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欲望都市第三季 因果報(bào)應(yīng) What Goes Around Comes Around





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:33:16



[00:35.80](性愛(ài)專(zhuān)家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問(wèn))


[00:47.84]Here gOes, Charles. 十五比零,查爾斯

[00:49.32]TwO mOnths intO her marriage, 結(jié)婚兩個(gè)月

[00:51.72]CharlOtte's life seemed tO be a bed Of rOses. 夏綠蒂的生活似乎一切順?biāo)?/p>

[00:53.80]That's what it lOOKed liKe tO an OnlOOKer. 不過(guò)那是局外人的看法

[00:57.20]My bOys have been playing eaCh Other 我兒子們從私立中學(xué)時(shí)

[00:59.76]sinCe prep sChOOl. 就開(kāi)始打網(wǎng)球

[01:00.76]They're still nOt tired Of it. 迄今仍樂(lè)此不疲

[01:03.56]Let the girls play. 讓女生們打

[01:06.12]She's wearing pastels. lt's whites Only. 她穿粉色的,規(guī)定要穿白色

[01:09.72]We Can maKe an exCeptiOn this One time. 我們可以破例一次

[01:13.52]YOur father wOuld rOll Over 你們父親要是聽(tīng)到這些話

[01:15.96]in his grave if he heard yOu. 一定會(huì)在墳?zāi)估锓?/p>

[01:19.96]CharlOtte hasn't been issued 夏綠蒂還不熟諳 麥克道格家的規(guī)矩

[01:20.32]a COpy Of the MaCDOugal hOuse rules.

[01:23.12]NO, but it's time l gOt One. 沒(méi)有,不過(guò)我該拿一個(gè)了

[01:26.04]lt's next tO the Bible, 在圣經(jīng)旁邊,床邊的桌子

[01:27.12]On yOur bed stand. 好笑

[01:28.08]Funny. 大家都低估了傳統(tǒng)的美德

[01:30.68]TraditiOn is a very undervalued virtue.

[01:32.08]Marrying a MaCDOugal 嫁入麥克道格家 就像是嫁給歷史

[01:37.16]is marrying histOry.

[01:38.08]Yes. l guess l better gO Change. 我該去換衣服了

[01:42.44]CharlOtte had nO interest in hearing any mOre abOut the family histOry. 夏綠蒂對(duì)家族歷史沒(méi)有興趣

[01:44.40]Her histOry with Trey was depressing enOugh. 她跟崔的歷史 已經(jīng)夠叫人沮喪了

[01:49.48]After a few half-baKed attempts at a sex life, Trey seemed tO give up. 在性事方面幾次失敗后 崔似乎已經(jīng)放棄了

[01:52.04]The Only plaCe he even tried tO sCOre was On the tennis COurt. 唯一能讓他越戰(zhàn)越勇的 只有網(wǎng)球

[02:03.20]- GOOd mOrning. - MOrning. -早安 -早安

[02:06.40]Beautiful rOses. 好美的玫瑰

[02:08.08]ThanK yOu. 謝謝你

[02:26.08]l dOn't KnOw what it is. l'm strangely drawn tO him. 我不知道是怎么回事 我深深地被他吸引了

[02:31.24]- YOu KnOw the man Can plOugh. - He had the mOst intOxiCating sCent. -因?yàn)檫@男人會(huì)犁地 -他的味道令人陶醉

[02:33.84]LiKe sweat mixed with sOmething, sOmething sweet yet pungent. 好像汗水混著甜味 但又辣得刺激

[02:41.16]- Manure? - And these full, sensuOus lips. -肥料嗎? -還有他性感的豐唇

[02:44.76]- DOes he water plants in Manhattan? - l Can't be lOOKing at gardeners. -他有在曼哈頓澆花嗎? -我不能迷上一個(gè)園丁

[02:49.72]Why be in the suburbs, if yOu're nOt gOnna fuCK a gardener? 在郊區(qū)不能與園丁交歡 還有什么樂(lè)趣?

[02:52.32]He was sO tanned and musCular. 他的肌肉健壯呈古銅色

[02:55.36]The sweat ran dOwn frOm his Chest OntO his perfeCtly defined stOmaCh. 汗水從他的胸膛 滑落到結(jié)實(shí)的腹部

[03:02.24]YOu read Harlequin ROmanCes in sChOOl, haunts yOu fOrever. 你高中時(shí)看太多羅曼史小說(shuō) 一輩子都受到影響

[03:06.84]Whatever yOu dO, dOn't lOOK up. 千萬(wàn)不要抬頭

[03:25.00]Oh, my GOd, did yOu see the way she lOOKed at me? 我的天 你們有看到她看我的眼神嗎?

[03:29.00]Did yOu see the lOOK her friend shOt us? 還有她朋友掃視我們的樣子?

[03:32.48]- COntempt, liKe l was POl POt. - He's dead. -十足的輕視,好像我是波布 -他死了

[03:35.72]- She wishes l was. - WhO dOes she thinK she is? -她也希望我死 -她以為她是誰(shuí)?

[03:39.04]Big's wife. 大人物的妻子

[03:41.28]That was awful. l Can't believe that there is a persOn in New YOrK 這真是糟糕 我不敢相信在紐約

[03:45.36]whO COuld hate me that muCh. 會(huì)有一個(gè)人這么憎恨我

[03:46.76]Oh, GOd. 老天

[03:51.96]l was sO devastated by Natasha's withering lOOK 娜塔莎憔悴的模樣 讓我良心不安

[03:55.16]that l deCided my Only reCOurse was tO gO shOpping. 唯一能讓我釋?xiě)训木褪琴?gòu)物

[03:57.84]l tOOK a wrOng turn lOOKing fOr the right shOes, 我在尋找鞋店的途中轉(zhuǎn)錯(cuò)了彎

[03:60.48]and sOuth Of HOustOn Street l literally lOst my direCtiOn. 我在休斯頓街完全迷了路

[04:07.88]ExCuse me, l KnOw this sOunds ridiCulOus. 抱歉,我知道這樣很可笑

[04:10.64]Can yOu tell me whiCh way is West BrOadway? 請(qǐng)告訴我哪一邊是西百老匯?

[04:13.52]- Give me yOur bag. - What? -把皮包給我 -什么?

[04:16.08]YOur bag. 你的皮包

[04:17.20]- lt's a baguette. - Let me have it. -這是長(zhǎng)方包 -拿給我

[04:21.04]l COuldn't believe it. 15 years in New YOrK, 住在紐約十五年了

[04:23.48]and when the City was getting safe, l gOt mugged. 就在治安開(kāi)始改善時(shí) 我卻遭搶劫

[04:28.72]- ls this fOr real? - YOur watCh and yOur ring. -這是真的嗎? -手表和戒指

[04:29.60]Jesus. 老天爺

[04:31.72]- This wOn't... - COme On. -這樣不行… -快一點(diǎn)

[04:34.00]- And yOur ManOlO BlahniKs. - What? -還有你的曼諾羅布雷尼克 -什么?

[04:41.76]- NO. - Give me yOur BlahniKs. -不要 -把鞋子給我

[04:41.84]They weren't just after mOney. They were after fashiOn. 現(xiàn)在的搶匪不只要錢(qián) 還追求時(shí)尚

[04:46.64]Please, sir, they're my favOrite pair. 拜托你,先生 這是我最喜歡的一雙鞋

[04:48.32]l gOt them half priCe at a sample sale. 我是在展示品拍賣(mài)會(huì)上 以半價(jià)買(mǎi)得

[04:55.40]ThanKs. 謝謝

[04:57.96]SOmebOdy stOp him, he tOOK my strappy sandals. 把他攔下,他搶了我的涼鞋

[05:03.52]SOmebOdy... 來(lái)人…

[05:04.52]GrOss! 真討厭

[05:09.56]l've been rObbed! 我被搶劫了

[05:16.72]l've been rObbed. 我被搶劫了

[05:22.08]He said, ''Give me yOur BlahniKs'', whiCh l thOught was a jOKe. 他說(shuō)“把鞋子給我” 我還以為他在開(kāi)玩笑

[05:26.88]Then l'm barefOOt On a sidewalK in the middle Of summer. 結(jié)果我真的得赤腳 走在盛夏的街頭

[05:32.16]Anything Other than the watCh, the bag, the ring, and the shOes? 除了手表、皮包、戒指、鞋子 還有什么被搶嗎?

[05:36.72]My dignity. 我的尊嚴(yán)

[05:39.68]- GOd, are yOu all right? - l'm fine. ThanKs fOr COming. -天,你還好嗎? -我很好,謝謝你趕來(lái)

[05:45.68]- l Can't believe he tOOK yOur shOes. - l KnOw. -我不敢相信他搶了你的鞋子 -我也是

[05:47.08]- PrObably gOt triChinOsis. - YOu Only get that frOm pOrK. -可能已經(jīng)感染旋毛蟲(chóng)了 -只有豬肉會(huì)傳染

[05:50.76]l'm sure l stepped On a pieCe Of it sOmewhere. 我好像在哪里踩到一塊

[05:57.68]DeteCtive Stevens, this is my friend, my lawyer, Miranda HObbes. 史帝文森警官 這是我朋友兼律師米蘭達(dá)

[05:60.96]NiCe tO meet yOu. Any ChanCe Of CatChing this guy? 幸會(huì),可以捉到搶匪嗎?

[06:03.96]We hOpe sO. 希望如此

[06:04.24]Maybe yOu Can COme with me and read him his Miranda rights. 或許你可以跟我來(lái) 向搶匪宣讀權(quán)利

[06:11.60]- SOrry, that was lame. - lt was funny. A little COp humOr. -抱歉,這不好笑 -很好笑,有警察的幽默

[06:15.32]- Are yOu lrish? - NO. Why? -你是愛(ài)爾蘭人嗎? -不是,為什么問(wèn)?

[06:18.56]YOu have beautiful red hair. 你有一頭美麗的紅發(fā)

[06:20.84]AnybOdy Can be lrish with the right COlOrist. 只要找對(duì)染發(fā)師 每個(gè)人都可以變成愛(ài)爾蘭人

[06:25.44]Very funny. A sense Of humOr, l liKe that in a lawyer. lt's very rare. 很好笑,很幽默 律師很少有這項(xiàng)特質(zhì)

[06:31.28]l'll get baCK tO yOu as sOOn as l have sOmething. 我一查到線索馬上通知你

[06:35.16]- Can l have yOur Card? - Sure. -可以給我一張名片嗎? -好的

[06:38.16]- Just in Case. - Sure. -以防萬(wàn)一 -當(dāng)然

[06:43.52]ThanKs. 謝謝

[06:45.12]l Can't wear these. 我不能穿這雙鞋

[06:47.12]l'll Call yOu. 我再打給你

[06:54.48]l dOn't understand. l get mugged, and yOu get him? 我被搶劫,你卻得到他?

[06:57.96]l guess that's my Karma. 我想這是我的因果報(bào)應(yīng)

[06:60.80]He said he'll Call. lt dOesn't mean he will. 他說(shuō)他會(huì)打電話 不見(jiàn)得一定會(huì)打

[07:01.08]What are yOu talKing abOut? The man was smitten with yOu. 你胡說(shuō)什么?那家伙迷死你了

[07:06.76]He prObably wants free legal adviCe. That's generally my Karma. 他或許只想要免費(fèi)的法律顧問(wèn) 我的報(bào)應(yīng)通常是如此

[07:11.44]Samantha disCOvered that her number had been passed arOund as well. 莎曼珊發(fā)現(xiàn)她的電話 被四處散播

[07:17.84]This is a message fOr Sam JOnes. lf yOu're getting this, it's Brian. 這是給山瓊斯的留言 我是布萊恩

[07:19.08]l'll see yOu tOmOrrOw arOund 10:00. Can't wait. Later. 明天十點(diǎn)見(jiàn),我等不及了

[07:24.56]Sam, are yOu there? This is ROb, MiKe's friend. 山,你在嗎? 這是羅伯,麥可的朋友

[07:29.84]YOu dOn't KnOw me, but l'll be there tOmOrrOw with sOme party favOrites. 你不認(rèn)識(shí)我,不過(guò)我明天會(huì) 帶幾個(gè)朋友一起去

[07:44.76]- HellO, Sam? - Yes, this is Sam. -“山”? -是的,我就是“珊”

[07:46.32]- Sam JOnes? - Yes. WhO is this? -“山”瓊斯? -是的,你是哪位?

[07:50.24]The Sam JOnes whO's having the big party tOmOrrOw night? 明天要辦派對(duì)的那個(gè)山瓊斯?

[07:54.52]ExaCtly whO is this Sam JOnes? 到底誰(shuí)是山瓊斯?

[07:56.56]And where is this fabulOus party? 這個(gè)派對(duì)在哪里?

[07:59.84]The next evening, Miranda had a date with my deteCtive. 隔晚,米蘭達(dá)跟我的警官約會(huì)

[08:14.56]l'm having an anxiety attaCK. 我好緊張

[08:17.48]The mOst gOrgeOus man l've met is in my living rOOm. 我見(jiàn)過(guò)最好看的男人 就在我家客廳

[08:19.24]- l Can't figure Out what tO wear. - Breathe. -我不知道要穿什么 -深呼吸

[08:22.00]Shut yOur eyes, and gO with yOur first instinCt. 閉上眼睛,憑著直覺(jué)

[08:26.68]l've been in here fOr 20 minutes. By nOw he thinKs l'm a freaK. 我在里面二十分鐘了 他現(xiàn)在一定覺(jué)得我很畸形

[08:34.96]l'll be right there. 我馬上好

[08:39.92]What are yOu sO wOrKed up abOut? 你這么激動(dòng)是為什么?

[08:43.92]He's tOO gOOd-lOOKing fOr me. l dOn't have Ouftits that gO with HunK. 對(duì)我而言他太帥了 我沒(méi)有跟帥哥約會(huì)的衣著

[08:46.56]Wait. Maybe this is Karma. 或許這是你的因果報(bào)應(yīng)

[08:50.28]- YOu're getting what yOu deserve. - Right. -你終于得到你應(yīng)得的 -是嗎

[08:54.16]Maybe after years Of Odd men, the universe is thrOwing me a bOne. 或許在與怪人約會(huì)多年后 老天終于丟給我一個(gè)帥哥

[08:58.44]lf yOu're luCKy, a bOner as well. 小心他是個(gè)錯(cuò)誤

[08:58.40]- OK, l Can dO this. - NOw gO and have fun. -好了,我辦得到的 -好好去玩吧

[09:04.20]Tell DeteCtive Stevens, if he sees a wOman 告訴史帝文森警官 要是他在街上看到有人

[09:08.28]wearing pinK suede BlahniK sandals, bring her in fOr questiOning. 穿著去年粉紅色的 布雷尼克涼鞋,馬上盤(pán)查

[09:19.20]While l asCribed thOughts Of Karma tO fOrtune COOKie psyChOlOgy, 當(dāng)我把因果報(bào)應(yīng)的念頭 歸因于看太多幸運(yùn)餅干

[09:25.88]l wOndered, dOes a string Of bad dates equal One gOOd One? 我不禁納悶,一連串的爛男人 會(huì)換來(lái)一個(gè)好男人嗎?

[09:31.20]And will treating sOmeOne badly in One relatiOnship ensure 在一段感情中虧待別人

[09:33.08]that yOu'll be treated badly in the next? 代表下一段感情會(huì)被虧待嗎?

[09:35.56]DOes everything that gOes arOund COme arOund? 是不是真的有因果報(bào)應(yīng)?

[09:38.04]lf sO, will it COme arOund tO bite yOu in the ass? 果真如此的話 它是不是會(huì)回來(lái)反咬你一口?

[09:42.16]ls there suCh a thing as relatiOnship Karma? 感情是不是也有因果報(bào)應(yīng)?

[09:50.68]Later, l aCCOmpanied Samantha tO a party thrOwn by Sam JOnes. 我陪莎曼珊去參加 神秘山瓊斯的派對(duì)

[09:54.96]l Can't believe we're gOing tO the party Of a tOtal stranger. 我不敢相信我們要去參加 陌生人的派對(duì)

[09:57.28]lt's nOt a tOtal stranger, we dO share the same name. 并不是完全的陌生 我跟他同名同姓

[09:60.44]Why are yOu walKing sO slOw?. 你為什么走這么慢?

[10:03.64]l Keep waiting fOr sOmeOne tO jump Out and steal my bra. 我在等人跳出來(lái)偷我的胸罩

[10:07.88]lf the guy's a lOser, l'll tell him tO stOp having his friends Call me, 要是這家伙很差 我會(huì)叫他的朋友不要再打來(lái)

[10:10.88]and we'll gO fOr dinner. lf nOt, whO KnOws? His friend sOunded Cute. 然后我們?nèi)コ酝聿?他的朋友聽(tīng)起來(lái)挺可愛(ài)的

[10:14.76]- HOw Can yOu tell Over the phOne? - l Can. -透過(guò)電話你怎么知道? -我就是知道

[10:16.56]Besides, WashingtOn Square - very mOney address. 再說(shuō),華盛頓廣場(chǎng)是高級(jí)地段

[10:22.80]l feel liKe there's sOme COsmiC purpOse tO all this. 我覺(jué)得這一切都有因果循環(huán)

[10:26.96]lt's tOO muCh Of a COinCidenCe. 這一切不只是巧合

[10:29.80]What was the COsmiC purpOse Of my getting snubbed by Natasha? 我為什么會(huì)遭到 娜塔莎的輕視?

[10:33.36]lf l tOld yOu l had infOrmatiOn abOut Big and Natasha, 要是我告訴你一件 大人物和娜塔莎的事

[10:37.60]wOuld yOu COnsider it COsmiC Or a randOm aCt Of gOssip? 你會(huì)認(rèn)為有因果關(guān)連 還是流言一則?

[10:40.80]l'd have tO hear it first. 你先告訴我

[10:44.04]Natasha left Big. lt's Over. She's baCK wOrKing fOr Ralph Lauren. 娜塔莎跟大人物離婚了 她回到勞夫羅倫工作

[10:51.16]Oh, my GOd. WhO tOld yOu that? 我的天,是誰(shuí)告訴你的?

[10:54.64]- A little bird l fuCKed at Ralph Lauren. - YOu waited 15 blOCKs tO tell me that? -一個(gè)跟我搞過(guò)的員工透露的 -你走了這么久才告訴我

[10:59.28]l wanted yOu tO have fun. 我希望你盡情玩樂(lè)

[11:00.100]l Can't believe l'm respOnsible fOr breaKing up their marriage. 我居然要為他們的婚姻負(fù)責(zé)

[11:05.76]YOu're nOt. lt prObably wOuldn't have wOrKed anyway. 才不是,他們本來(lái)就合不來(lái)

[11:10.72]- l dOn't thinK l COuld feel any wOrse. - Here we are. -我真的感到很難過(guò) -到了

[11:16.16]- lt's a dOrm. - LOOK at that, l feel wOrse. -這是宿舍 -看,我更難過(guò)了

[11:26.80]DO yOu thinK these Cute bOys are still in COllege? 這些可愛(ài)的男生 還在上大學(xué)嗎?

[11:29.92]Yes. 是

[11:30.72]l'm gOing tO find Sam JOnes, and then we're Outta here. 我去找山瓊斯,然后就離開(kāi)

[11:38.28]ExCuse me. COuld yOu tell me where l Can find Sam JOnes? 抱歉 你知道山瓊斯在哪里嗎?

[11:51.16]- Sam JOnes? - Yeah. WhO are yOu? -山瓊斯? -對(duì),你是誰(shuí)?

[11:55.56]- Sam JOnes. - ExCuse me? -珊瓊斯 -你說(shuō)什么?

[11:57.32]lt appears that we have a prOblem here. 我們這里有一點(diǎn)誤會(huì)

[12:01.24]We have the same name, and l'm getting all yOur fuCKing Calls. 我們同名同姓 我一直接到你的電話

[12:08.80]lf yOu're getting all my ''fuCKing'' Calls, that explains why l'm still a virgin. 原來(lái)是你一直接到我的電話 難怪我到現(xiàn)在還是處男

[12:12.96]Samantha wOndered what message the universe was sending her, 當(dāng)莎曼珊納悶著 這一切代表的意義

[12:18.44]but Miranda had nO dOubt. 米蘭達(dá)心中毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)

[12:18.00]This was fun, and l wOuld invite yOu in, 我很開(kāi)心,我想邀你進(jìn)去

[12:21.88]but yOu've been in, and l have a huge day tOmOrrOw, 不過(guò)你已經(jīng)進(jìn)去過(guò)了 而且明天我很忙

[12:25.28]whiCh isn't tO say l wOuldn't liKe tO see yOu again. l wOuld, if yOu'd liKe... 我不是不想見(jiàn)你 要是你想見(jiàn)我的話

[12:37.08]l'll Call yOu. 我再打給你

[12:50.04]She felt liKe she had just hit the COsmiC jaCKpOt. 她覺(jué)得自己中了頭獎(jiǎng)

[12:56.96]Please dOn't tell anyOne we were here. 不要告訴別人我們來(lái)過(guò)這里

[12:58.16]SOme Of thOse bOys were Cute. 有些男孩子很可愛(ài)

[13:00.96]- SOme Of them were yOung enOugh... - DOn't yOu dare say it. -年輕到可以當(dāng)你… -你敢說(shuō)?

[13:06.12]- ExCuse me, ladies. - ExCuse me, MOm. -借過(guò),女士 -借過(guò),媽

[13:14.40]Cab! 計(jì)程車(chē)

[13:16.44]Natasha fell dOwn the stairs, nOw l fall dOwn the stairs. 娜塔莎從樓梯跌下來(lái) 現(xiàn)在換我了

[13:19.56]This is an Open and shut Case Of KarmiC retributiOn. 這很顯然的是我的因果報(bào)應(yīng)

[13:23.80]- lt was an aCCident. - This was nOt an aCCident. -那只是意外 -這不是意外

[13:25.28]Yesterday, l get mugged, 昨天我才被搶

[13:28.20]nOw l Can't even get a taxi - and l Can always get a taxi. My Karma is shOt. 現(xiàn)在連一輛計(jì)程車(chē)都攔不到 這是我的報(bào)應(yīng)

[13:33.96]lf everything happens fOr a reasOn, why am l getting Calls fOr Sam JOnes? 要是事出必有因,我為什么會(huì) 接到山瓊斯的電話?

[13:37.72]- What's the KarmiC COnneCtiOn? - l Only KnOw abOut my Own Karma. -這有什么因果關(guān)連嗎? -我只知道自己的

[13:41.60]Maybe l shOuld fuCK that virgin 或許我該上那個(gè)處男

[13:42.48]and give him the great first-time experienCe that l never had. 給他一個(gè)我沒(méi)有過(guò)的 完美初體驗(yàn)

[13:47.76]That's nOt Karma, that's statutOry rape. 那不叫因果報(bào)應(yīng) 那是法定強(qiáng)奸罪

[13:51.96]Here, here. 這里…

[13:55.16]COme On. 別這樣

[13:56.00]What's up? 怎么了?

[13:56.12]ACrOss tOwn, CharlOtte was getting a message Of her Own. 在此同時(shí),城市另一頭的 夏綠蒂收到自己的訊息

[14:38.28]WaKe up. 醒一醒

[14:44.12]YOu had a nightmare. 你做了噩夢(mèng)

[14:54.28]YOu're all wet. 你全身濕透了

[14:59.64]Later that weeK, my Knee still hurting frOm my trip dOwn the stairs, 過(guò)幾天 我的膝蓋仍因跌落樓梯而疼痛

[15:02.24]l deCided tO taKe matters intO my Own hands. 我決定立刻采取行動(dòng)

[15:07.60]- Ralph Lauren, Natasha's desK. - l'd liKe tO speaK tO Natasha, please. -勞夫羅倫,娜塔莎辦公室 -我找娜塔莎

[15:11.68]- lt's Carrie Bradshaw Calling. - What's this regarding? -我是凱莉布雷蕭 -有什么事嗎?

[15:15.56]- lt's persOnal. - HOld. -是私人的事 -等一下

[15:19.12]l didn't KnOw hOw tO tell an assistant it was Of COsmiC signifiCanCe. 我不知道怎么告訴助理 事關(guān)宇宙的含意

[15:22.84]- She's in a meeting. - l'll hOld. -她在開(kāi)會(huì) -我等

[15:23.32]l dOn't mean tO be rude, but yOu'll be hOlding fOrever. 無(wú)意冒犯,不過(guò)你得等一輩子

[15:29.40]OK then, l'll hOld fOrever. 好吧,我就等一輩子

[15:32.96]This wasn't gOnna be easy. l had tOugh Karma tO OverCOme. 這一切并不容易 我得面對(duì)自己種的果

[15:37.52]The next weeK, CharlOtte flirted with her Own Karma. 隔周,夏綠蒂自己種下了果

[15:43.40]Where did yOu get suCh a green thumb? 你的園藝在哪里學(xué)來(lái)的?

[15:46.28]Runs in the family. We're gardeners fOr three generatiOns. 我們家族世代都是園丁

[15:52.72]What a wOnderful traditiOn. 好可愛(ài)的傳統(tǒng)

[15:56.48]l'm CharlOtte, by the way. Trey's wife. 我是夏綠蒂,崔的妻子

[15:60.20]l KnOw. l'm Burt. 我知道,我叫巴特

[16:04.44]These rOses are sO beautiful. What Kind are they? 這些玫瑰好漂亮,是什么種?

[16:10.60]A speCial hybrid Of AmeriCan Beauty. 月月紅的特別混種

[16:12.20]They're very fragrant. 好香

[16:17.28]CharlOtte's Karma flirted baCK in a mOst unexpeCted way. 夏綠蒂想不到她的 因果報(bào)應(yīng)會(huì)是怎樣

[16:37.84]Samantha was wOrKing Out sOme KarmiC issues Of her Own. 在市區(qū),莎曼珊要解決 自己造成的因果報(bào)應(yīng)

[16:42.24]l Came Over tO apOlOgize fOr all thOse Calls. 我為了那些電話向你道歉

[16:47.48]ThanK yOu. Anything else? 謝謝你,還有呢?

[16:50.80]l've been waiting fOr a wOman liKe yOu my whOle life. 我一輩子都在等 像你這樣的女人

[16:54.88]YOu are the hOttest thing l've ever seen. 你是我看過(guò)最性感的尤物

[17:08.48]SlOw dOwn.

[17:25.76]Oh, LOrd. Oh, my LOrd! 老天,我的老天

[17:27.56]Here we gO. 好了

[17:48.56]That was awesOme. 真是太酷了

[17:48.80]Yes, it was. 是的

[17:55.08]Sam? 珊?

[17:55.08]- Yes, Sam? - l thinK l lOve yOu. -是的,山? -我想我愛(ài)你

[17:59.96]HOney, that wasn't lOve. 那不是愛(ài)

[18:04.92]That was sex. 那是性

[18:07.20]NO, ma'am. l... 不,女士,我…

[18:09.88]l lOve yOu. 我愛(ài)你

[18:17.16]Time tO mOve. 該走了

[18:20.12]- DO l have tO? - Oh, yes. l've gOt stuff tO dO. -一定要嗎? -是的,我還有事要做

[18:28.60]GOOdbye tO the sweetest lips l've ever Kissed. 跟我吻過(guò)最甜美的雙唇道別

[18:35.24]Bye-bye. 再見(jiàn)

[18:37.44]Later, the MaCDOugals were enjOying their COCKtail hOur, 稍晚 麥克道格家在享受雞尾酒時(shí)光

[18:41.64]whiCh generally lasted frOm 5:00pm tO last man standing. 一般是從下午五點(diǎn) 持續(xù)到天荒地老

[18:46.28]- l beat yOu three sets in a rOw. - We didn't finish. -我連續(xù)贏了你三場(chǎng)比賽 -還沒(méi)完呢

[18:50.00]- lt was getting darK as yOu reCall. - StOp biCKering. -是因?yàn)樘焐盗?-不要吵嘴了

[18:51.76]- SandwiChes, ma'am? - NO. -要三明治嗎? -不要

[18:54.44]NO, thanK yOu. 不了,謝謝

[18:58.44]l Certainly had an interesting day. 我今天過(guò)得真是精彩

[18:60.28]l went riding. ln the afternOOn, l tOOK a walK arOund the prOperty 我去騎馬,下午在園邸四處逛

[19:05.40]and saw CharlOtte Kissing the gardener. 然后看見(jiàn)夏綠蒂親吻園丁

[19:10.84]CharlOtte, yOu're a MaCDOugal nOw. 夏綠蒂 你現(xiàn)在是麥克道格家的人了

[19:22.76]Samantha fOund that the universe had sent her many messages. 莎曼珊發(fā)現(xiàn)老天給她好多留言

[19:26.24]YOu have 35 new messages. 你有三十五通新留言

[19:29.92]lt's Sam JOnes. Call me. l Can't stOp thinKing abOut yOu. 我是山瓊斯,回我電話 我無(wú)法停止想你

[19:38.60]l have tO see yOu tOnight. lt's really impOrtant. 我今晚一定得見(jiàn)你,很重要

[19:43.24]Sam, it's Sam. l dOn't thinK l Can live withOut yOu, OK? 珊,我是山 沒(méi)有你我活不下去

[19:49.08]Are yOu there, babe? l have tO see yOu tOnight. lt's really impOrtant. 寶貝,你在嗎? 我得見(jiàn)你,很重要

[19:57.88]OK, Sam. lt's Sam. 珊,我是山

[20:02.56]ACrOss tOwn, Miranda met her KarmiC treasure fOr dinner. 城市的另一端 米蘭達(dá)和她的善果共進(jìn)晚餐

[20:05.32]After ten years, l made partner twO mOnths agO. 奮斗了十年 我終于在兩個(gè)月前成為合伙人

[20:07.28]Or was it three? l'm lOsing traCK. 還是三個(gè)月前?我忘記了

[20:12.88]- COngratulatiOns. - ThanK yOu. -恭喜你 -謝謝

[20:14.64]- Can l get yOu anOther drinK? - DOuble vOdKa martini, please. -還要喝點(diǎn)什么嗎? -再一杯伏特加馬丁尼

[20:17.52]- And yOu, sir? - l'm fine. -先生,你呢? -我不用

[20:24.00]- WOuld yOu Care tO Order? - COuld we have a minute? -要點(diǎn)菜了嗎? -可以再一會(huì)兒?jiǎn)?

[20:27.60]TaKe yOur time. 慢慢來(lái)

[20:28.48]l thOught abOut law sChOOl. l lOved COlumbO sO muCh as a Kid... 我有想過(guò)讀法律 我愛(ài)死神探可倫坡了

[20:35.84]Miranda realized that every wOman was staring at her date. 米蘭達(dá)發(fā)現(xiàn)所有的女人 都盯著她的男伴看

[20:39.92]YOur friend is the typiCal Case that l see On the jOb. 你朋友的案子很典型

[20:41.80]lt's nOt as exCiting as yOu might thinK. lt's nOt hOmiCide... 沒(méi)有你想像中刺激 因?yàn)椴皇莾礆?/p>

[20:47.88]She Knew what they were thinKing - why is that attraCtive man with her? 她知道她們?cè)谙?ldquo;這個(gè)帥哥 怎么會(huì)跟她在一起?”

[20:53.60]lf yOur friend hadn't lOst her shOes, l wOuldn't be here. 要是你的朋友不丟鞋 我也不會(huì)在這里了

[20:57.52]There yOu gO. 請(qǐng)用

[20:58.100]ThanK yOu. 謝謝

[21:02.04]She dranK tO feel better abOut herself. 她只好喝酒麻醉自己

[21:14.32]Six vOdKa martinis later, she was feeling pretty damn gOOd. 在六杯伏特加馬丁尼下肚后 她感覺(jué)好極了

[21:17.68]- YOu're hOt. - And yOu're a little drunK. -你好帥 -你有點(diǎn)醉了

[21:21.36]l'm fine. l'm great. 我很好,感覺(jué)很棒

[21:26.60]HOt, hOt, hOt. 帥…

[21:27.32]YOu may be the mOst beautiful man that l've ever been with. 你是跟我約會(huì)過(guò)最帥的男人

[21:33.00]YOu're nOt bad yOurself. 你長(zhǎng)得也不錯(cuò)

[21:35.80]l'm nO Mena Suvari, but l'm great in bed. 我不是大美女 但是床上功夫很棒

[21:43.24]When Trey didn't COme tO bed, CharlOtte went lOOKing fOr him. 當(dāng)晚崔沒(méi)有回到床上來(lái) 夏綠蒂于是去找他

[21:59.64]- What are yOu dOing Out here? - lmprOving my serve. -你在外面做什么? -練習(xí)發(fā)球

[22:03.80]StOp. YOu're upset, and what l did was sO wrOng. 停止,你很沮喪,我做錯(cuò)了

[22:07.36]- l'm sOrry. - What Can l say? -我很抱歉 -我能說(shuō)什么?

[22:11.64]l'm unable tO meet yOur needs, sO frOm time tO time, 我無(wú)法滿足你的需求

[22:14.92]as muCh as l detest it, l'll have tO lOOK the Other way. 我已經(jīng)厭倦了 只好睜只眼閉只眼

[22:18.12]l dOn't want a husband whO lOOKs the Other way. 我不要一個(gè) 睜只眼閉只眼的丈夫

[22:22.68]l want a husband whO maKes me nOt want tO Kiss the gardener. 我要一個(gè)讓我 不想親吻園丁的丈夫

[22:37.28]NO marriage is perfeCt. 沒(méi)有一個(gè)婚姻是完美的

[22:42.96]SO muCh Of what we have is wOnderful. 我們擁有的大部分都是美好的

[22:43.64]We Can have separate lives and still be tOgether. 我們可以分開(kāi)生活 卻仍然在一起

[22:49.92]lt's tOtally aCCeptable. 可以接受

[22:52.52]As CharlOtte lOOKed at her perfeCt husband 當(dāng)夏綠蒂在完美的房子 看著她完美的丈夫

[22:55.92]at their family's perfeCt COuntry hOuse,

[22:57.40]she realized the One thing that was missing 她了解到她缺少了什么

[23:01.16]was that perfeCt COnneCtiOn with an imperfeCt persOn. 不完美的人之間完美的結(jié)合

[23:08.60]When we get baCK tO the City, l thinK we shOuld separate fOr a while. 等我們回到城里 就先分居一陣子

[23:16.48]All righty. 好的

[23:24.04]Seven unreturned phOne Calls, and still nO respOnse frOm Natasha. 打了七次無(wú)人接聽(tīng)的電話 也不見(jiàn)娜塔莎回電

[23:27.52]Buddhists believe yOu pay fOr what yOu dO wrOng in this life in the next. 佛教徒相信前生債,今生還

[23:31.68]l Knew what l'd dOne. l just didn't thinK l COuld wait a lifetime tO be fOrgiven. 我知道我做錯(cuò)了什么 我不想等到下輩子才被原諒

[23:45.12]The next mOrning, Miranda wOKe up with the wOrst hangOver Of her life. 次晨,米蘭達(dá)經(jīng)歷了 有生以來(lái)最痛苦的宿醉

[23:53.52]DeteCtive Stevens? 史帝文森警官?

[24:02.08]On her hall table, she disCOvered that DeteCtive Stevens had left a number... 在走廊桌上 史帝文森警官留了一支電話

[24:08.08]...fOr her lOCal AA Chapter. 是當(dāng)?shù)匕a君子互戒協(xié)會(huì)的熱線

[24:12.36]Samantha gOt her KarmiC retributiOn. 莎曼珊得到她的因果報(bào)應(yīng)

[24:14.32]l lOve yOu, Sam JOnes. 我愛(ài)你,珊瓊斯

[24:17.60]ln sCrewing Sam JOnes, she wOund up sCrewing herself. 在搞過(guò)山瓊斯之后 她自己的生活也搞砸了

[24:21.08]l lOve yOu, Sam JOnes. 我愛(ài)你,珊瓊斯

[24:27.92]A few days later, CharlOtte Came hOme tO her Old apartment. 幾天后 夏綠蒂回到她的舊公寓

[24:33.92]lt was gOOd fOrtune that she had Only sublet it, nOt tO mentiOn gOOd sense. 還好她只是將它分租出去 原封不動(dòng)

[24:40.44]NOt wanting tO COme baCK in my next life as a dung beetle, 為了來(lái)世不想當(dāng)一只臭蟲(chóng)

[24:45.84]l asKed Samantha's assistant tO pump Natasha's assistant 我請(qǐng)莎曼珊的助理幫忙

[24:49.64]tO find Out where she was having lunCh. 查出娜塔莎在哪里用餐

[25:03.96]l need tO talK tO yOu. 我需要跟你談?wù)?/p>

[25:04.60]- l'm gOnna sCream. - l'm Only gOnna stay a minute. -我要尖叫了 -我只待一下下

[25:08.40]l tried tO Call yOu at wOrK, but... 我打電話到你公司,不過(guò)…

[25:10.16]Anyway, it's nOt impOrtant. 那不重要

[25:16.76]Can l have a sip Of this? 我可以喝一口嗎?

[25:27.68]ThanKs. 謝謝

[25:35.52]l heard abOut yOur marriage. 我聽(tīng)說(shuō)了你的婚姻狀況

[25:39.92]lt's just sO terrible. 真的很糟糕

[25:44.20]l never meant fOr any Of this tO happen. 我不是故意讓這一切發(fā)生

[25:48.88]lf there was sOmething l COuld dO tO taKe it away, l wOuld. 如果有辦法 我一定盡力挽回這一切

[25:52.04]But l Can't. 但是我沒(méi)有辦法

[25:53.84]l Came here tOday beCause l needed tO say hOw sOrry l am. 我今天來(lái)這里是想對(duì)你說(shuō) 我有多抱歉

[25:59.88]l am deeply sOrry fOr what l did tO yOu. 我為我所做的一切感到后悔

[26:04.28]lt was wrOng. 我錯(cuò)了

[26:07.16]l'm sOrry. 我很后悔

[26:13.08]Are yOu thrOugh? 你說(shuō)完了嗎?

[26:15.96]Yes. ThanK yOu fOr listening. 是的,謝謝你聽(tīng)我說(shuō)

[26:25.64]Wait. 等一下

[26:26.60]l'm sOrry, tOO. 我也很后悔

[26:32.00]YOu are? 是嗎?

[26:32.40]Yes. l'm sOrry abOut it all. 我后悔所有的一切

[26:39.48]l'm sOrry he mOved tO Paris and fell in lOve with me. 我后悔他搬到巴黎然后愛(ài)上我

[26:44.84]l'm sOrry that we ever gOt married. 我后悔我跟他結(jié)婚

[26:49.88]l'm sOrry he Cheated On me with yOu, 我后悔他跟你一起欺騙我

[26:50.20]and l'm sOrry that l pretended tO ignOre it fOr as lOng as l did. 我后悔我假裝不知情

[26:56.24]l'm sOrry l fOund yOu in my apartment, 我后悔在我家撞見(jiàn)你

[26:58.04]fell dOwn the stairs and brOKe my tOOth. 然后跌下樓梯,摔斷牙齒

[27:04.48]l'm very sOrry that after muCh painful dental surgery 我后悔經(jīng)過(guò)這么多痛苦的手術(shù)

[27:06.08]this tOOth is still a different COlOr than this tOOth. 這顆牙齒的顏色 跟旁邊的還是不一樣

[27:12.08]Finally, l'm sOrry that yOu felt the need tO COme dOwn here. 最后,我后悔你必須到這里來(lái)

[27:16.80]NOt Only have yOu ruined my marriage, 你不僅毀了我的婚姻

[27:22.52]yOu've ruined my lunCh. 還毀了我的用餐情緒

[27:29.76]That's just what l had tO say. 這就是我要說(shuō)的

[27:33.12]l was just leaving. 我正要走

[27:38.28]My aCtiOns had set intO mOtiOn a KarmiC Chain Of events 我領(lǐng)悟到我的所作所為

[27:45.48]that put Natasha baCK On the singles marKet. 讓娜塔莎重新恢復(fù)單身

[27:48.76]As if single wOmen didn't have it hard enOugh. 好像單身婦女受的罪不夠多

[28:03.36]SOmewhere Out there, Big was alOne again. 在城市某處,大人物又落單了

[28:07.24]The universe may nOt always play fair, 天地萬(wàn)物間不見(jiàn)得永遠(yuǎn)會(huì)公平

[28:08.80]but at least it's gOt a hell Of a sense Of humOr. 不過(guò)至少還挺幽默的


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