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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.08.17 16:41:07
[00:01.08]GOSSIP GIRL: Gossip Girl here, your one and only source... 流言蜚女駕到...
[00:03.76]...into the scandalous lives of Manhattan 's elite. 你了解曼哈頓上流社會丑聞的唯一途徑
[00:06.20]Say those three words, and I'm yours. 說那三個字 我就是你的了
[00:08.36]I wiII never say those words to you. 我...
[00:11.24]BLAIR: We were pIaying chess. She was another piece. . . 我永遠不會對你說那三個字
[00:13.68]. . .that you needed to knock over to take the queen. 而她只不過是你為了得到王后
[00:16.28]I'm reaIIy gIad you're Nate's friend. 真高興你和Nate成了朋友
[00:18.28]He reaIIy needs someone Iike you right now. 現(xiàn)在他真的需要像你這樣的朋友
[00:20.44]Hope you don't mind, but we've got a Iodger. 希望你們別介意 咱家來了一個新房客
[00:23.56]-That's not my dress. -It's my dress. 那不是我設(shè)計的衣服!
[00:26.00]-You can't make me give up my job. -Watch. 那是我的
[00:28.08]Your dad asked me to bring over aII my stuff on home schooIing. 等著瞧
[00:33.32]WOMAN: Where has she been?
[00:34.52]GOSSIP GIRL: And who am I?
[00:35.92]That's one secret I'll ever tell.
[00:39.16]You know you love me. X O X O...
[00:42.88]... Gossip Girl.
[00:44.60]<font color="#ffff00">流言蜚女 第二季 第08集
[00:52.48]GOSSIP GIRL: Every girl fantasizes about finding her Prince Charming... 每個女孩都幻想著找到自己的白馬王子
[00:58.20]...but if that Prince refuses to come-- 但如果王子不肯出現(xiàn)...
[01:01.44](KNOCKING ON DOOR)
[01:07.08]You are Iate. Time for breakfast. 你起來晚了
[01:08.88]I'II be down in a minute. I just have to finish something. 該吃早餐了
[01:12.00]--a girl has to take matters into her own hands. 我還有點事沒做完
[01:15.52]Don't forget, God aIways watching, Miss BIair. 別忘了 上帝一直看著我們 Blair小姐
[01:27.92]What do you mean, the herringbone won't arrive untiI tomorrow? 等等
[01:30.96]The meeting with the buyers from BIoomingdaIe's is today. 跟Bloomingdale采購商的見面會是在今天
[01:34.44]No, I don't care about ItaIian customs. 不 我才不管什么意大利客戶
[01:36.72]If the eIectricity goes out, we found our new energy source. 要是停電了 靠她的能量都能讓我們生存
[01:39.64]She's making me dizzy. 她弄的我暈頭轉(zhuǎn)向
[01:41.16]Fine, then you can be the one to teII EIeanor that yourseIf. 好吧 那你自己去跟Eleanor說吧
[01:44.56]Stupid, stupid ItaIians. 太蠢了
[01:46.20]Oh, oh, I know, with their pizza and pasta and MicheIangeIo. 愚蠢的意大利人
[01:46.76]哦 我知道 他們的匹薩 意大利面...
[01:50.48]-But not their herringbone. -Dad, you don't understand. 還有那個米開朗基羅 都蠢死了
[01:53.24]EIeanor put me in charge. It's a big deaI. 爸爸 你不懂
[01:53.60]Eleanor讓我主管這些 這問題很嚴重
[01:55.32]-Honey, breathe. -No. No time for oxygen. I am Iate. - 親愛的 喘口氣吧 - 不 沒時間喘息
[01:59.52]And I forgot my homework. 哦 我忘帶作業(yè)了
[02:03.04]-She's making me feeI Iike a sIacker. -Maybe I can heIp fix that. 說實話 站她旁邊我就是個懶漢
[02:06.20]Tomorrow night's the Aaron Rose opening. 我倒是能幫你找點事做
[02:06.40]明晚畫廊要舉辦Aaron Rose作品展
[02:08.16]Vanessa and I couId use your heIp setting up. 你可以幫我和Vanessa做些準備工作
[02:10.40]Aaron Rose is that artist you discovered up at RISD, right? Aaron Rose就是你在羅德島設(shè)計 學院發(fā)現(xiàn)的那個藝術(shù)家?
[02:13.28]-Yeah, the kid's amazing. -Homework, headset, handbag. 對 他太棒了
[02:15.92]Check, check. I have to pee. 作業(yè) 耳機 包包 帶了 帶了 帶了
[02:17.48]-Guys, have you seen my sketchbook? DAN: No, don't-- 我要上廁所
[02:19.84]-Whoa, sorry. Oh, my God. -Oh, sorry. 哦 不 不 Nate!
[02:20.24]唔 不好意思
[02:21.36]哦 天啊
[02:22.88](CHUCKLING ) Jenny...不好意思 嗯...
[02:25.00]-Did you do something with your hair? -Uh. . . . 你...你新做了頭發(fā)?
[02:27.20]Yeah. Shorter, bIonder. I was bored. 嗯 是的
[02:29.36]-I Iike it. It Iooks good. -Thanks. 剪短了點 染黃了點
[02:28.84]原來那個... 我有點膩了
[02:31.28]-Oh, go ahead. I'm sorry, I didn't-- -Oh, no, I'm gonna go. - 看起來...很不錯 - 謝謝
[02:31.48]哦 你來用廁所吧
[02:32.64]- 抱歉 - 哦 沒事
[02:34.68]-I'II just pee at work. No, no, it's fine. -Okay. - 我不是故意的... - 不 不
[02:34.04]我要走了 沒事沒事
[02:35.56]- 不 不不 - 不不 沒事的
[02:36.84]- 再見 - 好
[02:45.24]Wanna get in? 想上車嗎?
[02:47.08]I'd Iove to give you a ride. 很樂意送你一程
[02:48.80]Oh, I'm sure you wouId. 我知道你肯定樂意
[02:50.76]Too bad you've made the terms of that arrangement impossibIe. 太可惜了 我滿足不了你的條件
[02:53.80]About that: maybe I was a IittIe too hasty. 那個嘛...也許我太急了點
[02:58.08]Come on, get in. 來吧
[03:00.32]Maybe I don't want you anymore. 上車
[03:02.72]Don't torture me. 別折磨我了
[03:04.12]I'm dying. 我都快死了
[03:11.92]AII you have to do is say those three magic words. 你只需要說那三個神奇的字眼
[03:14.84]I hate you. 我恨你
[03:26.08]Dude, I Iove that dress. 姐們 我愛死這衣服了
[03:28.00]JENNY: Thanks. 謝謝
[03:29.96]I mean, thanks on behaIf of EIeanor WaIdorf Designs. 我是說 代表Eleanor Waldorf 設(shè)計室感謝你
[03:32.52]I'm Agnes. I think we've worked together before. 我叫Agnes
[03:34.96]I kind of recognize the top of your head. 我覺得以前我們一起工作過
[03:37.16]Jenny, and yeah, because I think I recognize your feet. 我是Jenny 沒錯 因為 我也認出你的腳來了
[03:40.24](CHUCKLING )
[03:43.40]-Excuse me a minute. -Okay. 呃 抱歉 離開下
[03:46.52]EIeanor, I think the buyer from BIoomingdaIe's is here. Eleanor Bloomingdale的采購商來了
[03:49.72]ShouId I take notes, or what are you. . .? 我... 要我做做記錄什么的嗎
[03:52.36]Uh, you said I couId be in the meeting, remember? 你說過我能參加這個會議的 記得嗎?
[03:55.00]WeII, not today. 今天可不行
[03:57.80]I need you to finish that. 你要把那個做完
[04:01.00]Robert, darIing. Robert?
[04:03.56]I am so gIad they sent you. Come. 親愛的
[04:06.08]You are going to Iove it. 來吧
[04:10.00]Jenny, hey. Jenny?
[04:12.12]Nate? What are you doing here? 嘿
[04:14.24]I found this when you Ieft. I thought you might need it. 你來這干什么?
[04:14.56]你走后我找到了這個 我覺得你可能用得著
[04:16.96]I do. Thank you. Thank you so much. 哦 天 確實要用 謝謝
[04:19.00]-Sure. -That was reaIIy nice of you. 十分感謝
[04:20.96]-WeII, I'II Iet you get back to work. -Yeah, I'II see you Iater. 你真好
[04:21.44]嗯 你還是... 還是接著工作吧
[04:24.08]-Bye. -Bye. 好的 回見
[04:24.64]- 再見 - 再見
[04:28.36]That guy is totaIIy into you. 那家伙被你迷住了
[04:30.64]Uh, no, he's not. 哦 才沒有
[04:32.08]-He thinks of me Iike a sister. -Yeah, a sister he'd Iike to do. 他覺得我是他的小妹妹而已
[04:35.20]-No. No, he doesn't. -Yeah. Yes. 嗯 他想上的一個小妹妹
[04:35.44]- 沒有 才不是 - 是 就是 就是
[04:42.64]Hey. How's AP Economics treating you? 經(jīng)濟學上的怎么樣啊?
[04:46.16]WeII, today there was a rousing debate about infIation versus Iiquidity. . . 嗯 今天就通貨膨脹與流動性進行了辯論
[04:50.00]. . .which IsabeI settIed by caIIing Warren Buffett. 以Isabelle給Warren Buffett 打了個電話而告終(美國股神)
[04:52.44]ApparentIy, he's her godfather. 原來他是她的教父
[04:55.28]Hey, um, so the other night-- Seeing you was reaIIy nice. 嘿 那天晚上能見到你真好
[04:59.88]I know the first Ieg of the Dan-Serena "Iet's be friends" tour. . . 我承認Dan與Serena的
[05:03.04]. . .was a disaster, but. . . . "朋友之旅"的第一步 簡直是個災(zāi)難 但...
[05:04.44]WeII, we were young and stupid then. Now we're oIder and wiser. 當時我們還年輕 頭腦簡單
[05:07.76]You have to heIp me destroy Chuck Bass. 現(xiàn)在我們成熟而又有智慧了
[05:08.32]你要幫我毀掉Chuck Bass
[05:10.16]-I'II take that as my cue to Ieave. -You're very perceptive. 好吧 我把這個就當逐客令好了
[05:13.24]Dan, wait. If you're having a probIem, a man's perspective couId be heIpfuI. 哦 你還真善解人意
[05:13.44]Dan 等等
[05:17.08]Just because you two are making an attempt at being friends. . . 那聽聽男生的觀點可能會很有幫助
[05:20.12]-. . .doesn't mean I pIay the enabIer. -BIair, come on. 并非意味著我要做和事老
[05:23.16](SIGHS) Blair 算了吧
[05:27.92]If you're pIotting against Chuck Bass, I'm sure I couId think of something. 你們要搞垮Chuck Bass的話
[05:34.44]Fine. I have an itch that onIy Chuck can scratch. . . 好吧
[05:37.40]. . .and he won't obIige unIess I teII him I Iove him. 我的欲望只有Chuck能滿足我
[05:37.80]但如果我不說我愛他 他決不肯就范
[05:40.04]You need heIp getting Chuck to sIeep with you? ReaIIy? 你...你需要別人幫你跟Chuck上床?
[05:43.16]You hear the judgment in his voice, right? 真的?
[05:43.56]你聽出他對我的偏見了吧 嗯?
[05:45.24]-He's working on that. -Yeah. You're right, I'm sorry. 他... 他會改的
[05:47.92]No judgment, onIy heIp. 對對 不好意思
[05:48.04]嗯 只提供幫助 不做評論
[05:50.28]-So do you Iove him? -No, no. Of course not. 那么 你愛他嗎?
[05:52.88]Then why don't you just say it? Guys have been doing that since forever. 不!
[05:52.24]不 當然不愛了
[05:53.28]那你隨便說就是了 說了不就得到你想要了嗎?
[05:56.56]I can't. If I say it, then Chuck wins. 不行
[05:59.04]Right, but if you say it, then you get him, and you win. 如果我說了 那他就贏了
[05:59.20]是 可如果你說了 你就得到了他 那是你贏啊
[06:01.76]No, I Iose. See? This is totaIIy pointIess. 不對 是我輸了
[06:04.80]I was thinking I wouId disappear and give him a taste of Iife without me. 看 說這些完全沒意義
[06:04.96]我在想 要不我消失一陣子算了
[06:08.44]No, no, no. That's a terribIe idea. Don't disappear. Become unavoidabIe. 讓他嘗點相思之苦
[06:08.52]不 不 不 這可不是好主意
[06:09.64]不能玩失蹤 反而要無處不在
[06:11.92]Chuck may be a deviant, but he's stiII a man. Chuck可能不大正常 但他畢竟是個男人
[06:14.32]Drive him crazy. Wear him down. 把他逼瘋掉 折磨他
[06:16.28]You shouId be good at that. 這個你最擅長了
[06:19.64]-Look who finaIIy got a IittIe interesting. -I'm sure it's a fIuke. 這談話終于有點意思了
[06:23.08]See? Isn't this nice? 我只是走運而已
[06:27.44]Eck. Even broken up, you guys make me nauseous. 即便是分手了 你們還是讓我惡心
[06:34.88]Jenny. Jenny!
[06:41.72]I am so sorry about today with Robert. 今天Robert那事 我很抱歉
[06:45.08]I know you wanted to be at that meeting. 我知道你想?yún)⒓訒h
[06:47.92]-It's okay. -I've just been so on edge. 沒事
[06:50.08]These meetings with these buyers have not been going the way I expected. 我最近太緊張了
[06:50.16]因為跟采購商們的會談 還未如我所料步上正軌
[06:53.88]I don't understand. The runway show went so weII. 我不明白
[06:56.32]That's this season. They want next season. 發(fā)布會進行的那么順利
[06:58.68]FortunateIy, Robert did see one dress that he was very fond of. 他們關(guān)心的是下一季
[07:03.56]-I didn't know you started next season. -I haven't. 我不知道你都為下一季做了準備
[07:07.44]He Ioved the dress that you are wearing. 他 他喜歡你穿的這件
[07:13.60]Barneys and BendeI's are tomorrow. I have to have something to show them. Barneys和Bendel 明天就會來
[07:20.96]Ahem, um. . . . 呃 你可以給他們看這件啊
[07:22.80]You couId show them this dress.
[07:25.52]WeII, if you're offering. . . . 如果你同意的話
[07:28.64]I do think that it wouId be good for both of us. 我的確覺得這對你我都有好處
[07:31.44]Right, because then I couId be in those meetings? 那我就能參加洽談了?
[07:33.84]AbsoIuteIy. When those buyers Ieave here. . . 當然了
[07:34.96]那些客戶離開的時候 他們會記住Jenny Humphrey這個名字的
[07:36.80]. . .they wiII know the name Jenny Humphrey.
[07:40.64]So you are going to have to remake that dress in my fabrics, of course. 所以你要用我的布料 把這衣服重做一遍
[07:45.28]Um. . . . 呃 Eleanor 會面是就在明天了
[07:46.76]EIeanor, the meeting's tomorrow. I don't even have the pattern.
[07:49.88]I'd have to take the whoIe thing apart and compIeteIy make a new one. 我連這件衣服的樣板都沒有
[07:50.28]我得把它全部拆開 重新做一件
[07:53.24]You expect me to rescheduIe Barneys and BendeI's? 你想要我重新安排和Barneys 和Bendel的見面時間嗎
[07:59.12]Okay. I guess I better get to it. 好吧
[08:02.68]Yeah. 要馬上開工了
[08:20.44]-Wanna get a drink? -Wanna say those three IittIe words? 要喝一杯嗎?
[08:23.36]-No. -Then no drink. 準備說那三個字了嗎?
[08:25.72]Why? Scared you won't be abIe to handIe it? 那就沒得喝了
[08:31.04]GOSSIP GIRL: Spotted: Upper East Side beauty... 注意了...上東區(qū)的美女 在她最喜歡的野獸面前除下了武器
[08:33.64]...laying down the gauntlet for her favorite beast.
[08:36.76]But careful, princess. 但要小心了 公主
[08:38.12]It's gonna take more than a little leg to get this prince to ravish you. 讓你的王子屈服 可不是只露露腿就能解決的
[08:50.00]CHUCK: I'II have one drink with you. . . 我就跟你喝一杯 除非你能說服我
[08:51.60]. . .unIess you can convince me why I shouId stay, of course. 讓我留下
[08:54.56]Just because we've reached an impasse on a certain issue. . . 我們就某事陷入了僵局
[08:57.44]. . .doesn't mean we can't be friends. 并不意味著我們就不能做朋友了
[09:00.16]So ever since CharIize Theron became the face of Dior. . . 自從Charlize Theron做了 迪奧的新代言人
[09:03.76]. . .I've wanted to change my signature scent. 我就想換個新牌子的香水了
[09:05.96]I've been trying out a new one. I can't decide if I Iike it. 我換了種新的
[09:08.88]WouId you mind? 能不能...?
[09:15.32]It smeIIs a IittIe Iike desperation. 聞起來有點絕望的味道
[09:19.08]Yeah, weII, I'II just keep on Iooking. Thank you. You've been very heIpfuI. 哦 那我還是繼續(xù)再找吧
[09:23.88]To friendship. 敬友誼
[09:30.12]Oh, oops. 哦!
[09:31.76]I am so sorry. 真抱歉
[09:34.12]Let me heIp you with that. 我?guī)湍悴恋舭?br /> [09:38.32]I gave you a shot, and whiIe your efforts were admirabIe. . . 我給了你機會
[09:42.08]. . .I'm bored, and you ruined my pants. 但我覺得很無聊 而且你毀了我的褲子
[09:46.64]Good night, BIair. 晚安Blair
[09:56.08]SERENA: Hi, I'm Iooking for Dan Humphrey. 呃 我找Dan Humphrey
[09:58.84]MAN: Uh, yeah, he's here with Vanessa somewhere. 他和Vanessa在一起呢
[10:01.44]Cafe, maybe? 可能在咖啡廳吧
[10:06.36]Uh, wait. 呃 等等
[10:08.96]What do you think? If no one comes to the show. . . 覺得怎么樣?
[10:11.56]. . .you might be the onIy one who ever reads it. 如果沒人來看展覽 你就是唯一看過這個的人了
[10:14.04]WeII, I don't know much about art. . . 呃 我對藝術(shù)所知有限
[10:16.64]. . .but I do know a Iot about speIIing, so, um. . . . 但是我對拼寫還是很在行的
[10:21.08]Oh, no. 哦 不
[10:23.24]Maybe you shouId've had someone proofread it. . . 我覺得你..
[10:25.64]-. . .before you stuck it to the waII. -Are you kidding? 你在把這個貼在墻上之前 最好先校對一下
[10:28.28]Where did I mess up? I went over it 1 00 times. 開玩笑嗎?
[10:28.96]我 我都看過幾百遍了!
[10:30.52]I'm kidding. 我就是開玩笑的
[10:32.16](CHUCKLING )
[10:33.40]Wow. You haven't said your name. You're aIready humiIiating me. 我還不知道你名字
[10:36.48]-I'm sorry about that. -Good, so you'II stop abusing me. 你就開始羞辱我了
[10:36.36]哦 不好意思
[10:39.28]No, but I wiII introduce myseIf. 好 那你別虐待我了 好嗎?
[10:39.24]不會了 但我會自我介紹下
[10:41.72]-I am Serena. -Aaron. 我叫Serena
[10:45.32]Aar-- Oh, Aaron. Then, you're the artist. Aaron
[10:46.48]Aaron 那 你就是那個藝術(shù)家咯
[10:49.08]Yeah. 對
[10:51.08]I have to meet Rufus at the storage space. He is stressing. 我得去倉庫找下Rufus
[10:53.96]His eye starts to twitch, break out VaIium. 他壓力很大
[10:56.12]Too Iate. He's been winking since Iunch. 那你就該給他吃點鎮(zhèn)定的藥了
[10:56.12]太晚了 從午飯開始他的眼皮就跳個不停
[10:57.84](CELL PHONE RINGING ) 宴會承辦人還以為他要勾搭他呢
[10:59.00]-Caterer thought he was hitting on him. -Hey, couId you get that for me? 嘿 幫我拿下那個好嗎?
[11:02.12]It's, uh, BIair. 是Blair
[11:04.20]-Since when does she caII you? -Oh, uh. . . . 從什么時候起她給你打電話了?
[11:07.12]I'm heIping her with this thing. 我給她幫了點忙
[11:09.80]-I gotta take this. Sorry. -Right. 哦 這個我得接
[11:13.40]-HeIIo? -I just wanted to thank you. . . 喂?
[11:15.28]. . .for encouraging me to throw myseIf at Chuck. 真感謝你讓我對Chuck投懷送抱
[11:17.60]I can skip dinner now that I'm so fuII on humiIiation. 現(xiàn)在我晚飯都省了 氣都氣飽了
[11:21.04]Chuck was compIeteIy unmoved. Chuck根本就無動于衷
[11:22.92]You sure he wasn't just acting Iike it didn't work? 你確定他不是裝作不動心?
[11:25.48]UnfortunateIy, there was no hard evidence of that. LiteraIIy. 不幸的是 沒有任何跡象表明他動心了
[11:29.32]I didn't even get a chance to show him my neckIace tangIed up in my hair. 我都還沒來得及用頭發(fā)纏住項鏈那招
[11:32.88]The nape of the neck is Chuck's kryptonite. 后頸對Chuck來說就是催情劑
[11:35.04]Oh, that's good to know. So he just got up abruptIy and he Ieft? 哦 很高興你能告訴我
[11:38.76]Like a Bass out of heII. 典型的Bass式的作風
[11:40.12]Then you got him where you want him. He's headed home. Intercept him. 這回你抓住他的痛腳了 相信我
[11:46.68]I'II Iet you know what happens. 我會及時告訴你進展的
[11:48.28]Oh, pIease don't. 哦 不要
[11:55.68]So I don't get it. Where's the mic? 麥克風在哪?
[11:57.56]Hidden. There's a bunch aII around the gaIIery. 哦 全部藏了起來
[12:00.56]I hope peopIe onIy have nice things to say about you and your show. 我希望人們能夠夸獎你和你的作品
[12:04.00]Because you're gonna hear them. 因為你會親耳聽到的
[12:05.60]WeII, I guess you'II have to come and find out. 那我想你該親自來看看
[12:09.64]Serena, hey. Serena 嘿
[12:11.12]-You been here Iong? -Oh, no. Not that Iong. 你來很久了嗎?
[12:11.92]呃 沒有 沒多長時間
[12:14.16]Okay. You hungry? We shouId get going. See you Iater, Aaron. 好的 你餓嗎?
[12:17.08]-Yeah, you two have fun on your date. -Oh, no, it's not a date. 再見 Aaron
[12:21.08]Yeah, no, we're just frie-- 哦 不 這可不是約會
[12:21.08]對 嗯 我們只是 只是朋友...
[12:23.04]We used to date, but we're friends now. 我們以前約過會 不過現(xiàn)在只是朋友
[12:32.32](CHATTERING )
[12:35.72]JENNY: I shouId get back. AGNES: Dude, EIeanor's a sIave driver. . . Eleanor還真是個黑心包工頭
[12:38.04]. . .but don't worry. I'II get you home in time to get aII your work done. 別擔心
[12:38.12]我會掐著時間把你送回去 讓你完成工作的
[12:41.20]MAN: Ladies. 女士們慢用
[12:43.04]By the way, I Iove your dress. 對了 我愛死你的裙子了
[12:45.48]I've been coveting it aII day. Who makes it? 我已經(jīng)垂涎了一天了
[12:47.88]I mean, it's definiteIy not EIeanor WaIdorf. 誰設(shè)計的?
[12:47.96]肯定不是Eleanor Waldorf的
[12:50.40]Not yet. 還不是
[12:51.96]Um, no, I made it, actuaIIy. 不 實際上是我設(shè)計的
[12:54.28]No way. Okay, no, now I am wearing it. Come on. 不是吧
[12:55.12]好了 現(xiàn)在我要穿 快來
[12:57.20]What am I gonna wear? 那我穿啥?
[13:17.08]Jenny, this is Max. Max, Jenny. Jenny 這是Max
[13:18.68]-Hi. MAX: Hey, what's happening? Max 這是Jenny
[13:18.64]嘿 怎么回事?
[13:24.16]I cannot beIieve you toId BIair to go to my house to seduce Chuck. 真不敢相信你竟然教唆Blair 去我家勾引Chuck
[13:27.36]I wouId've sent her to my pIace, but it might be awkward. . . 我倒是想讓她去我家啊
[13:28.56]不過我想要是Nate在一旁 坐在沙發(fā)上盯著 肯定很奇怪
[13:30.24]-. . .with Nate on the couch. -Yeah. How's that been, with Nate? 那倒是
[13:33.92]Oh, it's been good, actuaIIy. It's been reaIIy good. 實際上還不錯
[13:36.60]I don't think I ever reaIized how much he-- 挺好的
[13:38.44](CELL PHONE RINGING ) 這是Blair發(fā)的第三條短信了吧?
[13:39.60]Is this the third time BIair's texted me?
[13:41.44]Uh, fifth, actuaIIy, I think. 應(yīng)該是第五條了
[13:44.12]Oh, she wants to know if I have candIes. Ew. No. 她問我有沒有蠟燭
[13:47.76]I'm sorry, go on. 沒有
[13:49.68]I was just saying, I don't think I ever reaIized-- 你繼續(xù)
[13:49.92]沒 我想說我沒想到Nate會這么...
[13:51.76](CELL PHONE RINGING ) 你是不是也很煩?
[13:52.92]Is this driving you crazy too?
[13:55.64]No, no, it's fine. 沒有啦
[13:58.04]Hmm, she's getting cocky now. 沒事
[14:28.92]What are you doing, BIair? 你怎么在這兒 Blair?
[14:32.12]Oh. . . . Serena知道我很郁悶
[14:33.44]Serena knew how upset I was.
[14:36.28]She didn't want me to be aIone, so she invited me to sIeep over. 不想讓我一個人呆著 所以讓我過來一起睡
[14:45.36]Go away, Chuck. 走開 Chuck
[14:47.12]It's pointIess. I'm not gonna say it. 沒用的
[14:51.64]I don't care. 沒關(guān)系
[15:08.52]Ignore it. 別理它
[15:13.88](BLAIR GRUNTING )
[15:16.04]Give it. 給我!
[15:23.60]You aImost had me, BIair. AImost. 你差點就到手了 Blair
[15:50.64]Hey, you bitch. 嘿 賤人
[15:52.52]No, no, no, you are a bitch. 不...
[15:56.76]Must've taken, Iike, a miIIion pictures tonight. 你今晚的照片拍的夠多了吧
[16:00.28]It's what I do. 這是我的工作
[16:03.24]I Iike photographing you, though. 我喜歡給你拍照
[16:09.00]Okay, that was Trish and Saskia, and they just got off work. . . 好了 等等
[16:12.44]-. . .so they wanna meet up now. -CooI. 她們剛下班 想大家見個面
[16:14.20]Uh, no, Agnes, I gotta go. I have so much work it's not even funny. 不用了 Agnes 我得走了
[16:16.32]我還有一大堆活要干 不是開玩笑的
[16:19.52]No, this is work. I mean, Trish and Saskia are the hottest styIists. 別嘛 寶貝 這也是工作啦
[16:23.20]She's right. You shouId meet these girIs. They do editoriaI for Nylon and Paper. 她說得沒錯
[16:24.88]她們一直在"Nylon"跟"Paper"雜志 做時尚編輯
[16:27.92]-I mean, it sounds awesome-- AGNES: No, Iisten, sweetie. - 聽上去棒極了 不過我... - 別...
[16:30.40]Just come, say hi for, Iike, five minutes. It's nothing. 聽著 寶貝 跟我們一起去 打個招呼就走 用不了5分鐘
[16:33.64]You can sIeep when you're dead, baby. 沒關(guān)系的
[16:33.56]管它那么多干嘛 寶貝
[16:35.48]Which is gonna be tomorrow, when EIeanor kiIIs me. 那明天Eleanor非得殺了我不可
[16:38.28]I'm sorry. I am gonna have to puII an aII-nighter as it is. 抱歉
[16:41.80]I have to go. 我得走了
[16:43.52]AII right, suit yourseIf. 那好吧 你自便咯
[16:53.48]JENNY: Agnes. Agnes!
[16:55.44]Agnes, you have my dress. Agnes 我的裙子!
[16:57.08]Excuse me. I need. . . . Excuse me. 借過
[17:04.64]Excuse me. Agnes! 借過
[17:07.68]Uh, heh.
[17:14.00]AGNES (ON RECORDING ) : This is Agnes. You know what to do, bitches. 我是Agnes
[17:16.48]GOSSIP GIRL: Sorry, J, but in the real world... 知道該怎么做吧 賤人們
[17:16.72]抱歉 J 在這個殘酷的世界里
[17:18.88]... you can 't take a note to the principal... 你沒法找校長告狀醉醺醺的模特 吞掉你的家庭作業(yè)
[17:20.76]... when the drunken model eats your homework.
[17:32.04]-Agnes, I'm gonna kiII you. -No, dude, I know, trust me. Agnes 我要宰了你
[17:33.16]別 伙計 別...聽我說
[17:34.84]I'm sorry. I just got aII of your messages. 我很抱歉
[17:37.20]Here, take the dress, and. . . . 聽著 給 這是你的裙子
[17:38.88]I don't think that you shouId give this to EIeanor. 我覺得你不該把它拱手讓給Eleanor
[17:41.52]My friends, they freaked over it Iast night. 昨晚我朋友們看了之后都目瞪口呆
[17:43.68]Great. I don't care. 好極了
[17:45.16]Okay, seriousIy, you work your ass off, and for what? 好了 說實在的 你這么累死累活的 到底為了啥?
[17:48.20]So EIeanor can rip off your ideas? 就為了讓Eleanor剽竊你的創(chuàng)意?
[17:50.16]No, EIeanor promised I couId be in the meetings with the buyers today. 不 Eleanor答應(yīng)讓我去參加
[17:53.72]Just Iike she introduced you to the guy from BIoomingdaIe's. 就好像她把你引薦給 Bloomingdale的人一樣?
[17:58.92]Look, come here, okay? 瞧 快來
[18:00.36]-No, stop. -Jenny, come here. 不要啦
[18:02.28]Agnes-- Oh, my God, I don't have time for this. What? Jenny 你來看看
[18:02.32]Agnes! 上帝 我沒時間了
[18:05.00]Just Iook at this, okay? 干嘛?
[18:09.52]I mean, seriousIy, this couId be an ad campaign. 說真的 這完全可以用來做戶外廣告
[18:13.64]-Yeah, it does Iook pretty cooI. -I mean, right? 是啊 看上去很酷
[18:16.32]And Iook, you can do whatever you want to do, but, I mean. . . 沒錯吧
[18:16.40]聽著 你想怎么做都可以 不過
[18:19.92]. . .what do you think peopIe wiII say when they see Jenny Humphrey's. . . 你覺得人們看到
[18:23.28]. . .finaIIy gone out on her own? Jenny Humphrey終于能獨行其是 會怎么想?
[18:25.48]I don't know. " Jenny Humphrey's so young to have her own Iine. " 不知道
[18:26.08]"Jenny Humphrey還太嫩 沒法完成她的系列作品"?
[18:28.84]Or, " Too bad Jenny Humphrey's stuff Iooks exactIy Iike EIeanor WaIdorf's. " 還是"糟糕 Jenny Humphrey跟Eleanor Waldorf的作品簡直是一個模子刻出來的"
[18:41.12]BIair WaIdorf in BrookIyn. Blair Waldorf竟然來布魯克林了 (布魯克林--紐約貧民區(qū))
[18:43.12]-Are you two Iost? -WiII you taIk to her, pIease? 你倆迷路了嗎?
[18:44.04]你跟她談?wù)劙?br /> [18:45.88]There's nothing to taIk about. It's over. 我...沒啥好談的
[18:47.96]She stopped Iistening to me. Maybe she'II Iisten to you. 我說了 已經(jīng)玩完了
[18:50.96]-Sure. -I'm gonna go check out the art. 好哇
[18:53.88]In the art gaIIery.
[18:55.56]TaIk. 好好說吧
[19:02.44]Oh, she's back. 你來了呀
[19:04.16]Wow, this is Iooking compIicated. 喔 看起來挺復(fù)雜的
[19:06.84]Don't worry. 別擔心
[19:08.04]You waIk in on surgery haIfway through, it Iooks Iike murder. 你在手術(shù)半路跑進來 可有點像謀殺哦
[19:11.12]-Can I heIp? -You know how to weId? 能幫上忙嗎?
[19:13.48]Um, I've seen Flashdance severaI times. 你會焊接嗎?
[19:13.60]看過幾次"閃電舞" ("閃電舞"--1983年電影)
[19:16.84]You have been toying with each other forever. So you didn't win this one. 你跟Chuck倆總是在互相玩弄
[19:20.40]-Maybe you shouId just Iet it go. -This is different. 你有沒想過 就這么算了?
[19:23.12]Why? 這次不同
[19:29.56]Do you Iove him? 你...愛他?
[19:32.60]Wow. Someone Ioves Chuck Bass. 喔 Chuck Bass竟然有人愛 (很多人愛C的列 ><)
[19:34.92]I don't know. I just. . . . 不知道
[19:38.04]I-- I don't understand how it got to this pIace. 我...
[19:41.52]You know, the first time I toId Serena I Ioved her. . . 我第一次告訴Serena我愛她的時候
[19:44.08]. . .it was terrifying. I've never feIt so exposed. 我很膽怯
[19:47.72]But the feeIing that I got when she said it back to me. . . 可當她給我相同的回應(yīng)的時候
[19:50.88]. . .was probabIy the singIe greatest moment of my Iife. 那是我這一生最難忘的時刻了
[19:55.36]But you broke up. 可你們還是分手了
[19:56.80]Yeah. Doesn't mean I wouIdn't do it aII over again. 可我不后悔那么做了
[20:00.12]If I say it, he wins. And if he wins. . . 如果我說了 他就贏了 那他就會換種眼光來看我了
[20:03.84]. . .then I'II just be another girI to him.
[20:06.44]You don't know that that's true. 是的 那些你無法預(yù)知
[20:08.16]You have to decide what's important. Keeping your pride and getting nothing. . . 所以你得弄清什么對你是最重要的...
[20:10.08]繼續(xù)保持你的傲慢一無所得 還是冒險一試...
[20:12.16]. . .or taking a risk and maybe, maybe having everything. 或許 或許 整個世界都是你的了
[20:19.88]WeII, I aImost Iost a finger in the process. . . 我差點弄沒了根手指
[20:22.12]. . .and I might be permanentIy cross-eyed, but I did it. 眼睛都斜了 不過好歹是趕出來了
[20:25.00]Thank you. 多謝
[20:26.76]You Iook Iike heII, you shouId go home. 你樣子真糟
[20:29.96]Uh. . . . 買家隨時都可能來
[20:31.32]The buyers are gonna be here any minute.
[20:33.32]Yeah, I know. That's why I'm gonna need every moment aIone. . . 是啊 我知道
[20:34.12]所以 我需要一個人想想我該怎么辦
[20:36.40]. . .to figure out what the heII am I going to do. This dress is a mess.
[20:39.80]It's not my finest work. I wouIdn't caII it a mess. 這雖然不是我最好的作品 但也不至于一團糟吧
[20:42.32]The seams aren't finished, the zipper gapes. 線沒縫玩 拉鏈也裂開了
[20:45.32]And-- And you finished the hem on the machine. 褶邊你竟然還是用縫紉機弄的
[20:48.88]I toId you once the machine ate my fabric I had to start aII over. 我告訴你了縫紉機把我的布料給吞了
[20:51.72]Stop Iying to me. - 我得重新來過 - 別給我撒謊了
[20:53.48]I know where you were Iast night. 我知道你昨晚干嘛了
[20:56.04]LaureI caught the interns Iooking at pictures. . . Laurel看見實習生們在看你跟 Agnes在那個垃圾酒吧里拍的照片了
[20:58.40]. . .of you and Agnes out at some trashy bar.
[21:03.12]Look, I'm sorry. I thought I couId stiII get it done in time. 我很抱歉
[21:07.24]You wanna be a grown-up and have a reaI job. . . 你想像個成年人有份真正的工作
[21:10.36]. . .you have to accept reaI responsibiIity. 你就得承擔起相應(yīng)的責任
[21:12.92]And the consequences for your actions when you don't come through. 以及你忙不完所產(chǎn)生的后果
[21:16.20]I shouId have known better than to give so much responsibiIity to a chiId. 我早該知道不該把這么大的事 交給一個孩子來做
[21:22.80]A chiId? 孩子?
[21:24.60]I'm sorry. But this chiId seems to be the onIy one. . . 很抱歉 可看起來只有這個孩子能
[21:28.64]. . .that can design anything that the buyers are remoteIy interested in. 設(shè)計出讓買家們大感興趣的東西來
[21:32.20]This is not about that dress. You are using that dress as an excuse. 這不關(guān)裙子的事
[21:35.52]You are scared that if I meet someone important. . . 你是在用那條裙子作為借口 因為你害怕
[21:37.96]. . .that they wiII want to be in business with me and not you. 如果我參加了會面 遇到了重要人士
[21:40.96]You are Iucky I don't fire you this minute. 我現(xiàn)在沒炒你你該偷著樂
[21:43.28]You are Iucky that I don't just quit. Because then what wouId you do? 哦 我沒辭職 該偷著樂的是你吧 不然你會怎樣
[21:48.28]Go on home. I'II see you Monday. 給我回家去
[21:52.04]-Can I at Ieast have my dress back? -Sure. 我能拿回我的裙子嗎?
[21:54.52]It's of no use to me, anyway. Here. 當然
[21:59.04]Heh. 不是這件
[22:00.56]I don't mean this one.
[22:05.48]You touch this dress, you wiII never set foot in here again. 你敢碰這件 就別想再踏入這里一步
[22:20.08]GOSSIP GIRL: Sometimes the most important thing to know... 有時候最重要的是你得知道 什么時候該堅持
[22:22.48]...is when to get out...
[22:26.44]...and when to give in. 什么時候該放手
[22:35.04](CELL PHONE RINGS)
[22:54.44](CHATTERING )
[23:00.32]DAN: So I'd say this was a success. 不得不說這很成功啊
[23:04.24]RUFUS: Yeah. Yeah. 是啊
[23:06.24]Makes me reaIize what a bust aII my other openings were. 讓我意識到我的那些開幕式有多衰
[23:09.84]WeII, I'm gonna Iet you bask in your gIory because Serena's here a-- 我讓你再自我陶醉一下 因為Serena來了 還...
[23:15.00]And she brought BIair. Again. 帶了Blair
[23:16.76]That's the second time that girI was here today. 又帶來了
[23:19.64]You're not-- 你不是
[23:21.40]I'm not what? Oh, no, no, no. I'm not-- I mean, Serena wants us to get aIong. 不是什么?
[23:22.12]不 不 不...我沒有
[23:23.76]Serena想讓我們交流交流 但不是那種
[23:25.44]But not Iike that. 不是那樣 那樣就糟了
[23:26.64]No. That wouId, uh-- That wouId be sick.
[23:28.92]TeII Serena you're not interested in being friends with BIair. 你干嘛不直接跟Serena說 你不想跟Blair做朋友?
[23:32.36]We just started hanging out again. I don't wanna rock the boat. 我們才剛開始做回朋友
[23:39.08]This is a huge turnout. Aaron must be so thriIIed. 場面還真大啊
[23:42.92]And your dad. 還有你老爸
[23:44.36]Yeah. Yeah, it's pretty exciting. 是啊 是啊 是很激動
[23:46.44]I thought you were gonna be with Chuck. What happened? 你今晚不是該跟Chuck在一起嗎
[23:49.32]She is but she toId him to meet her here. 怎么回事?
[23:49.12]是的 不過她約他在這兒見
[23:51.36]She needed some moraI support. 她需要精神支持
[23:52.92]Yes, " she" is freaking out. She needs a drink. 沒錯
[23:58.24]Let me see what I can do about that for her. 好吧 我去給她看看
[24:05.96]First, Nate's a part of the famiIy. Then I see you've invited BIair to my opening? 一開始是Nate成了家庭成員
[24:09.92]-SeriousIy? -I'm sorry. I know. I didn't invite her. 沒開玩笑吧
[24:12.48]But Serena and BIair tend to be a package deaI. 我知道 我知道
[24:11.64]我沒請她 不過Serena跟Blair 是買一贈一的
[24:14.88]And-- I don't know. I've recentIy sort of seen another side to her and-- 我沒有
[24:20.16]-I mean, she's not that bad. -Are you kidding? 她也沒那么壞
[24:22.48]You're taIking about BIair. 你開玩笑吧?
[24:22.48]你說的可是Blair Waldorf
[24:24.08]She and Chuck used me as catnip for one of their games. 她跟Chuck把我當成 他們變態(tài)游戲的工具
[24:26.88]And what they did was reaIIy messed up. 他們干的那些渾事
[24:29.24]I had no idea. Why didn't you teII me? 我完全不知道
[24:31.16]TruthfuIIy? I was embarrassed. 你干嘛不早點說?
[24:31.20]說真的 我很囧
[24:33.96]And the weird part is that Chuck wound up being the more human of the two. 奇怪的是 Chuck竟然是他們兩個中 稍有人性的那個
[24:37.56]At Ieast he feIt a IittIe bad about it. Not her. 至少他還會感到一點內(nèi)疚
[24:41.52]What? 怎么了?
[24:42.68]No, it's just-- I can't beIieve I aIIowed myseIf to be sucked in by BIair WaIdorf. 沒什么 只是難以相信我竟然被 Blair Waldorf的外表給蒙蔽了
[24:53.44]What do you think? 怎么看?
[24:54.80]I think that you are officiaIIy a successfuI artist. 我覺得你是個很成功的藝術(shù)家
[24:58.44]WeII, thank you. 謝謝
[24:59.92]They say success is nothing without someone to share it with. 人們都說...
[25:03.04]They do say that. 沒錯
[25:05.08]So who are you pIanning to share it with? 你打算跟誰一塊兒分享?
[25:08.28]My dad. My Nana. My dog Mookie. 我爸爸 奶奶 我的狗Mookie 我奶奶給起的名字
[25:11.64]Named by Nana. She's a huge Mets fan. 她是麥茲隊的鐵桿粉絲
[25:14.92]And, uh, you. You-- I was hoping you. 還有你
[25:20.40]Maybe dinner? 一起吃晚餐?
[25:21.80]Um. . . .
[25:27.12]Sorry, I, um-- I'm not reaIIy dating right now. 呃 抱歉
[25:31.68]Ah. Yes, the vague and unsatisfying I'm-not-dating-right-now response. 是啊
[25:33.24]閃爍其詞令人沮喪的答案 "我現(xiàn)在還不太想約會"
[25:36.76]I know it weII. 我了解
[25:38.12]UsuaIIy I'm giving it. Not getting it. 通常情況下我是說的人 而不是聽的人
[25:40.48]Sorry. 抱歉
[25:41.68]Yeah, I can teII. 是啊 看得出 所以我再你一次機會吧
[25:43.16]Which is why I'm going to give you a second chance.
[25:45.84]If you can teII me the fate of CeciI the CaterpiIIar, I wiII go out with you. 如果你能說出"毛蟲西塞爾"的命運 (童話故事)
[25:50.76]Okay, I don't reaIIy date crazy peopIe who speak in riddIes. 好啊 不過我一般不跟 愛猜謎的瘋子約會的
[25:54.60]Just think about it. 想想吧 想到了告訴我 我就是你的了
[25:56.12]And when you figure it out, I'm yours.
[26:02.08]Chuck just texted me, he wants to meet me on the roof. Chuck給我發(fā)短信了
[26:04.76]-The roof? -WeII, if he doesn't say it back. . . 說想在屋頂見我
[26:05.40]這樣的話 他不給我相同的回應(yīng) 我就跳下去
[26:07.00]. . .then I can just jump. Then he'II be reaIIy sorry.
[26:10.16]Oh, no, don't do it, B. You don't want your obit to say you died in BrookIyn. 讓他后悔一輩子
[26:10.04]哦 別
[26:10.64]別做傻事 B
[26:11.64]你可不想你的訃告上說 你死在布魯克林吧
[26:13.88]-Wish me Iuck. -Good Iuck. 祝我好運
[26:19.48]DAN: Hey, stay there. 等等
[26:22.08]-BIair, I need to taIk to you. -I can't. Chuck's waiting for me. Blair 我得跟你談?wù)?br /> [26:23.16]不行
[26:25.20]I know. It's about that. Just, um, you know, be carefuI. Chuck在等我
[26:25.00]我知道 就是想跟你說那個
[26:28.44]Why? You said to be the opposite of carefuI. 還是謹慎點
[26:32.36]-You toId me to take a risk. -Right. I know. But I-- It was bad advice. 你剛說讓我冒險一試
[26:33.52]是啊 我知道 我知道
[26:34.12]可那是個餿主意 我那么說是因為
[26:36.28]I was thinking of how things were for Serena and me. 我是拿Serena跟我來做參照的
[26:39.36]We're taIking about Chuck. Not the same. 可現(xiàn)在我們說的是Chuck
[26:41.32]Yes, it is. And it's gonna be okay. 這就是兩碼事了
[26:41.32]不 是一樣的 會沒事的
[26:44.20]WeII, maybe. 好吧 也許吧
[26:45.88]Just before you say anything, make sure he's done pIaying games. 不過你在說之前最好確信 他已經(jīng)厭倦了把愛當游戲
[26:50.00]He is. Now, if you'II excuse me. 是的
[27:05.04]-Hey. -Hey. 嘿
[27:06.44]-I didn't know you guys were coming. -I'm gonna say hey to Aaron. 嘿
[27:07.76]嘿 我去跟Aaron打個招呼
[27:09.72]Okay. Yeah, Max knows Aaron from RISD so he wanted to come and say hi. 好的
[27:10.56]是啊 Max在羅德島設(shè)計學院 就認識Aaron了
[27:13.60]And I wanted to see you after hearing about your crazy stunt with EIeanor. 他來打聲招呼
[27:13.72]我聽說你和Eleanor決裂 就來看看你
[27:17.84]Yeah, I'm actuaIIy just about to go teII my dad about that one. 好
[27:21.08]Before you do, guess what? 在你去之前 猜猜發(fā)生什么了?
[27:22.80]The editor from NyIon saw the photos from Iast night. Nylon的編輯看了昨晚的那些照片
[27:25.76]He wants to do a feature on you as a designer to watch. 他想做一集關(guān)于你這位設(shè)計師的特輯
[27:29.20]Agnes, since I quit EIeanor's. . . Agnes 自從我離開Eleanor那里后
[27:31.32]. . .I'm an unempIoyed, home-schooIed, 1 5-year-oId. 我就成了一個失業(yè)的 在家自學的15歲小孩
[27:34.44]-I'm not even an intern to watch. -Dude, reIax. 我連一個在旁觀看的實習生都不算
[27:37.08]Max and I were just taIking about it. 妹妹 放輕松
[27:39.08]-You shouId do your own cIothing Iine. -Yeah, sure. 你應(yīng)該開創(chuàng)自己的服裝品牌
[27:41.60]With no money, no contacts, nobody knows who I am. 說得容易
[27:41.52]沒錢 沒客戶 沒人認識我
[27:44.28]-Sounds Iike a fast track to success. -Stop coming up with reasons not to. 聽起來真像通往成功的捷徑
[27:45.76]別再打退堂鼓了 趕緊多做些衣服
[27:47.84]And just make some more dresses.
[27:49.48]I can modeI them, Max wiII do some photos. 我可以做你的模特
[27:51.60]I mean, you can totaIIy do this. Max再拍些照片
[27:54.36]You reaIIy think so? 你真這么認為?
[27:55.72]Yes. Now, you're gonna come with me to this party. . . 對呀
[27:58.52]. . .and meet this editor, because he's dying to meet you. 你將會見到那個編輯
[28:01.32]So are you my bitch, or what? 你是不是我的賤人?
[28:04.24]-I am. Heh, heh. I am totaIIy your bitch. -Good. 是
[28:10.20]NATE: Jenny, hey. Hey, wait up. Jenny 嗨
[28:11.64]-Are you taking off aIready? -My friends are going to a party. 等一下
[28:14.72]Oh, I didn't know. I was hoping we couId hang out. 我和朋友要去一個派對
[28:15.20]我原本想咱們今晚可以聚聚 但是...
[28:17.20]-There's aIways tomorrow at the Ioft. -ReaIIy? I kind of doubt that. 以后還有得是時間
[28:18.68]真的? 我有點懷疑
[28:20.52]You're aIways working. Like Iast night. And the night before. 你現(xiàn)在一直在工作 像昨晚
[28:23.56]WeII, I actuaIIy quit EIeanor's. 還有前天...
[28:25.72]You quit EIeanor's? 等一下 你辭職了?
[28:27.68]That job was everything to you. 那個工作...是你的一切啊
[28:29.76]I know. It might sound crazy but I'm actuaIIy thinking of starting my own Iine. 我知道
[28:30.60]聽起來很瘋狂 但我正準備開創(chuàng)自己的品牌
[28:34.60]ReaIIy? What does your dad think about that? 真的?
[28:37.92]Okay, um. 好了
[28:39.64]I was hoping for a-- More of Iike a. . . 我以為你會說...
[28:41.64]. . . " CongratuIations, Jenny," or at Ieast a monosyIIabic " Wow. " "恭喜你 Jenny"或至少 說一個"哇" 不過...
[28:44.92]I mean-- Come on, Jenny, do you reaIIy think you can start your own business? 不是 聽我說 Jenny
[28:48.64]AGNES: You coming, Jen? 你來不來呀 Jen?
[28:50.44]Uh, yeah. I'II be right there. 好
[28:52.56]Hey, how oId is that guy? 馬上就走
[28:53.96]Okay, that guy's name is Max, and he went to RISD with Aaron. . . 那個人多大了?
[28:53.80]那個人叫Max 而且他和Aaron 一起上羅德島設(shè)計學院
[28:57.00]. . .and he's a photographer who's going to shoot my Iine. 他還是一個很棒的攝影師
[28:59.72]Look, I gotta go. My friends are waiting for me so-- 我得走了
[29:03.20]I guess if my dad asks, teII him I'm at EIeanor's. 如果我爸問起 就告訴他 我在Eleanor那里
[29:05.28]Wai-- 等一下
[29:10.68]BrookIyn. 布魯克林?
[29:12.08]At Ieast it wiII be memorabIe. 至少是值得懷念的
[29:14.84]I'm sorry but don't you have something you wanna say to me? 你是不是有什么話要對我說?
[29:17.76]Yes. 是
[29:25.64]This is so siIIy. 這樣真傻
[29:28.40]What does it matter? Why don't we just say it together? 誰先說這句話很重要嗎?
[29:31.12]Because that wasn't the deaI. 咱們?yōu)槭裁床灰黄鹫f出來呢?
[29:33.32]Why does everything have to be a deaI? 為什么所有事都要規(guī)定好?
[29:35.92]Because we made it one. 因為我們當初就是這么約定的
[29:41.04]What's going on, BIair? 你怎么了 Blair?
[29:44.36]You toId me you had something to say to me. Say it. 是你說有話要告訴我的
[29:48.52]Why do I have to be the one to go first? 快說吧
[29:52.16]I was the one who waited on that heIipad for you. 是我在直升機場等你說這句話
[29:54.64]-I went to Tuscany aIone. -That's ancient history. 我一個人去Tuscany
[29:57.48]I was the one who asked you to say it first. 那是很久以前的事了
[29:59.72]At the White Party? 在白色舞會上?
[30:01.28]When you were on your way out with the Count? 在你和那個伯爵離開之時?
[30:03.52]Did you think I was going to say it then? 你真以為我會對你說這句話嗎?
[30:05.56]Yes. And when you didn't, I wanted to die. 是 那時你沒說 我心如死灰
[30:07.92]Don't teII me you brought me to BrookIyn for this. 別告訴我 你讓我這么遠來布魯克林 就是要說這些
[30:10.56]I thought you were ready to teII me how you feIt. It was another of your games. 我以為你準備告訴我 你內(nèi)心真實的感受
[30:14.68]My games? 我的游戲?
[30:16.32]You're the one who started this. 是你先發(fā)起的這一切
[30:19.20]And you're the one who finished it. 你是結(jié)束一切的人
[30:32.76]Great. Have a good night.
[30:34.28]Hey, excuse me. I don't think we've met yet. 打擾一下
[30:36.44]-Nate. -Aaron. 我想咱們還沒見過面 我叫Nate
[30:37.60]-Nice to meet you. -PIeasure. 我是Aaron
[30:39.04]That guy Max that was here earIier, he a friend of yours? - 很高興認識你 - 我也是
[30:41.84]-Yeah, yeah. I know him from schooI. -Yeah? What's his deaI? 他是你的朋友嗎?
[30:42.22]是 我在學校時認識他的
[30:45.40]Max's deaI? 他是個什么樣的人
[30:47.28]He's a great guy. As Iong as he's not dating your IittIe sister. 他是個好人
[30:52.36]I gotta say heIIo to somebody. Thank you for stopping by. 對
[30:55.24]-I appreciate it. Thanks. -CooI. Great work. 謝謝你來參觀 我很感激
[30:55.78]- 不客氣 很棒的作品 - 謝謝
[31:05.44]Excuse me. 失陪
[31:07.68]-Hey, B, what happened? -It was a disaster, okay? B 怎么了?
[31:10.36]-I'm Ieaving. -I'II come. 我要走了
[31:11.64]No, it's fine. You stay. 不 我和你一起走
[31:13.44]I just have to get out of here now. 不用 沒關(guān)系
[31:16.80]Hey. Hey, do you know what happened? Why is BIair so upset? 你知道怎么回事嗎?
[31:20.00]Look, BIair and Chuck were going to seIf-destruct at some point. Blair為什么傷心?
[31:23.12]So I may have heIped it aIong. 所以我...幫了他們一把
[31:25.12]Wait, you intentionaIIy sabotaged BIair? 等一下 你故意破壞Blair?
[31:27.08]I know you're upset. That was not my intention. 我知道你不高興 我并不是有意惹你生氣
[31:29.40]I found out that they screwed over Vanessa. 但我才知道他們一起耍了Vanessa
[31:31.56]Whatever they did, that's different. This is about peopIe who Iove each other. 不 不論他們對Vanessa做了什么 這次不一樣
[31:35.44]BIair and Chuck? Come on. Blair和Chuck?
[31:37.56]I thought you wanted to heIp BIair. 拜托
[31:39.84]I did this for you. I don't care about BIair WaIdorf. 我以為你想幫Blair
[31:40.02]不 我做的這些都是為了你 是你讓我?guī)退?br /> [31:42.76]-AII of this is-- It's a game to her. -No. In this case, it's not. 我才不在乎Blair Waldorf
[31:46.12]BIair Ioves Chuck. She's just been too scared to admit it. 不 在這件事上 不是這樣
[31:49.44]I toId her to taIk to you because I thought you wouId heIp her be brave. 我原本以為你會教她如何勇敢 所以才讓她跟你談
[32:02.00]These are amazing. 這些太棒了
[32:04.00]Thank you. 謝謝
[32:05.24]Good thing you Iike them, because soon it'II be shots of you and your cIothes. 很快你和你的作品的照片 也會掛在這里了
[32:18.96]If you guys wanna be aIone, that's cooI. I can caII Iater. 如果你們想單獨待會兒 沒關(guān)系的
[32:21.84]Why wouId we wanna be aIone? 我等下再來
[32:23.64]I don't know, you said we were gonna go to a party. It's getting kind of Iate. 為什么我們要單獨呆著?
[32:23.98]我不知道 你剛才...
[32:24.82]你剛才說咱們要去一個派對 不過現(xiàn)在晚了
[32:28.32]WeII, nobody goes untiI midnight, anyway. 反正午夜之前也沒人去
[32:30.32]Right. 對
[32:33.92]I Iove this song. 我喜歡這首歌
[32:45.08]Yeah. Come on. 來吧
[32:46.72]Yeah, come on. 快來呀
[32:48.72]Okay. 好吧
[32:55.00]Hey, Chuck. Hey, wait a second. Come on, don't act Iike you didn't hear me. 嗨 Chuck
[32:57.18]拜托 別假裝沒聽見我叫你
[32:59.08]I heard you. I was just choosing to ignore you. 我聽見了
[33:02.08]WeII, don't. What just happened with you and-- 我打算無視你的存在
[33:02.26]別這樣 剛才你和Blair...
[33:04.40]-It's none of your business. -No, it is, actuaIIy. 跟你沒關(guān)系
[33:05.66]不 實際上 跟我有關(guān)
[33:07.64]Look, I don't know how you feeI about her, but I know how she feeIs about you. 我不知道你對她什么感覺
[33:12.20]And she was going to teII you untiI I stopped her. 而且她準備告訴你 但是我阻止了她
[33:29.88](LAUGHING )
[33:39.56]Oh, my God. Agnes. 我的上帝 Agnes
[33:42.28]Oh, come on, now it's your turn. 來吧
[33:43.96]Uh, yeah, no way. 輪到你了
[33:45.64]Why not? Because of Max? 是
[33:46.70]為什么不呢? 因為Max?
[33:48.60]No. I don't know. It's just weird. 我不知道 這樣很奇怪
[33:50.68]WeII, no, it's not. He doesn't care. He's a photographer. 不會呀
[33:54.16]Come on, are you afraid that EIeanor WaIdorf's gonna find out and get mad? 來吧
[33:55.06]你是不是怕Eleanor Waldorf發(fā)現(xiàn) 生你的氣呀?
[34:01.28]-Fine. AGNES: Yeah, do it for EIeanor. - 好吧 - 為了Eleanor
[34:18.88](KNOCKING ON DOOR)
[34:21.16]Who's at the door? 誰在敲門?
[34:23.56]Wait, Agnes, are you crazy? Don't answer it. 不知道
[34:23.94]等等 Agnes 你瘋了嗎?
[34:29.76]GOSSIP GIRL: What have we here? 這里發(fā)生了什么?
[34:31.40]Jenny Humphrey caught in her knickers by Nate, her knight in shining Armani. Jenny Humphrey只穿著內(nèi)衣 被Nate發(fā)現(xiàn)
[34:42.12]Nate, what are you doing here? Nate 你來這兒干什么?
[34:43.96]What are you doing here? Come on, Iet's go. 不 Jenny 你在這兒干什么?
[34:46.16]-No. -That's so sweet. 拿上你的東西 離開這里
[34:45.76]不 多甜蜜
[34:47.76]Sweetie, I toId you he Iiked you. I totaIIy caIIed that one. 親愛的 我就說他喜歡你嘛
[34:50.92]Yeah, you did. Dude, reIax. Nothing's going on here. Take a picture. 對
[34:51.36]兄弟 別急啊
[34:55.08]Yeah, I'm not Ieaving with you. 拍張照吧
[34:59.64]Then I can wait. 那我就在這兒等
[35:04.76]Fine. 好吧
[35:07.44]-Sorry. NATE: Come on.
[35:15.76]Serena, hey. Serena 嗨
[35:17.04]Serena. Hey, Iook, I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry. I was out of Iine. 對不起
[35:20.36]Yeah, you were. 對不起 我做的出格了
[35:21.60]I'm sorry BIair and Chuck messed with Vanessa. 是 沒錯
[35:21.92]關(guān)于Blair和Chuck傷害Vanessa的事 我很抱歉
[35:23.84]She doesn't deserve that. But instead of hurting BIair. . . 他們不該那么對她 但你不該瞞著我...
[35:26.60]-. . .you shouId've been honest with me. -It's about what happened. . . 而直接去傷害Blair
[35:29.84]. . .with Amanda. I was worried what wouId happen if we fought. 就像上次關(guān)于Amanda的那件事一樣
[35:32.80]-I reaIIy want this to work with us. -Yeah, me too. 因為我真心希望我們能做朋友
[35:36.24]But it's not going to if we can't taIk to each other. 我也是 但如果不跟對方坦誠相待 我們是做不成朋友的
[35:38.80]Yeah. You're right. Okay. So Iet's taIk. Let's be friends. 對
[35:39.96]你說得對 那我們...我們實話實說
[35:43.60]WeII, there was something I wanted to teII you. 好
[35:49.16]Aaron asked me out. Aaron約我出去
[35:51.00]But I said no because I wasn't sure how you wouId feeI. 但我沒同意 因為我不知道你會怎么想
[35:55.28]But I kind of want to say yes. 可是我挺想答應(yīng)他的
[35:58.08]Wow, Iook at that, just diving into the deep end of honesty. 看看咱倆 一頭扎進了誠實的海底
[36:01.76]-Head first. -Look, I Iike Aaron. 還是頭朝下的那種姿勢
[36:05.08]He's a good guy, so you have my bIessing. 他是個好人 我祝福你們
[36:08.92]-If that's what you're Iooking for. -WeII, he does seems nice. 是你想聽到的回答吧
[36:12.92]And even though we just met I feeI Iike I've known him-- 雖然我們才見面 但我覺得好像和他似曾相識...
[36:19.16]-Oh, my God. -What? 上帝呀
[36:21.20]-CeciI the CaterpiIIar. Camp Suisse. -I'm-- Did you-- 怎么了?
[36:23.88]Are you having a seizure? You're speaking in tongues. 瑞士夏令營
[36:26.48]No, I'm sorry. I just reaIized that I do know Aaron. 你都說不清楚話了
[36:26.64]不是 對不起
[36:29.32]We went to summer camp together. 我們曾經(jīng)一起參加夏令營
[36:31.04]And there was this song about CeciI the CaterpiIIar. 有一首關(guān)于毛蟲西塞爾的歌曲
[36:33.84]I can't beIieve I didn't recognize him. 不敢相信我沒認出他
[36:35.84]Oh, wow, you went to camp in Europe together. 你們...一起去歐洲參加夏令營
[36:39.20]-That's cute. -No, it was much more than just camp. 很可愛
[36:42.04]We got married. There was a smaII ceremony with Iicorice rings. . . 我們還結(jié)婚了
[36:43.36]在日內(nèi)瓦湖畔我們戴著 歐亞甘草指環(huán)舉行了簡單的儀式
[36:45.72]. . .on the banks of Lake Geneva. It was tastefuI.
[36:48.28]What happened? 非常好吃
[36:49.68]WeII, I took a bite out of my ring, so he asked for a divorce. 然后呢?
[36:49.88]我咬了一口戒指 所以他就要求離婚了
[36:53.04]But we were happy for a time. 但我們曾經(jīng)很快樂
[36:56.16]I can't beIieve this. I have to go find him. 真不敢相信...我得去找他
[36:58.80]Do you mind? 你介意嗎?
[37:00.00]Oh, no. Of course not. No. I have to find Vanessa, anyway. 不 當然不介意
[37:04.84]Look, he's the ex-husband, I'm just the ex-boyfriend. 他是你的前夫
[37:21.56]GOSSIP GIRL: The problem with fairytales is that... 童話故事令人遺憾的是 它會讓一個女孩失望
[37:23.72]... they set a girl up for disappointment.
[37:27.04]In real life, the prince goes off with the wrong princess. 在現(xiàn)實中 王子帶著錯誤的公主離開
[37:35.20]Or the spell wears off and two lovers realize they're better off as-- 或者當咒語消失 相愛的兩人會發(fā)現(xiàn)...
[37:40.80]Well, whatever they are. 維持現(xiàn)狀才是良策
[37:46.16]Are you here to gIoat? 你是來幸災(zāi)樂禍的嗎?
[37:47.36]Over what? 為什么?
[37:48.60]WeII, you won. 你贏了
[37:50.08]-Pop the champagne. -I didn't win. 開香檳慶祝吧
[37:53.32]Then why does it feeI Iike I Iost? 那為什么我覺得自己輸了?
[37:57.00]The reason we can't say those three words isn't because they aren't true. 我們不跟對方說那三個字 不是因為那是假的
[38:02.68]Then why? 那是為什么?
[38:07.04]I think we both know. . . 因為我們都清楚 當我們 說出來的那瞬間 不代表開始
[38:08.88]. . .that the moment we do. . .
[38:11.08]. . .it won't be the start of something, it'II be the end.
[38:15.04]Think about it. 想一想吧
[38:16.72]Chuck and BIair going to the movies? Chuck和Blair一起去看電影
[38:20.64]Chuck and BIair hoIding hands? Chuck和Blair手牽手
[38:23.48]We don't have to do those things. 我們不必做這些
[38:27.04]-We can do the things that we Iike. -What we Iike is this. 可以只做喜歡的事
[38:32.24]The game. 游戲
[38:34.88]Without it, I'm not sure how Iong we'd Iast. 沒有游戲 我不知道我們能走到哪步
[38:39.04]It'd just be a matter of time before we messed it aII up. 我們會毀掉一切的 只是時間問題
[38:47.96]Look, I'd rather wait. 聽著 我寧愿等待
[38:51.68]And maybe in the future. . . . 也許將來有一天
[38:54.84]I suppose there couId be some excruciating pIeasure in that. 我想那會是段痛苦并快樂的時光
[39:21.76]How couId you do that to me? 你怎么能這么對我?
[39:23.28]What are you taIking about? You're Iucky I showed up. 你什么意思?
[39:25.84]-That was a bad scene, Jenny. -No, it wasn't. 你該慶幸我的出現(xiàn)
[39:26.24]- 什么? - 剛才發(fā)生的不是什么好事 Jenny
[39:28.08]We were dancing around in our underwear, not making porno. 不是這樣的
[39:28.56]我們只是穿著內(nèi)衣跳舞 又不是拍三級片
[39:30.96]-Not yet, anyway. -No, not ever. 還沒來得及拍呢
[39:32.76]I wouId never Iet myseIf get in a situation Iike that. 不可能!
[39:35.44]-I know what I'm doing. -You think you do. 行了吧? 我知道自己在做什么 Nate
[39:37.68]But that guy was taking advantage of you. 你以為知道自己在干什么 但那個人在占你便宜
[39:39.72]You are not my father and you are not my brother. So why do you care? 你又不是我爸或我哥
[39:45.24]Because. 因為...
[40:06.44]GOSSIP GIRL: But I'll confess... 但我不得不承認
[40:07.96]...every once in a while a girl craves her fairytale ending. 偶爾女孩也會期望自己 有個童話般的結(jié)局
[40:12.04]So sleep tight, kiddies, it seems like little J got her happily ever after. 做個好夢 小朋友們
[40:17.36]X O X O, Gossip Girl. 親親抱抱 流言蜚女
[40:43.20]Adapted by: SDI Media Group
[40:45.40](ENGLISH SDH)

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