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欲望都市第三季 政治 VS 性 Politically Erect





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:35:37



[00:34.52](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:48.52]l had been dating pOlitiCian Bill Kelley 我已經(jīng)跟從政的比爾凱利 約會了三個禮拜

[00:52.24]fOr three weeKs. 既然大半時間都用在競選活動 我的穿著也配合場合

[00:52.64]SinCe mOst Of Our time was spent Campaigning, l dressed the part.

[00:56.08]l fOund sOme vintage HalstOn 我挖出一些赫斯頓名牌服飾

[00:58.60]and did a spin On JaCKie Kennedy. 打扮得像早期的賈姬甘迺迪

[01:01.44]The early years.

[01:11.12]WhO here KnOws 誰知道市審計官做些什么事?

[01:11.52]what a City COmptrOller dOes?

[01:15.60]YOu dO? 你們都知道?

[01:16.28]We made a gOOd matCh. 我們配合得天衣無縫 我擅長時尚,他專攻政治

[01:18.16]l was adept at fashiOn, he at pOlitiCs.

[01:21.04]This City's pOpulaCe's passiOn, 各位市民,你們對家園的 熱情、摯愛和奉獻…

[01:27.00]lOve and devOtiOn tO their hOme...

[01:29.40]Really, they're bOth abOut reCyCling ideas 兩者都是關(guān)于重新回收舊觀念

[01:32.28]and maKing them seem fresh and inspiring. 并讓它們顯得新鮮且鼓舞人心

[01:33.60]lt is this lOve affair, this symbiOtiC relatiOnship between Citizens and City, 這種市民和都市間 獨特、共生的關(guān)系

[01:39.52]that l prOmise tO Cherish and prOteCt. 就是我承諾要珍惜和保護的

[01:44.92]ThanK yOu. 謝謝

[01:45.92]Great guy! 他很棒

[01:49.60]Yes, he is. 是的

[01:58.72]Can we talK abOut prOpOsitiOn 114? 我們可以談?wù)?14號提案嗎?

[02:02.60]- What is that? - YOu and me in the bedrOOm. -是什么? -你和我一起進房間

[02:07.40]- ls that On the ballOt? - lt Ought tO be. l'd baCK it. -選票上有這一條嗎? -應(yīng)該有,我會支持的

[02:09.24]And that's whatever pOsitiOn yOu want. 你想要什么姿勢都行

[02:13.64]WhiCh way is the bedrOOm? 臥室往哪個方向?

[02:19.40]Put me dOwn. 放我下來

[02:26.84]That was the night l had my pOlitiCal COnsCiOusness raised. 當(dāng)晚我的政治意識被喚起了

[02:32.04]HOw abOut a mOvie Wednesday night? 禮拜三晚上看電影怎么樣?

[02:35.92]Wednesday? l'm nOt sure. l might be wOrKing. 禮拜三?我不確定 我可能要工作

[02:40.00]Thursday, then. 那就禮拜四

[02:41.20]OK, maybe Thursday. l'll see. 好吧,或許禮拜四 我再看情況

[02:45.56]DO yOu have plans? 你有計劃嗎?

[02:45.52]Steve, yOu Can't just assume l'm gOnna be free every night. 史蒂夫,你不能假設(shè) 我每天晚上都有空

[02:53.72]ls it a date? 是約會嗎?

[02:54.20]lt COuld be a date, sO l wOuldn't neCessarily share that with yOu. 有可能,我不一定要跟你說

[03:01.08]- l'd liKe tO KnOw. WhO are yOu dating? - NObOdy in partiCular. -我想知道,你跟誰約會? -沒有特定的對象

[03:04.24]- AnybOdy speCifiC? - ls this the third degree? -有具體人選嗎? -這是逼供嗎?

[03:06.60]l'm trying tO figure Out when l get tO see yOu again. 我想知道什么時候能再見到你

[03:10.60]l'm nOt dating anyOne else. 我沒有跟其他人約會

[03:13.16]l'm nOt planning On dating anyOne else. 也不打算跟其他人約會

[03:20.44]- l just want tO see yOu. - l see. -我只想見你 -我懂了

[03:22.92]ExClusively. 獨占你一人

[03:29.28]l gOt it. 我明白了

[03:32.88]That's very sweet. l just hadn't thOught abOut things that way. 你這么說很窩心 只是我還沒考慮這一點

[03:34.44]- SO, thinK abOut it. - OK. -那么,考慮一下 -好的

[03:39.12]BeCause l thinK if we really want tO see if it Can wOrK between us, 我認(rèn)為如果我們真的想看看 彼此適不適合

[03:44.60]this time we gOt tO maKe the COmmitment tO be exClusive. 這次我們一定要承諾 專心和對方交往

[03:49.84]OK. l hear yOu. 好,我聽見了

[03:53.36]OK. 好

[04:03.36]The truth was, there were nO Other Candidates in sight. 事實上,目前并沒有其他人選

[04:04.56]But Miranda wasn't ready tO let Steve win by default. 但米蘭達不確定 她是否愿意讓史蒂夫不戰(zhàn)而勝

[04:11.56]YOu're dating a pOlitiCian and yOu're nOt even registered tO vOte. 你和一個政治人物約會 但你甚至沒去登記投票

[04:13.72]- lt's the undeCideds they're after. - He's gOOd-lOOKing, he's gOt pOwer... -他們爭取的正是游離選民 -他長得帥又有權(quán)力

[04:20.60]lt's gOt tO be a turn-On. 這一定讓人心神蕩漾

[04:23.44]Yeah, l'm dating a pOtential COmptrOller. lt's hOt. 是,我正和一個可能當(dāng)選的 審計官約會,真令人興奮

[04:28.16]- l want tO help Out. - YOu're nOt interested in pOlitiCs? -我想幫忙競選 -你對政治又不感興趣

[04:31.00]lt's a great way tO meet men. 這是認(rèn)識男人的好方法

[04:33.00]With Carrie, we Can meet the inner CirCle and the interesting dOnOrs. 有了凱莉,我們可以認(rèn)識 核心人士以及有興趣的捐款者

[04:39.44]By interesting men she means single and riCh. 她指的是單身有錢的男人

[04:42.56]- Guys, he's nOt running fOr president. - l'd vOte fOr him. He's Cute. -各位,他不是要競選總統(tǒng) -他該選,我會投他,他很帥

[04:48.40]- SO? - l always vOte aCCOrding tO lOOKs. -所以呢? -我投票一向都是看外表

[04:51.28]l base my deCisiOn On the swimsuit COmpetitiOn. 我是根據(jù)泳裝比賽而下決定

[04:54.68]The COuntry runs better with a gOOd-lOOKing man in Charge 白宮里有個英俊的男人當(dāng)家 國家會運作得比較順利

[04:57.76]LOOK at NixOn. NO One wanted tO fuCK him, sO he fuCKed everyOne. 拿尼克森來說,沒人想搞他 所以他就搞大家

[05:02.00]- l had a Crush On Dan Quayle. - We need a president in a hat. -我迷戀丹奎爾 -我們需要戴帽子的總統(tǒng)

[05:08.20]NO One wears a hat anymOre. FDR, gOOd president, wOre a hat. 現(xiàn)在沒人戴帽子了 羅斯福是個戴帽子的好總統(tǒng)

[05:13.68]SO busy piCKing a hat, he fOrgOt tO get in the war. 因為忙著挑選帽子 他忘了參戰(zhàn)

[05:18.12]- l had a Crush On Dan Quayle. - We tried tO ignOre that the first time. -我迷戀丹奎爾 -剛才我們試圖忽略這句話

[05:21.92]lt was his Crisp, white shirts. 他干凈俐落的白襯衫

[05:23.92]- Reminded me Of my father. - SO, yOu were vOting fOr yOur father. -讓我想起我爸 -所以基本上你是投票給你爸

[05:26.100]There was sOmething hOmOerOtiC abOut Quayle and Bush. 傳說奎爾和布希有同性戀關(guān)系

[05:33.44]- Very Batman and RObin. - Based striCtly On lOOKs, -就像蝙蝠俠和羅賓的翻版 -根據(jù)書上所言

[05:36.00]- nO One was Cuter than JFK. - Or quiCKer tO jump in the saCK. -沒人比約翰甘迺迪更英俊 -或是更快下臺

[05:40.20]l'm glad yOu three weren't arOund during the Original 13 COlOnies. 我很高興最初13州的時期 你們不在場

[05:45.08]l dOn't thinK Our fOunding fathers were very fuCKable. 我認(rèn)為我們的開國元老 沒什么吸引力

[05:49.08]l heard that ThOmas JeffersOn was a real fOx. 我聽說湯瑪斯杰佛遜很有魅力

[05:51.52]There we were. Just fOur girls talKing pOlitiCs. 這就是四個女人 談?wù)撜蔚那闆r

[05:55.92]Meanwhile, Miranda was faCing a day at the pOlls earlier than she expeCted. 同時,做決定的日子 比米蘭達預(yù)期得要早來臨

[06:01.56]Last night as we were walKing hOme, Steve asKed me tO gO steady. 昨晚我們散步回家時 史蒂夫要求我和他穩(wěn)定交往

[06:05.68]HOw sweet. They still Call it that? 真甜蜜,仍是這么說的嗎?

[06:05.52]l dOn't KnOw if l Can maKe that COmmitment. 我不知道自己能否做出那承諾

[06:08.32]HOw many Other guys are yOu dating? 你現(xiàn)在和幾個男人約會?

[06:11.40]That's nOt the pOint. l'm sO ambivalent abOut Steve and mOving fOrward. 這不是重點,我對和史蒂夫 進一步交往非常矛盾

[06:16.20]YOu did let him baCK in yOur life. There must be sOmething there. 你確實讓他重返你的生活 一定有什么原因

[06:19.64]There's plenty there. Flaws that maKe me nOt want tO stiCK my neCK Out. 有很多原因 那些讓我不想答應(yīng)的缺點

[06:24.72]But there's great stuff tOO. 但是也有很多優(yōu)點

[06:27.52]Maybe l shOuld be hOnest and tell him what l really feel whiCh is: 或許我該誠實告訴他 我真正的想法

[06:30.32]what if sOmebOdy better COmes alOng? 萬一更好的對象出現(xiàn)怎么辦?

[06:31.56]YOu gOtta put a better spin On it than that. 你最好肯定這一點

[06:35.20]YOu see...that's my prOblem. 瞧…這就是我的問題

[06:38.84]l dOn't KnOw hOw tO be pOlitiCal in relatiOnships. 我不懂如何在感情中 耍政治手腕

[06:40.04]lt's time fOr the list. Things yOu liKe abOut him. Things yOu dOn't liKe. 該搬出老套的列表法了 寫出你喜歡和不喜歡他的地方

[06:44.80]- See whiCh is lOnger. - That's sO judgmental. -看哪一個比較長 -那太武斷了

[06:48.48]YOu are judgmental. Put it tO gOOd use. 你本來就很武斷 把它用在好的方面

[06:51.04]OK, fine. l'll maKe a list. 好吧,我會列一張表

[06:56.84]POlitiCs were always as relevant tO me as a new EriCa JOng nOvel. 政治似乎和艾瑞卡張的 新小說一樣,向來與我無關(guān)

[07:02.72]But l did find it interesting that a disCussiOn abOut pOlitiCs 但我發(fā)現(xiàn)一個有趣的現(xiàn)象 關(guān)于政治的討論

[07:06.68]ultimately beCame a disCussiOn abOut sex. 最后會變成性的討論

[07:08.60]And a disCussiOn abOut sex beCame a questiOn Of pOlitiCs. 而性的討論 最后會變成政治的問題

[07:11.76]WhiCh led me tO wOnder, if the twO were inextriCably linKed, and if sO... 這讓我納悶,如果兩個人 真的難分難舍,若是如此…

[07:19.00]Can there be sex withOut pOlitiCs? 有不含政治的性嗎?

[07:21.40]That night, Samantha disCOvered her Own hOt, new Candidate. 當(dāng)晚莎曼珊發(fā)現(xiàn)性感的新對象

[07:26.16]Hey, PinK Lady. Can l buy that fOr yOu? 紅粉佳人,這一杯我請客好嗎

[07:30.52]Maybe, if yOu prOmise never tO use a lame line liKe that again. 也許,如果你答應(yīng) 再也不用那種拙劣的臺詞

[07:34.24]lt wOrKed didn't it? Jeff FentOn. 它成功了不是嗎? 我叫杰夫芬頓

[07:34.88]Samantha JOnes. 我叫莎曼珊瓊斯

[07:37.08]YOu are damn attraCtive. And that is nOt a line. 你真是嫵媚動人 這可不是臺詞

[07:39.80]HOw lOng have yOu been sitting here? 你坐在這里多久了?

[07:41.08]- My first drinK. - SO, yOu're just naturally fOrward? -我才喝第一杯 -所以你是天生放肆?

[07:46.44]l'm aggressive. l run a suCCessful hedge fund. 我很積極 我經(jīng)營一個成功的投資集團

[07:49.72]My life is abOut CalCulating risKs. 每天都在計算風(fēng)險

[07:52.32]Telling a beautiful lady she's attraCtive is the safest bet l've made all day. 告訴一個美女她很迷人 是我一整天最安全的賭注

[07:56.28]ThanK yOu. 謝謝

[07:57.88]- YOu liKe tO sKi? - l lOve it. -你喜歡滑雪嗎? -我愛死了

[07:59.88]We have a hOuse in Sun Valley. HOw lOng have yOu been sKiing? 我們公司在太陽谷有間別墅 你滑雪多久了?

[08:03.36]- On and Off fOr years. - l Can tell. YOu've gOt the legs fOr it. -斷斷續(xù)續(xù)地滑了好幾年 -看得出來,你的美腿很適合


[08:08.60]GOt tO run baCK tO the OffiCe.

[08:13.00]HOw abOut dinner this weeK? 這禮拜一起吃頓飯如何?

[08:15.56]l tOld yOu all abOut me but l didn't hear abOut yOu. 我跟你說了很多關(guān)于我的事 但卻沒聽到你談自己

[08:16.48]Samantha never felt better. There were gOrgeOus wOmen 莎曼珊從沒這么得意過

[08:19.76]sitting On either side and Jeff had eleCted her. 附近坐著那么多漂亮女人 而杰夫看上了她

[08:22.80]FentOn Partners. 芬頓企業(yè)

[08:26.20]That's right. We're up 320 % fOr the year. 沒錯 我們今年業(yè)績成長了320%

[08:31.60]Samantha JOnes. PubliC RelatiOns. Very niCe. 莎曼珊瓊斯,公關(guān)公司 很不錯

[08:33.96]YOu must dO well. WhO's gOnna say nO tO yOu? 你的工作表現(xiàn)一定很出色 誰會拒絕你?

[08:36.76]- What abOut dinner? Friday night? - l thinK that might wOrK. -禮拜五晚上一起吃晚餐? -我想應(yīng)該可以

[08:40.40]Just as her self-esteem was sOaring right Off the Charts... 正當(dāng)她的自負高漲到極點時…

[08:43.88]NiCe tO meet yOu, PinK Lady. l'll give yOu a Call. 很高興認(rèn)識你,紅粉佳人 我會跟你聯(lián)絡(luò)

[08:51.04]Bye. 再見

[08:55.40]Later that weeK, 幾天之后

[08:58.80]l brOught ''the single ladies COalitiOn tO eleCt Bill Kelley'' tO a fundraiser. 我?guī)е?ldquo;支持比爾凱利的單身 女子聯(lián)盟”去參加募款餐會

[09:00.68]What is the height differenCe between a shOrt persOn and a little persOn? 矮個子和小個子的 身高差距是多少?

[09:06.04]- A little persOn? - A midget. -小個子? -侏儒

[09:08.84]- A midget Or a dwarf? - What's the differenCe? -侏儒還是矮子? -有何不同?

[09:12.76]Little persOn is the prOper way tO refer tO an adult under 5 feet. 五英尺以下的成人 用小個子來形容比較適當(dāng)

[09:14.88]l agreed tO gO On a date with a very shOrt persOn. 我答應(yīng)跟一個非常矮的人約會

[09:19.60]l didn't realize he was sO shOrt. 我不知道他那么矮

[09:21.76]Sitting dOwn he was prOpOrtiOnal. Standing, he barely Clears my nipples. 坐著時他的比例勻稱 但站起來時勉強到我胸部

[09:24.12]That may be the perfeCt height. 那也許是完美的身高

[09:26.92]l Can't CanCel just beCause he's a munChKin. 我不能因為他個子矮 就取消約會

[09:29.80]This is a pOlitiCally inCOrreCt COnversatiOn fOr a pOlitiCal fundraiser. 就政治募款餐會而言 這是個政治不正確的談話

[09:34.92]Less than five feet is unaCCeptable. 任何低于五英尺的事物 都令人難以接受

[09:36.36]l have tO gO mingle. There are a lOt Of Cute guys here 我得去交際一下 這里有很多帥哥

[09:40.56]and these things never last beyOnd twO martinis. 他們不超過兩杯馬丁尼 就會被人搶走了

[09:42.64]CharlOtte was running her Own Campaign. 夏綠蒂忙著推銷自己

[09:45.56]She wanted tO be eleCted wife befOre the year was Out. 她決定在年底之前 把自己嫁出去

[09:48.100]- There's Miranda. - Give me that. -米蘭達來了 -給我

[09:51.20]Hey, yOu made it. 你趕來了

[09:54.48]Tell me, why are we vOting fOr this guy? 告訴我 為何我們要選這家伙?

[09:59.84]He wants an investigatiOn intO the BOard Of EduCatiOn fOr waste, 他想調(diào)查教育委員會 濫用和詐騙的情形

[10:02.40]and he's against large COrpOratiOns wasting yOur tax dOllars. 而且他反對大型企業(yè) 浪費納稅人的錢

[10:07.88]- l'm sleeping with him. - GOOd enOugh fOr me. -我跟他上床 -這樣就夠了

[10:12.36]COme On, l'll intrOduCe yOu. 來吧,我為你們介紹

[10:16.04]Jesus Christ, he talKs mOre than l dO. 老天爺,他的話比我還多

[10:19.04]This is the lOvely Miranda HObbes. And her friend Steve Brady. 這位是可愛的米蘭達霍布斯 以及她朋友史蒂夫布萊迪

[10:24.28]- Hi. - l've heard great things abOut yOu. -你們好 -我已經(jīng)久仰大名

[10:27.16]YOu must be reading my Clippings. l pay peOple a lOt tO say niCe things. 你一定是讀了我的剪報 我付不少錢讓人們說我好話

[10:29.36]lf yOu win, maybe yOu Can fix a COuple Of parKing tiCKets. 如果你當(dāng)選,或許可以幫我 解決幾張違規(guī)停車罰單

[10:34.36]l Owe New YOrK City $500. l figured l need the mOney mOre than they dO. 我欠紐約市五百元 我認(rèn)為我比政府更需要錢

[10:38.04]lt's a jOKe! COme On, he KnOws l'm Kidding. 這是玩笑話 拜托,他知道我是開玩笑的

[10:44.20]- l'll get us a drinK. NiCe meeting yOu. - NiCe meeting yOu. -我去拿飲料,很高興認(rèn)識你 -幸會

[10:48.16]ExCuse me. 失陪了

[10:50.44]The dumb jOKes. COn. 蠢笑話,扣一分

[10:55.12]Cute butt...prO. 漂亮的屁股…加一分

[10:57.100]l dOn't believe in the RepubliCan Party Or DemOCratiC Party. 我不相信共和黨或民主黨

[11:01.48]l just believe in parties. 我只相信派對

[11:06.04]CharlOtte was stumping fOr her Cause, and maKing new friends. 穿過房間夏綠蒂正為她的理想 進行游說,順便結(jié)交新朋友

[11:11.60]l lOve LieChtenstein. But l lOved COmiC bOOKs as a Kid. 我熱愛普普藝術(shù)家李奇登斯坦 不過小時候我喜歡漫畫書

[11:14.68]But that's great. His wOrK is aCCessible On sO many levels. 那很棒,他的作品老少咸宜

[11:19.84]Sweetheart, this is CharlOtte. She runs a gallery dOwntOwn. 甜心,這位是夏綠蒂 她經(jīng)營一家畫廊

[11:24.24]CharlOtte, this is my fianCée Catherine. 夏綠蒂,這是我未婚妻凱瑟琳

[11:24.84]- Hi. - NiCe tO meet yOu. 很高興認(rèn)識你

[11:30.100]- StanfOrd! - Hi. -史丹佛 -嗨

[11:34.36]l Can Only stay a few minutes, l have tiCKets tO the ''Vagina MOnOlOgues''. 我只能停留幾分鐘 我有舞臺劇“陰道獨語”的票

[11:38.72]Why? 怎么會?

[11:40.76]l dOn't eat at the restaurant, but l Can still hear the speCials. 我不愛女人 不代表我不能去看這類型的戲

[11:44.52]- Carrie, give me a sip Of yOur drinK. - This is my friend, StanfOrd BlatCh. -凱莉,你的酒借我喝一口 -這是我朋友史丹佛巴勒奇

[11:47.80]- Bill Kelley. - l represent the queer vOte. -我是比爾凱利 -我代表男同性戀選票

[11:52.00]lf yOu Can Carry Chelsea, yOu've gOt the City lOCKed up. 如果你可以獲得切爾西區(qū)支持 那你就贏定了

[11:56.36]l'm nOt wOrried abOut Chelsea. Have yOu seen my ass? 我不擔(dān)心切爾西區(qū) 你看到我的屁股了嗎?

[11:58.92]GOt my vOte. 我投你一票

[11:60.80]- 12 O'ClOCK. - ExCuse me. -12點鐘方向 -什么?

[12:06.40]- WhO's that guy? - That's his Campaign manager. -那個人是誰? -那是他的競選干事

[12:10.84]- Fix me up. - HOw dO yOu even KnOw he's gay? -為我介紹 -你怎么知道他是同志?

[12:15.76]l've seen him rOllerblading On 8th Avenue. 我在第八大道上 看過他溜直排輪

[12:19.04]That's enOugh. 這就夠了

[12:19.00]Please? 拜托?

[12:22.48]Great, nOw l'm a first lady and a pimp. 好極了 現(xiàn)在我身兼第一夫人和皮條客

[12:30.12]Hey, exCuse me. 不好意思

[12:32.100]This is awKward, sO feel free tO stOp me at any time, but... 這很尷尬 所以盡管放心隨時打斷我…

[12:39.60]there's a persOn here whO wOuld liKe tO meet yOu. 這里有一個人想要認(rèn)識你

[12:41.96]- OK. - A guy. -好的 -一個男人

[12:47.36]Keep gOing. 說下去

[12:52.72]lt's the guy right Over there. 是后面那個男人

[12:56.20]YOu mean the blOnde guy with the great arms. 你是指手臂強壯的金發(fā)男子?

[13:05.64]ACtually, nO. lt's the bald guy, with the great sense Of humOr. 其實,不是的 是很有幽默感的禿頭男子

[13:14.40]- DO yOu KnOw the blOnde guy? - NO. -你認(rèn)識那個金發(fā)男子嗎? -不認(rèn)識

[13:17.56]- He's really muCh mOre my type. - OK. -我比較喜歡他那一型的 -好

[13:20.52]Well... GO Kelley. 那…加油了

[13:25.24]l wOndered hOw tO handle this pOlitiCal hOt pOtatO. 我思考該怎么處理 這個政治燙手山芋

[13:29.76]- He's nOt gay. - l COuld have swOrn he was. -他不是同志 -我發(fā)誓他是

[13:34.08]l realized l was getting gOOd at pOlitiCs. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)我的政治手腕 越來越高明了

[13:36.16]l'm just sO at the plaCe where l'm ready tO settle dOwn. 我真的很想安頓下來

[13:42.44]lt seems liKe a miraCle when twO niCe peOple liKe yOu Can find eaCh Other. 像你們兩個這么好的人 能找到彼此似乎是個奇跡

[13:48.96]We met in the mOst unusual way. 我們相識的過程極不尋常

[13:48.76]One Of my girlfriends threw a party 我一個朋友舉辦派對

[13:53.32]where all the wOmen brOught a man they weren't interested in. 每個人都要帶一個 她們不感興趣的男人來參加

[13:54.92]- SOmebOdy brOught BOb. - The rest is histOry. -有人帶鮑伯來 -其他的事都過去了

[14:01.72]l lOve that! 我喜歡這故事

[14:01.16]One wOman's trash is anOther wOman's treasure. 一個女人的垃圾 卻是另一個女人的珍寶

[14:08.96]Bill raised $6,000 that night. 當(dāng)晚比爾募到六千元

[14:10.76]lt really gOt him in the mOOd. 這讓他心情大好

[14:13.32]YOu KnOw, yOu're the first wOman in ages l've felt this intimate with. 你是長久以來第一個 和我這么親密的女人

[14:19.52]YOu're sO beautiful. SO funny...yOu're great. 你非常漂亮、風(fēng)趣…你棒呆了

[14:23.16]ThanK yOu. 謝謝

[14:24.24]l lOve maKing lOve tO yOu. 我喜歡跟你做愛

[14:27.16]The feeling is mutual. 我也是

[14:28.16]ls there anything yOu want Or need that l'm nOt dOing? 有任何你想要 而我沒做到的事嗎?

[14:30.64]- NO, it's great. - 'Cause l want tO KnOw. -沒有,一切都很棒 -因為我想知道

[14:34.40]- l want tO maKe yOu happy. - l am happy. -我想讓你快樂 -我很快樂

[14:38.00]What abOut yOu? ls there anything yOu want Or need that l'm nOt dOing? 那你呢?有任何你想要 而我沒做到的事嗎?

[14:42.68]NO. 沒有

[14:45.64]- Well...maybe One thing. - What? -也許有一件事 -什么?

[14:48.52]Well, l wOuld lOve tO get yOu in the shOwer. 我想跟你一起淋浴

[14:53.20]Get eaCh Other all fresh and Clean. 讓彼此變得清新干凈

[14:56.08]That sOunds niCe. 聽起來不錯

[14:58.92]And then... l'd liKe yOu tO pee On me. 然后…我想要你在我身上撒尿

[15:08.20]l wOuld be wOrried. The pee COuld be fOreplay. 我要是你就會擔(dān)心 小便可能是前戲

[15:11.16]- My GOd! - Where there's smOKe. -我的天 -別那么緊張,我只是說說

[15:14.16]lt's typiCal Of men in pOwer. They lOve tO be dOminated. Humiliated. 這是有權(quán)力的男人的典型 他們喜歡被支配和受屈辱

[15:20.60]What did yOu say? 你怎么回答他?

[15:20.32]l tOld him l'd just gOne, maybe anOther time. 我告訴他我剛上過廁所 也許下次吧

[15:24.52]l Can't Keep saying that fOrever. 我不能一直用這個藉口

[15:28.36]l peed On a guy OnCe during sex, but it was an aCCident. 我有一次尿在一個男人身上 但那是意外

[15:32.36]- What did he say? - l dOn't thinK he nOtiCed. -他怎么說? -我想他沒注意到

[15:36.04]l OnCe had tO stOp eating meat fOr six mOnths. 有一次我還得半年不吃肉

[15:39.20]SO this is what it's COme dOwn tO... ready, set, pee? 難道步驟就是… 準(zhǔn)備、就位、尿?

[15:44.36]SOmetimes with the right guy yOu have tO maKe COnCessiOns. 有時候遇到適合的男人 你必須做些讓步

[15:45.28]- There's always gOnna be sOmething. - Are yOu advOCating that l dO this? -總是會有意想不到的發(fā)現(xiàn) -你們贊成我這么做?

[15:49.44]Why nOt? He's a great-lOOKing pOlitiCal prinCe. 有何不可? 他是個英俊的政治貴族

[15:53.72]Sure, it's praCtiCally a fairytale: ''The PrinCess And The Pee''. 沒錯,這幾乎是個童話 “公主和撒尿王子”

[15:60.28]lf yOu Can't wOrK it Out with Bill, bring him tO my party On Friday. 如果你覺得和比爾合不來 禮拜五帶他來我的派對

[16:05.28]EveryOne is bringing a guy they're nO lOnger interested in. 每個人都要帶一個 她們不再感興趣的男人

[16:07.52]That's a great idea, l Can bring my shOrt guy. 那是個好點子 我可以帶我的小矮人去

[16:09.92]YOu're dating a munChKin and l'm fOllOwing the yellOw briCK rOad. 你和一個小矮人約會 而我得沿著黃磚道前進了

[16:13.68]A COuple Of nights later, and nO ClOser tO a sOlutiOn, l had a date with Bill. 幾天后,問題仍然懸而未決 我跟比爾約好一起吃晚飯

[16:20.88]We went tO his favOrite lndian restaurant, 在一家他最愛的印度餐廳 號稱有全市最辣的咖哩

[16:20.96]that bOasted the hOttest Curry in the City.

[16:24.64]SO l just gOt sOme new pOlls. 我收到新的民調(diào)結(jié)果

[16:27.60]l'm ahead in Manhattan and BrOOKlyn but l'm lagging in the BrOnx. 我在曼哈頓和布魯克林領(lǐng)先 但我在布朗克斯區(qū)落后

[16:29.32]l may have tO spend anOther $15,000 tO buy myself sOme vOter turnOut. 我可能得再花五萬塊 提高投票率

[16:34.56]Pretty hOt, isn't it? Have sOme water. 很辣吧?喝點水

[16:37.48]NO, l'm fine. 不用了,我很好

[16:40.24]ExCuse me, Can l get anOther One? YOu want a beer? 抱歉,再給我一瓶好嗎? 你想喝啤酒嗎?

[16:43.24]SO, l read yOur COlumn yesterday. 昨天我讀了你的專欄

[16:46.60]- YOu did? - lt's great. Very funny. -是嗎? -寫得很棒,非常有趣

[16:50.80]Just One questiOn. WhO's the handsOme pOlitiCO yOu refer tO? 只有一個問題 你指的英俊政客是誰?

[16:54.84]He's just sOme Other fellOw l'm seeing in WashingtOn. 他只是我在華盛頓 交往過的一個家伙

[16:59.04]- YOu dOn't mind, dO yOu? - My life is an Open bOOK. lt has tO be. -你不介意吧? -我的生活是一本翻開的書

[17:08.56]What l lOve abOut the COlumn is the way yOu feel abOut it. 我喜歡這個專欄的地方 是你對它的感覺

[17:09.48]lt's mutual. Even if l Can't put it in print liKe yOu. 這是互相的 即使我不能像你一樣將它出版

[17:16.92]l am sO Crazy abOut yOu. 我真是為你瘋狂

[17:21.12]Me tOO. 我也是

[17:23.68]l was hOping we COuld spend the night tOgether 我希望能跟你一起過夜

[17:25.76]but l have an early meeting with the BrOOKlyn... 但我一早得開會討論 布魯克林的…

[17:28.84]That's nO prOblem. 沒關(guān)系

[17:32.76]Rain CheCK? 改天好嗎?

[17:38.68]That Friday night, CharlOtte threw her ''used date party''. 禮拜五晚上,夏綠蒂舉辦她的 “二手情人派對”

[17:41.08]Hi, yOu made it! 你來了

[17:47.84]There are sO many eligible men here. 這里有許多條件很好的男人

[17:48.04]Hi CharlOtte, niCe apartment. Can l get yOu sOmething tO drinK? 夏綠蒂,很棒的公寓 我?guī)湍隳蔑嬃虾脝?

[17:51.84]Yes, immediately, if nOt sOOner. 好的,盡快

[17:56.72]YOu brOught StanfOrd? 你帶史丹佛來?

[17:57.96]YOu said tO bring a man yOu're nOt interested in. 你說帶自己不感興趣的男人來

[17:59.44]YOu're maKing a mOCKery Of this party. 你在嘲弄這個派對

[18:03.88]- Carrie, CharlOtte! - Hi! -凱莉、夏綠蒂 -嗨

[18:05.32]- This is Jeff FentOn. - Ladies. -這位是杰夫芬頓 -你們好

[18:08.60]- HOw dO yOu dO? - lt's a pleasure. -你好 -幸會

[18:10.100]- l'll taKe yOur COat. - TaKe yOur time. -我?guī)湍隳猛馓?-慢慢來

[18:14.88]Mingle. 去交朋友吧

[18:17.76]ls he the smallest man yOu've ever seen? 他是你們見過最矮的男人嗎?

[18:19.56]lf yOu'll exCuse me l have tO meet my eligible guests. 容我失陪 我必須去招呼我合適的客人了

[18:24.20]l've gOt tO get busy tOO. 我也要去忙了


[18:32.96]- Carrie! - Hey, what are yOu dOing here? -凱莉 -你怎么來了?

[18:37.64]l figured, befOre l finalize the list, l shOuld see what's Out there. 我想在我列完表之前 應(yīng)該看看有沒有其他人選

[18:44.60]- HOw's that list gOing? - Great, fine. -進展得如何? -很好

[18:49.76]l'm guessing that's Samantha's little friend. 我猜那就是莎曼珊的小朋友了

[18:54.84]YOu gOtta gO tO Cuba nOw. AnOther year will be tOO late. 要去古巴必須趁現(xiàn)在 明年就太晚了

[18:55.52]Can't yOu get arrested fOr gOing? 不會因此被逮捕嗎?

[18:57.24]Fly thrOugh Canada. They lOve AmeriCans. 那就飛去加拿大 他們喜歡美國人

[19:01.68]- l'll e-mail yOu sOme Of my piCtures. - l'd lOve tO see them. -我用電子郵件寄些照片給你 -我很想看看

[19:05.00]- CharlOtte, right? - Right, and... -你叫夏綠蒂,對嗎? -是的,而你…

[19:09.88]- Greg Miller. - Very niCe tO meet yOu, Greg Miller. -葛瑞格米勒 -很高興認(rèn)識你,葛瑞格米勒

[19:18.68]- Having any luCK? - ExCuse me? -你的運氣如何? -你說什么?

[19:20.08]- Meeting sOmeOne. - l'm already here with sOmebOdy. -認(rèn)識新對象 -我是跟女友一起來的

[19:28.36]Yeah, an ex girlfriend, right? 是,前女友對吧?

[19:32.60]What are yOu talKing abOut? 你在說什么?

[19:34.92]Get a Clue. 自己找答案吧

[19:41.04]- YOu brOught me here tO dump me? - NOt exaCtly. -你帶我來這里是想甩了我? -不盡然如此

[19:45.36]l thOught, maybe yOu COuld meet sOmeOne yOur Own size. 我認(rèn)為或許你可以認(rèn)識 跟你一樣身材的對象

[19:47.100]Sweetheart, give me an hOur in bed, yOu'll swear l'm the JOlly Green Giant. 甜心,給我在床上一個鐘頭 你會發(fā)誓說我是快樂綠巨人

[19:52.68]- Really? - l'm the best yOu've ever had. -真的嗎? -我是你有史以來最棒的選擇

[19:55.48]She felt sO pOlitiCally inCOrreCt abOut dumping a man fOr his height. 她覺得為了一個男人的身高 而拋棄他實在太不合時宜

[20:01.72]She felt she had tO sleep with him. 她覺得別無選擇 而必須跟他上床

[20:02.44]Fine. Let's gO. 好,我們走

[20:09.68]OK, l'm ready tO gO. There's nObOdy here fOr us. 我要走了 這里沒有適合我們的人

[20:13.48]SpeaK fOr yOurself. 那可不一定

[20:16.64]lf these guys are in their thirties and these wOmen dOn't want them, 如果那些女人不想要 這些三十好幾的男人

[20:18.64]there might just be a little sOmething fOr me. 可能有我發(fā)展的空間

[20:21.80]TalK tO yOu tOmOrrOw. 明天再跟你聯(lián)絡(luò)

[20:29.08]Hi. 嗨

[20:32.08]l'm an adventure travel junKie. l tOOK the year Off after business sChOOl. 我是個熱愛冒險旅行的人 我商學(xué)院畢業(yè)后整整休息一年

[20:35.24]TreKKed the Old spiCe trail in Asia. 沿著古代亞洲的香料路線 徒步跋涉

[20:38.72]TalKing tO Greg, CharlOtte felt liKe she had unearthed a rare COin 跟葛瑞格談話 夏綠蒂感覺仿佛挖掘到一枚

[20:43.16]that sOme Other wOman had disCarded. 別的女人丟棄的珍貴錢幣

[20:44.16]This is my ex, Belinda Peters, she hOOKed me up On this thing. 這是我前女友梅琳達彼特 我算是被她騙來這里的

[20:50.84]YOu must be a friend Of Karen's. ThanKs fOr bringing this great man. 你一定是凱倫的朋友 謝謝你帶這么棒的男人來

[20:55.92]YOu're welCOme. Can l talK tO yOu fOr a minute? 不客氣,可以跟你說句話嗎?

[20:58.48]Sure. ExCuse me. 好的,失陪了

[21:03.88]Bye. ThanKs fOr COming. 再見,謝謝你們來

[21:09.92]OnCe Melinda saw Greg talKing tO anOther wOman, 一旦梅琳達看見 葛瑞格和別的女人說話

[21:14.40]he suddenly lOOKed all shiny and new again. 他突然整個人看起來 又閃亮如新了

[21:27.60]That night, Jeff prOved tO Samantha 當(dāng)晚,杰夫向莎曼珊證明

[21:29.80]that he mOre than made up fOr his shOrtCOmings. 他不只彌補了自己的短處

[21:40.44]Samantha tOld us later it was liKe having sex with a hOrny smurf. 莎曼珊說這就像跟一個 好色的藍色小精靈發(fā)生關(guān)系

[21:44.12]Meanwhile, aCrOss tOwn, Steve was busy stuffing Miranda's ballOt bOx. 同時在城的另一頭,史蒂夫 忙著填滿米蘭達的投票箱

[21:57.84]YOu KnOw, l'm nOt lOOKing fOr a quiCK answer in the mOnOgamy thing. 我不是要你很快回覆 和我定下來的事

[22:05.80]lt's prObably sOmething that's gOt tO happen On its Own. 這種事是急不來的

[22:15.84]lt's just that l wanted yOu tO KnOw hOw l feel. 只不過我想讓你知道我的感受

[22:20.60]YOu're the best wOman l've ever met. 你是我認(rèn)識過最好的女人

[22:23.20]l want yOu tO KnOw...tO KnOw that. 我希望你知道…知道這一點

[22:31.84]l lOve yOu, Miranda. l really dO. 我愛你,米蘭達,真的

[22:36.100]Steve had just said the One big prO that Outweighed all the COns. 史蒂夫剛說出一句 足以磨滅所有缺點的話

[22:44.84]Later that weeK, Samantha put her heels away and gave Jeff a ChanCe. 莎曼珊決定丟開高跟鞋 給杰夫一個機會

[22:51.20]Little bOy's rOOm. l'll be right baCK. 我去兒童洗手間,馬上回來

[23:00.44](布魯明戴爾百貨公司 男童裝部)

[23:07.84]Samantha was stunned. 莎曼珊目瞪口呆

[23:08.60]lt was One thing tO date a man whO went tO the little bOy's rOOm. 跟一個上兒童洗手間的 男人約會是一回事

[23:13.08]AnOther tO date One whO still shOpped at the little bOy's department. 但和一個仍在童裝部買衣服的 男人約會又是另一回事

[23:16.36]Samantha! 莎曼珊

[23:19.24]l'm nOt feeling very well. l've gOt tO gO. GOOdnight. 我身體不太舒服 我得走了,再見

[23:24.52]Wait, l'll taKe yOu. 等等,我送你回去

[23:27.40]l'm nOt really siCK. LOOK, Jeff... 我不是真的生病 聽著,杰夫…

[23:29.60]l Can't dO this. lt's nOt a gOOd idea. l dOn't want tO lead yOu On. 我沒辦法接受,這不是好主意 我不想讓你誤會

[23:34.84]Lead me On? YOu Came five times the Other night. 讓我誤會? 那晚你經(jīng)歷了五次高潮

[23:36.32]- lt's nOt really that... - Then, what? -不是那原因… -不然是什么?

[23:39.44]What happened in the past five minutes? 剛才五分鐘發(fā)生了什么事?

[23:43.32]- YOu shOp at the bOy's department. - SO, what? -你在童裝部買衣服 -那又怎么樣?

[23:49.40]The ClOthes fit me better, plus they're Cheaper. 那里的衣服比較合身 而且也比較便宜

[23:51.36]Where dO yOu shOp, the big and tall whOre stOre? 你在哪里買衣服? 高挑的蕩婦商店?

[23:55.36]YOu're nOthing but a big diCK with a little man attaChed. 你只不過是一個 擁有大老二的小矮人

[23:58.24]YOu're nOthing but a big pair Of tits, with tOO muCh extra leg rOOm. 而你也不過是一個 有對大奶頭和過長雙腿的女人

[24:05.20]Surprisingly, Samantha had fOund what she was really lOOKing fOr. 出乎意料地 莎曼珊找到了她真正尋找的人

[24:09.36]And it had nOthing tO dO with size. 這跟尺寸大小毫無關(guān)系

[24:13.52]SOmebOdy get me a bOOster Chair. 拿一張兒童座椅來

[24:13.04]She'd fOund a man whO made her laugh. They dated fOr twO weeKs. 她找到一個會逗她開心的男人 他們約會了兩周

[24:19.32]ThOugh he was shOrt, it was a lOng relatiOnship fOr Samantha. 雖然他很矮,對莎曼珊來說 這樣的關(guān)系已經(jīng)算維持很長了

[24:22.08]That night, parChed and nervOus, l spent anOther night with Bill. 當(dāng)晚,懷抱著忐忑不安的心情 我又和比爾過夜

[24:27.76]- Man, that was great. - Yes, it was. -老天,太棒了 -是的

[24:31.12]COme On, let's taKe a shOwer. 來吧,我們?nèi)ハ磦€澡

[25:07.20]COme On, get in while it's hOt. 快來,趁水還熱著

[25:12.80]- Can l talK tO yOu abOut sOmething? - OK. -比爾,我能跟你談一談嗎? -好

[25:22.12]l've been giving this peeing thing a lOt Of thOught, 關(guān)于撒尿的事,我想了很久

[25:27.00]and while l thinK it's tOtally fine that that's what yOu're intO, l just... 你熱中此道我完全沒有意見 只是…

[25:31.24]lt's just never really been my thing. 我真的不喜歡

[25:35.96]Oh, yeah? 是嗎?

[25:34.64]Yeah, sO l thOught instead, maybe yOu COuld ClOse yOur eyes 對,所以我想 也許你可以閉上眼睛

[25:40.60]and l COuld dribble warm tea On yOu. That might feel gOOd. 我可以在你身上滴溫茶 那感覺可能會很舒服

[25:44.80]Or...maybe... 或者…也許…

[25:49.28]...yOu might thinK it's fun 我們做愛的時候 你可以聽流水聲

[25:52.92]tO hear the sOund Of running water when we have sex. 說不定會很有趣

[25:56.48]And, if things gOt really seriOus between us, l COuld... 若我們之間的關(guān)系更進一步 我可以…

[26:02.80]maybe, even, leave the bathrOOm dOOr Open sOmetime. 偶爾上廁所甚至不關(guān)門

[26:06.24]AlthOugh, l'm really nOt sure hOw COmfOrtable l'd be with that either. 雖然我也不確定自己 是否會感到自在

[26:14.48]YOu KnOw, there's sOmething l want tO tell yOu tOO. 我也有事想告訴你

[26:17.16]SOme peOple COnneCted with the Campaign read yOur COlumn... 競選團隊的成員讀了你的專欄

[26:23.24]and they had a different taKe On it. 他們有不同的反應(yīng)

[26:26.80]- What dOes that mean? - They said it was funny and Clever, -那是什么意思? -他們認(rèn)為你的觀點幽默敏銳

[26:31.52]but that it was a lOt abOut sex. 但大部分跟性愛有關(guān)

[26:34.56]They dOn't thinK l shOuld date a sex COlumnist befOre the eleCtiOn. 他們認(rèn)為大選將近 我不該和性愛專欄作家約會

[26:43.56]They thOught it was Kind Of seamy. 他們認(rèn)為這有損我的名聲

[26:46.08]Wait a seCOnd, l may write abOut sex, but yOu liKe peOple tO pee On yOu. 等等,我是寫性愛之事沒錯 但你喜歡別人在你身上撒尿

[26:55.44]Yeah, but nObOdy KnOws abOut that. 對,但沒人知道這件事

[27:08.88]l realized that pOlitiCs had entered my bedrOOm as well as my bathrOOm. 我這才發(fā)現(xiàn)政治不但進了 我的臥房,還潛入我的浴室

[27:13.16]l deCided that my bravest pOlitiCal aCt wOuld be tO tell the truth. 我當(dāng)下決定我最勇敢的 政治行動就是說實話

[27:20.60](尿還是不尿 這才是問題所在)

[27:24.40]l didn't use his real name. lt was muCh mOre pOlitiCal nOt tO. 我沒有用他的真實姓名 這是比較政治的處理方式


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