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欲望都市第四季 訂婚戒指 Just Say Yes





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:42:10



[00:35.72](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:46.48]New York weIcomes and sheIters... 紐約歡迎并提供庇護(hù)給…

[00:48.56]the tired, the poor, the persecuted... 疲倦的、貧窮的、受迫害的人

[00:53.80]who have been forced to Ieave their homes at the whim of a ruIing cIass. 他們?yōu)榱颂颖芙y(tǒng)治而遠(yuǎn)離家園

[00:55.48]Therefore, it's ironic that aII Manhattanites... 因此,曼哈頓人要是 生活面臨不安定實(shí)在諷刺

[00:58.76]face the same horribIe uncertainty, knowing that any day...

[01:02.08]they may have to utter the tragic words.: 或許有一天 他們會(huì)遇到這種悲劇

[01:07.32]My building's going co-op. 我的公寓要變成合作式大廈了

[01:07.12]Did you get the tomatoes? 你有買番茄嗎?

[01:10.72]My building's going co-op. 我的公寓要變成合作式大廈了

[01:14.76]l have to move, this is a nightmare. 我得搬家了,真是噩耗

[01:17.56]Why don't you just buy the place? 你為什么不買下來?

[01:21.96]Yeah, okay, sure. That's a great idea. 好,沒問題

[01:24.92]-真是個(gè)好主意 -有何不可呢?

[01:26.12]Why not?

[01:27.80]Aidan, l just charged tomatoes. 番茄我是賒帳的 我也沒有打算買公寓

[01:28.72]l really don't think l'm in a position to buy an apartment.

[01:32.40]l am. -我正有此意 -是嗎?

[01:32.60]-You are? -Yeah.

[01:37.64]l had no idea. 我從不知道

[01:43.52]You have a girlfriend, moneybags? -闊佬,你有女友了嗎? -她很性感,我很喜歡

[01:45.00]Afraid so, and she's sexy and l like it.

[01:47.16]Figures. 我也這么想

[01:50.40]Seriously. 說真的,你想認(rèn)真談?wù)剢?

[01:53.28]-You wanna talk about this? -You're not buying my apartment for me. 你不能為我買下公寓

[01:55.32]Not for you, for us. 不只為你,是為我們 我可以賣掉現(xiàn)居,買下這里

[01:57.60]l could sell my place and buy this place and that place next door.


[02:04.28]We could tear down that wall. 我們可以把那面墻打掉 我們可以住在一起

[02:07.28]We could live together.

[02:08.20]So then... 然后呢?

[02:09.64]are you.... 你算是我的房東還是室友?

[02:12.92]Would that make you my landlord or my roommate?

[02:15.80]Little of both. -都可以 -房租怎么算?

[02:17.60]-What would the rent be like? -Like...

[02:20.72]this? 用這個(gè)付怎么樣?

[02:29.32]Does that include utilities? 有包括用具嗎?


[02:33.72]Think about it. 你考慮一下

[02:35.40]I have to admit, I was tempted by his offer. 他的提議讓我心動(dòng)

[02:37.60]We were spending aImost every night together aIready... 我們幾乎每晚一起過夜 而且正在熱戀

[02:42.56]and we were in Iove... 搬家又是一件麻煩事

[02:42.28]and moving is such a pain in the ass.

[02:44.64]And so were the hormone injections... 夏綠蒂每晚要做的 荷爾蒙注射也一樣麻煩

[02:49.04]CharIotte was facing nightIy.

[02:49.60]l don't approve of this, Charlotte. 我不贊成這么做

[02:51.00]You've got more hormones in you than a teenage boy. 你的荷爾蒙比一個(gè)青少年還多

[02:56.08]This is what we have to do now. 這是我們當(dāng)前該做的

[02:57.20]We ought to try to have a baby the old-fashioned way. 我們應(yīng)該回到傳統(tǒng)的方式

[02:59.28]Why don't we sit around and wait for a stork? -干脆等天上掉下嬰兒來 -還是有機(jī)會(huì)的

[03:02.52]-The doctor said there's still a chance. -A very, very slim chance.

[03:05.76]-機(jī)會(huì)渺茫 -這算是好消息

[03:06.60]That's good news. 病人生存的機(jī)會(huì)渺茫 算是好消息嗎?

[03:08.52]lf you had a patient who had a very slim chance of living, would that be good news?

[03:12.52]Would you tell the family, ''Buck up, he's got a shot in hell''? 你會(huì)告訴家屬 他在地獄里還有機(jī)會(huì)嗎?

[03:16.28]-Point taken. -That's why we have to move on to in vitro. -你說的對(duì) -我們得做試管嬰兒

[03:18.64]lt took Peggy Woodruff seven years to conceive. 佩姬伍卓夫嘗試了七年

[03:19.64]-Who's Peggy Woodruff? -A woman l met in the elevator. -她是誰? -我在電梯間認(rèn)識(shí)的人

[03:24.60]A lot of couples have trouble conceiving, and they get through it. 很多夫妻都有懷孕的問題

[03:25.40]ln our building, there are six couples who have been through in vitro. 我們這棟就有六對(duì)

[03:30.28]What did you do? Put up a flyer in the lobby: 你還發(fā)問卷嗎? “我們不孕,你們呢?”

[03:31.28]-''We're barren, how about you?'' -We're not barren. 我們不是不孕,只是較難受孕

[03:34.32]We're reproductively challenged.

[03:39.20]And Peggy invited us over on Friday night to hear all about their experiences. 佩姬周五邀請(qǐng)我們到她家 聽取經(jīng)驗(yàn)

[03:43.08]lsn't that nice? 聽起來真有趣

[03:45.40]As tempting as that sounds...

[03:46.60]we have the Scottish Society Highland Fling Friday night. 我們星期五要參加 蘇格蘭高地拋舞

[03:49.08]Do we have to fling? -我們一定得去嗎? -是的,那是家族傳統(tǒng)

[03:51.16]Yes, it's a family tradition.

[03:53.92]First comes spring, then comes fling. We go every year. 通常是春天過后舉行 我們每年都去

[03:57.32]Okay, but when are we gonna talk to the Woodruffs? 那我們什么時(shí)候拜訪伍卓夫?

[03:59.52]l don't wanna talk to the Woodruffs. l'm a doctor. 我不想跟他們談 我是醫(yī)生,我知曉試管嬰兒

[04:04.60]l'm familiar with in vitro.

[04:06.36]lt's a very invasive procedure... 那很痛苦,成功率低 所需時(shí)間又長

[04:07.96]the success rate is extremely low, and it can take years.

[04:10.32]l know, honey, so, just in case... 我知道,以防萬一 我登記領(lǐng)養(yǎng)中國小孩

[04:13.00]l put us on the list for a Mandarin baby.

[04:16.72]As CharIotte's pIan for parenthood progressed with or without Trey... 當(dāng)夏綠蒂獨(dú)自進(jìn)行著養(yǎng)兒計(jì)劃

[04:22.28]I began to wonder if Aidan's pIan was progressing without me. 我開始懷疑艾登是不是 也背著我進(jìn)行他的計(jì)劃

[04:27.56]He never officiaIIy moved in... 他沒有正式搬進(jìn)來 但是到處都是他的物品

[04:30.12]but his stuff was everywhere.

[04:37.28]It's not unusuaI

[04:39.36]to be Ioved by anyone

[04:43.84]It's not unusuaI

[04:47.04]to be Ioved by anyone

[04:52.80]When I see you hanging around

[04:54.40]with anyone

[04:57.28]It's not unusuaI to see me cryin'

[05:11.56]You're getting engaged! -你要訂婚了 -我吐了

[05:14.56]l threw up. 我看到戒指,然后嘔吐 這不是正常

[05:16.24]l saw the ring and l threw up. That's not normal.

[05:18.72]That's my reaction to marriage. 這就是我對(duì)婚姻的反應(yīng)

[05:19.64]What do you think you'll do if he asks? -要是他求婚怎么辦? -我不知道

[05:22.20]-l don't know. -Just say yes! -答應(yīng)他 -還不夠久吧?

[05:26.40]lt hasn't been long enough.

[05:27.20]Has it? -是吧? -我一個(gè)月就訂婚了

[05:28.60]Trey and l got engaged after only a month.

[05:31.56]How long before you separated? -過了多久分居? -我們又在一起了

[05:32.36]We're together now, and that's what matters. When it's right, you just know.

[05:35.32]-當(dāng)一切都對(duì)了,你會(huì)知道的 -凱莉不知道

[05:35.60]Carrie doesn't know. -凱莉吐了 -所以可能不對(duì)

[05:38.32]-Carrie threw up. -So, it might not be right.

[05:38.92]Maybe this is all happening because my building is going co-op. 或許是因?yàn)槲业墓?要被收回了

[05:42.36]ls this a real estate merger? 我是因?yàn)闆]房子住才嫁?

[05:44.76]Am l a real estate bride? 要是曼哈頓有無限的公寓 我們就會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)單身

[05:45.04]lf there were unlimited apartments in Manhattan, we'd all be single forever.

[05:49.84]What did the ring look like? -戒指怎么樣? -這又是另一件事

[05:54.60]That's the other thing.

[05:57.88]The ring was not good. -戒指不好看 -什么意思?

[05:58.60]What do you mean?

[06:02.84]lt was a pear-shaped diamond... 那是梨型鉆石帶金邊

[06:05.92]with a gold band.

[06:08.36]No wonder you threw up. -難怪你會(huì)吐 -一點(diǎn)都不適合我

[06:08.40]lt's just not me. -你穿戴金飾 -就好像假的寶石

[06:10.84]You wear gold jewelry.

[06:13.60]Yeah, like ghetto gold, for fun.

[06:13.52]But this is my engagement ring. 但卻是我的訂婚戒指

[06:19.16]l helped pick the ring. 那是我?guī)兔μ舻?/p>

[06:22.92]-You knew about this? -Aidan wanted a female perspective. -你事先知情? -艾登需要女性的意見

[06:27.12]P.S., l was a pregnant woman shopping for a ring with a man... 我懷著身孕,跟一個(gè) 不是孩子父親的男人去挑戒指

[06:28.32]who's not the baby's dad. lt's not exactly my dream scenario. -一點(diǎn)也不夢(mèng)幻 -至少你懷孕了

[06:31.36]-At least you're pregnant! -Will you yell at me every time l mention it? 你要繼續(xù)這樣對(duì)我嗎? 我還有七個(gè)月才生

[06:36.64]Because we've got another seven months to go.

[06:39.96]l'll just say... 我就說 “我還沒有訂婚的準(zhǔn)備”

[06:39.56]''l'm not ready to get engaged yet...

[06:43.20]''but l love you... 但是我愛你,我想要跟你同居 你們覺得怎么樣?

[06:43.60]''and l wanna live with you.''

[06:44.80]-How does that sound? -Like a ''no.'' -就像是拒絕 -但我答應(yīng)和他同居

[06:47.72]lt's a ''yes'' to living together. That's a big deal, a first for me.

[06:52.36]-Don't l get some credit for that? -Try to be nice... 這是我的第一次 沒有人給我一點(diǎn)肯定嗎?

[06:51.84]態(tài)度要好一點(diǎn) 畢竟你可能會(huì)想嫁給他

[06:53.04]because down the road you might wanna marry him.

[06:57.16]l'm gonna have to act surprised. 我要假裝很驚訝 不知道是什么時(shí)候?

[06:58.100]l wonder when it's gonna happen.

[07:02.12]-You know when he'll do it? -No. You're on your own. -你知道嗎? -這個(gè)跟我無關(guān)

[07:06.80]l am no longer involved. 這下又跟你無關(guān)了? 我居然要得到一只爛戒指?

[07:08.88]Now you're not involved.

[07:11.28]Now that l'm stuck with the bad ring.

[07:13.36]See, that's a nice ring. He should have known that ring wasn't me. 你的戒指真好看 艾登應(yīng)該知道不適合我

[07:16.00]How can l marry a guy who doesn't know which ring is me? 我怎能嫁給買錯(cuò)戒指的人?

[07:21.00]Exactly, honey. Wrong ring, wrong guy. 你說的沒錯(cuò) 錯(cuò)誤的戒指,錯(cuò)誤的對(duì)象

[07:29.44]Is it true what CharIotte said? Does anybody reaIIy know when it's right? 夏綠蒂說對(duì)了嗎? 你真的知道什么時(shí)候是對(duì)的?

[07:33.84]And how do you know? Are there signs? 你怎么能確定? 有征兆嗎?還是會(huì)放煙火?

[07:35.68]Fireworks? Is it right when it feeIs comfortabIe... 只要感覺對(duì)了就對(duì)了嗎? 還是這是不好的征兆?

[07:39.36]or is comfortabIe a sign that there aren't any fireworks?

[07:42.88]Is hesitation a sign that it's not right... 猶豫代表時(shí)機(jī)不對(duì) 還是我還沒準(zhǔn)備好?

[07:45.52]or is it just a sign that you're not ready?

[07:49.04]In matters of Iove... 愛情這件事 你怎么知道什么是對(duì)的?

[07:50.00]how do you know when it's right?

[07:55.08]Downtown, Samantha was meeting with Mr. Wright... 在市中心,莎曼珊和理查會(huì)面

[07:58.76]Mr. Richard Wright, that is.

[07:59.56]The hoteI magnate sIash mega-cIient who was fast becoming... 這個(gè)飯店大亨讓莎曼珊 一個(gè)頭兩個(gè)大

[08:03.76]the pain in her ass. -你遲到了 -我花了15分鐘

[08:03.36]You're seven minutes late.

[08:06.80]lt took me 15 minutes to get through your labyrinth of a lobby.


[08:10.68]Where's my London hotel? 我的倫敦飯店呢?

[08:10.52]Bobby De Niro spends the weekend at Blakes and l get knocked off the page. 勞勃狄尼洛選擇布雷克飯店 卻不到我這里來

[08:13.08]That little fucker has stayed at my place! 他曾經(jīng)在我這里住宿 我們讓他住閣樓套房

[08:16.16]We gave him the fucking penthouse suite!

[08:18.84]Now, did you ask somebody what happened... 你有去調(diào)查發(fā)生什么事 還是整個(gè)早上都在打扮?

[08:22.72]or did you just spend the morning accessorizing?

[08:23.60]l talked to the travel editor. 我跟旅游編輯談過了 不會(huì)再發(fā)生了

[08:24.28]l pulled two of our ads. lt won't happen again.

[08:28.68]l also got a full-page feature on the Barcelona property out of it. 我還拿到巴塞隆納的資料

[08:35.76]Not bad. 不錯(cuò)

[08:34.96]May l sit down now? -我可以坐下了嗎? -隨便你

[08:37.52]What the hell?

[08:46.40]What's with you, female trouble? 你怎么了?女人的問題?

[08:48.68]Let's just talk business, shall we? 我們談公事,好嗎?

[08:51.44]Come on, you can tell me, l'm human. -你可以告訴我,我是人 -所有的證據(jù)顯示你不是

[08:54.44]All evidence to the contrary.

[08:60.48]l love that you're not scared of me. 我喜歡你不害怕我這一點(diǎn)

[09:04.80]My best friend might be getting engaged. 我最好的朋友可能要訂婚了

[09:07.56]She didn't ask you to be a bridesmaid? 她不請(qǐng)你當(dāng)伴娘?

[09:10.36]lt's just, why does everyone have to get married and have kids? 為什么大家都得結(jié)婚? 真是迂腐

[09:15.64]lt's so cliché. 我跟你意見一致 我喜歡到處拈花惹草

[09:16.20]You're preaching to the converted.

[09:17.80]l like to sleep around...

[09:20.96]whisk somebody off to Rio if the mood strikes me. 我需要有人陪我到里約熱內(nèi)盧 在飛機(jī)上度過美好的九小時(shí)

[09:22.48]lt's the perfect nine-hour flight.

[09:24.64]Dinner on the jet, wake up in Brazil... 在飛機(jī)上用晚餐,在巴西起床

[09:28.64]and spend the weekend in my little five-star hotel. 在我的五星級(jí)飯店度周末

[09:34.32]Who needs a wife when you have a life? 有生活享受何必要老婆?

[09:38.24]That's all l'm saying. 我就是這個(gè)意思

[09:45.40]MeanwhiIe, Miranda had been waiting... 米蘭達(dá)一直在等 適當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)機(jī)地點(diǎn)

[09:47.64]for the right pIace and the right way...

[09:50.60]to teII Steve about the baby. 告訴史蒂夫孩子的事

[09:52.76]-You want sprinkles? -Steve, l'm pregnant. -你要巧克力粉嗎? -我懷孕了

[09:53.08]Instead she settIed for right now. 她選擇“當(dāng)下”

[09:56.56]-You're what? -l'm pregnant. -什么? -我懷孕了

[09:59.52]And it's yours. 是你的

[10:03.24]That'll be $6. -總共是六塊錢 -你確定嗎?

[10:05.52]You sure? 過去幾個(gè)月我只做過一次 那就是你

[10:06.80]l've only had one shot in the last few months and it was you.

[10:09.96]l'm the only guy you've had sex with? -你只跟我上床? -這是個(gè)漫長的夏天

[10:12.08]lt's been a slow summer.

[10:16.32]Okay, we're done here. 好了,我講完了

[10:21.88]l guess it's good to know that my one ball is still working. 知道我的睪丸還有作用 是個(gè)好消息


[10:30.88]So, what now?

[10:33.64]-l'm gonna have it. -No way! -我要生下來 -我們交往的時(shí)候

[10:36.56]When we were together, l wanted to have a baby, you weren't ready. 你說過你不要小孩

[10:37.40]l'm still not ready, but when am l ever gonna be ready? 我還是沒準(zhǔn)備好 但是更待何時(shí)?

[10:41.88]Man, l just went into so much debt opening my bar. 我開酒吧欠了一大筆債 或許我應(yīng)該賣了它

[10:45.00]-l'm thinking maybe l should sell it. -No.

[10:46.44]You don't have to do anything. l'll take care of the baby and support it... 你不需要做任何事 我自己照顧小孩

[10:51.96]And you can visit whenever you want, but it's not gonna be your problem. 你可以來探望 但是不必負(fù)責(zé)任

[10:54.12]lt's my decision, and it's just something l want to do for me. 這是我為自己做的決定

[10:60.16]Then why did you wanna talk to me about it? 那你為什么要告訴我?

[11:01.08]l just thought you should know. 我想你有權(quán)利知道

[11:08.36]Later that week, I decided to head Aidan off at the pass... 我決定自行制造機(jī)會(huì)

[11:11.92]by taking him out to dinner... 邀他出來吃晚餐 并接受他的提議

[11:12.88]and accepting his proposaI.

[11:14.72]So, yes. 所以,答案是好

[11:19.88]l say yes to living together. l think that we're ready for that step. 我們住在一起,該是時(shí)候了

[11:22.96]We still have to work out the money 'cause l don't want a free ride. 金錢方面再協(xié)調(diào) 我們還是經(jīng)濟(jì)獨(dú)立

[11:24.20]We're still individuals. 但是我們將共同生活

[11:27.04]But we'll be sharing a life and an apartment.


[11:34.88]Yes, Aidan...

[11:37.56]l would love to live with you.


[11:39.44]That makes me really happy...

[11:41.80]because there's something else l wanna ask you. -因?yàn)檫€有另一件事… -失陪一下

[11:46.20]-Would you excuse me for a minute? -Sure, are you okay?

[11:47.28]l'm just gonna go to the bathroom. -你還好嗎? -我要去洗手間


[12:12.96]What are you doing? 你在做什么?

[12:16.96]Are you talking to me? -你在跟我說話嗎? -不是,抱歉


[12:18.92]No, l wasn't. l'm sorry.


[12:35.52]Did you want dessert? -你要吃甜點(diǎn)嗎? -我不要


[12:38.12]l would say no to desserts.

[12:41.28]All right, then. 好吧

[12:44.56]Listen, Carrie. 聽著,凱莉

[12:59.56]l know that you wanted to pay... 我知道你…


[13:05.24]but let me get this...

[13:06.52]because your rent's about to skyrocket. 你的房租要大漲了 過來親我一下

[13:11.48]Give me a little something.


[13:23.84]Good morning. 早上好


[13:34.88]Good night. 晚安

[13:37.04]You're learning Chinese? -你在學(xué)中文? -我希望能跟小孩溝通

[13:38.92]Just in case. l wanna be able to speak to the baby.

[13:44.28]Don't mention it.

[13:47.28]Wouldn't we teach the baby to speak? -教他說話的應(yīng)該是我們 -有時(shí)候孩子的年紀(jì)比較大

[13:47.08]Sometimes you get a slightly older child.

[13:50.28]And anyhow, we ought to really try to understand her heritage. 我們應(yīng)該試著了解她的背景

[13:54.52]So, it's a Mandarin girl now, is it? -是中國女孩? -通常棄嬰都是女孩

[13:56.64]lt's mostly little unwanted girls.

[13:59.44]But the good news is, since we're both dark-haired... 不過我們都是深色發(fā)

[14:02.48]people won't immediately know that she's not ours. 別人乍看之下 不會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)是領(lǐng)養(yǎng)的

[14:03.68]l hope you remembered to pick up your kilt at the drycleaner. 你有記得去拿蘇格蘭裙吧?

[14:09.76]You know... 我今晚不想去舞會(huì)

[14:09.04]l really don't feel like going to the fling tonight.

[14:13.60]We have to go, it's a family tradition. 我們一定得去,那是傳統(tǒng)

[14:17.40]We are not gonna behave like your typical barren couple! 我們不要像 一般不孕的夫妻一樣

[14:20.96]We can't let this get us down! We have to live! 我們不能因此挫敗 我們還是得生活

[14:21.36]Plus, l had a plaid dress made. 再說,我訂做了一件格子禮服

[14:24.04]Maybe we should look at cutting back on your fertility drugs. 或許我們應(yīng)該減少你的藥量

[14:28.56]Just a thought. 只是個(gè)念頭

[14:33.12]It's my first visit. 我是第一次來這

[14:41.48]Taxi! 計(jì)程車

[14:44.16]What, come on, buddy, you've got nobody in there. 那是空車呢

[14:48.04]-Jesus! -Taxi!

[14:55.08]Lady! 小姐,需要載你一程嗎?

[14:59.08]Need a ride?

[15:07.48]ls this the city's solution to the cab shortage? 這是計(jì)程車短缺的解決之道嗎

[15:09.40]Just a happy coincidence. -只是愉快的巧遇 -承認(rèn)吧

[15:12.20]Admit it, you drive around looking for me, don't you? 你開著車四處找我

[15:14.36]Don't flatter yourself, you're on my turf. 你在我的地盤上

[15:17.96]You've got the good shops. -你擁有很多好店 -上車吧

[15:18.12]Get in, we're holding up traffic.

[15:23.52]-Going home? -Yeah. -回家? -你真的要送我一程?

[15:24.88]Are you seriously giving me a ride?

[15:27.56]-ls it on your way? -Nope. -你順路嗎? -不順路

[15:28.96]-Raoul, East 73rd Street. -Right away. 拉爾,東73街

[15:30.48]Thank you. -謝謝你 -拉爾和我成天就是這樣

[15:32.84]Raoul and l do this all day.

[15:35.60]Picking the ladies up, dropping them off. 四處接送女士

[15:39.32]-How've you been? -Good, you? -你近來好嗎? -很好,你呢?

[15:42.92]Very good. -非常好 -那我就是非常非常好

[15:44.60]-Then l've been very, very good. -lt's not a contest. -這又不是競(jìng)爭(zhēng) -那我收回一個(gè)“非常”

[15:45.96]All right, then l take back one ''very.''

[15:48.72]How are things with Country Bob? 那個(gè)鄉(xiāng)村男孩最近好嗎?

[15:52.84]You know his name now. -你知道他的名字 -艾登

[15:53.84]-Aidan. -Things are very good there, too. 他也一樣非常好

[15:60.76]-What was that? -What? -那代表什么? -什么?

[16:01.08]That smile? 那個(gè)微笑

[16:04.44]l don't think you want to know. -你不會(huì)想知道的 -我一定承受得住

[16:06.56]l bet l can handle it.

[16:09.72]-Are you sure? -What the hell? -你確定? -管那么多

[16:12.84]l think he wants to marry me. -他想娶我 -推測(cè)還是事實(shí)?

[16:13.40]-You think, or you know? -l know, actually. -我就是知道 -你們討論過了?

[16:17.60]And you've discussed it? 沒有,但是就是可以察覺

[16:20.64]No, l....

[16:23.64]lt's just the kind of thing you know.

[16:24.92]-Not gonna happen. -Let's not talk about it. -不可能 -我不要跟你談這個(gè)

[16:26.100]He's not the guy for you. -他不適合你 -他也許就是我的真命天子

[16:29.92]He might be the guy for me.

[16:33.96]l'm just not ready yet. 只是我還沒準(zhǔn)備好

[16:33.88]You're never gonna be ready, baby. You're not the marrying kind. 你永遠(yuǎn)都不可能準(zhǔn)備好 你不是結(jié)婚的那一型

[16:39.68]And you, l guess, are? 而你就是?這說明了什么?

[16:41.52]So, what does that tell us?

[16:41.92]-Nobody knows shit? -Yeah. 誰也說不準(zhǔn)?

[16:46.20]ln any case, l'm not taking relationship advice... 不管如何 我都不會(huì)聽取你感情上的意見

[16:47.28]from you.

[16:50.56]l just offered you a ride. 我載你一程呢

[17:25.36]-Hello? -Spy girl. 間諜,你有告訴艾登 我不喜歡那個(gè)戒指嗎?

[17:26.24]Did you tell Aidan l didn't like the ring? Did you tell him not to propose?

[17:28.24]-你叫他不要求婚? -我已經(jīng)不插手了

[17:29.04]l'm out of this now.

[17:32.72]Did he change his mind? Why hasn't he asked me yet? 他為什么還沒開口?

[17:34.52]You're not saying yes. What's your hurry? 你又不打算答應(yīng)他,急什么?

[17:37.72]l just think it's weird, he has the ring. What if he realized l'm not the one? 他買了戒指 或許他突然發(fā)現(xiàn)不想娶我?

[17:40.48]You're not sure he's the one. -你也不確定要不要嫁給他 -他又不知道

[17:44.04]But he doesn't know that, unless you told him. -除非你告訴他 -等一下

[17:47.64]Hang on a second.

[17:56.00]What happened, did someone propose to you? 有人向你求婚嗎?

[17:58.80]l don't know why they call it morning sickness when it's all fucking day long. 為什么要叫晨間嘔吐? 根本就是持續(xù)一整天

[18:03.44]Unless it's M-O-U-R-N, as in ''mourning'' the loss of your single life. 或許那是在哀悼 你單身生活的終止

[18:07.12]Apparently, we've reached the stage... 顯然我們都到了 厭惡目前生活的階段

[18:12.52]where our lives are making us sick.

[18:14.88]Man. 老天,實(shí)在有點(diǎn)…

[18:24.00]-l'm sore from the shots! -Sorry. -打針讓我酸痛 -抱歉

[18:29.56]The New York Scottish Society's AnnuaI HighIand FIing. 紐約的蘇格蘭高地年度拋舞

[18:38.32]Any Scot who was anyone was there... 顯赫的蘇格蘭人全在這里了 當(dāng)然也包括…

[18:41.40]incIuding, of course, Bunny MacDougaI.


[18:45.32]l was wondering when you'd be arriving. 我才在想你們?cè)趺催€沒到

[18:48.68]You missed dinner and the dancers. 你們錯(cuò)過了晚餐和舞蹈表演

[18:50.64]Shoot! 該死,抱歉,今天很忙

[18:52.84]Sorry, Mother, my fault. Long day at work. How are you?

[18:55.04]-Hello, Bunny. -Hello, my dear, don't you look festive! -邦妮,你好 -你看起來真有節(jié)慶味

[18:58.20]Trey, you must join your brothers. 崔,趕快加入你兄弟的行列 他們簡(jiǎn)直像小丑

[18:59.80]They're out there, making complete fools of themselves.

[19:02.96]Do you know that dance? -你會(huì)跳那種舞嗎? -不幸地,我會(huì),失陪

[19:06.08]Unfortunately, l do. Excuse me.

[19:08.96]lt's the Highland fling, dear. lt's what this event was named after. 這就是高地拋舞 從名稱就可一窺究竟

[19:16.08]For something called a fling, it looks like a lot of work. 好像不是很容易

[19:18.68]That's what l used to tell Trey about you. 我曾經(jīng)跟崔這么形容你


[19:25.84]They say this dance was originally danced on the shield of a clansman. 這種舞蹈原先是在 宗族成員的盾上跳的

[19:31.92]Do you know anything about clans? 你了解宗族的意義嗎?

[19:33.08]l know this is the MacDougal clan's tartan. 我知道這是 麥克道格家族的格子呢

[19:36.56]Yes. 麥克道格是高地上 最久遠(yuǎn)的宗族之一

[19:38.48]MacDougal is one of the oldest Highland clans in existence.

[19:39.28]We have a very proud lineage... 我們的后裔都很引以為傲

[19:43.16]one l hope you and Trey will be able to perpetuate. 我希望你和崔能傳承下去

[19:48.12]Now, l know some things can't be helped, but l must tell you right now... 有時(shí)候會(huì)力不從心

[19:51.72]但我得告訴你 我不喜歡中國料理

[19:52.28]l don't enjoy Mandarin food...

[19:55.08]and l don't enjoy a Mandarin child. 也不喜歡中國小孩

[19:60.84]-l don't think that's any of your business. -But it is my business. -這不關(guān)你的事 -這就是我的事

[20:03.52]The MacDougal name will be carried on by sons of your own... 麥克道格這個(gè)姓將由你們 親生的兒子傳承下去

[20:07.40]not daughters of the South Pacific. 而不是來自南太平洋的女孩

[20:09.88]Would you care for some shortbread? 你要吃脆餅嗎?

[20:15.24]No. 不要

[20:29.96]lf we want a Mandarin baby, we can have one. 領(lǐng)養(yǎng)中國小孩是我們的決定 別人不應(yīng)該干涉

[20:32.04]Nobody else needs to be involved!

[20:33.36]Then let's not involve the entire Scottish population of New York City. 那我們就不要干涉 紐約的蘇格蘭人口

[20:35.24]l'm serious, l'm doing all the work! 我是認(rèn)真的,我吃盡所有的苦 還注射荷爾蒙

[20:39.52]l'm getting the hormone shots, and taking the pills...

[20:42.28]l'm doing the research, l'm in the chat room... 我和其他受孕困難的女人 交換心得

[20:43.00]with the other reproductively challenged women...

[20:47.04]and l'm learning Mandarin. 我甚至在學(xué)中文 而你只需要手淫就好

[20:47.96]All you have to do is jerk off into a plastic cup!

[20:52.24]-Get a hold of yourself. -You get a hold of yourself! -控制一下自己的情緒 -你才控制一下

[20:55.40]And try to keep your mother out of it! 不要把你母親牽扯進(jìn)來

[21:07.44]MeanwhiIe, Samantha's professionaI reIationship... 在此同時(shí) 莎曼珊與上司的關(guān)系正要起步

[21:11.00]reaIIy started to take off.

[21:15.48]l would have taken it off. -我愿意把它脫掉 -我再買一件給你

[21:19.56]l'll buy you a new one.

[21:28.80]Excuse me. 抱歉,我們要起飛了 請(qǐng)系上安全帶

[21:30.00]We're about to take off, we need you to buckle your seat belts.

[21:33.40]-Thanks, Dwight. -Sure, Dwight. -謝謝你,杜徠 -好的,杜徠

[21:36.04]ls this a good idea? You are my boss. 這樣好嗎?你是我的上司

[21:39.36]Yes, and l definitely need you to see my property in Brazil. 你得看看我在巴西的產(chǎn)業(yè)

[21:44.04]This is on the clock then? 那么現(xiàn)在也算時(shí)薪?

[21:45.40]No, but, out of curiosity, what do you charge for this sort of thing? 不算,你要怎么索價(jià)?

[21:48.88]You couldn't afford it. -你付不起的 -我很有錢

[21:49.16]-l'm a very rich man. -l'm a very talented woman. 我是很聰明的女人

[22:14.72]l need you to give me my shot. 我需要你幫我打針

[22:18.92]For the love of God, do we have to do that tonight? 老天,我們每晚都得如此嗎?

[22:23.72]We have to do it every night... 如果想要傳承 麥克道格家的血統(tǒng),就得如此

[22:24.08]if we want to continue the MacDougal clan.

[22:28.28]l said l was sorry. What else do you expect from me? 我已經(jīng)道過歉了 你還想要我怎么樣?

[22:31.96]l don't understand why you talked to Bunny. Why don't you talk to me? 你為什么去找邦妮? 為什么不直接跟我談?

[22:34.24]Because l don't know how to tell you l'm exhausted. 我不知道該如何開口 我精疲力盡了

[22:36.72]How much work is a marriage supposed to be? 到底要為婚姻盡多少努力?

[22:45.88]This is just a tough phase. 這個(gè)階段很辛苦 一旦我們有了寶寶…

[22:47.16]-Once we have a baby-- -That could take years. 那可能要多年的努力 我已經(jīng)43歲了,太困難了

[22:50.92]l'm 43. When does it get easy?

[22:55.08]-This is what a relationship is. -No. -婚姻關(guān)系就是這回事 -只有我們的婚姻關(guān)系是這樣

[22:55.96]No, this is what our relationship is.

[22:60.96]No one else got screamed at on the dance floor. 沒有人在舞池里尖叫

[23:03.32]l'm sorry, it's the hormones. 我很抱歉,是荷爾蒙的關(guān)系

[23:04.32]-Then stop taking the hormones. -l can't. -那就不要注射了 -不行

[23:08.44]l can't keep doing what we're doing. 我無法再這樣下去

[23:10.48]l love you, but l don't know if l'm cut out for this. 我愛你 但是我不適應(yīng)這樣的生活

[23:15.80]What are you saying? 你在說什么?

[23:17.56]l don't think l wanna have a baby anymore. 我甚至不想要寶寶了

[23:19.72]l don't have the energy. 我沒有精力了 我工作很辛苦,只想打高爾夫

[23:23.32]l work hard, and l like to play golf.

[23:24.12]l just want to be for a while. -我想維持現(xiàn)狀 -你不愿意嘗試了?

[23:26.68]So, you don't even want to try?

[23:31.08]l don't. l don't wanna try. 不愿意

[23:33.48]lf it's the right thing, then it'll happen. lf it's not, then it won't. 該發(fā)生的就會(huì)發(fā)生 強(qiáng)求不得的


[23:42.24]we've been planning all along to have a family. 我們計(jì)劃組成家庭很久了

[23:46.16]You and l will have to be enough. 有你有我就夠了

[23:48.64]l mean, l think l could be happy with just the two of us. 就算只有兩人世界 我還是可以很快樂

[23:54.52]l'm not sure you can, though. 我不確定你行不行

[23:59.32]l'm gonna get some juice. 我要去喝點(diǎn)果汁


[24:08.48]are you all right? -你還好嗎? -我不知道

[24:11.84]l don't know.

[24:13.32]Sometimes, the question is, how do you know when it's not right? 有時(shí)候問題在于 “你怎么知道這樣對(duì)不對(duì)?”

[24:22.88]-See, isn't this nice? -lt was nice being in the bed. -這樣很好,不是嗎? -躺在床上更好

[24:26.52]When Pete has to go, Pete has to go. 但是皮特總是得小便

[24:30.80]-Okay, but why do l have to go? -Keep your old man company. 那我為什么要跟來?

[24:32.52]Make sure some hottie doesn't come along with a little pooch and steal him away. 跟著你的男人免得街上的辣妹 把你的男人拐走

[24:36.28]Pete would never leave me. Pete loves me so. 皮特才不會(huì)背棄我 皮特很愛我

[24:42.48]He does, don't you, Pete? Come here. 確實(shí),皮特,是吧?過來

[24:44.56]Pete loves you. 皮特愛你,你愛她對(duì)不對(duì)? 我也愛她

[24:46.92]Don't you love her? l love her, too.

[24:50.92]Do you have a baggie? l didn't bring a baggie. -你有袋子嗎? -這下可好了

[24:52.20]This just gets better and better.

[24:55.16]Here, hold this, would you? 幫我拿一下好嗎?

[25:02.40]Go ahead, open it. 打開它

[25:18.64]My God, it's not.... 我的天,這不是…


[25:24.80]That's such a beautiful ring. -好漂亮的戒指 -真的嗎?

[25:27.60]-Really? -Yeah.

[25:31.44]l had a different one, then l changed my mind. 我之前買了一個(gè) 但改變心意了

[25:36.04]This one seemed more like you. 這一個(gè)比較適合你

[25:39.92]l love you, Carrie. 凱莉,我愛你 你是我最愛的人

[25:43.48]There's no one l could love more.

[25:44.76]l wanna live my life with you. What do you think? 我想要跟你一起生活 你覺得怎么樣?

[25:49.96]Maybe there are no right moments, right guys, right answers. 或許沒有所謂的適當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)機(jī) 適合的人,正確的答案

[25:57.100]Maybe you just have to say what's in your heart. 或許你只需把心里的話說出來

[26:02.80]Yes. 我愿意

[26:22.36]Gimme. 給我


[26:34.76]That night I surprised myseIf. 那一晚,我嚇了自己一跳

[26:35.24]-Who is it? -lt's me! -哪位? -是我

[26:38.76]And Miranda was getting a surprise as weII. 米蘭達(dá)也被嚇了一跳

[26:42.52]-What, are you fucking crazy? -That's your answer? -你瘋了嗎? -那就是你的答案?

[26:47.20]Why are you proposing? -你為什么要求婚? -我以為這是你想要的

[26:47.60]l thought that's what you wanted.

[26:49.36]-l don't want to marry you, Steve. -l don't want to marry you either. -我不想嫁給你 -我也不想娶你

[26:54.24]Then what are we doing? -那我們?cè)谧鍪裁? -但是我們就要有寶寶了

[26:55.56]There's gonna be a baby. And l just....

[26:58.32]l don't wanna just be a guy who sees you at the playground. 我不想只在游樂場(chǎng)跟你們見面 我想要盡一點(diǎn)力

[27:01.04]-l wanna help. -That doesn't mean we have to get married. 這樣并不表示我們得結(jié)婚

[27:05.00]-You're not in love with me, right? -No, especially not right now. -你并不愛我 -尤其是現(xiàn)在

[27:06.48]You need to say that every day, because when you see me with this baby... 我要你每天都說這句話

[27:08.76]不然當(dāng)你看到我和寶寶 你會(huì)以為你愛著我

[27:11.88]you'll think we belong together, that you're in love with me.

[27:13.12]l don't know, l've seen you with my dog, and mostly, you just seem uncomfortable. 我看過你跟我的狗相處 你很不自在

[27:18.32]How are we gonna do this? 那我們要怎么辦? 撫養(yǎng)小孩卻不在一起?

[27:20.08]Raise a kid together and not be together?

[27:22.88]We'll figure it out. -我們會(huì)想出辦法的 -我們會(huì)想出辦法?

[27:24.60]We'll figure it out.

[27:30.08]Miranda knew Steve wasn't right for her... 米蘭達(dá)知道史蒂夫不適合她

[27:30.56]but she wanted to do what was right for her baby. 但是她需要替寶寶著想

[27:34.64]By the way... 還有,我知道這是現(xiàn)成的戒指

[27:36.40]l know that's a hand-me-down ring.

[27:38.68]l would never say yes to a hand-me-down ring. 我不會(huì)對(duì)著這樣的戒指 說我愿意

[27:42.40]-You picked out this ring! -For Carrie! -這戒指是你選的 -為凱莉選的

[27:44.96]Fine, frankly, l can't afford a stupid ring and a baby. 說實(shí)話,我負(fù)擔(dān)不起這個(gè)戒指 也養(yǎng)不起小孩

[27:48.04]See, this is working out already. 這樣就對(duì)了

[27:50.80]There was one person I needed to teII that surprisingIy... 有一個(gè)人一定要知道


[27:55.48]I was the marrying kind.

[27:57.20]Thank God you're here. 還好你在這里

[27:60.76]l have something to tell you. -我有事情要告訴你 -艾登離開你了?

[28:02.48]Aidan left you?

[28:03.92]-l'm engaged. -Fuck you. -我訂婚了 -去你的

[28:06.60]Let's have a drink and celebrate. Two Rubies, please. 我們喝一杯來慶祝 兩杯紅葡萄酒

[28:11.88]-He switched the ring on me. -The bastard. -他換了戒指 -混蛋

[28:15.20]And look, it's a really good ring. 看,好棒的戒指

[28:20.44]l've seen it. -我看過了 -什么?

[28:20.12]-What? -Somebody had to help the poor guy. -總得有人幫幫他 -你希望我結(jié)婚?

[28:23.00]-So, now you want me to get married? -No, but if you're gonna ruin our lives...

[28:27.20]不,但是如果你要 打亂姐妹們的生活

[28:27.12]l'd at least like to look at a nice piece of jewelry. 至少要戴一個(gè)好看的戒指

[28:31.48]Thank you.

[28:33.84]-Two Rubies. -Are you tan, lady?

[28:38.76]-l was in Rio with Richard. -Rio with the CEO? -你是不是曬黑了? -我跟理查到里約熱內(nèi)盧

[28:40.92]跟主管到里約熱內(nèi)盧? 大錯(cuò)特錯(cuò)

[28:42.44]A mistake.

[28:49.16]Subtitles conformed by SOFTlTLER


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