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欲望都市第二季 二十歲女孩VS三十歲女人 Twenty-Something Girls Vs. Thirty-Something Women





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:23:44





[00:47.96]Thls ls a story about a lovely couple, Rob and Elalne... 這是關(guān)于一對(duì)愛(ài)侶 羅伯與伊蓮的故事

[00:52.72]...who rented a house one especlally hot and stlcky summer ln the Hamptons. 在一個(gè)特別炎熱的夏季 他們?cè)跐h普頓租了一棟別墅

[00:55.32]Elalne lnvlted her best slngle frlends, Clndy and Janet... 伊蓮邀請(qǐng)她最好的單身朋友 辛蒂和珍娜

[00:58.36]...whlle Rob lnvlted hls slngle frlends, Ira and Matthew... 而羅伯也邀了單身友人 艾拉和馬修

[01:02.68]...to share the good tlmes and exorbltant rent. 一起共度美好時(shí)光 以及分?jǐn)傔^(guò)高的房租

[01:05.84]Untll one day, thls lovely couple had a terrlble flght... 直到有一天 這對(duì)愛(ài)侶起了激烈的爭(zhēng)執(zhí)

[01:08.32]...when Elalne went for a run and twlsted her ankle... 伊蓮因慢跑時(shí)不慎扭傷腳踝 提早返家

[01:10.00]...and came back early to flnd Rob canoodllng wlth Janet. 發(fā)現(xiàn)羅伯和珍娜一起泛舟

[01:17.88]And Clndy got tlred of Matthew's ldlotlc jokes and lncessant market chatter. 辛蒂厭煩馬修的白癡笑話 以及沒(méi)完沒(méi)了的市場(chǎng)經(jīng)

[01:20.36]Ira trled to be there for Elalne and confessed hls true feellngs for her... 艾拉則對(duì)伊蓮示愛(ài)

[01:23.04]...whlch she trled to laugh off as a joke. 她卻試圖一笑置之

[01:25.100]By August, lt got to the polnt where everythlng was so awkward... 到了八月,情況變得很尷尬

[01:29.92]...that nobody wanted to come back. 沒(méi)人想再回到那個(gè)地方

[01:31.80]And that's when Janet called her frlend Charlotte. 珍娜便在此時(shí)打給夏綠蒂…

[01:33.100]It's a reaIIy cute three-bedroom cottage. 那是棟小巧的三房別墅 正適合八月去度假

[01:38.68]They're giving us a fantastic deaI for the month of August.

[01:40.04]Because it's haunted with cheating boyfriends and sexuaI rejection. -那屋里充斥求歡被拒的陰影 -我們可以燒鼠尾草

[01:43.12]We can aIways burn sage. 二十多歲時(shí)和女性友人 分租房子還說(shuō)得過(guò)去

[01:46.52]Sharing a house with your girIfriends is fine in your 20s...

[01:48.68]...but in your 30s, isn't it a bit pathetic, Iike being the oIdest kid at summer camp? 但到了三十幾歲仍如此 不會(huì)有點(diǎn)可悲嗎?

[01:53.44]She has a point. 她說(shuō)得有理,我25歲的助理

[01:55.92]My 25-year-oId assistant, Nina Grabowski...

[01:59.92]...has a summer share in Bridgehampton with 18 other girIs. 夏天在布里治漢普頓 和18個(gè)女孩一起分租房子

[02:01.40]They sIeep in shifts. -她們得輪班睡覺(jué) -要是有艷遇怎么辦?

[02:04.40]-What if they meet someone? -They fuck in shifts, too. -連做愛(ài)也要排班 -慢著

[02:07.40]HoId it. 我不敢相信 你們要放棄避暑的大好機(jī)會(huì)

[02:06.08]I can't beIieve you guys wouId pass up a chance to get out of this heat.

[02:11.32]Besides, the city's compIeteIy dead during August. 再說(shuō),八月時(shí) 整個(gè)紐約就像死城

[02:13.12]-Because everyone's in the Hamptons. -Or stuck in traffic trying to get there. 因?yàn)槿巳硕既チ藵h普頓


[02:18.72]This couId be the Iast summer we can aII get together and do something Iike this. 這或許是最后一個(gè) 我們能自在出游的夏天

[02:22.56]I mean, next year, who knows? One of us couId be married or have kids. 明年,誰(shuí)知道呢? 我們其中一人可能已結(jié)婚生子

[02:28.16]And we'II aIways regret that Iast summer we didn't spend together in the Hamptons. 我們會(huì)終生遺憾最后一個(gè)夏天


[02:34.00]Charlotte's sweet hopefulness touched somethlng ln all of us. 夏綠蒂充滿(mǎn)希望的甜蜜語(yǔ)氣 打動(dòng)了我們

[02:37.08]-Okay, I'm in. -Me, too. -好吧,我加入 -我也是

[02:41.88]Fine, but I get the Iate shift. 好吧…


[02:46.96]Samantha always felt llke she was ln her 20s... 莎曼珊永遠(yuǎn)覺(jué)得 自己還是二十幾歲

[02:48.76]...untll seelng an actual twenty-somethlng brought her down to earth. 直到她看見(jiàn) 真正二十幾歲的女人

[02:50.68]No, I'm getting you on the VIP Iist. You have to try it for one night. 你得嘗試一次

[02:56.88]My best friend Jerry owns it. He aIso owns the one in South Beach. 屋主是我最好的朋友杰瑞 他在南灘也有一棟房子

[02:57.84]Yes, the same one. 確認(rèn)賓客名單 然后盡快幫我聯(lián)絡(luò)理查強(qiáng)森

[02:59.76]Proof and confirm the guest Iist for the Hetrick-Martin benefit.

[03:03.16]And get me Richard Johnson, ASAP.

[03:05.72]He is not a fag, because I happen to have three friends he's personaIIy fucked. 他不是同性戀 我三個(gè)朋友跟他上過(guò)床

[03:11.52]You are nasty. You are. 你真下流

[03:12.88]I'm sending you a car, to and fro, and if you hate it, I'm gonna Iet you bIow me. I am. 我已經(jīng)把邀請(qǐng)卡寄給你了 如果你不喜歡,盡管找我算帳

[03:17.96]I am serious. Off, now. 我是說(shuō)真的,馬上去辦

[03:23.04]AIec, I've gotta go. I'II keep you posted, okay? 艾力克,我得掛了 有最新消息我再通知你

[03:25.08]Bye, honey.

[03:27.16]I have personaI reIationships of my own, you know. 我有自己私人的人際關(guān)系

[03:30.96]-Not with my cIients, you don't. -I have my career to worry about. -不準(zhǔn)勾搭我的客戶(hù) -我也要煩腦我的前途

[03:35.56]Your career is being my assistant. 你的前途就是擔(dān)任我的助理

[03:39.64]You're so deIuded. You wouIdn't even know what's hot if it wasn't for me. 要不是我 你哪懂什么東西才熱門(mén)

[03:41.60]UnfortunateIy you don't seem to grasp the vast difference between us. 妮娜,你似乎不明白 我們之間有著天壤之別

[03:45.60]Yes, I do. 我當(dāng)然明白 你站在夜總會(huì)門(mén)口排隊(duì)

[03:49.40]You stood in Iine at Studio 54...

[03:50.04]...I stood in Iine at Studlo 54, the movie. 而我站在電影院門(mén)口排隊(duì)

[03:58.44]I gave that bitch her first job out of coIIege. She didn't know a fucking thing! 那臭丫頭大學(xué)畢業(yè)第一份工作 是我給她的

[04:02.48]GirIs in their 20s, they're spoiIed and ungratefuI. They think they're it. 二十幾歲的女孩真是不知好歹 她們以為自己多了不起

[04:04.76]Don't they reaIize, we're stiII it? -她們不懂我們?nèi)允侵髁鲉? -這世界支持她們的錯(cuò)覺(jué)

[04:06.36]No, because the worId vaIidates their deIusion.

[04:08.04]And she took a copy of my RoIodex. Do you think I can sue? 她還拿走我通訊錄的副本 我能告她嗎?

[04:11.44]-Do you remember us in our 20s? -DimIy. -記得我們二十幾歲那時(shí)嗎? -沒(méi)什么印象

[04:16.68]Have some compassion. 唯一比三十幾歲單身還慘的事

[04:15.88]The onIy thing worse than being singIe in your 30s is being singIe in your 20s.


[04:22.08]Where've you been? I was worried you'd miss the jitney. 你們差點(diǎn)趕不上巴士

[04:24.84]The Hamptons Jltney ls llke the bus to summer camp... 它就像開(kāi)往夏令營(yíng)的游覽車(chē)

[04:26.64]...only lnstead of slnglng everyone lgnores each other and talks on thelr cell. 只不過(guò)誰(shuí)也不理誰(shuí) 自顧自地講電話

[04:30.64]Everyone, this is Greg. 各位,這是葛瑞格 她們是莎曼珊、凱莉和米蘭達(dá)

[04:33.52]This is Samantha, Carrie and Miranda.

[04:35.36]Hi! 二十年來(lái) 葛瑞格每年夏天都去漢普頓

[04:36.76]Greg's been going to the Hamptons every summer for 20 years.

[04:39.88]-Since I was six. -You do the math. -從我六歲起 -你來(lái)算年齡吧

[04:41.52]I have. -我算過(guò)了 -謝謝

[04:43.72]Thank you.

[04:47.08]Easy, sister, no need to push. 別急,小姐,沒(méi)必要推擠

[04:53.00]Four bumper-to-bumper hours later, we arrlved at our new dlgs. 在車(chē)陣中緩慢前進(jìn)四小時(shí)后 我們抵達(dá)了新住處

[04:60.12]They said this pIace was shabby chic, I'm thinking it's much more shitty chic. 他們說(shuō)這房子有點(diǎn)簡(jiǎn)陋 我認(rèn)為是糟透了

[05:04.64]These toweIs are miIdewed. 這些毛巾發(fā)霉了 整個(gè)房子都有霉味

[05:06.00]ActuaIIy, this whoIe house smeIIs Iike miIdew.

[05:09.00]It's not miIdew, it's beachy. 那不是發(fā)霉,是砂礫

[05:11.16]WouId you aII stop being so cynicaI? We're Iucky to be here. 你們別再冷嘲熱諷了好嗎? 我們能來(lái)這里就很幸運(yùn)了

[05:13.44]Cynicism. Now there's one advantage we have over girIs in their 20s. 憤世嫉俗,這是我們勝過(guò) 二十幾歲女孩的優(yōu)勢(shì)

[05:17.04]I was cynicaI in high schooI. -我高中時(shí)就很會(huì)挖苦人 -是誰(shuí)來(lái)了?

[05:22.12]Who's that? 是葛瑞格 我在巴士上認(rèn)識(shí)的那個(gè)帥哥

[05:22.40]It's Greg, that cute guy I met on the jitney. I toId him to drop by.

[05:26.96]And if he asks, he thinks I'm 27. 我叫他過(guò)來(lái)坐一下 如果他問(wèn)起,就說(shuō)我27歲

[05:29.56]Evldently, whlle we had taken the Mldtown Tunnel... 當(dāng)我們穿越城中隧道來(lái)到此地

[05:33.96]...Charlotte had taken the tlme tunnel. 夏綠蒂已穿越了時(shí)光隧道

[05:34.16]-Hi! -Hey. 快進(jìn)來(lái) 你們還記得葛瑞格吧?

[05:37.60]Come on in. You guys remember Greg.

[05:38.20]Hi, Greg. 你好,葛瑞格

[05:40.12]Hey! 我和我室友今晚要在沙灘 辦一個(gè)盛大的營(yíng)火派對(duì)

[05:40.00]Me and my housemates are having a big bonfire tonight at the beach...

[05:44.16]...and I just wanted to teII you that you're aII invited. -你們都被邀請(qǐng)了 -太棒了


[06:07.76]Here you go, Iadies. 各位,拿去吧

[06:10.60]There's so much foam you couId ski on the head! 泡沫好多 簡(jiǎn)直可以在上面滑雪了

[06:11.88]Sorry, it's been awhiIe since I pumped a keg. 我已經(jīng)很久沒(méi)用唧筒了

[06:15.68]I Iove young men, but come on. The guys here don't even have chest hair yet! 我愛(ài)年輕小伙子 但這里的男人連胸毛都沒(méi)有

[06:20.24]That's good news for their backs. 這對(duì)他們的背部是好消息

[06:24.72]Sorry! 抱歉

[06:27.00]Okay, this is reaIIy fun. How Iong do we have to stay? 真是有趣極了 我們還要待多久?

[06:32.36]God! 天啊

[06:35.68]I'm gonna go teII CharIotte we're Ieaving. 我去跟夏綠蒂說(shuō)我們要走了

[06:36.96]Another thlng about twenty-somethlng glrls ls they're very conslderate. 二十幾歲的女孩非常體貼

[06:41.96]You can always count on one of them to hold your halr when you vomlt. 當(dāng)你嘔吐時(shí) 她們會(huì)幫你把頭發(fā)撩起來(lái)

[06:46.72]Excuse me! 不好意思

[06:46.12]My God, Carrie Bradshaw! 我的天,你是凱莉布雷蕭?

[06:50.88]-Yeah? -LaureI Harris. 我叫蘿拉哈里斯 我一定要告訴你我有多崇拜你

[06:52.60]May I just teII you that I worship you?

[06:52.96]I read your coIumn every week, it's Iike my reIigion. -我每個(gè)禮拜都讀你的專(zhuān)欄 -謝謝

[06:55.04]Thank you.

[06:58.96]I work in a pubIishing house, but I'm reaIIy a writer. 我在一家出版社當(dāng)助理 但我其實(shí)是個(gè)作家

[07:00.04]-Great. -We'II see. 也許改天我能把我的文章 寄給你看看嗎?

[07:03.28]Maybe I couId send you something to read sometime?

[07:07.40]-Sure. -That wouId mean so much to me. 當(dāng)然可以

[07:10.16]To have someone Iike you as my mentor. 你不知道能有像你這樣的人


[07:12.76]WeII, mentor. -良師… -回城里我能打電話給你嗎?

[07:13.92]CouId I caII you sometime in the city?

[07:16.20]If I couId spend some time with you, that wouId be so cooI. 我能跟你見(jiàn)面嗎?

[07:19.52]Of course. I'II be Iooking at a very busy summer. 當(dāng)然,不過(guò)這個(gè)夏天我會(huì)很忙

[07:24.68]I can heIp. I'II run errands, I'II do your wash. 我可以幫你跑腿、洗衣服

[07:26.64]No meniaI Iabor necessary. I'II just give you my phone number. 不需要干仆人的活兒 我把電話號(hào)碼給你

[07:32.32]My God, this is so cooI. -我的天,真是太酷了 -謝謝

[07:35.00]Thank you.

[07:36.40]-It's okay. -Thank you.

[07:41.76]The next day, Mlranda woke up early to enjoy the cool mornlng breeze... 隔天,米蘭達(dá)一早起床 享受清晨的微風(fēng)

[07:45.36]...and a much-needed moment of solltude. 以及更為必要的獨(dú)處時(shí)光

[07:56.20]AII right, somebody puked on the deck. -有人在門(mén)口嘔吐 -抱歉


[07:60.36]...Stacey and HoIIy did too many JeII-O shots. 史黛西和荷莉喝太多酒了

[08:03.64]What are you, 25 now? 你以為你現(xiàn)在幾歲,25嗎?

[08:06.84]Good morning. 早安

[08:08.40]No, 27! -不,27歲 -隨便


[08:12.36]That week, back ln the clty, I wondered what was the allure of the 20s? 回到城里 我納悶二十多歲的魅力是什么

[08:18.76]On one hand, there's great skln tone, the thrlll of fresh experlence... 氣色很好 對(duì)新奇的體驗(yàn)感到興奮

[08:21.56]...and the sense of a consequence-free llfe full of endless posslbllltles. 不計(jì)后果 充滿(mǎn)無(wú)限可能的人生

[08:25.60]Whlle on the other, there are horrlble apartments, sexually lnexperlenced men... 同時(shí)住很糟糕的公寓 交往沒(méi)有性經(jīng)驗(yàn)的男友

[08:31.20]...and embarrasslng errors ln fashlon judgment. 以及穿沒(méi)有品味的衣服

[08:36.64]Should we fear these freshly mlnted, slngle women as a threat to our very survlval... 我們是否該擔(dān)心 這些年輕的單身女子


[08:41.24]...or plty them as clueless half-wlts about to get thelr dreams dashed... 或者同情她們 幻想即將破滅卻一無(wú)所知?

[08:44.20]...and llluslons shattered?

[08:47.40]Twenty-somethlng glrls... 二十多歲的女孩 是朋友…還是敵人?

[08:48.16]...frlend or foe?

[08:52.24]And that evenlng, ln my flrst act as a mentor... 那晚,身為良師的第一件事

[08:55.76]...I took my young acolyte to a book party. 我?guī)е夷贻p的門(mén)徒 參加一個(gè)新書(shū)派對(duì)

[08:59.80]My God. 我的天

[09:04.36]I can't beIieve I'm out with Carrie Bradshaw. This is too cooI. 我真不敢相信 我和凱莉布雷蕭一起出現(xiàn)

[09:06.08]Stop, I can feeI my head sweIIing. 夠了,若我的頭繼續(xù)變大 我就必須和我的帽子道別

[09:09.44]If it gets any bigger, I'II have to say goodbye to my hats.

[09:12.20]I have a question. 我有個(gè)問(wèn)題,25歲寫(xiě)回憶錄 會(huì)不會(huì)太年輕?

[09:14.00]Do you think that 25 is too young to write a personaI memoir?

[09:15.20]As Iong as it doesn't deaI with incest, Prozac, or partying, no. 只要里面沒(méi)提到亂倫 百憂(yōu)解或狂歡就不會(huì)

[09:20.40]It does deaI with sex, or rather not having sex. 它探討性 或者應(yīng)該說(shuō)是沒(méi)做愛(ài)

[09:23.28]It's about how girIs my age are saving themseIves for marriage. 它是關(guān)于我這年紀(jì)的女孩 為了婚姻保有處女之身

[09:28.24]-Saving what for marriage? -Our virginity. -為了婚姻保有什么? -貞操

[09:33.32]Are you teIIing me that you've never had sex with a man? 你的意思是 你從沒(méi)和男人上過(guò)床?

[09:36.60]That is correct. 沒(méi)錯(cuò)

[09:39.16]Okay, what do you consider sex? 你認(rèn)為性是什么?

[09:43.24]Are you impIying I'm some kind of Lewinsky? 你在暗示我跟莒恩絲基一樣?

[09:46.44]I'm not! I'm taIking no bIowjobs, no hand jobs. 不,我是指口交、手淫都不算

[09:49.20]AII right, I get it, no jobs of any kind. 我懂了,任何費(fèi)力的事都不算

[09:53.76]You know what? I think I need to get a drink. 你知道嗎? 我想我需要喝杯飲料

[09:56.76]-I'II get it. CosmopoIitan, right? -Yeah. 我去拿,四海為家,對(duì)嗎? 我記得…你專(zhuān)欄中寫(xiě)過(guò)

[09:59.12]I remember from your coIumn.

[10:03.72]A 25-year-old vlrgln was gettlng me a Cosmopolltan. 一個(gè)25歲的處女 正幫我去拿四海為家

[10:08.52]The generatlon gap had never seemed so wlde. 世代鴻溝從未顯得如此深遠(yuǎn)

[10:10.16]Hi. -嗨 -嗨

[10:15.44]-Have you actuaIIy read the book? -No, have you? -你讀過(guò)這本書(shū)了嗎? -還沒(méi)

[10:16.16]Not yet. 你呢?你對(duì)作者有何認(rèn)識(shí)?

[10:17.04]Know anything about the author?

[10:21.00]His famiIy has a history of diabetes and he has a steeI spIint in his Ieft femur. 他的家族有糖尿病遺傳 而他左股骨上了夾板

[10:24.40]-I'm his doctor, BradIey Meego. -Carrie Bradshaw. -我是他的醫(yī)生,布萊德米哥 -我是凱莉布雷蕭

[10:29.76]My doctor won't even make house caIIs, Iet aIone attend a book party. 我的醫(yī)生平常連電話都不打 更別說(shuō)是來(lái)參加新書(shū)派對(duì)

[10:31.52]I've never been to one. I thought it might be interesting. 我想這可能會(huì)很有趣 現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)超出我的期望了

[10:34.80]It's exceeded aII my expectations.

[10:36.40]GeneraIIy, it's cheese and crackers. You never see an actuaI shrimp. 通常,連只真正的蝦子也沒(méi)有

[10:41.00]No, I meant you. 不,我是指你

[10:42.56]I'd ask you for a drink after but I'm driving to the Hamptons. 等會(huì)我很想約你一起喝東西 但我要開(kāi)車(chē)去漢普頓

[10:46.04]I'm going out to the Hamptons tomorrow. 事實(shí)上,我明天也要去漢普頓

[10:50.16]Great, can I caII you there? 太好了,我可以打電話給你嗎

[10:54.04]AII right, you know what? 星期六我跟我朋友 會(huì)去唐萊海灘

[10:54.100]I'II be with my friends Saturday at TownIine Beach.

[10:59.28]A big yeIIow umbreIIa. You can come by and say heIIo. 尋找很大的黃色遮陽(yáng)傘 你可以來(lái)打個(gè)招呼

[11:01.48]Is this a pIoy to see me in my bathing suit? 這是為了看我穿泳衣的計(jì)謀嗎

[11:03.04]-Here's your Cosmo. -Thank you. 這是你的酒,小姐

[11:08.44]Dr. BradIey Meego, this is LaureI. 他是布萊德米哥醫(yī)生 她是蘿拉

[11:11.04]-Hi. -Hey.

[11:11.68]What if it rains? Do we pick another date? 萬(wàn)一下雨怎么辦? 要另外定約會(huì)嗎?

[11:15.12]Doctor, you are persistent. 醫(yī)生,你還真是不屈不撓

[11:18.16]AII right. In case of emergency, onIy. 好吧,除非有急事才打

[11:27.32]Now I'm gonna have to buy the book. 現(xiàn)在我得買(mǎi)下這本書(shū)了 很高興認(rèn)識(shí)你,你也是

[11:30.20]Nice meeting you. You, too.

[11:32.80]Drive safe. 小心開(kāi)車(chē)

[11:36.40]My God, he is such a fox. 他真迷人,你是在我去吧臺(tái)時(shí) 認(rèn)識(shí)他的嗎?

[11:36.24]Did you meet him when I was at the bar?

[11:41.16]Lady, you've got it going on! 小姐,真有你的

[11:45.64]That Saturday turned out to be hot and sunny. 那個(gè)星期六炎熱又晴朗

[11:48.68]Whlle we sat under our umbrella... 當(dāng)我們坐在遮陽(yáng)傘下時(shí)

[11:51.08]...twenty-somethlng glrls slzzled on the sand llke rotlsserle chlckens. 二十多歲的女孩 像烤肉般發(fā)出嘶嘶聲

[11:53.88]Excuse me, when did tanning come back in styIe? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)古銅色皮膚 何時(shí)又開(kāi)始流行了?

[11:56.76]Hand me the 45! -把防曬系數(shù)45的拿給我 -我不知道有出到這么高系數(shù)

[11:59.76]Forty-five, I didn't know it went up that high.

[12:01.24]You couId sit in a microwave and not burn. 你可以待在微波爐中而不灼傷

[12:03.32]It's CharIotte's, but I don't think she'II be using it. 這是夏綠蒂的 但我不認(rèn)為她會(huì)用

[12:08.28]It's not good for her 27-year-oId image. 這不符合她27歲的形象

[12:10.16]She actuaIIy put on oiI. 她竟然還抹了油

[12:13.84]Just Iet her have her fun now. 到時(shí)候,她看起來(lái) 便會(huì)像個(gè)27歲的手提包

[12:14.92]Come Labor Day, she's gonna Iook Iike a 27-year-oId handbag.

[12:19.52]I'd risk a few precancerous freckIes for a summer romance. 我愿意為了夏日戀情 甘冒長(zhǎng)癌癥雀斑之險(xiǎn)

[12:23.68]And rlght then, my summer romance made hls appearance, rlght on schedule. 就在此時(shí) 我夏日戀情的男主角


[12:26.68]YeIIow umbreIIas seem to be very popuIar this year. 黃色遮陽(yáng)傘今年似乎非常流行


[12:33.00]This is Dr. BradIey Meego. 莎曼珊、米蘭達(dá) 這位是布萊德米哥醫(yī)生

[12:33.44]HeIIo. 你是哪一科的醫(yī)生,大夫?

[12:36.32]What kind of a doctor are you, Doctor?

[12:39.80]InternaI medicine. GeneraI, aII-purpose kind of thing. 什么都看,可以說(shuō)是萬(wàn)事通

[12:41.60]FabuIous, so you can prescribe medication? 太棒了,那么你能開(kāi)藥方?

[12:44.48]-What'd you have in mind? -FeeI free to ignore her. -你有什么意見(jiàn)? -別理她

[12:45.64]I'm sure that's impossibIe. I'm gonna go take a quick dip.

[12:48.84]我要去沖個(gè)澡 你保證不丟下我?

[12:49.40]-You promise not to ditch me, now. -I promise. 我保證

[12:56.56]-Is that the guy from the book party? -Yeah. 他是你在新書(shū)派對(duì)上認(rèn)識(shí)的?

[12:60.84]I've got to start reading. 我得開(kāi)始閱讀了

[13:03.36]He's cute. I'm just not reaIIy sure I'm interested. 他很可愛(ài) 我只是不太確定有沒(méi)有興趣

[13:07.44]Good-Iooking, poIite, house in the Hamptons. 人長(zhǎng)得帥、又有禮貌 在漢普頓有房子

[13:09.100]-It's good on paper. -You know the ruIe. 擅長(zhǎng)理論

[13:12.72]你知道那定律 擅長(zhǎng)理論的人床上功夫很差勁

[13:14.48]Good on paper, bad in bed.

[13:16.44]A ''good on paper guy'' ls a guy wlth great credentlals... 擅長(zhǎng)理論的男人 擁有出色的背景資歷

[13:18.76]...who you always end up leavlng for some hot guy... 最后你卻永遠(yuǎn)會(huì)為了一個(gè) 騎摩托車(chē)的浪子離他而去

[13:23.84]...who rldes a motorcycle and doesn't have a checklng account.

[13:26.28]My God!

[13:28.72]The water feeIs so awesome. You guys shouId reaIIy go in. 海水真是棒呆了 你們應(yīng)該下去玩一玩

[13:32.80]You better put on some sunscreen, Georgette HamiIton. 你最好擦一點(diǎn)防曬油

[13:34.04]That's okay, I never burn. -沒(méi)關(guān)系,我從來(lái)不會(huì)曬傷 -我會(huì)

[13:37.04]WeII, I do. In fact, I've had enough for today.

[13:38.92]我要去買(mǎi)點(diǎn)東西 你們想要什么嗎?

[13:39.84]I'm gonna go grocery shopping. You guys want anything?

[13:42.48]We shouId get some rum. We can make Long IsIand Iced Teas. 蘭姆酒,我們可以做長(zhǎng)島冰茶

[13:46.96]Yes, I Iove Long IsIand Iced Teas. 好,我愛(ài)死長(zhǎng)島冰茶了

[13:49.28]ExceIIent! 太棒了

[13:58.44]I took a Ieap of faith and made reservations... 我在一家很熱門(mén)的餐廳訂位了

[14:01.92]...at one of those impossibIe-to-get-into restaurants for tonight.

[14:03.56]I'd Iove to... 我很想去 但我不能就這樣丟下我的朋友

[14:05.68]...I just can't abandon my friends.

[14:10.72]ActuaIIy, that wasn't an invitation. It was just restaurant chitchat. 其實(shí)這并不是邀請(qǐng) 我只是隨口提起

[14:14.32]I'm kidding. 開(kāi)玩笑的

[14:17.88]How about after dinner? 那晚餐之后呢? 我們可以在陽(yáng)臺(tái)上坐坐

[14:20.48]I've got a great IittIe house, cute porch we couId sit on.

[14:24.04]I don't know. 我不知道

[14:26.84]Okay, how about I just caII your... 好吧,這個(gè)周末 我打你的緊急電話如何?

[14:29.84]...in-case-of-emergency number this weekend.

[14:30.32]The emergency being, I think I'm gonna miss you. 緊急狀況是 我猜我會(huì)開(kāi)始想你

[14:35.88]Yes, you couId definiteIy do that. 好,你當(dāng)然可以這么做

[14:38.48]Good. 浪漫、殷勤 加上他在公路南方擁有的房子

[14:39.88]Romantlc, pollte, and hls very own house south of the hlghway.

[14:42.36]My good-on-paper guy was jumplng rlght off the page. 這個(gè)擅長(zhǎng)理論的男人 正從紙上一躍而出

[14:47.92]Later that afternoon, we came back from the beach rested, rejuvenated... 我們從海灘返回別墅時(shí) 感覺(jué)仿佛又是29歲般年輕

[14:50.48]...feellng almost 29 agaln.

[14:52.60]Even Mlranda was ln good splrlts. 連米蘭達(dá)心情都很好

[14:54.20]Guys, I just got back from the market. Fresh corn and seafood for dinner. 我剛從市場(chǎng)回來(lái) 晚餐有新鮮的玉米和海產(chǎn)

[14:60.32]Except, your groupie can't stay. I onIy got enough for the four of us. 你的崇拜者不能留下來(lái),凱莉 我只準(zhǔn)備了四人份

[15:04.44]She's here? 她在這里?

[15:03.12]Yeah, she was asking too many inane questions. I sent her up to your room. 她問(wèn)太多問(wèn)題了 我讓她去你房間

[15:07.52]-Thanks. -Sorry. -謝了 -對(duì)不起

[15:11.00]I've got to shower, the sand is itchy in my bathing suit, and then I'II heIp you. 我得把身上的沙沖干凈 然后就去幫你

[15:15.04]Take your time. That came for you. 慢慢來(lái) 莎曼珊,那封信是你的

[15:20.44]My God! -我的天 -怎么了?

[15:21.12]What's wrong? 明晚是漢普頓的土風(fēng)舞晚會(huì)

[15:22.52]It's for the Hamptons Hoedown tomorrow night...

[15:26.28]...and the event is being run by Nina G. PubIic ReIations. Nina G.! 由妮娜G公關(guān)公司舉辦

[15:29.36]Overnlght, Samantha's ex-asslstant, Nlna Grabowskl... 一夜之間,莎曼珊的前助理 便將自己重新塑造成為妮娜G

[15:31.96]...had relnvented herself as Nlna G.

[15:35.16]I was up for that job and now she's using my RoIodex to put together the guest Iist. 她用我的通訊錄制作賓客名單

[15:38.44]Whlle Samantha was gettlng fucked royally by her protégé... 當(dāng)莎曼珊被她的手下 狠狠擺了一道

[15:43.20]...mlne was glvlng me the royal treatment. 我的門(mén)徒正給我女王般的待遇

[15:43.28]It's not that I don't wanna have sex with men... 不是我不想跟男人上床

[15:48.64]...I feeI Iike these previous generations of women have... 但以前的女人貶低了性的價(jià)值

[15:51.64]...devaIued sex to the point where it's not even speciaI anymore. 因此它甚至不再特別了

[15:53.80]One summer, when I was 15, I read everything Jackie CoIIins ever wrote. 我15歲時(shí) 我讀每本杰姬柯林斯的作品

[15:58.80]I thought to myseIf, who cares? 當(dāng)時(shí)我在想 “這應(yīng)該是驚人的嗎?”

[15:59.76]Is it supposed to be shocking... “對(duì)每個(gè)經(jīng)過(guò)的性感男人 搔首弄姿?”

[15:60.80]...wagging one's pussy at every good-Iooking stud who waIks by?

[16:04.76]-PIease. -And what is it you Iike about my coIumn? 你到底喜歡我專(zhuān)欄哪一點(diǎn)?

[16:08.72]I have a tiny tick on my stomach, and I can't get it off. 我肚子上有個(gè)虱子,我弄不掉

[16:12.80]-Does it hurt? -No, but it itches. -會(huì)痛嗎? -不,但會(huì)癢

[16:13.68]My God, that is not a tick. -我的天,那不是虱子 -那是什么?

[16:18.88]What is it?

[16:23.08]There go our shitty sheets. -都是可惡的床單害的 -好惡心

[16:25.36]My God, it's so disgusting.

[16:28.92]-Where's she going? -To the drugstore. -她要去哪里? -去藥房

[16:31.52]CharIotte reaIIy is in her 20s. She's got crabs. 夏綠蒂真的回到二十幾歲了 她身上有陰虱

[16:35.56]My God!

[16:36.16]That nlght, I called Dr. Meego. 當(dāng)晚,我打給米哥醫(yī)生 我想這算是緊急情況

[16:39.76]I flgured lt was an emergency.

[16:44.72]I have this thing about crabs. 我大學(xué)時(shí)長(zhǎng)過(guò)一次陰虱 害我一輩子留下疤痕

[16:45.92]I had them in coIIege and it scarred me for Iife.

[16:48.68]I can't go back to that house untiI the mattresses are sanitized... 我得等床單和毛巾都燒掉 才能回去

[16:52.60]...and the sheets and toweIs are burned.

[16:52.16]I'm fIattered you thought of me. 我很高興你想到了我

[16:55.64]I'd be happy to prescribe your friend some industriaI-strength pubicide. 我很樂(lè)意為你朋友 開(kāi)一點(diǎn)殺菌藥

[16:58.84]She can take care of herseIf. 我想她能照顧自己

[17:02.80]Cheers. 干杯

[17:11.04]You might have to spend the night here. 你可能得在這里過(guò)夜

[17:13.36]I might have to, but onIy to sIeep. -可能,不過(guò)只是睡覺(jué)而已 -女人總是這么說(shuō)

[17:17.32]Women aIways say that and as soon as the Iights go out...

[17:19.92]...boom, they're going for my pajamas. 燈一關(guān)掉 她們就來(lái)脫我的睡衣

[17:23.00]AII righty. I promise, no funny stuff. 我保證沒(méi)有滑稽的玩意兒

[17:32.24]That nlght we slept together, but we dldn't sleep together. 我們同床,但并未上床 那感覺(jué)好極了

[17:36.08]It was really nlce.

[17:36.88]I belleve lt was the flrst lnstance of a case of crabs movlng a relatlonshlp forward. 這是第一件 陰虱讓感情有所進(jìn)展的案例

[17:48.12]Every year, one of the local Hamptons bllllonalres got down and dlrty... 每年,本地的有錢(qián)人

[17:54.88]...and threw a blg hoedown full of cowboys and cavlar. 都會(huì)辦一個(gè)擠滿(mǎn)牛仔 和魚(yú)子醬的盛大土風(fēng)舞會(huì)

[17:56.48]It was the event of the season. 這是社交季的大事

[18:01.76]We jolned Samantha to lend our moral support. 我們陪莎曼珊出席 給予她精神支持

[18:03.72]I can't beIieve it. 有人不參加我辦的派對(duì) 卻參加妮娜辦的

[18:03.84]There're peopIe here who don't even come to my parties and they came to Nina's.

[18:09.88]Look at her over there. 你看看她

[18:12.100]Beef jerky carpaccio? 來(lái)點(diǎn)生腌牛肉干?

[18:16.80]I am just so depressed right now. Excuse me. 我現(xiàn)在真的非常沮喪,失陪

[18:18.24]Where are you going? -你要去哪里 -去恭喜妮娜

[18:22.16]To congratuIate Nina. I may need her to hire me someday.

[18:22.20]有一天我可能得靠她 賞我一口飯吃

[18:25.00]Whlle Samantha set out to negotlate twenty-somethlng détente... 當(dāng)莎曼珊出發(fā)去向 二十多歲的女孩低頭

[18:30.16]...Charlotte prepared to launch a full-out war. 夏綠蒂則準(zhǔn)備發(fā)動(dòng)戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)

[18:32.64]Excuse me. 不好意思

[18:49.96]Do you know that you gave me crabs? 你知道你把陰虱傳染給我嗎?

[18:51.76]-What? -You heard me. -什么? -你聽(tīng)到了

[18:56.56]-What makes you think it was me? -That is so tacky. -你憑什么認(rèn)為是我? -那真是太低級(jí)了

[18:58.20]So is Iying about your age. 你謊報(bào)年齡還不是一樣 昨晚我看到你的駕照了

[18:60.88]I saw your Iicense when you bought the beer.

[19:04.48]I didn't Iie. You made an assumption, I didn't contradict it. 我沒(méi)有說(shuō)謊 是你這么假設(shè),我沒(méi)反駁而已

[19:07.76]Whatever. 也許陰虱是我傳染給你的 但你欺騙我

[19:07.56]I may have given you crabs, but you deceived me.

[19:13.92]-That is so much worse. -Grow up. -這嚴(yán)重多了 -成熟點(diǎn)吧

[19:21.16]You are a waitperson. That doesn't mean wait, it means go! 你是個(gè)接待員 沒(méi)做好份內(nèi)事就滾吧

[19:25.92]My God, you actuaIIy came. 我的天,你真的來(lái)了

[19:31.12]I just stopped by to wish you good Iuck. It's a fabuIous party. 我只是來(lái)祝福你好運(yùn)

[19:33.92]-這是個(gè)很棒的派對(duì) -你真好

[19:36.48]That is very cooI of you.

[19:36.88]I toId you not to seat Martha near the hayride. She's aIIergic. 我不希望瑪莎乘干草卡車(chē) 她會(huì)過(guò)敏

[19:39.56]PIease try to keep the young peopIe out untiI after 11:00. 你能讓年輕人一直到11點(diǎn) 都待在外頭嗎?

[19:44.04]We're aII out of country-fried goat cheese, somebody got stuck with a cactus needIe... 羊酪已經(jīng)沒(méi)了 還有人被仙人掌刺到

[19:49.12]...and there are peopIe outside who aren't on the Iist. 外面有不在 賓客名單上的人要進(jìn)來(lái)

[19:51.20]Jesus fucking Christ. You are totaIIy coked out. -你辦事能力真差 -你太小心眼了

[19:55.08]You are totaIIy jeaIous.

[19:56.64]My God, what is that? 那是什么?我的天啊 那是什么?

[20:01.84]What is that sound? My God!

[20:03.24]That's not supposed to happen untiI 12:00. 那應(yīng)該等到午夜才放的

[20:05.44]-I know. -This is your probIem. Get them to stop! -我知道 -這是你的問(wèn)題

[20:09.00]I can't, they're on a fucking barge! -叫他們停下來(lái) -不行,他們?cè)谠撍赖挠瓮?/p>

[20:13.48]CouId you heIp me? I need to get everybody outside. 莎曼珊,你能幫我嗎? 我需要讓大家到外面去

[20:17.76]I'm totaIIy fucked right now. 我現(xiàn)在把一切都搞砸了

[20:20.52]Okay, peopIe, fiesta fireworks, outside! 各位,外面在放煙火 我們往外移動(dòng)吧

[20:22.08]Let's go!

[20:29.96]This is Greg. 妮娜,這是葛瑞格 我想你們兩個(gè)將會(huì)一見(jiàn)如故

[20:30.08]I think the two of you wouId reaIIy hit it off.


[20:39.00]I began to reallze, that the blggest threat twenty-somethlng glrls posed... 我發(fā)現(xiàn)二十多歲的女孩

[20:42.20]所造成的最大威脅 是對(duì)她們自己

[20:42.20]...was to themselves. 我到處找你 你看,我有條跟你一樣的項(xiàng)練

[20:44.68]I've been Iooking aII over for you.

[20:47.44]-Look, I got one just Iike yours. -That's great.

[20:49.52]You want me to get you a CosmopoIitan? -那很好 -你要來(lái)杯四海為家嗎?

[20:51.64]No. I'm gonna go find my date. But I'II see you Iater, okay? 我要去找我的男伴了,待會(huì)見(jiàn)

[20:55.60]That guy from the bookstore? My God, he was so cute. 那個(gè)在書(shū)店認(rèn)識(shí)的男人? 他好帥

[20:59.92]Annoylng, yes. Dangerous, no. 她們的確煩人,卻不危險(xiǎn) 只不過(guò)是我們年輕時(shí)的翻版

[21:01.76]They were slmply our youthful doppelg?ngers...

[21:04.84]...who needed our compasslon more than anythlng. 需要我們的同情甚過(guò)一切

[21:06.44]And then everythlng I so flrmly belleved was promptly blown to pleces. 接著我所堅(jiān)信的一切馬上瓦解

[21:23.76]Is it you? -是你嗎? -你怎么會(huì)在這里?

[21:23.96]Hey. What are you doing here?

[21:27.04]What am I doing here? What are you doing here? 我怎么會(huì)在這里? 那你又怎么會(huì)在這里?

[21:33.68]I just got back this week from Paris. 我剛從巴黎回來(lái)

[21:37.96]This is Natasha. 凱莉,這是娜塔莎

[21:39.16]Hi. It's a pIeasure to meet you. I've heard so much about you. 很高興認(rèn)識(shí)你 我聽(tīng)說(shuō)許多有關(guān)你的事

[21:44.84]ReaIIy? 是嗎?

[21:45.44]Natasha's parents have a house in East Hampton. We came up for the weekend. 娜塔莎的父母在這里有棟別墅 我們只是周末來(lái)度假

[21:50.96]Excuse me. It's nice to meet you. 抱歉失陪,幸會(huì),凱莉

[22:00.44]I'm sorry, I'm just a IittIe stunned here. 對(duì)不起,我只是…有點(diǎn)震驚

[22:05.68]And confused. 還有困惑,她是誰(shuí)?

[22:08.48]Who is she? 我本來(lái)想打給你

[22:08.88]I meant to caII you.

[22:13.64]她是… 她是我在巴黎認(rèn)識(shí)的女孩

[22:17.04]She's this girI that I met in Paris.

[22:20.32]She works for RaIph Lauren in Europe. 她在歐洲替勞夫羅倫工作

[22:25.20]You're in from Paris for the weekends? 所以你只是 從巴黎回來(lái)度周末?

[22:25.28]No. The Paris deaI feII through. 不是



[22:35.52]I pIanned on caIIing you.

[22:36.88]I certainIy didn't want to run into you Iike this. 我真的不想 在這種情況下遇見(jiàn)你

[22:39.48]You can't pIan everything. Life can be pretty random. 世事難料 我的男伴也在這里…某個(gè)地方

[22:41.68]I'm here on a date, too, somewhere.

[22:44.76]He's a doctor, BradIey Meego. 他是布萊德米哥醫(yī)生

[22:48.76]He's good on paper, probabIy Iike Natasha. Good-Iooking, sweet, bIah-bIah-bIah. 他擅長(zhǎng)理論,或許跟 娜塔莎一樣,好看、溫柔…

[22:55.12]How oId is she, anyway? 她到底幾歲?

[22:59.40]I don't know, 26, 27. 我不知道,26、27

[23:04.64]Something Iike that. 大概吧

[23:07.100]I'II see you in the Hamptons or back in the city. 我們?cè)跐h普頓或回紐約時(shí)再見(jiàn)

[23:10.08]I promise to caII when I get back into town. 我保證回城里一定打電話給你


[23:28.32]Are you okay?

[23:29.00]No, I just ran into Big. 不好,我剛碰到大人物了

[23:34.08]He's back from Paris. 他從巴黎回來(lái) 交了新的女朋友

[23:37.16]He has a new girIfriend.

[23:38.84]She's 26. 她26歲

[23:43.92]-Where is he? I didn't see-- -God. 他在哪里?我沒(méi)看見(jiàn)他

[23:60.80]And then I reallzed... 我這才明白 二十多歲的女孩確實(shí)很迷人

[24:01.32]...twenty-somethlng glrls are just fabulous...

[24:03.68]...untll you see one wlth the man who broke your heart. 直到你看到她身邊 有個(gè)曾令你心碎的男人


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