)的同性戀酒吧
[12:04.52]Makes sense. TeII me why you want to go. 蠻吸引人的 告訴我你為什么想去
[12:08.56]He seems hot. It's exciting. 他似乎很辣,讓人興奮
[12:11.96]I haven't had good sex since before Cats was on Broadway. “貓”在百老匯上演后 我就沒有過很棒的性愛
[12:15.32]I say go. 那就去,來個(gè)頑皮的小冒險(xiǎn) 做好安全措施,好好玩
[12:15.20]Have a naughty IittIe adventure. Be safe, have fun.
[12:19.00]What if he disses me? 要是他不喜歡我呢?
[12:21.60]He said he's reaIIy great Iooking and has a reaIIy ripped body. 他說他長得很帥,身材又好
[12:24.88]WeII, are you Rick9PIus? 你不是午夜干柴嗎?
[12:27.84]I'm so getting your point. 我了解你的意思了
[12:32.04]After Rlck9Plus went home... 午夜干柴回家后
[12:34.48]...I declded I was just drunk enough to call Blg. 我想我喝醉了 所以打電話給大人物
[12:41.76]It's me. What are you doing? 是我,你在做什么?
[12:44.24]I'm in bed. 我在床上
[12:48.32]I think it's caIIed sIeeping. -簡單說就是在睡覺 -在法國玩得愉快嗎?
[12:48.64]So, you're funny in France?
[12:53.40]It's 5:30 in the morning. 現(xiàn)在是清晨五點(diǎn)半 你有什么事?
[12:58.60]What is it? 我想知道為何你要去巴黎
[12:59.76]I wouId Iike to know...
[13:00.84]...how you couId even think of going to Paris...
[13:03.16]...and not even think about discussing it with me. 卻沒想過要跟我討論?
[13:08.60]I thlnk about you all the tlme. 我無時(shí)無刻不在想你
[13:11.52]What's he doing? What's he thinking? But you, no. “他在做什么?想什么?” 但你卻不是
[13:15.48]When were you pIanning to teII me? 你打算什么時(shí)候告訴我? 你有在聽嗎?
[13:19.68]Are you stlll there?
[13:21.84]Yes. 有
[13:22.04]Okay, because I think about you aII the time. 因?yàn)槲蚁氲亩际悄?br /> [13:25.60]No. Correction, correction. 更正…我想的都是我們
[13:28.80]I think about us aII the time.
[13:30.60]Can we get into this another time? I was sIeeping. 我們能不能改天再談? 我在睡覺
[13:34.96]It's never a good time for you. You're aIways sIeeping, or you're going.... 什么時(shí)間對(duì)你來說都不適合 你總在睡覺或離開
[13:38.92]You're aIways going, ''Taxi!'' 你總是離開 叫部計(jì)程車,就搭機(jī)去了法國
[13:41.20]Then you're on a pIane to France for maybe a year.
[13:42.88]You're a freaklng old man. 你年紀(jì)不小了 該多為別人想想
[13:46.68]You should be thlnklng about somebody else.
[13:46.60]This is not fake us. This is reaI. 我沒有騙你,我總是在想我們
[13:51.36]Even if you don't know it, it is. I am a woman. 就算你不知道,但這是真的
[13:54.84]A wo-manI 我是個(gè)女人,一個(gè)女…人
[13:59.72]Have another cocktaiI, Woman. 再喝杯酒吧,女人
[14:02.52]This isn't about cocktaiIs. This is about basic human decency. 這跟酒無關(guān) 這是關(guān)系到基本作為
[14:06.56]This is about taking responsibiIity. It's about being a grown-up. 有關(guān)責(zé)任感,你該當(dāng)個(gè)成人
[14:10.36]It's about being a man. -有關(guān)如何當(dāng)個(gè)男人 -我是男人,一個(gè)疲倦的男人
[14:12.12]I am a man.
[14:12.52]I'm a tired man.
[14:16.92]It's 5:30 in the morning here. 現(xiàn)在這里是清晨五點(diǎn)半
[14:19.40]You better get used to it because if you move, this is how our reIationship wiII be. 你最好開始習(xí)慣
[14:23.48]You'II be sIeeping when I'm eating and I'II be sIeeping.... 你在睡覺時(shí)我在吃飯,可惡
[14:30.92]Are you stiII there? 你有在聽嗎?
[14:33.40]I'm going to bed. 我要睡覺了 九點(diǎn)鐘有個(gè)重要會(huì)議
[14:36.96]I have an important meeting at 9:00.
[14:37.96]Fine, hang up. Don't caII me when I'm sIeeping because... 你可以掛電話 但別在我睡覺時(shí)打來
[14:42.68]...I have a job here too, you know. 因?yàn)槲以谶@里也有工作
[14:48.12]Even through my Cosmopolltan haze, I knew I had gone too far. 雖然我是有點(diǎn)醉了 但我知道我做得太過頭
[14:55.56]Take off your panties. 把你的內(nèi)褲脫掉
[14:56.16]What? 什么?
[14:58.16]I want to give you head. -我想讓你享受一下 -在計(jì)程車上?
[15:02.16]In the cab?
[15:03.00]You're not serious? The driver is right there. 司機(jī)會(huì)看到
[15:25.20]Yes! 對(duì),走第九大道
[15:28.20]Take Ninth Avenue.
[15:29.36]A few days later on the way home, Charlotte couldn't help but notlce... 幾天后,在回家的路上
[15:32.04]夏綠蒂在櫥窗發(fā)現(xiàn)一雙 很漂亮的意大利露跟鞋
[15:33.12]...a gorgeous palr of Itallan sllngbacks ln the wlndow.
[15:36.40]I just came in to Iook. 我只是進(jìn)來看看
[15:38.68]You have a very high arch. 你的足背很高 你是個(gè)舞者嗎?
[15:41.20]-Are you a dancer? -No. -不是 -真是雙漂亮的腳
[15:43.68]Such weII-formed feet.
[15:46.44]I was in Miss Debbie's TwirIers when I was a IittIe girI. 我小時(shí)候參加過樂隊(duì)指揮團(tuán)
[15:57.28]They are so beautifuI. 這雙鞋真漂亮
[15:60.48]For anyone eIse, $500. 我賣其他人五百
[16:02.48]For you, free. 你,免費(fèi)
[16:06.36]What? No, Buster. Why wouId you do something Iike that? 什么?不,巴斯特 你為什么要這樣?
[16:12.84]Because these beautifuI feet are tired and they need a IittIe rub. 因?yàn)檫@雙美麗的腳累了 它們需要按摩
[16:19.68]When a shoe fetlsh meets a foot fetlsh, all reason goes out the shop wlndow. 當(dāng)一個(gè)戀鞋狂遇上一個(gè)戀腳狂
[16:33.60]I am way overreacting to this whoIe France situation. 對(duì)于去法國的事 我是反應(yīng)過度了
[16:37.96]I think CharIotte's right, there are ways to work this out. 夏綠蒂說的對(duì) 總有解決的辦法
[16:40.84]What made you change your mind? 是什么讓你改變想法?
[16:43.64]I compIeteIy Iost my shit to Big on the phone. 我和大人物講電話時(shí)完全失控
[16:45.20]And I reaIized how cIose this whoIe thing is to reaIIy bIowing up. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)我們之間可能就快完了
[16:49.20]Yes, it's painfuI sometimes, but it's worth it, you know? 沒錯(cuò),有時(shí)會(huì)痛苦 但這是值得的
[16:53.08]The guy has to go there for work. 他必須去那里工作
[16:55.52]And what is so awfuI about spending a week here and there... 花一個(gè)星期與男友在巴黎相聚 沒什么可怕的
[16:58.20]-...with your boyfriend in Paris? -Nothing, it's so romantic. 沒什么,這很浪漫
[17:01.100]Great, your Iove Iife takes you to Paris and I'm fucking in the back of a cab. 你的愛情帶你去巴黎 我則是在計(jì)程車后座做愛
[17:08.16]-That's IoveIy. -And not just there. -那很棒 -不只是那里
[17:09.56]We've done it in the bathroom at Bond Street. 還有龐德餐廳的洗手間
[17:12.04]I just ate there! 我才剛?cè)ツ抢锍燥?br /> [17:15.32]The eIevator at the Marriott Marquis and a pubIic restroom in CentraI Park. 馬里歐特瑪庫斯飯店的電梯里 及中央公園的公共廁所
[17:19.72]How very ''George MichaeI'' of you. 喬治麥可也輸給你
[17:21.32]We've actuaIIy never done it Iying down, or inside, for that matter. 我們從沒躺著或在家里做過
[17:25.36]This is supposed to be a reIationship, not Outward Bound. 你們是在談戀愛 可不是“外展訓(xùn)練”
[17:26.28]You've got to get him in a bedroom and find out what's reaIIy there. 把他弄進(jìn)房間搞清楚是哪回事
[17:31.16]I'm a IittIe afraid to try. He Iikes the threat of getting caught. 我想我沒辦法 他喜歡害怕被抓到的快感
[17:33.04]What if being with just me isn't enough? 要是他覺得 我無法滿足他怎么辦?
[17:35.88]Excuse me, Miss CharIotte, what is happening south of your ankIes? 夏綠蒂小姐 你的腳是怎么回事?
[17:40.68]-They're new. Do you Iike them? -I Iove them! $500? -這是新鞋,喜歡嗎? -好漂亮,五百元嗎?
[17:45.08]No, not that much. 沒那么多,店員給了我折扣
[17:47.64]-The guy just kind of gave me a deaI. -How much?
[17:48.72]-那是多少? -免費(fèi)
[17:54.60]-Why? -And where is he? -為什么? -是哪一家店?
[17:55.20]He just wanted me to have them. 他希望我能擁有這雙鞋
[17:58.80]He just reaIIy Ioves it when peopIe Iove shoes. 他希望鞋子能被好好珍惜
[18:00.16]Sweetie, this is New York City, nobody Ioves anything that much. 這里是紐約,沒人會(huì)這么想
[18:07.12]WeII, I Iet him hoId my feet. Just a IittIe. 我讓他摸了我的腳一會(huì)兒
[18:11.28]The second she sald lt out loud, she knew what she had to do. 在她說出來的那一刻 她便了解該怎么做
[18:18.36]HeIIo, again. -又見面了 -我不能收這雙鞋
[18:20.44]I can't keep these shoes you gave me.
[18:22.24]-Why? -You know why. -為什么? -你知道為什么
[18:33.08]You've aIready worn them, I can't take them back. Keep them. 你穿過了不能退,留著吧
[18:34.16]No, thank you! -不,謝謝你 -那我丟到垃圾桶
[18:36.44]-Then I'II throw them in the garbage. -No, they're too beautifuI.
[18:39.84]不,它們太漂亮了 我想買但是付不起
[18:42.72]I'd buy them, but I can't afford it.
[18:46.68]What about a trade? 來筆交易如何?
[18:48.56]Six new styIes just came in. 有六雙新鞋剛到 我想找人試穿
[18:50.08]I've never seen them on a foot.
[18:52.24]Charlotte looked down at the exqulslte shoes. 夏綠蒂看了看那些美麗的鞋子
[18:54.32]The smell of leather was lntoxlcatlng. 皮革的味道讓人興奮
[18:57.92]AII I have to do is try the shoes on? 只是要我試穿嗎?
[19:03.08]Charlotte felt llke Clnderella. 夏綠蒂感覺自己像是灰姑娘
[19:22.96]Clnderella ln a dlrty, klnky, freaked out, storybook, parallel unlverse. 身處在骯臟、變態(tài) 及瘋狂世界里的灰姑娘
[19:35.80]Thank you. 謝謝
[19:39.60]Blg arrlved on the 9.:00 p.m. fllght. 大人物的飛機(jī)九點(diǎn)抵達(dá)
[19:39.56]I was at hls door by 10.:00 to welcome hlm home ln style. 我十點(diǎn)便以法式風(fēng)情裝扮 到他門口歡迎他回家
[19:43.52]Bonjour, vollà le French hat, Vollà, le French fry. 歡迎回來,法國帽和炸薯?xiàng)l
[19:50.08]And it doesn't stop there. 不只如此
[19:51.52]I have le Big Mac, and Ie FiIet de Fish. 還有麥香堡和麥香魚
[20:07.60]What is aII this? -為什么要這樣? -為我脾氣差道歉
[20:09.20]It's an apoIogy for being le bitch.
[20:13.16]I've been thinking about this. We can make this work. 我好好想過,沒什么行不通的
[20:15.88]We'II do le phone sex. 我們可以享受電話性愛
[20:19.52]If things get reaIIy bad, then I'II move to Paris for a whiIe... 如果還是有問題
[20:22.04]...and write Le Sex ln le Clty. 我就搬到巴黎一陣子 寫法國人的“欲望城市”
[20:24.80]-That wouId be great. -Which one? -這樣最好 -你要哪一個(gè)?
[20:27.20]I don't care. 我都可以
[20:31.68]But you'd be moving to Paris for yourseIf, right? 你是為了自己才搬到巴黎吧?
[20:34.24]I mean, don't move for me. 別為了我搬
[20:37.32]Why wouId I move to Paris if it wasn't for you? 不為了你,我干嘛搬到巴黎?
[20:39.64]I'm just saying... 我只是不希望你 因?yàn)槿绱硕兴诖?br /> [20:39.80]...I don't want you to uproot your Iife and expect anything.
[20:46.36]-I am such an idiot! -What the fuck? -我真是個(gè)笨蛋 -又怎么了?
[20:50.44]I'm running around town in a beret, buying your greasy food... 我?guī)е惱酌钡教幣?還幫你買油膩膩的食物
[20:54.44]...and you don't even care if I'm in your Iife! 你根本不在乎生活里有沒有我
[20:55.60]-WouId you caIm down? -No! -你冷靜下來好嗎? -我不想再冷靜
[20:58.12]I'm so tired of caIming down!
[21:01.88]Look, I have to be in a reIationship... 聽著,即使我在談戀愛
[21:03.88]...where if I have to go to Paris, I have to go to Paris. 若我得去巴黎,我就會(huì)去
[21:07.64]Fine, go to Paris. Then what happens to us next year... 很好,你就去巴黎
[21:09.64]要是明年你又要去巴西 我們該怎么辦?
[21:11.24]...when you decide you just have to go to BraziI?
[21:14.68]This isn't about us! This is about work! 重點(diǎn)不是我們,這是工作
[21:19.40]This isn't about work. This is about us getting cIoser... 重點(diǎn)不是工作 而是我們越來越親密
[21:21.68]...and you getting so freaked out... 你就發(fā)瘋似的,想逃得遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)的
[21:24.92]...that you have to put an ocean between us.
[21:28.32]I don't want to taIk about this anymore. 我不想再談這個(gè)
[21:35.08]Why is it so hard... 為什么會(huì)這么難?
[21:39.48]...for you to factor me into your Iife in any reaI way? 為何你不愿認(rèn)真考慮 將我納入你的生活?
[21:47.88]I guess oId habits die hard. 我想我還沒做好準(zhǔn)備
[21:50.48]Maybe I can't do this anymore. -也許我應(yīng)該離開你 -我了解
[21:53.36]I understand.
[21:59.92]I bet you do. 我相信你是
[22:01.100]You said you Ioved me. -你說過你愛我 -我是愛你
[22:06.12]I do.
[22:07.88]Then why does it hurt so fucking much? 那為何又傷我這么深?
[22:12.48]On the way home I was furlous. 在回家的路上,我氣瘋了 不是對(duì)大人物,是對(duì)我自己
[22:15.96]Not wlth Blg, wlth myself.
[22:16.44]I was the real sadlst. 我是個(gè)真正的被虐狂
[22:18.72]He mlght be the one wlth the whlp, but I was the one who tled myself up. 他手上或許握著鞭子 但我卻是自縛的人
[22:22.76]Tled myself to a man who was terrlfled of belng tled down. 我將自己綁在一個(gè) 害怕被綁住的男人身上
[22:31.84]And downtown, ln the Meatpacklng Dlstrlct... 在密派區(qū)
[22:35.44]...another terrlfled man was preparlng to face hls fears. 另一個(gè)害怕的男人 正準(zhǔn)備面對(duì)他的恐懼
[22:41.60]Take them off. -把衣服脫掉 -你說什么?
[22:43.48]Excuse me?
[22:48.24]Stanford panlcked. He hadn't been seen ln hls underwear... 史丹佛感到驚慌
[22:51.92]...by a roomful of men slnce seventh grade gym class. 自從七年級(jí)的健身課后 他就沒在他人面前裸露過
[22:54.92]What's it gonna be, paI? In or out? 小子,決定如何? 脫衣服還是出去?
[23:06.24]So, Rlck9Plus undressed. 所以午夜干柴選擇了脫衣服
[23:09.40]It would have been rude to stand up Blgtool4U. 讓大玩意白等會(huì)很失禮
[23:15.68]To her surprlse, Mlranda had no trouble gettlng Jack to agree to make love... 出乎意料之外
[23:15.40]米蘭達(dá)說服了杰克 到他房間做愛
[23:19.16]...ln hls bedroom that nlght.
[23:25.04]Let's do it in bed. 我們到床上做
[23:25.20]Suddenly, her fear of hls fetlsh ended. 突然間 她對(duì)他戀物癖的恐懼消失了
[23:28.08]Mlranda reallzed that Jack's excltement wasn't about gettlng caught. 米蘭達(dá)了解到 杰克真的是因?yàn)樗械脚d奮
[23:32.28]It was about her and she really began to let loose.
[23:32.28]她開始解放自己 做些她不敢在外面有的舉動(dòng)
[23:35.68]Somethlng she'd been unable to do outslde.
[23:39.04]Jack? Is everything aII right? 杰克,發(fā)生什么事嗎?
[23:45.68]Who was that? -那是誰? -是我媽
[23:45.80]It's my mother. My parents are visiting. 我父母過來看我
[23:51.64]They sound Iike they're coming in here. Are they coming in here? 他們好像要進(jìn)來了
[24:16.60]At flrst, Stanford thought he'd be shunned for lack of the popular slx-pack abs. 史丹佛起初以為 他會(huì)因?yàn)闆]有六塊肌受到排擠
[24:22.16]But then.... 但是…
[24:35.28]Never seen that kind before. 我沒見過這種樣式的
[24:38.68]They're French! 這是法國貨,我在巴黎買的
[24:39.24]I bought them in Paris.
[24:42.24]Turn around. 轉(zhuǎn)過來看看
[24:46.100]Stanford Blanche had never felt more speclal. 史丹佛巴勒奇 從未感到如此特別過
[24:55.88]Nice. 很不錯(cuò)
[24:59.24]BigtooI4U? -大玩意嗎? -你說什么?
[25:03.72]Excuse me?
[25:03.92]Another beer for you? 我說再來一瓶啤酒嗎?
[25:11.20]I'II buy. 我請客
[25:19.24]Stanford learned that sometlmes a brlef encounter can be qulte fulfllllng. 史丹佛發(fā)現(xiàn) 有時(shí)一個(gè)簡單的招呼
[25:28.48]I went to bed at 1.:00. 我在一點(diǎn)鐘上床 但兩點(diǎn)半時(shí)還未入睡
[25:29.84]I was stlll wlde-awake at 2.:30.
[25:47.76]There were no words left. We'd sald them all. 我們沒有再說些什么 因?yàn)槎家呀?jīng)說完了
[26:06.64]After we made love, I knew lt was over. 做完愛后,我知道我們結(jié)束了
[26:10.04]Dld I ever really love Blg or was I addlcted to the paln? 我真的愛大人物嗎? 或我只是對(duì)痛苦上癮?
[26:14.88]The exqulslte paln of wantlng someone so unattalnable. 對(duì)捉不住的男人的欲望 所帶來的強(qiáng)烈痛苦
[26:22.36]What are you doing over there? 你坐在那里想什么?
[26:26.80]Go to Paris. 去巴黎吧
[26:30.80]I'm not gonna come. 我不會(huì)跟著你去
[26:33.08]Let's not pretend we're something we're not. 我們別再假裝下去
[26:38.88]It's okay. 沒關(guān)系
[26:42.32]Come to bed. 過來床上
[26:42.12]I wanted to go to hlm, but I felt llke I was tled to the chalr. 我想跟他一起去 但我像是被綁在椅子上
[26:47.08]Some part of me was holdlng me back, knowlng I had gone too far. 有某部分的我將我往回拉
[26:50.40]我知道我已走得太過頭 碰到了我的極限
[26:51.88]Reached my llmlt.
[27:30.64]And just llke that, I had untled myself from Mr. Blg. 因此我將自己 從大人物身上釋放
[27:36.64]I was free. 我自由了,但卻不感到興奮
[27:37.88]But there was nothlng exqulslte about lt.

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