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TED英語演講集視頻:The 3 A’s of awesome 美妙生活的三個秘訣[中英字幕]





So the Awesome story: It begins about 40 years ago, when my mom and my dad came to Canada. My mom left Nairobi, Kenya. My dad left a small village outside of Amritsar, India. And they got here in the late 1960s. They settled in a shady suburb about an hour east of Toronto, and they settled into a new life. They saw their first dentist, they ate their first hamburger, and they had their first kids. My sister and I grew up here, and we had quiet, happy childhoods. We had close family, good friends, a quiet street. We grew up taking for granted a lot of the things that my parents couldn't take for granted when they grew up -- things like power always on in our houses, things like schools across the street and hospitals down the road and popsicles in the backyard. We grew up, and we grew older. I went to high school. I graduated. I moved out of the house, I got a job, I found a girl, I settled down -- and I realize it sounds like a bad sitcom or a Cat Stevens' song --

這個美好的故事 開始于四十年前, 我的父母來到加拿大。 我母親離開了肯尼亞內(nèi)羅畢。 我父親離開了印度阿姆利則市外的一個小村莊。 他們二十世紀(jì)60年代來到這里。 他們在多倫多以東不遠(yuǎn)一個幽靜的郊區(qū)住了下來。 他們開始了一段新生活。 他們第一次看了牙醫(yī), 第一次吃到漢堡包, 第一次有了自己的兒女。 我和我妹妹 在這里長大, 我們的童年恬靜而美滿。 我們的家庭很融洽, 有許多好友,生活的街區(qū)很安靜。 我們在成長的過程中 忽略了許多我們父母年輕時 無法忽視的事情- 譬如,我們家的電 從來沒斷過, 學(xué)校就在街對面, 街的盡頭就是醫(yī)院, 在家后院就能買到冰棒。 我們慢慢長大了, 我上了高中, 畢了業(yè), 離開了家,找到一份工作, 遇到了心儀的女孩,成家立業(yè)- 我感覺這就像是一部拙劣的幽默劇或凱特·斯蒂文斯的歌(英國歌手,后皈依伊斯蘭教)。



but life was pretty good. Life was pretty good. 2006 was a great year. Under clear blue skies in July in the wine region of Ontario, I got married, surrounded by 150 family and friends. 2007 was a great year. I graduated from school, and I went on a road trip with two of my closest friends. Here's a picture of me and my friend, Chris, on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. We actually saw seals out of our car window, and we pulled over to take a quick picture of them and then blocked them with our giant heads. (Laughter) So you can't actually see them, but it was breathtaking, believe me.

但還是生活非常美滿的。 非常美滿。 2006年意義不同尋常。 在安大略葡萄酒產(chǎn)區(qū)的晴空之下, 我結(jié)婚了, 150多位親友到場慶賀。 2007年也不平凡。 我從大學(xué)畢業(yè)了, 我和兩位最親密的朋友結(jié)伴旅行。 這是我和朋友克里斯, 我們站在太平洋海岸邊上。 我們從車窗里看到了海豹, 于是停下車跟它們合影, 結(jié)果,我們倆的大頭把它們都擋住了。 (眾人笑) 所以你們都看不到它們, 當(dāng)時我們都激動萬分, 說實話。



2008 and 2009 were a little tougher. I know that they were tougher for a lot of people, not just me. First of all, the news was so heavy. It's still heavy now, and it was heavy before that, but when you flipped open a newspaper, when you turned on the TV, it was about ice caps melting, wars going on around the world, earthquakes, hurricanes and an economy that was wobbling on the brink of collapse, and then eventually did collapse, and so many of us losing our homes, or our jobs, or our retirements, or our livelihoods. 2008, 2009 were heavy years for me for another reason, too. I was going through a lot of personal problems at the time. My marriage wasn't going well, and we just were growing further and further apart. One day my wife came home from work and summoned the courage, through a lot of tears, to have a very honest conversation. And she said, "I don't love you anymore," and it was one of the most painful things I'd ever heard and certainly the most heartbreaking thing I'd ever heard, until only a month later, when I heard something even more heartbreaking.

2008年和2009年,生活開始不太如意了。 我知道,并不是只有我的生活不如意, 有些人的境遇更糟。 首先,新聞報道讓人憂心忡忡。 現(xiàn)在的情況也是如此, 每當(dāng)你翻開報紙,打開電視, 你會看到冰蓋在消融, 世界各地戰(zhàn)爭不斷, 地震,颶風(fēng), 某國的經(jīng)濟(jì)正處在崩潰的邊緣, 后來真的崩潰了, 我們中許多人失去了家園, 失去了工作, 無法安享晚年, 失去了生計。 2008,2009年我過得不順利還有另一個原因。 當(dāng)時,我遇到了不少個人的問題。 我的婚姻出現(xiàn)了危機(jī), 我和妻子之間越來越疏遠(yuǎn)。 一天我妻子下班回到家, 鼓起了勇氣,淚流滿面, 和我開誠布公地進(jìn)行了談話。 她說:“我已經(jīng)不愛你了。” 那是我經(jīng)歷過的最痛苦的事, 也是我聽到過的最令人心碎的話。 在這之后,僅過了一個月, 我又得知了一個更令我痛心的消息。

My friend Chris, who I just showed you a picture of, had been battling mental illness for some time. And for those of you whose lives have been touched by mental illness, you know how challenging it can be. I spoke to him on the phone at 10:30 p.m. on a Sunday night. We talked about the TV show we watched that evening. And Monday morning, I found out that he disappeared. Very sadly, he took his own life. And it was a really heavy time.

我的至友克里斯,就是剛才照片上的那位, 他患了精神上的疾病,苦苦掙扎了一段時間。 在場若有人 曾經(jīng)患過精神方面的疾病, 你就能體會其中的痛苦。 我在周日晚十點半 跟他通了電話, 談?wù)摿艘幌履翘焱砩峡吹碾娨暪?jié)目, 而就在第二天早上,我發(fā)現(xiàn)他失蹤了。 非常不幸的是,他結(jié)束了自己的生命。 那段時間是如此難熬。

And as these dark clouds were circling me, and I was finding it really, really difficult to think of anything good, I said to myself that I really needed a way to focus on the positive somehow. So I came home from work one night, and I logged onto the computer, and I started up a tiny website called 1000awesomethings.com. I was trying to remind myself of the simple, universal, little pleasures that we all love, but we just don't talk about enough -- things like waiters and waitresses who bring you free refills without asking, being the first table to get called up to the dinner buffet at a wedding, wearing warm underwear from just out of the dryer, or when cashiers open up a new check-out lane at the grocery store and you get to be first in line -- even if you were last at the other line, swoop right in there.

我的頭頂愁云密布, 我竭盡全力 也無法振作起來。 我告訴自己,我真的需要 讓自己把注意力轉(zhuǎn)移到積極面上。 一天晚上,我下班回到家, 打開電腦, 我建立了一個小網(wǎng)站, 將其命名為1000awesomethings.com (1000個美妙時刻)。 我想要提醒自己, 生活中有許多人人都喜愛的,簡單而隨處可見的小快樂, 我們只是很少談起這些快樂- 譬如,那些主動為你免費(fèi)續(xù)杯的 餐館服務(wù)員們, 在一個婚禮上,你坐的那一桌 可以首先去選餐, 穿上剛從烘干機(jī)里拿出來、還熱乎的內(nèi)衣, 或者你在超市正好碰上剛上工的收銀員開了一條新的付款通道, 你現(xiàn)在排第一了-- 本來你排在最后一個,現(xiàn)在馬上沖過去。



And slowly over time, I started putting myself in a better mood. I mean, 50,000 blogs are started a day, and so my blog was just one of those 50,000. And nobody read it except for my mom. Although I should say that my traffic did skyrocket and go up by 100 percent when she forwarded it to my dad. (Laughter) And then I got excited when it started getting tens of hits, and then I started getting excited when it started getting dozens and then hundreds and then thousands and then millions. It started getting bigger and bigger and bigger. And then I got a phone call, and the voice at the other end of the line said, "You've just won the Best Blog In the World award." I was like, that sounds totally fake. (Laughter) (Applause) Which African country do you want me to wire all my money to? (Laughter) But it turns out, I jumped on a plane, and I ended up walking a red carpet between Sarah Silverman and Jimmy Fallon and Martha Stewart. And I went onstage to accept a Webby award for Best Blog. And the surprise and just the amazement of that was only overshadowed by my return to Toronto, when, in my inbox, 10 literary agents were waiting for me to talk about putting this into a book. Flash-forward to the next year and "The Book of Awesome" has now been number one on the bestseller list for 20 straight weeks.

慢慢地, 我的心情開始好轉(zhuǎn)。 你看,每天新增的博客 有五萬個。 我的博客就是這五萬分之一。 除了我母親,沒人讀它。 當(dāng)然了,我母親把博客地址轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)給我父親以后 我的點擊量 翻了一翻。 (眾人笑) 當(dāng)點擊量到了幾十次, 我開始興奮了。 當(dāng)點擊量超過了五十次 又到了幾百次,接著到幾千次, 一直到了幾百萬次。 數(shù)字一直在增大。 最后我接到了一個電話, 電話那頭的聲音告訴我: “您剛剛獲得了最佳博客獎。” 我當(dāng)時覺得這聽起來太假了。 (眾人笑) (眾人鼓掌) 你想讓我把所有存款轉(zhuǎn)到哪個非洲國家的賬戶上啊? (眾人笑) 結(jié)果,我跳上了飛機(jī), 走上了紅地毯, 莎拉·斯?fàn)柛B?middot;法倫和瑪莎.·斯圖爾特(美國名人)相伴左右。 我走上頒獎臺,接受了Webby威比獎的最佳博客獎。 那份驚喜 那種喜悅 直到我回到多倫多 查看郵件時才有所收斂, 十位文稿代理人給我發(fā)郵件, 等著跟我商討把博文整理成書的事情。 一轉(zhuǎn)眼到了下一年, 《美妙之書》 現(xiàn)已連續(xù)二十周成為最暢銷書了。



But look, I said I wanted to do three things with you today. I said I wanted to tell you the Awesome story, I wanted to share with you the three As of Awesome, and I wanted to leave you with a closing thought. So let's talk about those three As. Over the last few years, I haven't had that much time to really think. But lately I have had the opportunity to take a step back and ask myself: "What is it over the last few years that helped me grow my website, but also grow myself?" And I've summarized those things, for me personally, as three As. They are Attitude, Awareness and Authenticity. I'd love to just talk about each one briefly.

但是,今天我想告訴大家三件事。 我想給你們講這個美妙的故事, 跟你們分享三個A打頭的開心秘訣, 最后給大家來個總結(jié)。 先來談?wù)勥@三個A吧。 過去的幾年里, 我沒有太多時間實實在在地去思考。 而最近,我有機(jī)會坐下來 問我自己:在過去幾年里 究竟是什么幫助我經(jīng)營我的網(wǎng)站, 并讓自己更成熟? 我總結(jié)了其中的原因,對于我個人而言, 那就是這三個A。 它們是態(tài)度(attitude),知覺(awareness), 和本真(authenticity)。 我想簡短地逐個介紹一下。

So Attitude: Look, we're all going to get lumps, and we're all going to get bumps. None of us can predict the future, but we do know one thing about it and that's that it ain't gonna go according to plan. We will all have high highs and big days and proud moments of smiles on graduation stages, father-daughter dances at weddings and healthy babies screeching in the delivery room, but between those high highs, we may also have some lumps and some bumps too. It's sad, and it's not pleasant to talk about, but your husband might leave you, your girlfriend could cheat, your headaches might be more serious than you thought, or your dog could get hit by a car on the street. It's not a happy thought, but your kids could get mixed up in gangs or bad scenes. Your mom could get cancer, your dad could get mean. And there are times in life when you will be tossed in the well, too, with twists in your stomach and with holes in your heart, and when that bad news washes over you, and when that pain sponges and soaks in, I just really hope you feel like you've always got two choices. One, you can swirl and twirl and gloom and doom forever, or two, you can grieve and then face the future with newly sober eyes. Having a great attitude is about choosing option number two, and choosing, no matter how difficult it is, no matter what pain hits you, choosing to move forward and move on and take baby steps into the future.

態(tài)度(attitude): 我們每個人總有不順利的時候, 也都栽過跟頭, 沒有人能預(yù)測未來,但是有一件事是肯定的, 那就是“天有不測風(fēng)云”。 我們都快樂過, 精彩過,得意過, 在畢業(yè)典禮上燦爛一笑, 在婚禮上父女共舞的時刻, 以及健康的寶貝嬰兒在產(chǎn)房里大聲啼哭, 然而,在這些快樂的時刻之間, 難免穿插著一些令人不快的插曲。 這些事情很傷感,令人不愿啟齒, 但是,你的丈夫可能會離你而去, 你的女友可能會背叛你, 你的頭疼可能比想象中嚴(yán)重, 你的狗可能會在大街上被車撞死。 這些想法很掃興, 你的孩子有可能會加入幫派, 或者做壞事。 你的母親肯能會患上癌癥, 你的父親可能很暴力。 在你的生活中總有那么幾次, 你會覺得自己陷入了絕境, 萬念俱灰,心如刀絞。 當(dāng)讓那噩耗給你當(dāng)頭一棒, 那痛苦蔓延全身, 我真心希望 你能意識到你有兩種選擇。 一是,你可以破罐破摔, 自怨自艾,永遠(yuǎn)消沉下去, 第二,你可以傷心, 然后重新振作, 直面未來。 保持正確的態(tài)度就要選擇第二項, 不管這個選擇多么困難, 不管你心里承受了多少痛苦, 你都要選擇向前看,繼續(xù)生活, 一小步一小步地向未來邁進(jìn)。

The second "A" is Awareness. I love hanging out with three year-olds. I love the way that they see the world, because they're seeing the world for the first time. I love the way that they can stare at a bug crossing the sidewalk. I love the way that they'll stare slack-jawed at their first baseball game with wide eyes and a mitt on their hand, soaking in the crack of the bat and the crunch of the peanuts and the smell of the hotdogs. I love the way that they'll spend hours picking dandelions in the backyard and putting them into a nice centerpiece for Thanksgiving dinner. I love the way that they see the world, because they're seeing the world for the first time. Having a sense of awareness is just about embracing your inner three year-old. Because you all used to be three years old. That three-year-old boy is still part of you. That three-year-old girl is still part of you. They're in there. And being aware is just about remembering that you saw everything you've seen for the first time once, too. So there was a time when it was your first time ever hitting a string of green lights on the way home from work. There was the first time you walked by the open door of a bakery and smelt the bakery air, or the first time you pulled a 20-dollar bill out of your old jacket pocket and said, "Found money."

第二個A是知覺(awareness)。 我喜歡和三歲的孩子玩。 我很欣賞他們眼中的世界, 在他們眼中的是一片嶄新的世界。 我喜歡他們看著一只小蟲爬上人行道時專注的表情。 喜歡他們第一次看棒球比賽時 如癡如醉盯著球場的神態(tài), 眼睛睜得大大的,手上還帶著個棒球手套, 在棒球的擊打聲,花生的嘎崩作響, 以及熱狗的香味中,自得其樂。 我喜歡看他們在后院里采蒲公英,一采就是幾個小時, 然后把蒲公英做成感恩節(jié)晚餐餐桌上的 中心裝飾。 我欣賞他們眼中的世界, 因為在他們眼里, 世界是嶄新的。 擁有知覺 就是擁抱內(nèi)心中三歲的你。 因為你們都曾是三歲的孩子, 那個三歲的小男孩,依然在你心里。 那個三歲的小女孩,依然在你心里。 他們在你的心里。 去感知就是去記住 你眼中的世界 也曾是嶄新的。 你也曾經(jīng)第一次 下班后,走運(yùn)碰到一路綠燈。 你也曾經(jīng)第一次經(jīng)過敞開門的面包店, 聞到里面飄出來的香味兒, 你也曾經(jīng)從舊外套口袋里掏出一張20元紙幣, 說:“有錢啦。”

The last "A" is Authenticity. And for this one, I want to tell you a quick story. Let's go all the way back to 1932 when, on a peanut farm in Georgia, a little baby boy named Roosevelt Grier was born. Roosevelt Grier, or Rosey Grier, as people used to call him, grew up and grew into a 300-pound, six-foot-five linebacker in the NFL. He's number 76 in the picture. Here he is pictured with the "fearsome foursome." These were four guys on the L.A. Rams in the 1960s you did not want to go up against. They were tough football players doing what they love, which was crushing skulls and separating shoulders on the football field. But Rosey Grier also had another passion. In his deeply authentic self, he also loved needlepoint. (Laughter) He loved knitting. He said that it calmed him down, it relaxed him, it took away his fear of flying and helped him meet chicks. That's what he said. I mean, he loved it so much that, after he retired from the NFL, he started joining clubs. And he even put out a book called "Rosey Grier's Needlepoint for Men." (Laughter) (Applause) It's a great cover. If you notice, he's actually needlepointing his own face.

最后一個A是本真(authenticity)。 對于本真,我有一個小故事跟大家講。 故事要追溯到1932年, 在佐治亞州的一片花生田上, 一個名叫羅斯福·格里爾的男孩降生了。 羅斯福·格里爾,人稱羅西·格里爾, 長大成人后 成為了身高一米九六,體重一百三十六公斤的美國橄欖球聯(lián)盟中后衛(wèi)。 這張照片上的76號就是他。 他們四人就是著名的“所向披靡的四猛將”。 他們在二十世紀(jì)六十年代效力于洛杉磯公羊隊, 這支球隊令人聞風(fēng)喪膽。 這些彪悍的球員熱衷于在球場上 撞擊對手的腦袋, 讓對手肩膀脫臼。 然而這樣的羅西·格里爾 卻有著另一個嗜好。 在他的內(nèi)心深處, 他熱愛刺繡。 熱愛針織。 這刺繡能讓他冷靜,放松, 讓他忘記坐飛機(jī)時的恐懼還能幫他泡妞。 這可是他說的。 他太喜歡刺繡了,從聯(lián)盟退役以后, 他開始參加針織俱樂部。 他還出了一本書, 書名叫作《羅西·格里爾男式刺繡》 (眾人笑) (鼓掌) 這封面非常棒。 仔細(xì)看你會發(fā)現(xiàn),他繡的是自己的臉。



And so what I love about this story is that Rosey Grier is just such an authentic person, and that's what authenticity is all about. It's just about being you and being cool with that. And I think when you're authentic, you end up following your heart, and you put yourself in places and situations and in conversations that you love and that you enjoy. You meet people that you like talking to. You go places you've dreamt about. And you end you end up following your heart and feeling very fulfilled. So those are the three A's.

我很喜歡這個故事 是因為羅西·格里爾 是個敢于流露真性情的人。 這就是本真的意義所在。 心安理得地做最真實的自己。 我想,當(dāng)你真實地做自己, 你就會順著自己的心意, 不論在什么場合, 與誰對話 你都會享受其中滋味。 你會遇見跟自己合得來的人。 你會去到自己做夢都想去的地方。 你順著自己的心意, 最后感覺非常滿足。 這就是三個A。

For the closing thought, I want to take you all the way back to my parents coming to Canada. I don't know what it would feel like coming to a new country when you're in your mid-20s. I don't know, because I never did it, but I would imagine that it would take a great attitude. I would imagine that you'd have to be pretty aware of your surroundings and appreciating the small wonders that you're starting to see in your new world. And I think you'd have to be really authentic, you'd have to be really true to yourself in order to get through what you're being exposed to.

最后的總結(jié),我想帶你們 回顧我父母來到加拿大的那段時光。 我不知道那是種什么樣的感覺, 二十五六歲的光景,初來乍到一個陌生的國度。 我不知道,因為我從未經(jīng)歷過。 但我能想象,那肯定要求你有個很好的生活態(tài)度。 我可以想象,在這個嶄新的世界里, 你必須感知周圍的事物, 欣賞那些給你驚喜的新鮮事物。 我想你必須展現(xiàn)自己的本色, 做真實的自己, 才能應(yīng)對新的生活。

I'd like to pause my TEDTalk for about 10 seconds right now, because you don't get many opportunities in life to do something like this, and my parents are sitting in the front row. So I wanted to ask them to, if they don't mind, stand up. And I just wanted to say thank you to you guys.

我想把我的TED演講 暫停10秒鐘, 因為人這一輩子沒幾次這樣的機(jī)會了, 我的父母就坐在第一排。 如果他們不介意,我想請他們起立。 我想向你們兩位表示感謝。



When I was growing up, my dad used to love telling the story of his first day in Canada. And it's a great story, because what happened was he got off the plane at the Toronto airport, and he was welcomed by a non-profit group, which I'm sure someone in this room runs. (Laughter) And this non-profit group had a big welcoming lunch for all the new immigrants to Canada. And my dad says he got off the plane and he went to this lunch and there was this huge spread. There was bread, there was those little, mini dill pickles, there was olives, those little white onions. There was rolled up turkey cold cuts, rolled up ham cold cuts, rolled up roast beef cold cuts and little cubes of cheese. There was tuna salad sandwiches and egg salad sandwiches and salmon salad sandwiches. There was lasagna, there was casseroles, there was brownies, there was butter tarts, and there was pies, lots and lots of pies. And when my dad tells the story, he says, "The craziest thing was, I'd never seen any of that before, except bread. (Laughter) I didn't know what was meat, what was vegetarian. I was eating olives with pie. (Laughter) I just couldn't believe how many things you can get here."

我小時候,我父親很喜歡跟我講 他第一天來到加拿大的故事。 這個故事很有意思,因為 他剛從多倫多機(jī)場下了飛機(jī), 迎接他的是一個非營利性組織, 我敢肯定在座的某位就是這個組織的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)。 (眾人笑) 這個組織為所有加拿大新移民 備了歡迎午宴。 我父親說,他下了飛機(jī),參加了這個午宴, 那里長長的餐桌上擺滿了美食。 有面包,切碎的醬黃瓜, 橄欖,白洋蔥, 冷切火雞肉卷, 冷切火腿卷,冷切牛肉卷, 奶酪塊, 金槍魚沙拉三明治,雞蛋沙拉三明治, 三文魚沙拉三明治, 肉醬燉面,砂鍋什錦, 布朗尼蛋糕,奶油蛋撻, 還有很多餡餅,各種口味都有。 我父親講起這個故事的時候,他總說: “最有意思的是,那些食物我從來沒有見過,除了面包。” (眾人笑) “我不知道什么是肉,什么是素食主義者; 我就著橄欖吃餡餅。” (眾人笑) “我真不敢相信在這里你能得到這么多東西。”



When I was five years old, my dad used to take me grocery shopping, and he would stare in wonder at the little stickers that are on the fruits and vegetables. He would say, "Look, can you believe they have a mango here from Mexico? They've got an apple here from South Africa. Can you believe they've got a date from Morocco?" He's like, "Do you know where Morocco even is?" And I'd say, "I'm five. I don't even know where I am. Is this A&P?" And he'd say, "I don't know where Morocco is either, but let's find out." And so we'd buy the date, and we'd go home. And we'd actually take an atlas off the shelf, and we'd flip through until we found this mysterious country. And when we did, my dad would say, "Can you believe someone climbed a tree over there, picked this thing off it, put it in a truck, drove it all the way to the docks and then sailed it all the way across the Atlantic Ocean and then put it in another truck and drove that all the way to a tiny grocery store just outside our house, so they could sell it to us for 25 cents?" And I'd say, "I don't believe that." And he's like, "I don't believe it either. Things are amazing. There's just so many things to be happy about."

我五歲的時候, 我父親帶我去超市。 他會驚奇地盯著 各種水果和蔬菜的標(biāo)簽。 他會說:“瞧,你相信嗎,這個芒果是墨西哥來的。 這個蘋果是從南非來的。 你相信嗎,他們居然還有摩洛哥來的椰棗!” 他會問:“你知道摩洛哥在哪里嗎?” 我會說: “我才五歲,我連我現(xiàn)在在哪兒都不知道。 這里是A&P市場嗎?” 他會說:“我也不知道摩洛哥在哪里,我們回去查查。” 于是,我們買下了椰棗,回到家里。 我們打開書架上的地圖冊, 翻遍整本書也要把這個神秘的國度找到。 我們找到了,我父親會說: “你相信嗎,某個人在那里爬上一棵樹, 摘下這個棗子,把它放到卡車上, 一直送到碼頭, 把它裝上船, 接著它橫跨了大西洋, 被裝到另一輛卡車上, 人們把車一直開到我們家門外的這間小超市里。 最后他們以25美分的價錢出售這個棗子。” 我會說:“我不信。” 他會說:“我也不相信。 生活真是太奇妙了,充滿了令人驚喜的事情。”

When I stop to think about it, he's absolutely right. There are so many things to be happy about. We are the only species on the only life-giving rock in the entire universe that we've ever seen, capable of experiencing so many of these things. I mean, we're the only ones with architecture and agriculture. We're the only ones with jewelry and democracy. We've got airplanes, highway lanes, interior design and horoscope signs. We've got fashion magazines, house party scenes. You can watch a horror movie with monsters. You can go to a concert and hear guitars jamming. We've got books, buffets and radio waves, wedding brides and rollercoaster rides. You can sleep in clean sheets. You can go to the movies and get good seats. You can smell bakery air, walk around with rain hair, pop bubble wrap or take an illegal nap.

我回過頭想想,父親是對的; 生活中充滿了令人驚喜的事。 我們所知的 全宇宙唯一一個 擁有生命的大石頭上, 我們是唯一有能力 體驗這些事情的物種。 只有我們?nèi)祟悾瑩碛薪ㄖI(yè)和農(nóng)業(yè), 財富和民主, 飛機(jī)和高速公路, 室內(nèi)設(shè)計和占星術(shù), 時尚雜志和狂歡會。 你可以和怪獸一起看恐怖電影。 你可以去聽演唱會,聽吉他即興演奏。 我們還有書本,自助餐,廣播, 新娘,還有過山車。 你可以睡在干凈的床單上, 可以去看電影并找到好位置, 可以聞到烤面包的香味,可以冒雨散步, 吹泡泡糖,或者偷偷打個盹兒。

We've got all that, but we've only got 100 years to enjoy it. And that's the sad part. The cashiers at your grocery store, the foreman at your plant, the guy tailgating you home on the highway, the telemarketer calling you during dinner, every teacher you've ever had, everyone that's ever woken up beside you, every politician in every country, every actor in every movie, every single person in your family, everyone you love, everyone in this room and you will be dead in a hundred years. Life is so great that we only get such a short time to experience and enjoy all those tiny little moments that make it so sweet. And that moment is right now, and those moments are counting down, and those moments are always, always, always fleeting.

我們都可以做到, 但是,我們只有一百年的時間去享受生活。 這挺令人傷感的。 超市里的收銀員, 工廠的領(lǐng)工, 你回家時,高速公路上一直跟在你車后的人, 晚飯時給你打電話的推銷員, 教過你的每一位老師, 在你枕邊醒來的每一個人, 每個國家的每一位政治家, 每部電影里的每一位演員, 你家里的每一個成員,你所愛的每一個人, 在座的每一個人,包括你自己, 都會在百年以后離開人世。 生命之所以偉大,是因為我們僅有如此短暫的時間 去體味那些細(xì)小 而又美妙無比的時刻。 那美妙的瞬間就是現(xiàn)在, 那些時刻正在溜走, 它們一直一直一直在飛逝。

You will never be as young as you are right now. And that's why I believe that if you live your life with a great attitude, choosing to move forward and move on whenever life deals you a blow, living with a sense of awareness of the world around you, embracing your inner three year-old and seeing the tiny joys that make life so sweet and being authentic to yourself, being you and being cool with that, letting your heart lead you and putting yourself in experiences that satisfy you, then I think you'll live a life that is rich and is satisfying, and I think you'll live a life that is truly awesome.

你永遠(yuǎn)不會比現(xiàn)在的自己更年輕。 因此,我相信,如果你擁有 良好的生活態(tài)度, 無論生活如何打擊你 你都能抬起頭繼續(xù)前行, 感知你周遭的世界, 承認(rèn)內(nèi)心中三歲的自己 意識到讓生活美好的那些小小的快樂, 做真實的自己, 心安理得地做你自己, 順從自己的心意,讓自己置身于能讓你快樂的事情中, 最后,你的生活 將會變得充實而美滿, 你的生活才真正變得美妙而精彩。

Thank you.



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