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欲望都市第二季 做愛伙伴 The F*** Buddy





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:24:21





[00:49.84]I ran lnto my frlend Sklpper on the street the other day. 前幾天我遇見一位朋友史奇普

[00:52.72]He was brulsed and frantlc. He'd just broken up wlth another glrl. 他剛跟一位女生分手

[00:58.12]I thought everything was going fine. 就在我以為我們之間很順利時 她們突然間提出分手

[00:60.28]That's when they tiptoe up and cIobber you.

[01:00.24]What did she say she thought was wrong? 她認為是哪里出了錯?

[01:03.08]Skipper, you're a very sweet guy. This isn't about anything you did. 你很貼心


[01:10.44]It's just that we're in very different pIaces right now. 我們在不同的處境

[01:11.40]We want different things from Iife. 我們對生活的追求不同 我需要多一點獨處的時間

[01:15.56]I need to spend more time aIone.

[01:18.20]So, actuaIIy, we want the same thing. 我們有著相同的需要: 花多一點時間跟你在一起

[01:18.56]We both want to spend more time with you.

[01:22.04]Three months before that, lt was a dental hyglenlst named Tlffany. 三個月前,一位名叫蒂芙妮的 牙醫(yī)保健員也這么說

[01:25.84]The timing is wrong, that's aII. 現(xiàn)在的時機不對 你是我認識最好的人之一

[01:27.40]You're one of the nicest guys I've ever known.

[01:29.88]I feeI Iike I've reached a time in my Iife when I need to focus on my career. 我覺得現(xiàn)階段我需要 將重心放在事業(yè)上

[01:36.08]I don't want to feeI guiIty about that. 我不想有罪惡感

[01:38.48]I don't want you to give up your career. 我不希望你放棄你的事業(yè)

[01:41.04]I know. 我知道,你一向很好

[01:42.84]You've been great. 你值得與更珍惜你的人交往

[01:42.32]You reaIIy deserve someone who wiII appreciate you.

[01:45.00]I don't feeI Iike I have anything to give at the moment. 我目前不能給你任何承諾

[01:49.60]And last year, lt was Mlranda. 去年,米蘭達說過同樣的話

[01:53.16]I feeI Iike I need to spend more time aIone. 我需要多一點時間獨處

[01:56.92]I've just reached a point in my Iife where I need to focus on my career. 我覺得現(xiàn)階段我需要 將重心放在事業(yè)上

[02:00.88]I don't think that I have anything to give at the moment. 我目前不能給你任何承諾

[02:06.40]Skipper, what eIse can I say? 我還能說什么?

[02:06.08]I have such horrlble luck wlth women. 我真是沒有女人緣

[02:09.68]I shouId've seen this coming, but I didn't... 我應該料到結(jié)果會這樣

[02:11.64]...because they wait for you to get reIaxed and get comfortabIe... 女人總是等到我覺得 一切都安定了

[02:15.24]...before they bring the ice pick down between your eyes. 卻又一刀刺進我雙眼間

[02:18.28]Not aII women... 你總是被這樣的女人吸引

[02:19.92]...just the types of women you seem to be attracted to.

[02:22.28]Over and over and over again. 一而再,再而三

[02:26.96]Those Iadies don't know what they're missing and missing and missing. 她們不知道自己錯過了什么

[02:29.32]Sklpper's pattern was clear to both of us. 史奇普的遭遇有一個模式:

[02:32.24]He was a sweet guy who was perpetually attracted to women... 他是好人,卻總是為 喜歡壞男人的女人吸引

[02:35.80]...who were looklng for jerks.

[02:36.48]Later that nlght, on a date across town... 在城中的一次約會中 米蘭達重復她自己的模式

[02:39.80]...Mlranda was repeatlng a pattern of her own.

[02:43.16]She had been datlng a lawyer she met when they fought ln court. 她和法庭上遇見的律師約會

[02:45.32]A frequent guest on MSBNC, Kevln was not just argumentatlve... 全國廣播公司的???/p>


[02:50.40]...he was an anger professlonal.

[02:52.40]I think I gotta revise my opinion... 我得修正對于看電影 是白癡的看法

[02:55.08]...that onIy an idiot wouId want to go out to a movie these days.

[02:58.76]It was worth the $19, pIus $10 in snacks and water... 花二十九塊看電影 外加點心飲料是值得的

[03:02.64]...just to hear that bus driver behind us expIain fiImmaking to his wife. 聽后座的公車司機批評電影

[03:04.76]He had some wonderfuI insights. 他有極佳的洞察力 再說,那是一部有趣的電影

[03:06.64]On the bright side, it was an interesting movie, right?

[03:10.20]It was a reaI Cltlzen Kane. 一部真正的“大國民”

[03:11.40]The actor who pIayed CarIo was charming. 飾演卡羅的演員很迷人

[03:15.00]He Iooked Iike he waIked into work before the anesthesia wore off... 看來腦白質(zhì)切斷術 沒有徹底改善他的遲鈍

[03:16.64]...from his Iobotomy. 我來攔計程車

[03:18.84]AII right, I'II just get us a cab, okay?

[03:20.36]Taxi! 你得面朝住宅區(qū)才攔得到

[03:21.64]You gotta face uptown to get a cab around here.

[03:25.92]I've caught pIenty of cabs this way. 我這樣攔過很多計程車

[03:26.12]In never-never Iand where peopIe confuse a Iack of taIent with charm. 在夢幻國,人們總是誤把 沒有天分當作迷人

[03:32.28]Come on, Gene ShaIit, get in the damn cab. 快一點進這輛該死的計程車

[03:36.36]Come on. 快

[03:38.32]Get in, sore Ioser. 快一點,輸不起的人,快進去

[03:41.72]Come on, in.

[03:42.20]In, come on. -進去 -老天

[03:46.76]Mlranda hated how he ordered her around and told her what do... 米蘭達討厭他愛發(fā)號司令 除了在一個地方

[03:48.48]...every place except one.

[03:52.16]Put your hands up over your head. 把手舉到頭上

[03:59.28]Spread your Iegs. 把腿張開

[04:12.64]The weird thing is when he teIIs me what to do in Iife it drives me crazy. 奇怪的是我討厭他 平時告訴我該怎么做

[04:17.32]But when he does it during sex it reaIIy drives me crazy. 但要是在做愛的過程中 真令我神魂顛倒

[04:20.28]It's totaIIy hot!

[04:21.64]That Iooks Iike a good spot. -那里似乎不錯 -小心公園里的大便

[04:25.04]Everybody, check for park poo.

[04:26.76]Isn't that funny? 這豈不是很可笑?

[04:27.56]That what I hate in Iife, I Iove in sex? 我日常生活中討厭的 居然在性生活令我愉快

[04:31.24]So, how about if you Iimit your contact with him to just sex? 你干脆只把他當作性愛的對象

[04:34.48]That's a nice, heaIthy reIationship. 這樣的關系真健康呢

[04:38.76]I'm not ready yet to throw in the toweI. -我還沒準備放棄 -干脆勒死他算了

[04:39.88]You're just ready to wrap it around his neck.

[04:42.76]He's going through a very stressfuI time waiting to make partner at his firm. 他因為等著當公司合伙人 所以壓力很大

[04:45.84]When that finaIIy works out, I think he'II Iighten up. 當事情解決了,他會變好的

[04:48.32]Or maybe you shouId face the fact that you're attracted to angry men. 或是干脆承認你喜歡 脾氣暴躁的家伙

[04:52.80]-DeviIed eggs? -Wait a second, hoId the eggs! 吃蛋嗎?

[04:54.48]What about Skipper? He never got angry. 不要管蛋了,史奇普怎么辦? 他從來不生氣

[04:57.16]-And you dumped him. Fits a pattern. -I don't have a pattern. -你把他甩了,符合這個模式 -我沒有什么模式

[04:60.84]In math, randomness is considered a pattern. -數(shù)學里,亂數(shù)也是一種模式 -我就是所謂的質(zhì)數(shù)

[05:03.52]And I'm what they caII a prime number.

[05:05.28]She's got a very obvious pattern. -她有一個明顯的模式 -是嗎?是什么?

[05:07.56]I do? What? TeII me!

[05:11.96]You wait for a perfect guy to ask you on a perfect date-- 你在等待一個 完美的男人和約會

[05:15.08]And when he does, you project this huge fantasy on him... 然后你把這樣的幻想 投射在他身上,對他有所期待

[05:17.64]...setting up these enormous expectations--

[05:20.84]Which promptIy bIow up in your pretty face. -接著就在你美麗的臉前爆炸幻滅 -蛋要放在不同籃子里

[05:21.20]You put aII your deviIed eggs in one basket.

[05:26.00]That's a horribIe pattern. -真是個糟糕的模式 -分散風險

[05:26.56]WeII, spread it around a IittIe more.

[05:29.64]Date a few guys at once and then you won't feeI so disappointed. 一次多跟幾個男士約會 比較不會感到失望

[05:31.64]-Are you asking CharIotte to juggIe? -It's aII about muIti-tasking. -你要夏綠蒂踏船? -這是執(zhí)行多重任務

[05:35.00]None of us can afford to faII into this ''one man at a time'' pattern. 我們不能接受 “一次一個男人”的模式

[05:39.48]Look at how much time you wasted with Big. 你看你在大人物身上 浪費多少時間

[05:41.56]But Big was an aberration. 大人物是個錯誤 下次我會找一個英俊

[05:44.40]Next time I meet a handsome, rich, emotionaIIy unavaiIabIe 43-year-oId man...

[05:46.44]可談感情的四十三歲男子 我知道我該期待什么

[05:47.64]...I'II know what to expect. 或者你又會犯相同錯誤?

[05:50.92]WiII you?

[05:49.44]Or wiII you make the same mistake aII over again?

[05:53.84]I wondered... 我在想,我們是不是 條件反射的受害者

[05:55.12]...were we all just vlctlms of condltloned responses?

[05:58.92]Doomed to repeat the same unconsclous relatlonshlp patterns? 注定要無意識地重復 某種感情模式?

[06:01.60]Were we all, ln fact, just datlng... 重復與某種特定 類型的人交往?

[06:03.28]...the same person over and over agaln?

[06:05.52]I guess I have dated quite a few artists. 我跟很多藝術家交往過 他們都不盡相同

[06:09.04]But I don't think they were aII the same person.

[06:12.68]Okay, yes. They were aII narcissists with commitment phobias... 好吧,他們都是有 承諾恐懼癥的自戀鬼

[06:15.00]...and substance abuse issues. 而且濫用物質(zhì)

[06:18.68]But, in my opinion, the painters were very different from the scuIptors. 但是畫家跟雕刻家很不一樣

[06:23.44]Handsome waspy asshoIes who treat me Iike shit. 英俊,但不懂善待女人

[06:25.40]I onIy date girIs with Sony PIaystations... 我只跟有游戲機 和大胸脯的女人交往

[06:29.64]...or breasts.

[06:32.08]That nlght, Samantha became acqualnted wlth the new nelghbors next door. 那一晚 莎曼珊認識了她的新鄰居

[06:38.96]Though she had never met them... 雖然她沒見過他們 卻已經(jīng)對他們了若指掌

[06:38.36]...she already knew them lntlmately.

[06:43.84]The ldea that someone else was havlng great sex and flauntlng lt... 但她不能忍受別人享受性愛 卻沒她的份

[06:48.08]...was more than she could bear.

[06:49.68]So she declded, lf you can't joln 'em... 所以她當下決定 如果不能加入,就打敗他們

[06:53.96]...beat lt.

[06:57.72]It all flt Samantha's pattern to a T... 這是典型的莎曼珊模式

[06:59.84]...havlng a wall between her and the person she was havlng sex wlth. 與她的性對象保持一墻之隔

[07:04.88]After a few weeks of not seelng Blg... 跟大人物分手后幾個禮拜 我掉進我自己的模式

[07:08.36]...I was beglnnlng to fall lnto some famlllar patterns of my own.

[07:10.88]Staylng out tlll 3.:00 and sleeplng tlll noon. 在外面玩到三更半夜 然后一覺到中午

[07:15.72]Orderlng takeout from the same greasy Chlnese... 在同一家中國餐館叫外賣

[07:16.84]...and calllng old frlends who would always be there for me when I felt... 在我感到不安的時候 打電話給會支持我的老朋友


[07:24.76]McFadden. 麥法登

[07:27.36]Hey John, it's Carrie. -約翰,我是凱莉 -凱莉,你還好嗎?好久不見

[07:28.44]Carrie, hey, how are you? Long time.

[07:31.96]I know. Listen, I thought if you weren't doing anything... 我知道 下班后想不想出來喝杯酒?

[07:35.20]...you might want to meet for a drink after work.

[07:36.60]Sure, that wouId be great. -當然,好提議 -到“六”酒吧怎么樣?

[07:39.88]How about sixish?

[07:42.16]I couId be there at 6:30. -我六點半可以到那里 -到時候見

[07:42.56]Perfect, I'II see you then.

[07:49.64]That evenlng, at 6.:30 sharp.... 那一晚,準時六點半…

[07:53.00]-Wow, it's great to see you. -You, too. -很高興見到你 -我也是,請進

[07:58.80]Come on in. I was just gonna open a bottIe of red. -我開了一瓶紅酒 -紅酒,很棒

[07:60.88]Red, yeah, beautifuI.

[08:01.72]I just gotta be somewhere by 8:30. 我八點半要離開

[08:08.12]-That's okay, I've got dinner pIans at 8:00. -Okay. 好,我八點也有晚餐邀約

[08:21.16]John was as dependable a pal as a gal could ever hope for. 約翰是所有女人理想中的朋友

[08:25.28]Fun, comfortable and easy to be wlth. 有趣,令人舒服,好相處

[08:30.20]The klnd of guy who you could shed all lnhlbltlons and really be yourself around. 跟他在一起,可以做自己

[08:32.96]No muss, no fuss. 不會吵架,沒有憂愁

[08:41.20]So how's the... 你最近還好嗎?

[08:42.48]...going? -很好,你的工作呢? -從不無聊


[08:46.88]It's great.

[08:46.76]-How's work with you? -Never duII.

[08:53.96]How's your younger sister doing? -你妹妹怎么樣? -是弟弟


[08:57.60]The one that moved to Phoenix? -搬到鳳凰城那一個? -是塔拉哈西

[09:01.08]-TaIIahassee. -Right.

[09:04.76]So how's he doing down there? -在那邊怎么樣? -他很好,謝謝你關心

[09:07.28]-He's doing great, thanks for asking. -Sure.

[09:14.60]And then I reallzed lt. 當時我明白了一件事 我沒有感情的模式

[09:16.88]I dldn't have a relatlonshlp pattern, I had a between-relatlonshlp pattern.


[09:20.68]I always went back to John after every devastatlng... 每次當我歷經(jīng)分手的創(chuàng)傷后 我總會找約翰

[09:23.16]...soul-shatterlng, gut-wrenchlng break up.

[09:26.52]He was sweet, handsome, uncompllcated. 他很貼心,英俊,不復雜

[09:28.32]A real shot ln the arm for my sexual self esteem. 對我的女性自尊是個抬舉

[09:32.72]Thanks for the caII, gorgeous. 謝謝你打給我,美女

[09:37.76]Sure put a cherry on my sundae. 你令我的生命錦上添花

[09:39.96]Why had I been keeplng hlm on the bench all these years? 這么多年來我為什么 還把他當候補?

[09:43.12]Dld I really belleve a relatlonshlp had to be dlfflcult ln order to work? 經(jīng)營一段感情有這么難嗎?

[09:47.12]Do you want to have dinner Friday night? 你星期五想共進晚餐嗎?

[09:50.32]Dinner? 晚餐,好,我看一下行程 我想沒問題

[09:53.56]I shouId check my scheduIe, but I think I can make it.

[09:57.88]Great. -很好,八點鐘怎么樣? -八點十五分

[09:59.16]You want to say...


[10:00.12]How about 8:15? 就這樣,我打破我的模式

[10:02.20]And just llke that, I broke my pattern.

[10:06.48]Carrie, you can't date your fuck buddy. 你不能跟做愛伙伴約會

[10:09.88]Say it a IittIe Iouder. The Iady in the Iast row didn't hear you. 再大聲一點 后面那位女士沒聽到

[10:13.96]You wanna take the onIy person in your Iife that's there pureIy for sex... 把純粹用來享受性愛的人

[10:16.64]...and make him a human being? 當個人一樣對待,何必呢?


[10:20.44]Excuse me, ''fuck buddy''? “做愛伙伴”? 什么是做愛伙伴?

[10:23.08]What is a ''fuck buddy''?

[10:25.48]Come on. 少來了

[10:27.96]A fuck buddy is a guy you dated once or twice and it didn't go anywhere... 做愛伙伴就是約過幾次會的人

[10:32.92]...but the sex is so great, you sort of keep him on caII. 你們之間的性太美好了 所以一直留著他

[10:36.84]He's Iike ''diaI-a-dick.'' -就像隨傳隨到的小弟弟 -你只是…

[10:37.40]You mean you just caII this guy up when you're, you know, horny? 在性欲來時打給他?

[10:42.56]Yes. -沒錯 -他真的會到?

[10:44.88]And he just comes right over?

[10:45.40]WeII, he's not a sIave, sweetheart. He does have a Iife. -他有自己的人生 -這你不需要知道

[10:47.64]But you don't have to know about it.

[10:49.36]And you're guaranteed deIivery within Manhattan in six hours or Iess. 在曼哈頓六小時內(nèi)一定送達

[10:52.20]And you guys aII have one? 你們都有?

[10:56.00]Mine moved to Chicago but now we have phone sex. 我的搬到芝加哥了 現(xiàn)在只隔著電話做愛

[10:59.08]What's he doing in Chicago? -他在芝加哥做什么? -我不知道

[10:59.60]I have absoIuteIy no idea.

[11:04.44]A few moments later, emboldened by our conversatlon... 不久后,受到我們對話的鼓舞

[11:06.76]...and hlgh from too many tantrlc headstands...

[11:07.36]...Charlotte asked a man out for the flrst tlme. 夏綠蒂第一次邀男士出去

[11:10.80]Man, that cIass was tough. 課程好難 我從沒流過這么多汗

[11:12.40]I never sweated so much in my entire Iife.

[11:18.08]WouId you Iike to go out to dinner Friday night? 你星期五想不想跟我吃晚餐?

[11:21.88]Sure. 好

[11:25.40]I wondered... 我在想,要是夏綠蒂都能 打破模式主動邀約男生

[11:26.64]...lf Charlotte can break her pattern and ask out every man ln Manhattan...

[11:29.72]...why couldn't I have a deeper relatlonshlp... 我為什么不能和做愛伙伴

[11:33.36]...wlth a man I have shallow sex wlth? 展開一段較深刻的關系?

[11:41.84]Wow. 你穿得好漂亮

[11:41.80]You're aII dressy.

[11:45.92]I guess. 我也這么想,謝謝

[11:46.00]Thanks. 其實我本來想說 他從沒看過我打扮

[11:47.28]I wanted to tell hlm that he'd never actually seen me ln clothes.

[11:53.08]Do you want a gIass of wine first, or.... -想不想先喝杯酒? -不用了,謝謝

[11:53.56]No, I'm fine, thanks.

[12:01.64]Hey, wait, wait, wait. 等一下

[12:02.32]-I made reservations. -Huh? 我在壽司店訂了位

[12:07.68]At a sushi restaurant. 那很棒

[12:08.08]CooI. I see.

[12:13.56]No! I mean, God! 不是,我是說…

[12:15.52]I mean sushi... 壽司,日本料理

[12:17.32]...Japanese food!

[12:20.40]When you said dinner, you meant dinner. 你說“吃晚餐”是 真的吃晚餐?

[12:21.28]Yeah. 每次我們說吃晚餐,總是…

[12:22.80]It's just that, whenever we've had dinner, we've aIways, you know.

[12:27.04]Yeah, I know. 我知道

[12:30.36]I'm just gonna get my purse. 我去拿錢包

[12:31.84]Llke most flrst dates, we were off to an awkward start. 就像第一次約會 我們一開始很尷尬

[12:46.92]The yeIIow taiI sashimi, two pieces of saImon sushi... 黃尾鰈魚,兩份鮭魚壽司

[12:51.64]...and a spicy tuna hand roII. 再一份辣的鮪魚手卷 你喜歡鰻魚嗎?

[12:53.32]Do you Iike eeI?

[12:56.20]No way. 不喜歡,我要烤雞,全熟

[12:55.68]I'II have the chicken teriyaki, weII done.

[12:59.36]No, the sushi's so amazing here. -這里的壽司很好吃 -我不吃生的東西

[13:03.72]I can't deaI with the raw stuff.

[13:04.92]Why didn't you say? We couId've gone somepIace eIse. 你怎么不告訴我?

[13:06.32]Don't worry about it. If I'm hungry, I'II grab a burger after. 沒關系,我等一下買個漢堡

[13:10.12]Okay. 好

[13:12.80]Hey, Iisten, before I forget... 在我忘記之前…

[13:17.28]...this is for you. -這是給你的 -謝謝,是什么?

[13:17.08]Thanks. What is it?

[13:21.76]Forty minutes free Iong distance, continentaI U.S., no strings attached. 可以在美國境內(nèi) 打長途四十分鐘

[13:24.12]It's to promote our new 7-7-3 service: 這是為了促銷我們新的方案

[13:28.80]Seven days, seven hours, $3 a day. 一周七天,七小時,一天三塊

[13:33.08]Thank you. -謝謝,你… -你看這些小玩意

[13:34.76]So you--

[13:33.44]Think these gimmicks up? Sort of. OfficiaIIy, I seII time.

[13:36.56]我是賣時間的 但我有時可以得到這些

[13:36.72]I get incentive minutes which I can distribute at my own discretion.

[13:42.04]So, if I'm Iucky, I might get a whoIe hour next time? 幸運的話 我下次可以免費拿到一小時

[13:44.40]I don't think so. 你如果是MCI網(wǎng)路公司的顧客 可以免費得到兩小時

[13:45.96]But if you're currentIy with MCI and switch...

[13:49.28]...then you get two free hours.

[13:51.68]I was kidding. -開玩笑的 -這樣…

[13:51.56]Right, gotcha.

[13:59.20]Maybe we shouId just order some sake? 我們點清酒吧

[13:60.60]Yeah, sure. 好,把清酒給我

[14:01.60]Hey, sake to me!

[14:07.56]We went back to my place for a qulckle. 我們回到我家速戰(zhàn)速決

[14:09.16]I needed to erase the stagnant memory of the past two hours. 我得將前兩個小時的記憶銷毀

[14:14.20]Was lt really posslble that someone so stlmulatlng ln bed... 一個在床上這么厲害的人 平時怎么會這么無聊?

[14:18.12]...could be so tedlous ln llfe?

[14:31.20]Meanwhlle, Samantha was actually beglnnlng to look forward... 莎曼珊很期待與新鄰居見面

[14:34.48]...to the company of her new nelghbors.

[14:35.48]Every nlght, llke clockwork, rlght after the end of the 1 1.:00 news... 每一晚,在十一點新聞過后

[14:47.24]...Samantha rellshed her role as the lnvlslble guest vocallst... 莎曼珊就像隱形樂團里 隱形的歌手

[14:51.32]...to an unseen band.

[14:58.88]Untll one nlght, she wasn't so lnvlslble. 直到某一晚,她不再是隱形人

[15:19.60]That Saturday, Mlranda planned for us all to meet her latest fllng for brunch. 星期六,米蘭達邀我們 跟她的對象見面

[15:23.88]Apparently, he had flung hlmself elsewhere. 很顯然地,他遲到了

[15:24.72]He shouId be here any minute. -他應該快到了 -沒關系

[15:28.28]Don't worry about it. If it's just us, fine.

[15:28.64]It's not Iike we've got anywhere eIse to go. -我們也不知道去哪里 -我今晚有約會

[15:32.24]I have a date tonight.

[15:34.84]-With whom? -That yoga guy. -我約一個瑜珈課的男生出去 -我很驚訝

[15:34.12]I asked him out.

[15:36.44]Wow, I'm impressed.

[15:40.32]Once I broke the ice with him, it was just Iike riding a bike. 僵局一打破,接下來就不難了

[15:41.28]I have so many dates this week, that I just scheduIed two tonight. 我有很多約會,今晚就有兩個

[15:45.24]-You doubIe-booked? -I had to. 你一次約兩個人?

[15:48.44]One guy is Ieaving town and I couIdn't canceI the other. 我不得不,有一個就要出城了 另一個我推不掉

[15:50.44]How do you conceive puIIing this one off? 你要怎么應付?

[15:53.24]EarIy dinner with bacheIor one, Iate supper with bacheIor two. 早一點跟一號吃晚餐 之后再跟二號吃

[15:56.80]My God, you're turning into a man. 你快變成男人了

[15:58.100]Charlotte had done more than break a pattern. 夏綠蒂不只打破了模式 她還變了性

[16:01.08]She had actually changed genders.

[16:05.24]I just don't know how I'm ever gonna eat two dinners in a row. 我怎么可能連吃兩頓晚餐?

[16:08.52]And then, just llke that, she was a woman agaln. 就這樣,她又變回女人了

[16:11.80]Sorry, babe. 抱歉,那個白癡司機 把我載到孟加拉了

[16:13.04]The idiot who drove me here apparentIy passed his driving test in BangIadesh.

[16:17.88]I'm just happy to get off that fuckin' rickshaw aIive. 很高興我還能完整無損的到達

[16:20.08]Kevin, this is Carrie, and Samantha, and CharIotte. 凱莉,莎曼珊,夏綠蒂 這是凱文

[16:22.76]-This is Kevin. -Nice to meet you. 我得打通電話

[16:24.12]I have to go make a caII, I'II be back. Waitress! A draft beer here. 服務生,生啤酒

[16:31.28]He's cute. -他很可愛 -緊繃得很可愛

[16:30.20]In a tightIy wound sort of way.

[16:33.68]He's finding out on Tuesday whether he made partner. 他星期二就會知道 能不能成為合伙人

[16:36.04]I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he'II unwind some after that. 我希望之后他能放松一些

[16:44.32]What are you doing? 你在做什么?

[16:46.40]I just don't want him going off on the waitress. 我不希望他罵服務生

[16:51.08]That evenlng, Charlotte set out to break her pattern. 夏綠蒂正在打破她的模式 先和瑜珈課的艾力克吃飯

[16:53.28]A casual meal wlth Erlc from yoga...

[16:56.88]...dlscoverlng a mutual love for long drlves up Malne coasts... 發(fā)現(xiàn)他們都喜歡同一部影集

[16:57.84]...and reruns of Nanny and the Professor. 她是個靈媒,對吧?

[16:60.64]She was psychic, wasn't she?

[17:03.64]AbsoIuteIy. 那真的很難以捉摸

[17:02.08]But it was very subtIe, very sophisticated.

[17:05.68]I don't think that kids today wouId understand it. 今日的孩子不會懂的

[17:09.56]When I have kids, I'm gonna be a totaI nazi with the remote. 要是我有小孩,我一定要 很專制地強迫他們閱讀

[17:14.96]I want them to read. -你想要幾個小孩? -兩個,一男一女

[17:14.04]How many kids do you want to have?

[17:16.04]Two: one of each.

[17:17.64]Sounds perfect. 聽起來很棒

[17:21.88]As Charlotte began to swlm ln vlslons of famlly summers ln Kennebunkport... 當夏綠蒂開始沉入 自己的幻想時

[17:24.60]...she reallzed she was late for the second shlft. 她發(fā)現(xiàn)自己快遲到了

[17:28.76]Oh my God. -我的天 -怎么了?

[17:30.24]What's wrong?

[17:33.20]My throat is so sore. 我的喉嚨好痛

[17:37.80]I've just been fighting this coId aII week. 我感冒一個禮拜了

[17:39.60]Let me get the check. 我來付錢

[17:43.56]I'm so sorry. 抱歉,我過得很愉快

[17:45.04]I had a reaIIy great time.


[17:47.96]Me, too.

[17:49.12]Whlle Charlotte was off to her next engagement... 當夏綠蒂趕到下一個約會

[17:53.92]...Samantha was lmaglnlng an engagement of her own. 莎曼珊正在幻想她自己的約會



[18:03.52]Excuse me, Jesus! 抱歉,請問一下

[18:09.40]Hi, I was just wondering... 你知道是誰住在里面嗎?

[18:11.52]...do you know who Iives in that apartment?

[18:14.80]Yes, very nice. 知道,他們?nèi)撕芎?/p>

[18:19.04]Musician. His wife, a dancer. 他是音樂家,老婆是舞蹈家

[18:22.56]ReaIIy? And are they nice Iooking? 真的?長得好看嗎?

[18:24.24]Yes, very nice. 是的,很好,非常好

[18:30.88]Very good. 好,繼續(xù)

[18:29.00]Okay, then. Carry on.

[18:37.76]Later that nlght, Charlotte was returnlng from a second dlnner of steamed mussels... 夏綠蒂剛與熱愛藝術的 單身漢二號

[18:39.04]...and frles wlth bachelor number two, an art lovlng commodltles broker. 吃完第二頓晚餐

[18:44.28]-I had a reaIIy great time. -Me, too. -我今晚很愉快 -我也是

[18:49.88]Excuse me. 抱歉

[18:51.36]So, can I caII you? -我可以打電話給你嗎? -當然可以

[18:54.56]DefiniteIy. 好


[19:03.68]CharIotte? 夏綠蒂?

[19:06.48]Eric, what are you doing here? 艾力克,你在這里做什么?

[19:07.36]I was just Ieaving you some chicken soup... 我?guī)湍銕Я它c雞湯 治你的喉嚨

[19:10.56]...for your throat. -但我看你好像痊愈了 -他是誰?

[19:10.72]But I see you've heaIed.

[19:13.52]Who is this guy?

[19:16.92]I'm the guy she had dinner with before you. -我在你之前跟她吃過晚餐 -你同時跟我們約會?

[19:18.68]You doubIe-booked us?

[19:21.56]Hey, don't feeI bad. 不要覺得難過 你應該帶她上樓

[19:20.76]You got the Iate shift. You get to take her upstairs.

[19:23.36]I don't think so. -我不要 -你好好享用雞湯吧

[19:25.44]You know what? Enjoy the soup.

[19:28.12]Hey, you going uptown? -你要到上城區(qū)嗎? -對,西邊

[19:30.40]-Yeah, West Side. -Wanna share a cab? -要不要一起坐計程車? -好


[19:35.96]From that moment on, Charlotte developed a new pattern. 夏綠蒂發(fā)展出一套新模式

[19:40.88]She made lt a rule never to take advlce from her frlends agaln. 她決定再也不采信朋友的意見

[19:47.64]Very late that nlght... 當天晚上

[19:48.32]...Samantha declded to roll out the welcome mat for her new nelghbors. 莎曼珊決定要給鄰居 一個熱烈的歡迎

[19:57.08]The muslclan and the dancer turned out to be a mlddle-aged... 他們是中年的東歐夫婦

[20:00.24]...Eastern European couple. 他彈奏波爾卡舞曲 她是個舞者…很久以前是

[20:04.20]He played ln a polka band. She was a dancer...

[20:07.32]...once upon a tlme. 莎曼珊?


[20:12.60]WouId you mind keeping it down? 麻煩你們小聲一點 我想要睡個覺

[20:14.16]I'm trying to get some sIeep.

[20:18.84]Samantha broke a pattern after all. 莎曼珊終于打破她的模式

[20:21.04]She declded to move her bed to the opposlte wall. 她決定將床搬到另一面墻

[20:26.28]Later that week, Kevln experlenced a dream come true. 那個星期,凱文的夢想成真了

[20:29.84]He was made a full partner of the law flrm where he worked. 他終于成為公司的合伙人

[20:34.04]He took Mlranda out to celebrate. 他帶著米蘭達去慶祝

[20:35.64]A toast. 為一個快樂的場合舉杯慶祝

[20:38.52]-To a very happy occasion. -Yeah.

[20:39.80]I'm faIIing aII over myseIf with gIee. 我現(xiàn)在一個星期得工作 六十小時,沒加薪

[20:41.96]I get to work 60 hours a week for the same saIary.

[20:46.60]I'm waIking on air. 我們不能享受你的成功嗎?

[20:45.56]Can't we enjoy your success for one second?

[20:48.48]You don't get how stressfuI my Iife is. 你不知道我身處的壓力

[20:50.04]You reaIIy do Iive in never-never Iand, don't you? 你真的是住在幻想國

[20:55.52]By the way... 這香檳根本不值100元

[20:56.92]...if there's a difference between this $100 champagne and the crap for $29...

[20:60.68]...it takes a more deIicate paIate than mine to detect it. 29元的平價酒 都比它多了些香氣

[21:03.04]WeII, I Iike the champagne, and the bread is fabuIous. 我喜歡香檳,面包也很棒

[21:06.84]Oh my God, Iook at those fIowers. -你看這些花 -不要惹我生氣

[21:09.32]Don't piss me off.

[21:14.20]Where are you going? -你要去哪里? -回到幻想國

[21:17.08]Back to never-never Iand.

[21:17.48]And by the way, never-never caII me again. 還有,不要再打電話給我了 祝你愉快

[21:20.28]Have a nice day. 什么?

[21:23.32]What? 米蘭達從沒想過結(jié)果會是這樣

[21:25.12]Mlranda broke her pattern ln a way that she had never expected.

[21:28.32]The angry guy had turned her lnto a cock-eyed optlmlst. 易怒的家伙 把她變成自大的樂觀主義者

[21:30.100]There couldn't have been a more perfect moment... 再沒有比這個更巧的事了

[21:35.00]...to see Sklpper for the flrst tlme slnce she dumped hlm. 在甩掉史奇普后第一次遇見他

[21:37.64]Hey, Skipper! 史奇普

[21:39.76]SIow down a minute. -等一下 -不要告訴我該怎么做

[21:42.52]Don't teII me what to do, okay?

[21:43.52]I just wanted to say heIIo. How've you been? 我只想打聲招呼,你還好嗎?

[21:49.08]How've I been? 在你把我像發(fā)酸的牛奶 扔掉之后

[21:50.88]You got a Iot of nerve taIking to me Iike nothing happened...

[21:51.00]...ever since you tossed me out Iike bad miIk. 你居然還敢跟我說話

[21:55.28]I've been friggin' great. 你離開后我過得很好

[21:56.92]Now that I've got you out of my system.

[21:59.56]Can't I just taIk to you for a minute? 我能不能跟你聊一會兒? 請你喝杯啤酒?

[22:00.44]CouId I buy you a beer or something?

[22:03.28]Mlranda had never seen hlm as angry as thls before. 米蘭達沒有看他這么生氣過

[22:07.40]Much to her horror, she was attracted. 令她恐慌的,她被他吸引了

[22:07.100]That's the thlng about patterns. 模式不會隨你所欲而打破

[22:09.08]They don't break because you tell them to.

[22:12.04]Have you been working out? 你最近有健身嗎?

[22:16.72]And a few nlghts later, John and I went out for a movle. 幾天后的晚上 約翰跟我去看電影

[22:19.00]I refused to belleve that a passlonate sexual connectlon... 我拒絕相信性關系

[22:22.28]...could not be translated lnto a meanlngful frlendshlp, at the very least. 不能轉(zhuǎn)化成真正的友誼

[22:25.04]Did you Iike the movie? -你喜歡這部電影嗎? -那是喜劇嗎?

[22:27.64]-Was it a comedy? -No. -不是 -我不這么認為

[22:29.92]I didn't think so.

[22:33.32]Isn't this the most amazing bIock? 這個街區(qū)真是太棒了 這些赤褐砂石已經(jīng)一百年了

[22:35.80]AII these brownstones are over 100 years oId.

[22:37.100]It's Iike being in the New York of Edith Wharton and Henry James. 就像根艾迪絲華頓 和亨利詹姆斯同處紐約

[22:45.96]Sometimes, I can't beIieve how Iucky I am to Iive right here. 有時候我覺得住在這里 真是太幸運了

[22:52.72]What? -什么? -你的奶頭看起來好美

[22:54.08]Your tits Iook great in that thing.

[22:56.08]At that moment, I knew we only had two thlngs ln common. 就在那時候 我知道我們只有兩個共同點

[22:60.36]Listen, I'd invite you in, but-- 我想邀請你進來,不過…

[23:02.36]No, that's okay. 沒關系,我明天得早起

[23:03.44]I got to be up reaIIy earIy tomorrow.

[23:07.60]Okay. 好

[23:13.60]I'II caII you. -我再打給你 -晚安


[23:20.92]I knew lt was the last tlme we'd ever see each other. 我知道這是我們最后一次見面

[23:27.48]Just llke that... 就這樣我又回到我之前的模式

[23:26.28]...I was thrown rlght back lnto my old pattern.:

[23:29.00]Greasy Chlnese, sleeplng tlll noon... 油膩的中國菜,睡到中午

[23:35.76]...and feellng restless. 感到不安…


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