[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:57:02
[00:00.22]Previously on "gr's anatomy"... 醫(yī)人當自強 前情提要
[00:01.99]can I have the key back? 我要拿回鑰匙
[00:03.04]I heard we broke up,so I want it back. 我們分手了 我要拿回鑰匙
[00:04.04]Can it have it,please? 可以嗎?
[00:05.02]Did you find an apartment yet? 你找到公寓了嗎?
[00:06.92]'Cause I was thinking about getting one. 我也要找地方住
[00:08.70]Can you make sure I stay on Hahn's cardio service? 你能讓我留在心外科嗎?
[00:11.06]Where you guys going? 你們?nèi)ツ?
[00:11.52]You going to joe's?I'll come meet you. Joe的酒吧? 我也去
[00:13.36]I can't sleep. 我睡不著
[00:14.43]What's wrong with me? 怎么回事?
[00:15.29]Severe abandonment issues. 被遺棄后遺癥
[00:17.35]Psych is crap. 我不信心理學
[00:18.46]Derek kissed rose? Derek吻了Rose?
[00:19.31]Yesterday we were dating other people. 昨天我們還跟別人約會
[00:20.87]That's not the point. 這不重要
[00:21.88]You weren't ready. 你沒準備好
[00:22.64]And rose is? Rose準備好了?
[00:23.44]You want to go to dinner with me tonight? 今晚和我吃飯吧
[00:30.60]we like to think that we are rational beings... 我們總覺得自己是理性的
[00:35.69]humane... 有人情味
[00:38.08]conscientious... 盡職盡責
[00:43.48]civilized... 有教養(yǎng)
[00:48.53]thoughtful. 會反思錯誤
[00:52.20]This is your third session,and you still haven't said anything yet. 這是第三次了 你還是一言不發(fā)
[00:57.60]Now while I love the quiet time,I'M... 我喜歡安靜 但...
[01:01.29]I read a study that, 我讀了一篇論文
[01:04.05]uh,says that just the act of going to therapy is beneficial, 上面說 看心理醫(yī)生是好的
[01:07.93]even if you don't say anything, even if you just sit. 即使什么也不說 就那么坐著
[01:12.80]So you thought you'd come here and just sit? 你只是想來這里坐著?
[01:15.34]Th's how you're gonna solve your problems? 打算這樣解決問題?
[01:16.59]I don't have problems. 我沒有問題
[01:17.87]What brings you here? 那你來這做什么?
[01:20.05]But when things fall apart... even just a little... 但一旦事情變糟 即使只是小問題
[01:24.33]it becomes clear-- we're no better than animals. 事情很明顯 我們并不是萬物之靈
[01:29.67]damn it! 去死吧!
[01:38.04]it's not that bad. 沒那么糟
[01:39.66]I mean,once we get rid of the roaches, 除了蟑螂的問題
[01:41.54]- the apartnt - the crapartment. - 這房子 - 蟑螂窩
[01:44.25]George,this is our home. George 這是我們的家
[01:46.25]We'll fix it up. 我們會收拾妥當
[01:47.34]With what money? 哪來的錢?
[01:48.35]We'll figure it out. 會有辦法的
[01:49.72]Look,I like it here, 我喜歡這里
[01:50.85]and i would like it here so much more if you would like it here,too. 如果你也喜歡就更好了
[01:56.43]we have opposable thumbs... look,I'm fine. 我們是萬物之靈... 其實 我很好
[02:00.18]It's just... I just haven't been sleeping. 我只是睡不著
[02:03.17]You know,it's a--the... just been five weeks,and I can't sleep. 五個星期了 我失眠
[02:07.64]Five weeks since what? 五個星期前發(fā)生什么了
[02:14.67]Look... I work in this hospital. 聽著 我也在這里工作
[02:17.78]I try not to listen to gossip, but this is a very gossipy pce. 我盡量不聽八卦 但這就是一個是非之地
[02:21.62]So there are some things that I've heard. 我聽到了一些傳言
[02:23.29]Derek's not the reason I'M... here. 我來這不是因為Derek
[02:26.67]- He's not the reason. - Then what brings you here? - 不是因為他 - 那你來這做什么?
[02:33.70]you know,I gotta go. 我要走了
[02:34.73]I'm in this contest. 我在跟人比賽
[02:36.17]Grey,if you j... Grey醫(yī)生 你...
[02:38.58]we think... 我們思考...
[02:42.63]we walk erect... 大步向前...
[02:44.72]I'm up! 我來了!
[02:46.08]We speak... 說話
[02:52.65]we dream... 夢想
[02:54.88]but deep down, 但心靈深處
[02:56.00]we're all still rooting around in the primordial ooze, 我們?nèi)栽谠颊訚芍袙暝?br />
[02:59.80]biting,clawing,scratching out an existence in the cold, 就像殘存的雨蛙和樹懶
[03:04.16]dark world like the rest of the tree toads and sloths. 在黑暗陰冷的世界里茍活求存
[03:09.74]There's a contest going on. 醫(yī)院里有場比賽
[03:11.78]Sir? 什么?
[03:12.59]Your residents--they've been living in the hospital 你的住院醫(yī)生 過去半個月
[03:15.67]around-the-clock for the last 14 days, 沒日沒夜的呆在醫(yī)院里
[03:18.37]engaged in a surgical contest with a point system. 一場積分的外科醫(yī)生比賽
[03:22.35]I don't know what you're talking about. 不知道你說什么
[03:30.03]They're committed. 他們是醫(yī)生
[03:31.44]- It's commitmenT. - It's a lion fight. - 是職責所在 - 這是一場龍虎斗
[03:33.24]Okay,I have one baby to get to day care. 我要送孩子去托兒所
[03:35.67]I have 50 residents on my watch, four surgeries on my schedule. 我手下有50個住院醫(yī)生 4個手術
[03:38.97]The lions can fight all they want. 獅子們可以為所欲為
[03:40.52]I'm not zookeeper. 我不是動物園管理員
[03:44.09]Keep your animals under control. 控制好局面
[03:47.75]Yes,sir. 遵命
[03:53.53]Move it! 快走!
[04:00.30]She's wretched... and mean. 她簡直是卑鄙...無恥
[04:02.40]She's not. 她不是
[04:03.00]You know,I heard one of the nurses saying that they've only been on five dates. 我聽一個護士說 他們才約會過5次
[04:05.85]Yeah,'cause derek knows she's wretched,and she's mean. 因為Derek知道她卑鄙 無恥
[04:08.02]- Yeah. - What did you do to your hair? - 對 - 你頭發(fā)怎么了?
[04:09.47]You guys,I know you're trying to make me feel better, 我知道你們想安慰我
[04:12.65]but I have to tell you,this pausing to talk about rose and derek, 有空關心Rose和Derek
[04:16.78]- it just means... - yeah? - 意味著... - 什么?
[04:19.10]- I'm gonna win. - you bitch! - 我會贏 - 賤人!
[04:21.18]What? 什么?
[04:22.07]Keeping it clean was getting in the way of the contest, 保持頭發(fā)干凈對比賽不利
[04:24.04]so I chopped it off last night. 我昨晚把頭發(fā)剪短了
[04:25.49]It just makes me faster and sleeker,like a cheetah. 這讓我像印度豹一樣敏捷
[04:27.40]You chopped off all your hot hair for a stupid contest? 就為了個破比賽 把長發(fā)剪了?
[04:29.52]Not stupid. 這可不是破比賽
[04:30.41]Rock star contest. 是超炫的比賽
[04:31.49]Best contest ever. 最棒的比賽
[04:33.68]You should try living in the hospital for two straight weeks,george. 你應試試在醫(yī)院里呆上半個月 George
[04:35.77]It's amazing. 簡直妙不可言
[04:36.44]This contest is for residents only. 比賽只限住院醫(yī)生參加
[04:38.16]Yes!I know that. 當然! 我知道
[04:38.94]Doesn't mean he can't still live here. 但他還可以住在這里
[04:40.31]I feel juiced and alive, and my brain is clicking and running. 我全身充滿力量 大腦轉(zhuǎn)數(shù)極高
[04:43.50]I have never been more on my game. 沒試過這么喜歡一個比賽
[04:45.09]I'm kinda sad the contest ends tonight. 真難過 比賽今晚就結(jié)束了
[04:47.21]I'm not.I want at prize. 我不難過 那獎品我志在必得
[04:48.30]What prize? 什么獎品?
[04:49.37]Bailey won't tell us. Bailey不說
[04:50.00]But I want it.I want it bad. 但我要 很想要
[04:51.29]too bad you're never gonna get it. 你越想越得不到
[04:52.98]So on my game! 我來了!
[05:00.10]yeah. 是啊
[05:02.74]- Good morning. - Thank you. - 早上好 - 謝謝
[05:04.39]Wh do you see in her? 你看上她什么了?
[05:05.98]Is it the hot sex? 床技一流?
[05:07.03]Is she an animal? 放蕩撩人?
[05:07.87]Is she a bobcat? 欲仙欲死?
[05:09.69]- Mark. - Come oN. - Mark - 說來聽聽
[05:11.01]Lady on the streets,tramp in the sheets. 出門是淑女 上床變蕩婦
[05:12.84]- Am I right? - Oh,yeah. - 沒錯吧? - 對
[05:13.61]She's amazing.Hot,sweaty. 她是極品
[05:15.84]Very dirty,hot,sweaty sex. 真是欲仙欲死 云雨難停
[05:17.90]You haven't slept with her yet,have you? 你還沒跟她上床 對吧?
[05:19.61]She's waiting until we're serious. 她要等我們先確立關系
[05:21.25]She has morals. 她有她的原則
[05:22.13]She's a lady. 她是個淑女
[05:22.66]Besides,you know what's better than sex? 你知道什么比做愛更好嗎?
[05:24.00]- What? - Anticipation. - 什么? - 期望
[05:26.66]Anticipation,my friend. 期望 兄弟
[05:29.50]Why didn't anybody wake me? 怎么沒人叫醒我?
[05:31.41]Why would we help you? 為什么要幫你?
[05:32.83]There's such a thing as honor. 有一種東西叫尊重
[05:34.04]Yeah,it's dog-eat-dog,karev. 狗咬狗 Karev
[05:35.91]Suck it up. 學著點
[05:37.48]I'm so not doing thiS. 我絕對不做這個
[05:38.23]- You so are gonna do it. - I'm so not. - 你一定要做 - 絕對不
[05:40.07]Callie.Callie.Callie.Callie.Callie. Callie Callie Callie...
[05:42.92]You--you came in with Hahn? 你...和Hahn一起來的?
[05:44.83]Erica?Yeah. Erica? 對
[05:46.08]We went out last night,and then it got kinda late with the dancing and the... 我們昨晚出去玩 跳舞到很夜
[05:49.43]anyway... we never made it home, so I hitched a ride here. 沒回家 所以我搭她順風車
[05:52.54]You're hanging out with Hahn? 你跟Hahn出去玩?
[05:53.66]Erica.Yes. Erica 是的
[05:54.69]So you and hahn are friends? 那么你和Hahn是朋友?
[05:57.12]Erica. Erica
[05:58.83]Yeah. 是的
[06:01.85]see,this is the downside of the contest. 看吧 這就是比賽的壞處
[06:04.41]I'm stuck here all the time, 我在這里呆太久了
[06:05.49]and callie's living in my apartment and hanging out with hahn. Callie住在我家 還跟Hahn出去玩
[06:08.06]I bet they're just trying to pick up guys. 她們肯定只是出去找男人
[06:09.26]I'm so glad I'm past that. 我成熟了
[06:10.59]I don't need guys. 我不需要男人
[06:11.63]I don't need sex 'cause this competition is my orgasm. 我不需要做愛 這場比賽就是我的高潮
[06:14.05]You know what?I should be hanging out with hahn. 我該約Hahn出去
[06:15.67]Cristina,would you focus? Cristina 你會全力以赴吧?
[06:17.50]It is so much more fun kicking your ass when you focus. 你全力以赴時 贏你要過癮得多
[06:22.14]- Who's winning? - Yang. - 誰領先? - Yang
[06:23.58]- Surprised? - What? - 驚訝吧? - 怎會?
[06:24.81]Let me see. 我看看
[06:25.88]I'm 26 points behind? 我落后26分?
[06:27.75]That's not possible. 不可能
[06:28.50]Count again. 再算算
[06:29.62]What about all the surgeries? 所有的手術算上了嗎?
[06:30.83]Only 3 points for watching. 觀摩的只有3分
[06:31.82]You gotta do. 你要做
[06:32.61]I do do. 我試過
[06:34.00]I can't make them let me do procedures. 我又不能強迫他們給我做
[06:36.10]You gotta ask. 你要主動爭取
[06:36.88]You gotta take charge of your own destiny, 主宰自己的命運
[06:38.86]make it happen,like this. 事在人為 就是這樣
[06:42.55]What do you got? 什么情況?
[06:43.35]Otis sharon,61-year-old male, Otis Sharon 男性 61歲
[06:44.85]found unconscious on the street corner with a swollen ankle. 在街角昏迷不醒 腳踝腫脹
[06:47.21]Not it. 不要
[06:48.49]I don't even know what happened. 我不知道怎么回事
[06:49.94]Initial B.P.Was 90 over palp. 指觸量得低壓90
[06:51.67]Vitals stable after a bolus of N.S. 團注生理鹽水后 體征穩(wěn)定下來了
[06:53.48]Okay,he's mine. 好 歸我了
[06:54.47]All of you back off. 你們都退后
[06:55.74]It's a swollen ankle,iz. 只是個腫脹腳踝 Iz
[06:56.70]Yeah,he passed out,he's pale,altered, 他暈倒 面色蒼白 情況不穩(wěn)定
[06:58.48]hypotensive,and he's got a rash. 低血壓 還出皮疹
[06:59.66]You see a sprained ankle. 在你們眼里只是腳踝扭傷
[07:00.81]I see a medical mystery. 在我看來卻是醫(yī)學奇案
[07:02.10]80 points. 80分
[07:04.77]Oh,stevens is the only one working today? 今天就Stevens開工嗎?
[07:06.27]Uh,no.We're all working. 不 我們都在干活
[07:07.54]We got paged. 我們收到傳呼
[07:08.31]For the ankle.It's gone. 是腳踝扭傷的病人 現(xiàn)在沒了
[07:09.46]Now you're trolling for traumas? 你們非要等外科病例嗎
[07:10.59]Somebody could come in any minute with a critical injury. 隨時都有可能有重傷的病人
[07:12.83]We're being proactive. 我們只是做好準備
[07:13.69]We're helping people. 我們救死扶傷
[07:14.52]You're trolling. 你們在挑病例
[07:15.28]You're trolling, 你們在挑病例
[07:15.92]and I've got no one on post-op and pre-op.Now move. 馬后炮或者偷步都很討厭 快滾蛋!
[07:18.72]help us! 救命啊!
[07:19.87]Please help! 救命啊!
[07:20.96]help my brother! 救救我哥哥
[07:24.26]- I'm gonna get a gurney. - Help my brother. - 我去拿輪床 - 救救我哥哥
[07:28.89]What happened to your hand? 你的手怎么了
[07:29.79]Uh,a bear. 一只熊
[07:30.80]A what? 什么?
[07:31.59]He's really hurt. 他傷得很嚴重
[07:32.36]We tried to stop the bleeding. 我們嘗試止血
[07:33.52]We were camping in the mountains. 我們在山上露營
[07:34.73]You drove althe way here? 你從山上開車來?
[07:35.56]We couldn't wait for an ambulance. 我們等不及救護車
[07:37.10]- I'm fine. - No,you're not. - 我沒事 - 不
[07:38.30]Let me see your hand. 我看看你的手
[07:40.81]Sir,let's try and get you on this gurney. 先生 我們要把你搬上床
[07:42.69]careful. 小心
[07:43.74]Step down right here. 慢慢來
[07:53.93]I--intestines in the hands. 腸子掉出來了
[07:55.60]Intestines in the hands. 腸子掉出來了
[07:56.65]Did you just say-- intestine in the hands! - 你說什么 - 腸子在我手里!
[07:59.99]Grey's Anatomy Season 4 Episode 12 <font color="#ffff00">醫(yī)人當自強 第四季 第12集
[08:03.64]He just touched it. 他就摸了一下
[08:04.58]He just... just put his hand out. 他剛把手伸出去
[08:06.73]He touched a bear? 他摸了熊?
[08:07.53]A cub,and then the m-- the mother came. 一個小熊崽 然后熊媽媽過來了
[08:10.15]I bet she did. 那是肯定的
[08:11.13]Why would he do that? 他為何那樣做?
[08:12.05]We go camping all the time. 我們經(jīng)常去露營
[08:13.27]- I don't why... - okay,try to relax,mr.Robinson. - 我真不明白 - 放松 Robinson先生
[08:16.20]All right,get me a chest tube tray,please. 把胸腔插管的托盤給我
[08:19.39]Did I hear bear attack? 是被熊襲擊了嗎
[08:20.52]Complete evisceration,chief. 內(nèi)臟都出來了 主任
[08:21.97]Give me 100 of sux,20 of etomidate. 100毫克SUX 20克麻醉劑
[08:24.63]Get me an intubation tray and an O.R.Room ready now. 給我插管托盤 準備好手術室
[08:27.23]Are you gonna put me under? 你們要給我做手術?
[08:28.75]Sir,it'll be the best thing that's happened to you all day. 先生 你能有機會做手術值得慶幸
[08:32.15]is my brother gonna be okay? 我哥哥沒事吧
[08:33.72]Please. 拜托
[08:34.60]This whole thing's my fault. 都是我的錯
[08:36.56]I gotta know if he's okay. 我要知道他是否沒事
[08:37.86]They're taking him to surgery. 他們要給他做手術
[08:39.28]They don't know much yet. 還不知道結(jié)果
[08:40.26]We'll keep you informed. 我們會即時通知你
[08:41.36]Okay,okay. 好的
[08:44.18]Impressive hand,phillip. I can see right through it. 你的手很嚴重 Phillip 都穿了
[08:45.58]The bear cub,she just latched on and wouldn't let go. 小熊崽 我們沒法脫身
[08:48.48]And then--and then when scott came over to try to help, Scott過來幫忙的時候
[08:50.63]the mother,she... oh,god. 熊媽媽就 天...
[08:52.57]I can't believe we got out of there alive. 真不敢相信 我們活著逃出來
[08:54.38]He has to be all right. 他一定要沒事
[08:56.17]He's gonna be all right. 他要沒事
[08:57.33]He has to be,right? 他沒事 對嗎?
[08:58.41]Right? 對嗎?
[08:59.57]He has to be all right. 他要沒事
[09:01.27]You really don't remember how you fell? 你真不記得怎么摔倒的?
[09:03.50]One minute I was walking down the street, 前一分鐘 我在街上走著
[09:05.32]and the next minute,there was paramedics standing over me. 后一分鐘 就有個救護員站在身邊
[09:08.00]Have you been feeling dizzy lately, like the room is spinning? 你最近覺得暈嗎 就像房間在轉(zhuǎn)
[09:10.43]Maybe a little. 有點
[09:12.12]Any muscle aches? 肌肉疼嗎
[09:13.46]Fatigue? 累嗎
[09:14.08]Fever? 發(fā)燒嗎
[09:14.77]Headaches? 頭疼嗎
[09:15.51]Well,now that you mention it,yes. 既然你提起 有點吧
[09:17.79]Any recent travels? 最近旅行了嗎
[09:19.40]Well,I go back and forth to the east coast for my job. 為生計 我經(jīng)常來往東岸
[09:22.20]Does that count? 這算嗎?
[09:22.80]Notice any tick or mosquito bites? 有什么蚊蟲叮咬嗎
[09:24.01]I-I live near a lake. 我住在湖邊
[09:25.23]I get mosquito bites all the time. 經(jīng)常被蚊子咬
[09:28.23]Oh,god.Do I have something bad, 事情很糟嗎
[09:31.07]like malaria or west nile virus or something? 比如瘧疾 西尼羅河病毒之類的
[09:33.15]Oh,no,no. 不 不是
[09:33.78]There's no need to panic,mr.Sharon. 別緊張 Sharon先生
[09:35.06]We're gonna take this one step at a time,okay? 我們一步一步來
[09:37.38]Okay. 好吧
[09:40.61]mama bear mama bears never mess around. 熊媽媽太殘忍了
[09:42.63]mama bear mama bears never mess around. 熊媽媽絕對不殘忍
[09:44.70]I have a ross procedure, 我有個自體肺動脈移植手術
[09:46.15]but I want to keep a close eye on his chest tube outputs and blood pressure. 但我想監(jiān)控他的插管情況和血壓
[09:50.10]What's the game plan? 你們有什么打算
[09:51.06]He's a setup for overwhelming sepsis, 他全身都化膿了
[09:53.08]so we're gonna deal with the life-threatening blood loss and get out of there. 我們先處理致命的失血 讓他脫離危險
[09:56.40]You won't be able to touch him until he's stable. 他穩(wěn)定以后 你再動手
[09:57.79]I'm in O.R.Four. 我在第四手術室
[09:58.95]Can you make sure I'm getting hourly updates? 每小時給我匯報一次
[10:00.55]Oh,I'd be more than happy to apprise you of his condition,Hahn. 我很愿意向你匯報他的情況 Hahn
[10:02.83]Fine. 好的
[10:06.71]You don't get points for sucking up to an attending,yang. 擦主治醫(yī)生鞋不會幫你加分
[10:09.02]Oh,shut up. 閉嘴
[10:14.80]I hate this contest. 我討厭這個比賽
[10:16.28]There's a lot of stuff in here. 這有很多東西
[10:17.51]There's a lot of stuff. 很多東西
[10:18.55]Stupid,stupid contest-- stupid,and irresponsible. 愚蠢的比賽 太傻了 不負責任
[10:23.60]I want to play. 我也想?yún)⒓?br />
[10:24.64]There's good stuff,free stuff. 有很多好東西 還是免費的
[10:26.56]I need a butterfly needle,a vacutainer, and,uh,maybe an L.P.Kit. 我需要蝶針 真空采血管 還有血清工具
[10:29.80]I'm 26 points behind,so I need it fast. 我還差26分呢 快點
[10:31.39]Why,what do you got? 你有什么病人
[10:32.22]Something good? 好案例?
[10:33.12]Uh,sprained ankle. 腳踝扭傷
[10:34.44]you get 26 points for a sprained ankle? 一個腳踝扭傷能得26分?
[10:36.90]Last time callie treated what we thought was a sprained ankle, 上次Callie的病人是腳踝扭傷
[10:39.02]it turned out the patient was malnourished, 結(jié)果出現(xiàn)營養(yǎng)不良
[10:40.44]had a perforated ulcer and died on the table. 有穿孔性潰瘍 死在手術臺上
[10:42.82]That's the best case scenario. 你設想得真完美
[10:44.89]Well,not the death part,george. 不是死亡那部分 George
[10:46.46]The medical mystery part. 是醫(yī)學的奇妙之處
[10:47.73]It's 80 points for solving a medical mystery. 解決不可測的問題 可以得80分
[10:49.47]It's the holy grail of the competition. 這可是比賽的意義
[10:51.17]Oh,yeah. 對
[10:52.08]Sometimes an ankle's just an ankle,though. 有時候 腳踝就是腳踝
[10:55.90]Syncope,a very strange rash,pale, 眩暈 皮疹 臉色蒼白
[11:00.92]insidious onset in a guy who travels a lot. 開始發(fā)作了 這個人經(jīng)常旅行
[11:03.18]This is not just an ankle. 不止是腳踝的問題
[11:06.18]Oh,thanks. 謝謝
[11:11.63]Oh,I could do a lot with these. 這些東西用處很大
[11:13.32]That's an underpad. 那是護理墊
[11:15.74]Underpads soak up urine. 護理墊是用來吸尿的
[11:17.98]Or... it could be a place mat. 也可以當個坐墊
[11:27.00]Fruit bowl. 水果盤
[11:33.11]there.Done. 給你 填好了
[11:35.74]Beat you,busted hand and all. 我比你強 哪怕我手傷了
[11:37.90]It's completely illegible. 字跡難認
[11:38.97]He's a slob. 他很懶
[11:40.07]Still beat her. 但我仍比你強
[11:40.95]Okay,mr.Robinson,O'malley is going to come and take you to x-ray, Robinson先生 O'malley會帶你去照X光
[11:44.73]and I am gonna take your wife to the waiting room until you get back. 我把你妻子帶到休息室 等你回來
[11:49.34]She said "wife. 她說 妻子
[11:50.43]"I'm still not used to that. 我還不習慣
[11:51.46]We're newlyweds. 我們剛結(jié)婚
[11:52.40]Congratulations. 恭喜你們
[11:53.35]She's my rebound girl. 她是我的"救生圈"
[11:56.29]Um,he's a little hopped up on painkillers right now. 他吃了藥 胡言亂語
[11:58.49]I think you're oversharing,honey. 你說得太多了 親愛的
[11:59.65]She thought she was my rebound girl, 她覺得自己是我的"救生圈"
[12:01.55]but I rebounded her,all the way to the church. 但她不是 我們走向了教堂
[12:04.43]Only knew her ten days, but when you know,you know. 只認識了10天 但時機到了 自然就知道了
[12:07.99]You know? 明白嗎?
[12:10.70]I'm leaving you. 我走了
[12:13.67]I'll miss you while you're gone. 我會想你的
[12:22.23]are you okay? 你沒事吧
[12:24.77]It's just,you know,you marry a man like that... 你知道 嫁給這樣的男人
[12:28.87]or a man like that marries you, 或者這樣的男人娶了你
[12:30.90]and he's cute and he's rich... 他可愛又有錢
[12:33.98]he's a catch by anyone's standard. 是個大眾情人
[12:38.72]So you sort of sit around waiting for the other shoe to drop, 提心吊膽 瞻前顧后
[12:41.72]because there's no way a man like that marries you. 這種男人 怎么可能屬于你
[12:44.90]Or me. 我說自己
[12:46.81]I mean,he married me. 他娶了我
[12:56.78]I'm sorry. 不好意思
[12:57.82]I must look like a crazy woman. 我語無倫次
[12:59.29]It's okay,but it looks like you're bleeding a little. 不會 你好像流血了
[13:01.04]Do you mind if I just take look? 我能看看嗎
[13:02.57]No,no.I'm--I'm fine. 不 不 我沒事
[13:04.37]I just scratched myself on a branch when we were running. 我們逃跑的時候 我被樹枝刮傷了
[13:10.48]Why are you looking at me like that? 你為何那樣看我
[13:13.67]- CT is clear. - but it's deep. - CT很清楚 - 傷口很深
[13:16.48]That bear clawed you good. 熊抓到了你
[13:18.00]Go I didn't even feel it. 我沒感覺
[13:19.36]Adrenaline's a pretty powerful drug. 腎上腺素是很有效的
[13:21.69]You're gonna have to repair the galea, 你的盔瓣要修復
[13:23.38]but it should reattach without a problem. 問題不大
[13:25.12]Okay,squeeze my fingers as hard as you can,please. 用力捏我的手
[13:27.76]I just got happy. 我剛得到幸福
[13:29.42]I just got married,and I'm really,really happy. 我剛結(jié)婚 我真的真的很開心
[13:32.46]I don't have permanent brain damage,do I? 我不會有永久的腦損傷吧?
[13:34.31]No,it appears that you do not. 不會 現(xiàn)在看來不會
[13:36.37]Okay,good. 好的 太好了
[13:37.38]Page me if any neuro deficits appear. 神經(jīng)出現(xiàn)問題 馬上叫我
[13:43.80]You got lucky. 你很幸運
[13:45.09]Your scalp wasn't completely taken off, 你的頭皮沒有全部脫落
[13:47.00]so we can just sew it back on. 我們能把它縫好
[13:48.07]Your hair should cover the scar. 你的頭發(fā)也能遮住傷疤
[13:49.49]You won't even need surgery. 你不需要外科手術
[13:51.75]That's great. 太好了
[13:53.14]Thank you. 謝謝
[13:53.97]Grey here will take care of you. Grey會留在這照顧你
[13:55.51]You can go back to being a happy newlywed. 你可以回去做幸福的新娘
[13:57.04]Okay. 好的
[13:59.71]don't worry. 別擔心
[14:00.28]He and rose won't last. 他和Rose不會維持很久
[14:06.73]he's hypothermic,and his bowels are swollen. 他體溫過低 腸子都漲大了
[14:08.73]We need to stabilize him in the I.C.U. 我們要在重癥室穩(wěn)定他的情況
[14:10.24]And try and get him back to the O.R. 然后再回到手術室
[14:11.80]When he's less acidotic. 等他的酸中毒癥狀好點
[14:13.18]That'll give us time to deal with the puncture wounds and the lacerations. 我們就有時間 處理他的傷口和破損
[14:16.37]Sorry to say that one of you has several hundred sutures ahead of you. 抱歉 你們中肯定有人 要縫好幾百針
[14:19.41]- i can do it. - I'll do it. - 我來做 - 我做
[14:20.30]I need the practice. 我需要練習
[14:22.47]Her stitches are flawless. 她的縫合已經(jīng)很出色
[14:22.65]- I need the work. - Yes,they're flawless - 我需要這份工作 - 對 是很出色
[14:23.98]because I practice. 因為我經(jīng)常練習
[14:24.83]Karev,it's yours. Karev 你來做
[14:26.06]yes. 好的
[14:27.03]You need to update hahn on the condition of the patient hourly. 你每小時都要 向Hahn報告病人的情況
[14:29.68]That ought to keep you busy. 那會讓你手忙腳亂的
[14:30.77]That is a minute an hour. 只是一個小時里的一分鐘
[14:31.79]I can suture for the other 59. 我能用剩下的59分鐘縫針
[14:34.12]Fine,you both do it. 好吧 你們一起來
[14:35.64]That's not fair. 不公平
[14:36.42]This man was a cw toy for a grizzly bear. 這個人被熊撕咬過
[14:38.43]There'll be enough to go around. 這樣人手才夠分配
[14:39.76]A lot of enthusiasm for an afternoon of stitching. 要縫合一下午 你們真有熱心
[14:42.76]Some people find it boring. 有人覺得很枯燥
[14:44.00]I value the fundamentals. 但我看到了基層工作的價值
[14:46.03]It's a point a suture. 縫合一處得一分
[14:48.13]Kiss ass. 馬屁精
[15:05.28]it is a hairline fracture. 有一處骨裂
[15:06.98]His E.S.R.And C.R.P.S were elevated. 他的紅細胞沉降率和 環(huán)磷酸腺苷受體蛋白提高了
[15:09.08]I also appreciated some swelling in the knee. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)他膝蓋有些水腫
[15:11.51]What does that mean? 什么意思?
[15:12.58]There could be some sort of inflammatory process going on. 說明你可能有炎癥
[15:15.74]Inflammatory?That sounds bad. 炎癥? 聽起來很嚴重
[15:17.33]I don't want you to worry yet,mr.Sharon. 目前還不用擔心 Sharon先生
[15:18.67]Yet? 目前?
[15:19.31]Is there someone I can call for you? 用不用我打電話叫你家人來?
[15:20.42]Maybe you shldn't be alone here today. 你不該一個人呆在這
[15:23.18]Um,how were his labs? 他的檢查結(jié)果如何?
[15:24.25]W.B.C.'S normal,slightly anemic, 白血球數(shù)正常 有輕微貧血
[15:26.01]potassium's mildly decreased. 輕微低鉀
[15:27.21]Okay,give him,a,uh,k-rider, 好的 給他靜脈輸注鉀鹽
[15:29.40]then see if you can tap the fluid in his knee to check for white cells or crystals. 然后抽出關節(jié)腔液 檢查白細胞或結(jié)晶
[15:32.10]Let me know if the tap's positive. 如果結(jié)果是陽性 就告訴我
[15:33.21]Good luck,mr.Sharon. 祝你好運 Sharon先生
[15:35.39]You think I need luck? 我只能看運氣了?
[15:36.47]Oh,god. 哦 天啊
[15:38.49]I want to go home. 我要回家
[15:39.83]I want to go home. 我想回家
[15:40.91]- Mr.Sharon - I-I want...look,I want to go back. - Sharon先生 - 我想...我想回到過去
[15:42.73]I want to go back to when I was 30, 我想回到30歲的時候
[15:44.50]and I want to stop smoking when I was 30. 能回到30歲 我就戒煙
[15:46.37]Or back to when I was 20 and not start smoking in the first place. 或回到20歲 我一開始就不抽煙
[15:49.10]I want to give up coffee and junk food and beer, 不喝咖啡啤酒 不吃垃圾食品
[15:51.23]and I want to be healthy like my ex-wife always nagged me to be. 聽我前妻的話 健康的活著
[15:55.38]She was a saint. 她是個教徒
[15:56.91]she was a saint,and I drove her away. 她是個教徒 我卻跟她離婚了
[16:00.31]I want to go back and not drive her away so I don't end up at 60, 我想回去 跟她好好過 那就不至于60歲便面臨死亡了
[16:03.95]sick and fat and alone and scared in some hospital 又老又胖 孤獨恐懼的在醫(yī)院等死
[16:06.38]with some beautiful young doctor holding my hand, 還有一位年輕貌美的醫(yī)生握著我的手
[16:10.01]that she wouldn't be holding my hand 她握著我的手
[16:11.40]except she's trying to figure out what horrible disease I'm gonna die of. 想查出我將死于什么惡疾
[16:15.45]I... I want to go home. 我...想回家
[16:20.32]Where's the fire? 著什么急呢?
[16:20.97]Can't talk now. 來不及跟你講
[16:21.63]Gotta kick karev's ass suturing. 我要擊敗Karev
[16:24.81]Uh,since when are you friends with my mentor? 什么時候開始 你跟我的導師成朋友了?
[16:27.08]A,"" she's not your mentor because she treats you like crap, 首先 她不是你的導師 因為她看不上你
[16:29.37]and ""b,"" if you weren't living in the hospital like a mangy dog, 其次 如果你在醫(yī)院 整天不像癩皮狗一樣
[16:32.34]you would've noticed that erica and I have been friends for a while." 你就會發(fā)現(xiàn) 我們倆早就是朋友了
[16:34.62]You put in a good word for me,right? 你替我說好話了吧?
[16:35.82]We don't talk about you. 我們不談論你
[16:36.80]I let you live with me. 我讓你跟我住一起了
[16:38.03]He's getting on the elevator. 他快上電梯了
[16:39.16]- Who? - Alex. - 誰? - Alex
[16:43.06]Hold it!Hold it! 別關門 等等!
[16:44.52]It needs surgery,but callie wants to do 24 hours of antibiotic coverage. 他需要手術 但Callie希望 他接受24小時術前抗生素治療
[16:48.41]So I think we should just irrigate and splint. 所以只需要清理傷口 打上夾板
[16:50.34]Okay.I'll take care of it. 好的 我來吧
[16:52.02]Or I could take care of it,and you could take care of the wife's scalp. 我來也行 你去參加他妻子的頭皮縫合手術
[16:55.35]She needs lots of complex sutures. 她的縫合手術很復雜
[16:57.34]You could get lots of complex practice. 能積累一些復雜手術的經(jīng)驗
[17:00.76]Isn't that like a point a suture? 是不是縫合一處得一分?
[17:02.44]You don't want that? 你不想要?
[17:03.36]I think this is bigger than a broken hand. 確實比這只手得分多
[17:05.28]He provoked a bear and then drove himself to the hospital. 他激怒了一頭熊 還能自己開車到醫(yī)院
[17:08.27]Well,he--he was in shock. 他受驚了啊
[17:09.32]And he married his rebound girl. 他和"救生圈"結(jié)婚了
[17:11.02]What? 什么?
[17:11.74]He married his rebound girl, after knowing her for only ten days. 他和"救生圈"結(jié)婚了 倆人才認識10天
[17:15.77]Nobody does that. 沒人會這么做
[17:17.05]Who does that? 誰會這么做?
[17:18.19]I'm thinking brain tumor. 我估計他有腦瘤
[17:19.88]I got married on the spur of the moment, 我一時沖動結(jié)了婚
[17:21.66]and I don't have a brain tumor. 但我也沒有腦瘤啊
[17:22.63]That you know of. 你了解她啊
[17:25.40]I'll do the scalp. 我去做頭皮縫合手術
[17:26.36]You will? 真的?
[17:26.97]I'm gonna watch you try to turn a broken hand 我要留在這 看你把這只傷手
[17:28.17]into a neuro problem just to get some extra points? 上升到神經(jīng)問題 多得一些分?
[17:30.99]Nope. 我才不
[17:31.72]It's not about the points. 跟分數(shù)沒關系
[17:33.22]I'm gonna watch you try to turn a broken hand 我要留在這 看你把這只傷手
[17:34.76]into a neuro problem just so you have a reason to talk to shepherd? 上升到神經(jīng)問題 然后就有機會跟Shepherd說話了?
[17:38.39]nope. 我才不
[17:41.05]I do not need a reason to talk to shepherd. 我不需要找理由跟Shepherd談話
[17:43.22]If I want to talk to shepherd,I'll talk... 如果我想跟他談話 我就直接...
[17:59.57]What is this? 這是什么?
[18:00.48]Is this a hint? 你是在暗示我么?
[18:01.25]I should be getting you more gifts? 我要回贈禮物么?
[18:02.32]A grateful patient gave them to me, 一個病人好心送給我的
[18:04.11]but since you're asking,I do like a nice box of chocolates. 但既然你問了 我想要一盒巧克力
[18:07.52]You're gonna die of a diabetic coma, 你會吃成糖尿病 昏迷而死的
[18:09.26]and I don't want any part of it. 我可不想?yún)⑴c謀殺
[18:10.14]Cheapskate. 小氣鬼
[18:10.94]crackhead. 大笨蛋
[18:19.42]Have you seen him? 你看見他了么?
[18:20.65]I have. 是的
[18:21.47]Have you seen his eyes? 你看到他的雙眼了么?
[18:22.44]I... Yeah. 我...看見了
[18:23.53]I'm trying to play it cool. 我想鎮(zhèn)靜一點的
[18:24.49]I am playing it so,so cool. 我夠鎮(zhèn)靜了
[18:27.17]I love him. 我喜歡他
[18:30.22]Oh,my god. 哦 我的天啊
[18:31.18]I... don't know you. 我...不認識你
[18:33.28]I... didn't say that. 當我...什么都沒說
[18:44.77]what's with the flowers? 這花怎么回事?
[18:45.82]Uh,are you asking as a resident or a sister? 這是姐姐在問 還是住院醫(yī)生在問?
[18:48.62]Sister. 姐姐
[18:49.80]I'm stealing stuff. 我偷來的
[18:51.21]Okay. 好吧
[18:53.25]Are... you okay? 你...沒事吧?
[18:56.22]Resident again now. 我現(xiàn)在是住院醫(yī)生了
[18:57.46]Stop stealing crap from the hospital. 別亂從醫(yī)院偷東西
[19:01.66] 22了
[19:03.26]Keep a lid on it. 閉上嘴
[19:04.21]I like to know where I am. 我要知道自己的進度
[19:05.54]Ph is up to 7.28 血液酸堿度升到了7.28
[19:07.49]Yeah,not great,but it's improving. 還不是很好 但有改觀了
[19:09.04]Push another amp of bicarb for a boost. 追加一安瓿碳酸氫鹽
[19:11.42]Karev's only at 17. Karev才縫了17處
[19:12.62]You're not helping! 你這可不是幫我!
[19:13.82]Did you just yell at the chief? 你剛在沖主任喊么?
[19:15.50]Uh... s-sorry,sir. 抱歉 頭兒
[19:17.13]Oh,I should end this competition right now. 我該終止這個比賽了
[19:18.79]- no! - No,no. - 不! - 別別
[19:20.04]Uh,uh,I-I mean,uh,it's--it's fine. 我...是說...其實無所謂
[19:21.99]I mean,actually,they're doing some nice work. 其實他們干的挺好的
[19:24.68] 23處了
[19:25.88]She's beating the pants off of you,karev. 她可要狠狠地打敗你了 Karev
[19:27.67]Don't you have an update to deliver? 你不是要匯報病情去么?
[19:29.23]Well,I think hahn can wait a couple of minutes. Hahn還能再等等
[19:31.30]Yang. Yang
[19:33.36]crap. 混蛋
[19:36.64]I thought you told me to keep the animals under control. 你不是說 要我管好這群動物么
[19:38.53]Well,from time to time, I like to go to the zoo. 有時我也挺喜歡去動物園的
[19:46.68]Hahn,mr.Robinson is critical but stable. Hahn醫(yī)生 Robinson病情嚴重 但目前情況平穩(wěn)
[19:49.42]We had to put him on low dose levofed for his B.P 注射了少量左旋腎上腺素 來提升血壓
[19:51.79],And he's put out 350 cc's from his chest tube. 已經(jīng)從胸管排出350毫升積水
[19:54.14]All right. 好的
[19:54.78]I'll look forward to another scintillating report in an hour. 我過一個小時再等你的好消息
[19:57.72]Of course. 好的
[20:04.10]I'm thinking we ought to have a little contest of our own. 咱倆之間也該比賽一下
[20:07.86]You want to live in the hospital like rodents? 你想像個嚙齒動物一樣在醫(yī)院工作么?
[20:08.54]Different kind of contest. 另一種比賽
[20:09.93]You and rose,you're not exclusive,right? 你和Rose 你不專情的對吧?
[20:11.86]- So I'm thinking - you're not serious. - 所以我想 - 開玩笑吧
[20:13.46]One woman,10 points. 一個女友 得10分
[20:14.50]2 women,same time,20 points. 腳踩兩只船 20分
[20:16.67]You get out in the morning before anybody wakes up,5 point bonus. 在別人起床前就出來 加5分
[20:19.17]You are serious. 別開玩笑了
[20:19.91]You need a little spice in your life,man. 生活就要有點情趣
[20:21.70]I'm just trying to help. 我在幫你而已
[20:22.56]I am truly a worse human being for knowing you. 認識你 我都掉價
[20:28.85]It's okay,mr.Sharon. 沒事的 Sharon先生
[20:30.44]oh,it's not okay.It hurts. 哦 怎么可能沒事 疼死了
[20:32.43]I'm alone.I'm all alone,and it hurts,and I'm not okay.I'm dying. 我孤身一人 疼死了 這哪叫沒事啊 我要死了
[20:39.00]by some lucky stroke of fate,you fractured your ankle 聽好了 今天 你腳崴了 被送到仁愛醫(yī)院
[20:42.47]and ended up at seattle gra hospital with me as a doctor. 并能讓我來醫(yī)你 這是你的福氣
[20:46.47]And I am gonna find out what's wrong with you, 我會查出來你到底怎么了
[20:48.63]and then I'm gonna do my damnedest to fix it,and if I can't fix it, 然后盡全力治好你 如果我治不好
[20:51.09]I'm gonna assemble a team of doctors that are better than me,and they're gonna do their damnedest,too. 我會給你找來一隊比我好的醫(yī)生 他們也會盡全力來幫你
[20:55.01]And then you know what's gonna happen? 你知道再然后會怎樣嗎?
[20:57.23]What? 怎樣?
[20:58.14]You're gonna live a healthier life,and maybe even call your ex-wife 你將過上健康的生活 或許你還會打電話你前妻
[21:00.99]because you're being given a second chance at life and this time-- this time you can do it right. 因為生活給了你第二次機會 這次 相信你能做出正確的抉擇
[21:07.50]You're gonna feel a little pressure. 接下來你會感覺稍許壓力
[21:17.54]chief,mR.Robinson's brother. 主任 這是Robinson先生的弟弟
[21:20.84]Can I talk to him?Just for a minute. - 我能跟他說會話嗎? - 一分鐘
[21:26.36]hey,man. 嘿 伙計
[21:28.05]- Hey,that you,phil?- How you feeling? - 嘿 是你嗎 Phil? - 感覺如何?
[21:30.93]I feel like A... like a bear ate my guts out or something. 感覺像是 有只熊把我腸子給咬出來了
[21:36.70]You touched a cub,man. 你怎么會想到去摸那熊仔呢 伙計
[21:38.76]What the hell? 搞什么啊
[21:40.36]I wasn't thinking. 我完全沒考慮
[21:42.09]I... I'm so sorry. 真的很抱歉
[21:44.03]So touching the cub,you knew better? 你知道不該摸它?
[21:46.32]Of course he knew better. 他當然知道了
[21:47.85]He's having an early midlife crisis.He's gonna kill us all. 他在經(jīng)歷中年危機 他差點害死我們
[21:50.88]I'm not having a midlife crisis. 我才沒有中年危機
[21:52.47]Dude,dude,dude,you married your midlife crisi 少來 你都和中年危機結(jié)婚了
[21:55.41]just 'cause you got eaten by a bear,you don't get to talk smack about my wife. 雖然你被熊咬了 但不代表你可以這樣說我妻子
[21:59.08]So was this spontaneous wedding out of character for you? 這樁草率的婚姻不像你的做事風格嗎?
[22:03.05]You know what?He needs a little rest,so let's have some quiet. 他需要休息 就說到這兒吧
[22:13.43]- oh,where was I?- 59 - 我縫了多少針了? - 59
[22:15.96]you are toast. 你輸定了
[22:18.75]- ticktock.- oh,shoot. - 時間時間 - 哦 糟了
[22:24.05]Yang,no running in the hospital. Yang 醫(yī)院里不要跑
[22:37.71]Why did we do a spinal tap on an ankle fracture? 腳踝骨折的病人為什么做脊髓穿刺?
[22:40.75]He's getting a full workup. 我在給他做全身檢查
[22:42.03]- How many points?- what? - 能加多少分? - 什么?
[22:44.17]Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not putting this man through painful 看著我的眼睛 告訴我 你讓他做這些痛苦而不必要的檢查
[22:46.91]and unnecessary procedures because you're trying to win a contest. 不是僅僅因為你想贏一場比賽吧?
[22:50.26]I'm doing this because my patient had dyspnea on exertion, 因為病人主訴 負荷時存在呼吸困難
[22:52.66]headaches,fever,myalgia,a confluent rash intermittently over his entire body. 以及頭痛 發(fā)熱 肌痛 全身間歇性融合型皮疹
[22:57.17]I'm working him up for R.M.S.F 我在做落磯山斑疹熱的排查 萊姆滴定
[22:58.90]And doing lyme titers,but I'm also worried about a rare autoimmune 這還有可能是罕見自身免疫或風濕性疾病
[23:01.09]or rheumatoid disease because of his high C.R.PAnd sed rates,or maybe lupus. 因為cAMP受體蛋白和紅細胞沉降率 結(jié)果都超過正常閾值 可能是系統(tǒng)性紅斑狼瘡
[23:05.06]I'm doing a spinal tap,too,because he was altered and is amnestic about his fall earlier. 做脊髓穿刺是因為病人對于摔倒時 的狀況健忘且模棱兩可
[23:08.48]I-i do want to win this contest, 我確實很想贏比賽
[23:10.52]but I also want to make sure that a man does not leave this hospital 但同時我也想確保我們沒有讓 一個患有髓膜炎或者腦炎的病人
[23:13.47]with meningitis or encephalitis and discover when it's too late that all we did was treat his ankle. 就這么出院 直到太遲 才后悔只給他治了腳踝
[23:21.84]All right,then.Carry on. 那好 你繼續(xù)
[23:27.42]When you hear hoofbeats,think horses not zebras,right,dr.bailey? 聽到馬蹄聲時 猜馬 不要猜斑馬 對不對 Bailey醫(yī)生
[23:30.34]Exactly,o'malley.Exactly. 一針見血啊 O'malley
[23:34.15]Something tells me you're not just worried about the damage to my hand. 我感覺你不止在擔心我手部的傷
[23:38.16]Phillip,earlier today,you were squinting at your paperwork. Phillip之前填表的時候 你好像有點斜視
[23:41.28]I keep telling him he needs glasses. 我早就說他得配副眼鏡
[23:43.17]And your handwriting was very tiny and wasn't all that legible. 你寫的字也非常小 不怎么清晰
[23:46.17]Is that normal for you? 你是一直這樣嗎?
[23:47.65]Well,uh,never been a straight-a student,if that's what you mean. 我學習不怎么好 如果你是問這個的話
[23:50.71]Is he d-- or are we done here? 他檢查...我們的檢查結(jié)束了嗎?
[23:54.18]- We could both use some rest.- Humor me for one more second. - 我們都有點累了 - 再給我一點時間就行了
[23:59.47]okay,look straight ahead. 好的 眼睛直視前方
[24:01.60]Tell me when you see my fingers. 到你能看到我的手指時告訴我
[24:11.69]- I see them.- Tumor! - 看到了 - 腫瘤!
[24:11.69](腫瘤等占位性病變是 無眼外傷情況下視野缺損的常見誘因)
[24:16.17]Sorry. 不好意思
[24:19.36]This is nice of you,really. 你真的很善解人意
[24:22.01]Dreaming up some brain tumor to make me feel better about the fact that I made a bear mad. 想出些腦腫瘤什么的 讓我對把熊惹怒這事能好受些
[24:25.61]Everross your mind I may be just the type of guy who's dumb enough to pet a bear? 可你有沒想過我也許 就是那種笨到會去惹熊的人
[24:28.42]Jennifer,is he that type of guy? Jennifer 他是嗎?
[24:30.34]Well,don't ask me.I've only known him a few months. 別問我 我才認識他幾個月而已
[24:32.96]Phillip,you knew better. Phillip 你知道不該摸那熊仔的
[24:34.68]You touched the cub anyway. 可你還是摸了
[24:36.12]- That,along with your other symptoms-- what symptoms? - 這一點 以及你其他的一些癥狀 - 有什么癥狀?
[24:38.68]My vision's going bad.So I get glasses,right? 我視力變差了 配副眼鏡就行了啊
[24:40.84]But it's not just your vision. 不止是視力的問題
[24:42.17]Brain tumors have been known to impede judgment,prompt spontaneity,impulsivity. 腦腫瘤可以干擾你的判斷 并激起非自主型性沖動行為
[24:50.79]He married a trashy waitress,right? 還跟一個一文不值的服務生結(jié)婚了 對吧?
[24:53.75]I mean,that's what you mean,that he married a girl like me,e rebound girl. 我是說 你就這意思吧? 他居然找了個我這樣的老婆 "救生圈"
[25:01.32]I'm just saying,I would like him to have an M.R.I 我只是想讓他做個MRI
[25:04.42]Just to be sure. 以防萬一
[25:08.99]Well,the answer's no. 我的回答是不
[25:10.92]- Do the M.R.I- Honey,I don't need-- - 做吧 - 寶貝 我不需要
[25:12.71]phillip,do the damn M.R.I,Because you're wrong. Phillip你就做了那該死的MRI 因為你錯了
[25:19.19]He loves me.He loves me. 他愛我 他是愛我的
[25:28.96]Mr.Robinson is doing better.We were able to D.C Robinson先生好些了 推注左旋腎上腺素后
[25:31.12]The levofed,and he's intermittently awake and lucid. 他開始出現(xiàn)暫時性的意識清醒
[25:33.52]His chest tube has put out 100 cc's since I last saw you,and I'll be back in an hour with another update. 自上次匯報 胸腔插管排出了100cc積液 一小時后我會來更新他的狀況
[25:38.45]Is somebody chasing you Yang? 有人在追你還是怎么的 Yang?
[25:40.83]- Excuse me?- What are you racing around for? - 什么? - 你這么急是干什么?
[25:42.83]- Uh,uh,no reason.- No reason? - 呃 沒特別原因 - 是嗎?
[25:45.40]Not because you're running towards the finish line of this surgical contest? 不是因為你馬上就要贏得這場外科比賽了?
[25:49.06]Oh,that.Yes. 哦 那個 是的
[25:51.91]- Are you winning?- yes - 你要贏了嗎? - 是的
[25:53.71]- once I finish my sutures on mr.Robinson.- Oh,that's too bad. - 等我做完Robinson先生的縫合就贏了 - 哦 那真太可惜了
[25:56.51]I was gonna let you watch me put mrs.Witkowsky's new valve in, 我本想讓你觀摩 Witkowsky太太的瓣膜植入呢
[25:59.87]but if a contest is more important than a cardiac surgery,so be it. 可如果一場比賽比心臟手術要重要的話 隨便了
[26:11.07]I'd be happy to watch,Hahn. 我很榮幸能來觀摩 Hahn醫(yī)生
[26:15.56]Crap.Crap.Crap.Crap. 垃圾 垃圾
[26:19.96]Ankle guy? 那個腳踝病人?
[26:20.85]His C.S.FIs spotless,the A.B.GIs normal,the ultrasound is clear-- what am I missing? 腦脊液檢查陰性 血沉率正常 影像學檢查也沒問題 我到底忽略了什么
[26:24.73]What am I missing? 我忽略了什么?
[26:29.15]- Oh - What? - 噢! - 什么?
[26:30.62]- Right there.- Where - 就在這呢 - 哪
[26:31.68]- See?- NO - 看到?jīng)]? - 沒有!
[26:32.42]Well,the fact that you're doing unnecessary medical procedures to win a contest. 你忽略的是你做這些沒必要的檢查 只是想要贏得比賽這個事實
[26:36.28]No!Oh,my god. 不! 哦我的天
[26:37.29]The fact that you and meredith are both doing unnecessary medical procedures to win a contest. 是你和Meredith都在做沒必要的檢查 以贏得比賽這個事實
[26:41.63]Meredith has a medical mystery? Meredith找到了醫(yī)學疑難雜癥?
[26:42.90]No,she doesn'T. 她沒有
[26:44.03]Something is wrong.You wanna know how I know that? 肯定有問題 想知道我為什么有這感覺嗎?
[26:45.69]No. 不想
[26:46.43]Great doctors have that extra instinct,george.They just know. 偉大的醫(yī)生都有那過人的直覺 George 他們就是能察覺到
[26:49.50]Great doctors,they know when to stop. 偉大的醫(yī)生 他們知道適可而止
[26:52.33]I have to have that instinct,george. 我必須得有那直覺 George
[26:53.87]'Cause my instincts lately?Very bad. 因為最近我的直覺 都太差了
[26:56.28]Really bad. 相當差
[26:57.86]They told me to go for cardio.They told me to have sex with a married man. 先是告訴我要專攻心外科 又告訴我跟一個結(jié)了婚的男人做愛
[27:01.11]- Oh?- They are not serving me well. - 哦? - 我的直覺真的是出問題了
[27:03.31]I am in danger of going extinct here if this keeps up, 如果還一直這么下去 恐怕我都得在這兒滅絕了
[27:06.22]and I am gonna win this contest if for no other reason than I have to win it 所以我得贏得這場比賽 不為什么 就是得贏!
[27:12.65] you paged me? 你呼我了?
[27:14.08]I thought you might like to see this. 我想也許你會想看這個
[27:17.07]Is that bear attack guy? 這是那個被熊傷了的人?
[27:18.49]That's bear attack guy,and that's his big ol' brain tumor. 就是他 這里就是他的腦腫瘤
[27:21.23]And I'm not requiring an apology,george. 我不是要你向我道歉 George
[27:23.17]I'm not requiring an apology 我并不是要你向我道歉
[27:24.58]because the fact that I may have potentially saved a life today is reward enough for me. 因為今天我可能拯救了一個人的性命 這個事實對我來說已經(jīng)足夠了
[27:28.65]You're calling me in to gloat. 你叫我來就是看你洋洋得意的樣
[27:29.87]No. 不是
[27:32.85]I need a favor. 我想讓你幫我個忙
[27:39.19]- what am I at?- 87 - 我縫多少針了? - 87
[27:42.12]You're an underdog,aren't you,karev? 你一直是后進生 對吧 Karev?
[27:44.63]Sir? 嗯?
[27:46.20]It's not that yodon't have the skills.You have the skills. 你不是沒有技術 該有的你都有
[27:49.66]But you're scrappy. 可你太散漫了
[27:51.65]You're a fighter. 太好斗了
[27:53.49]I like that. 我喜歡這點
[27:55.28]I always root for the underdog. 我向來很支持后進生
[27:57.00]I'm a fighter,but,uh,I'm no underdog. 我確實很好斗 可我不是后進生
[28:00.70]Like this guy here.He--he didn't,uh,he didn't provoke that bear.His brother did it. 跟他一樣 熊不是他激怒的 激怒熊的是他弟弟
[28:06.14]Now he's here,fighting for his life,paying for someone else's mistakes. 可他現(xiàn)在卻躺在這 努力生存 為他人的錯誤付出代價
[28:10.22]It doesn't make him an underdog. 所以他不是后進生
[28:13.20]It just,well,makes him have to work harder to overcome the cards he got dealt. 他只是得更努力來面對 克服這些問題
[28:23.10]oh,he's crashing.Hit that code button. 噢 他不行了 快按警報
[28:25.57]We got a code blue!Code blue! 藍色警報
[28:32.10]- This is meredith's patient?- YeS. - 這是Meredith的病人? - 嗯
[28:35.61]She didn't want to come to me herself? 她不想親自見我?
[28:37.77]Hey,I'm jusT... her intern. 嘿 我是她的實習醫(yī)生
[28:49.78]oh,my god.Oh,my god. 哦 我的上帝 我的上帝啊
[28:56.16]Honey,I'm so sorry. 寶貝 我真的很抱歉
[28:58.20]we did absolutely everything we could. 我們確實盡力了
[29:00.88]The stress was just too much for his body. 這壓力超出了他身體的承受范圍
[29:11.67]there's more. 還有
[29:13.91]the neurosurgeon is going to come in and talk to you. 神經(jīng)外科醫(yī)生馬上會來跟你談話
[29:17.95]No.NO 不 不
[29:19.01]I need to know.please. 我需要知道 求你了
[29:23.10]I'm sorry. 很抱歉
[29:24.59]I was right about the tumor. 可關于腫瘤的事我是正確的
[29:28.08]you have something called a malignant glioma. 你患有惡性神經(jīng)膠質(zhì)瘤
[29:31.59]this kind of tumor causes,uh,behavioral... it can cause inappropriate affect. 這類腫瘤造成行為上的... 它能引發(fā)不合適的感情
[29:39.57]- Can you operate?- NO - 可以做手術嗎? - 不行
[29:41.69]It's too invasive. 它是擴散性的
[29:43.38]it's been growing a long time. 已經(jīng)長了很久了
[29:49.48]I'm so sorry. 我真的很抱歉
[29:56.73]I... good. 我... 很好
[30:01.27]Good,I deserve that. 很好 是我應得的
[30:03.47]I killed my brother,so I don't deserve to survive. 我害死了我哥哥 我死有余辜
[30:23.65]Um... doctor?" 大夫
[30:27.82]I'm a symptom,right? 我算是一個"癥狀"對吧?
[30:29.45]I mean,I'M... I'm like the bear cub. 我是說 我跟那熊仔一樣
[30:31.81]I'm just a symptom of this tumor. 我只是這腫瘤的一個"癥狀"
[30:34.28]That's what we're saying here,right? 就是這個意思 對吧
[30:36.62]Just so I'm clear. 是這樣的吧?
[30:40.08]I don't know. 我不知道
[30:41.94]I don't know that. 我無從判斷
[30:43.98]You're the only one who could know that for sure. 能知道答案的人只有你自己
[30:50.95]When you say "negative," do you mean as in bad or as in nonexistent? 你說的"陰性結(jié)果" 是指情況不好 還是沒有問題
[30:56.06]Nothing bad came up. 沒檢查出什么不好的
[30:57.56]Well,what about all those alphabet tests you were railing off? 那你說的那些ABC MRI什么的檢查呢
[31:00.19]- I mean,they were elevated or something.- yeah - 我是說 那些聽起來挺嚴肅的 - 嗯
[31:02.97]Um... they were nonspecific. 它們...沒什么特異性的
[31:06.15]They likely indicated that you basically have a relatively minor flu. 它們暗示你主要是患有較為輕微的流感
[31:10.25]I have the flu? 流感?
[31:12.28]This whole day... everything you put me through... you put me through all this for the flu? 這一整天 你讓我做的這些檢查 就是為了查明是流感?
[31:18.29]I'm sorry.I am 我很抱歉 真的很抱歉
[31:20.11]It just--it seemed like there was something more. 只是 我感覺不止是流感那么簡單
[31:22.21]It really seemed... I know it's hard to see the silver lining here,but think of the discoveries you made today 真的很像 我知道你現(xiàn)在可能感覺很失望 可想想你今天探索到的這些...
[31:28.18]about yourself and your life and--and your ex-wife. 關于你自己的 關于你生活 還有你的前妻
[31:31.51]My ex-wife was a castrating bitch! 我前妻就他媽是一婊子!
[31:33.95]She was a castrating bitch,and I never missed her for one day since she left! 就他媽是一婊子! 她走后我他媽就一天也沒想過她!
[31:37.63]Not until today! 直到今天!
[31:38.87]And I missed her today because if we were still together, 我今天會想到她 是因為如果我們還在一起
[31:40.83]she would've shot me dead a long time ago, 她早就該把我槍斃了
[31:43.04]and I wouldn't have had to gone through the hell you put me through! 我也不會經(jīng)歷你讓我做的這些鬼檢查了!
[31:45.73]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[31:47.19]I didn't mean to. 我不是有意的
[31:48.17]- I really-- you treated meike a rat! - 真的 - 我他媽就是你的小白鼠!
[31:50.23]Like a rat in some perverted lab! 就像是變態(tài)實驗室里的小白鼠!
[31:53.03]Just give my prescription.I want to get outta here. 你趕緊把處方開了 我一分鐘也不想多留
[31:57.15]The flu is a virus. 流感是病毒
[31:58.75]It,um,doesn't respond to antibiotics. 對抗生素不敏感的
[32:01.96]I suggest plenty of fluids and rest. 我建議您多飲水 以及休息好
[32:05.12]Fluids and rest? 多飲水 休息好?
[32:06.99]fluid and rest? 多飲水 休息好?
[32:08.28]- I'm sorry.- Fluids and freakin' rest! - 抱歉 - 多飲水 休息個屁!
[32:10.57]I'm sorry!I'm sorry!I'm really,really sorry. 對不起!我很抱歉!我真的真的很抱歉
[32:22.64]What are you doing here?You spent the last three hours watching a surgery.That's 3 points. 你來這干嗎?你花了3個小時觀摩手術 就得3分
[32:25.77]I'm trusting you guys screwed up enough that it won't matter. 反正你們都搞砸了 我那點一樣能贏
[32:27.97]I could still win.I could.I did get a lot of points today. 我還是能贏的 我能的 今天我得了很多分
[32:30.73]What's the matter with you? 你怎么了?
[32:31.98]where's the trash talk,charles barkley? 怎么不說垃圾話了 巴克利?
[32:33.64]She knows I'm the best. 她知道我是最好的
[32:37.66]who won? 誰贏了?
[32:38.28]- Congratulations... - who won? - 恭喜... - 誰?
[32:41.56]Grey. Grey
[32:43.88]The guy from the bear attack had a brain tumor,and grey caught it. 那男人被熊攻擊 他有腫瘤 Grey發(fā)現(xiàn)了
[32:47.06]80 points for solving a medical mystery. 解決了一個醫(yī)學謎案 得80分
[32:48.85]That's what put her over the top. 這足以讓她得第一
[32:50.01]- I could've found a tumor.- But you didn'T. - 我本能發(fā)現(xiàn)一個腫瘤 - 但你沒有
[32:51.46]You chose to scrub in with hahn and watch for 3 little points. 你選擇觀摩Hahn醫(yī)生的手術 觀看只得3分
[32:55.03]Now congratulate Grey. 現(xiàn)在恭喜Grey
[32:57.33]congratulations. 恭喜
[32:59.61]Hey,don't you want your prize? 嘿 你不要獎品啦?
[33:03.90]- A shiny pager.- A sparkle pager. - 一閃亮的傳呼機 - 一耀眼的傳呼機
[33:06.31]What's so great about a glitter pager? 一閃光的傳呼機有什么特別之處?
[33:07.31]A sparkle pager.It is special. 一個耀眼奪目的傳呼機 這就是特別之處
[33:10.34]It is surgery's holy grail. 它是外科界的圣杯
[33:12.21]It's been passed down from resident to resident,and now it belongs to Grey. 它在醫(yī)生中代代相傳 現(xiàn)在它屬于Grey醫(yī)生了
[33:15.55]For the next three months,whenever you all get a surgery,you have to page this pager, 接下來的3個月里 無論何時你們要做手術 都要傳呼她
[33:20.02]and if grey wants your surgery,she has the right to take it from you. 如果Grey想要那個手術 你們就得讓賢
[33:23.96]- Come on.- crap - 拜托 - 什么東西啊
[33:26.02]Enjoy the power,Grey. 享受權力吧 Grey
[33:28.59]Now may I recommend you all go home? 現(xiàn)在 都給我回家去
[33:31.46]You smell,you greasy,you need to bathe,and I'm sick of looking at you. 一個個又臭又臟 都得洗澡了 我看你們就覺得惡心
[33:35.67]Even my 1 year old here is sick of looking at you.Isn't that right,bug? 我1歲的寶貝都惡心了 是不是呀 親愛的
[33:38.55]Sick of looking at your little,ugly faces. 不想看到你們臟臟的樣子了
[33:43.04]Somehow I thought I would enjoy this more. 我怎么沒我想象中的開心呢
[33:44.90]Oh,well,give it to me.I'll enjoy it. 是么 那你給我啊 我會很受用的
[33:46.53]Don't give it to her.Give it to me. 別給她 給我
[33:48.40]Oh,shut up.It's hers. 閉嘴 那是她的
[33:49.90]She's the winner. 她贏了
[33:50.81]She's not gonna give it to you. 她不會給你的
[33:52.32]give it to me. 給我
[33:58.34]are you kidding me?Are you kidding me? 開什么玩笑?開什么玩笑?
[34:03.08]I don't like her. 我不喜歡她
[34:04.64]I'm sorry,but as your friend,it's my job to say it.I don't like rose. 我很抱歉 但作為你朋友 我有義務告訴你 我不喜歡Rose
[34:07.98]Why? 為什么?
[34:09.05]You're not even sleeping with her. 你甚至還沒跟她上床呢
[34:10.24]You don't like her because she's not sleeping with me? 你不喜歡她 是因為她沒跟我上床?
[34:13.43]- That's a little weird.- It's not weird. - 這還真有點奇怪 - 有什么好奇怪的
[34:14.98]It's a little weird. 有點奇怪
[34:15.66]Hey,if you were sleeping with rose,I could understand why you're spending time with her,but you're not. 如果你跟她睡了 我還能理解你在她身上花時間 但你沒有
[34:19.88]And it's--it's just,uh,I thought that,uh, 只是 恩 只是我覺得...
[34:23.29]you know... I thought it was just gonna be you and me. 我覺得應該只有我們兩個
[34:28.07]- Having sex?- after - 做愛? - 在...
[34:29.77]After addison,after meredith.I have been patient. 在經(jīng)歷了Addison和Meredith的事之后 我一直都很耐心
[34:32.81]I have waitewhile you partnered up with these chicks,but now they're over, 我耐心看著你和那些小妞們搭檔 但現(xiàn)在她們實習結(jié)束了
[34:36.64]and it's supposed to be just us,you and me,two guys on the prowl,on the hunt. 應該輪到只有我們兩個了 一起出擊 一起釣女人
[34:41.03]You're having trouble getting laid,and you need my help. 你找不到女人 需要我?guī)椭?br />
[34:43.62]- I can get laid.- Mm-hmm. - 我能找到女人 - 噢``
[34:44.88]I can get laid whenever I want. 只要我愿意 我隨時都能
[34:46.31]- I do get laid whenever I want.- Uh huh - 我隨時都能找到女人 - 噢``
[34:48.29]That's the point. 關鍵是
[34:49.66]Women are everywhere. 女人到處都有
[34:52.96]I only have one person I can talk to. 卻只有一人能和我交流
[34:56.78]- That's sweet.- shut up - 真貼心 - 閉嘴
[34:58.37]No,it's really warm and fuzzy,very sweet. 真的 說得真是甜蜜又暖人心啊
[34:59.79]Shut up. 閉嘴
[35:01.17]Are you serious about this woman? 你對這女的當真了?
[35:05.21]I don't know. 我不知道
[35:06.95]Could be. 也許吧
[35:12.28]All right. 好吧
[35:13.39]- I'll give her a chance. - Good boy - 我給她一個機會 - 好孩子
[35:15.80]You're pathetic,and I'm a lesser man for knowing you. 你真可悲 認識你 我也跟著倒霉了
[35:18.20]That's my line. 這該我說
[35:19.36]You can't use my line. 你不能搶我臺詞
[35:32.61]thought you were off duty an hour ago. 以為你1小時前就走了
[35:34.81]I'm just catching up on some paperwork. 我只是補些文書工作
[35:37.71]Piled up on you during the contest,I guess. 我想 是在你光顧著比賽時堆積起來的吧
[35:41.50]You know about that? 你知道這事?
[35:42.23]I know about otis sharon and the $120,000 worth of unnecessary tests you ordered. 我知道Otis Sharon的事 我還知道你做了價值12萬塊的無用檢查
[35:48.66]Yeah. 是
[35:52.23]Well... I lost. 我輸了
[35:54.08]And I put a man through hell for no reason at all. 還害得一個男人無故經(jīng)歷了倒霉的一天
[35:56.65]I was a bad doctor today with bad instincts,and I deserved to lose. 今天 我是有糟糕直覺的糟糕醫(yī)生 活該我輸
[36:01.57]I don't know why I even bothered competing in the stupid contest. 我都不知道 自己干嗎參加這個愚蠢的競賽
[36:04.33]- So I don't need to yell?- You should. - 看來不用我來吼你了? - 你應該
[36:06.45]You can. 你也可以
[36:07.88]But you don't need to. 但沒這個必要了
[36:09.84]Good. 很好
[36:13.86]- Stevens.- Yes,sir? - Stevens - 是 怎么?
[36:16.57]My year... I lost by 2 points. 我當年...以2分之差輸了
[36:20.89]You-- you didn't invent the contest. - 你?.. - 并不是你們發(fā)明了這種比賽
[36:25.37]The contest is a lion fight. 它就像獅子間的角斗
[36:28.83]So chin up,put your shoulders back,walk proud,strut a little. 抬頭 挺起你的胸膛 驕傲的行走 趾高氣揚一些
[36:33.01]Don't lick yr wounds. 別在那自怨自艾
[36:34.58]Celebrate them. 珍視你的失敗
[36:36.11]The scars you bear are the sign of a competitor. 傷口是你作為競爭者的標志
[36:40.42]You were in a lion fight,stevens. 你是在和獅子們斗爭 stevens
[36:42.63]Just because you didn't win doesn't mean you don't know how to roar. 輸了并不代表你不強大
[36:52.48]Good night. 晚安
[36:53.97]Good night,sir. 晚安 主任
[37:01.41]There's a little animal in all of us,and maybe that's something to celebrate. 我們總有些動物內(nèi)心 這也許是值得慶幸的
[37:08.00]Our animal instinct is what makes us seek comfort,warmth,a pack to run with. 動物的本性 驅(qū)使我們尋求 安慰 溫暖 和共同前行的朋友
[37:13.08]Hi,um... h-- hello,Hahn. 嗨 額 你好 Hahn醫(yī)生
[37:17.00]I hope it's okay I invited somebody over. 希望你不介意我邀請人來家里
[37:19.03]Oh,no,it's fine. 噢 不 這很好
[37:20.00]It's,uh... it's an honor to have you here,DR. Hahn. 這是 恩 這是我的榮幸 Hahn醫(yī)生
[37:25.13]Okay.I have to tell you... 好了 我必須告訴你...
[37:28.34]- you won't believe it.- yes - 你不會相信的 - 哦 是的
[37:29.25]I... okay. 我 恩
[37:35.43]Was just going in there. 就回房間去
[37:43.53]- we may feel caged... - are you kidding me? - 我們也許會感到被困住... - 你說真的?
[37:51.70]We may feel trapped... 我們也許會感到羈絆...
[37:58.34]but still,as humans,we can find ways to feel free. 但是終歸 我們?nèi)祟?總能找到讓自己舒適的辦法
[38:02.43]Be-before you say anything,before you say a word,just--just hear me out. 在你說開口前 說任何話之前 先聽我說
[38:06.55]I know it's not much,and I-I-I know it's all stolen. 我知道這不是很多 我知道它們都是偷來的
[38:10.42]I-it's all stolen and-- and--and hospitaly and stolen. 我..它們都是偷來的..從醫(yī)院..偷的
[38:14.46]You can turn me in if you want to. 你可以告發(fā)我 如果你想的話
[38:15.50]You can report me for stealing,'cause obviously,now I'm a thief. 你可以檢舉我偷竊 因為顯然 我現(xiàn)在就是一個小偷
[38:18.52]I've never even shoplifted a piece of gum before,and now I'm a thief,except I'm--I'm not. 我連一片口香糖都沒偷過 但現(xiàn)在 我成了小偷 其實我不是
[38:23.60]I'm a nester.I'm--I'm nesting. 我是一個筑巢人 我在筑巢
[38:25.62]This is me nesting... for you because you hate it here. 在這組建起一個家..為了你 因為你討厭這里
[38:31.28]You want to be at that big house with meredith and izzie where things are warm and you have your friends 你想住在那個大房子里 有Meredith和Izzie 那里一切都是溫暖的 有朋友一起
[38:35.36]and--and there aren't any roaches. 而且 那里沒有蟑螂
[38:37.15]But this can be warm,and I put out traps for the roaches. 但這里也可以溫暖的 我放了夾子夾蟑螂
[38:41.35]And--and I... I can be your friend. 并且 我可以做你朋友
[38:45.07]No,I-I... I can be your friend. 真的 我可以的
[38:48.12]I d-don't-- I don't have any friends here,not--not really,except you. 我沒有..沒有任何朋友 只有你
[38:55.61]And--and I don't have a home to go to anymore,ex-except here. 我也沒有一個家可回 只有這里
[39:00.40]I just--I... I can be your friend. 我只是..我能做你的朋友
[39:07.47]I complain a lot,don't I? 我抱怨了那么多啊?
[39:09.80]I--it'S... okay. 這沒什么
[39:12.69]No. 不
[39:15.44]No.You know what? 不 你知道嗎?
[39:16.98]I'm gonna stop.I'm just--m just gonna stop right now. 我要停止抱怨 就現(xiàn)在 我要停止
[39:20.34]I'm gonna focus on what'sood,you know,like,uh, 我要專注于好的一面 比如 恩
[39:24.24]like this crapartment,like this apartment. 比如這狗窩 這公寓
[39:33.91]We are each other's keepers. 我們都是彼此的守護者
[39:39.65]wish you'd have stolen a tv. 你要是偷了個電視該多好
[39:40.92]I tried.They're bolted to the walls. 我試了 它們是釘死在墻上的
[39:42.50]Still. 還是想
[39:45.26]We are the guardians of our own humanity. 我們是各自仁慈之心的捍衛(wèi)者
[40:04.08]good morning. 早上好
[40:05.79]How are you? 你好
[40:10.14]I'll see you. 一會見
[40:11.64]And even though there's a beast inside all of us... hi. 盡管我們每個人心中都有一頭野獸
[40:22.63]I think I found a way to save lives. 我想我找到了醫(yī)治他們的辦法
[40:25.12]I don't know for sure,but I think,uh,we can save people 我不確定 但我想 恩 我們可以救活那些
[40:27.87]who have the kind of tumors that mr.Robinson has. 和Robinson先生患有同樣腫瘤的人了
[40:29.98]Mr.Robinson--the man who was mauled by the--the bear. Robinson先生--那個被熊襲擊的男人
[40:32.90]I did all this research,and I found this. 我做了詳細的調(diào)查 找到了這個
[40:35.33]It's rare,and it's still untested in humans,but I could find patients for a clinical trial, 這很罕見 并且沒有在人體上試驗過 但我可以找些病人做臨床試驗
[40:40.58]and I could do the lab work,and I could track the results. 我自己可以做實驗室研究 記錄結(jié)果
[40:43.82]But I do need a neurosurgeon,and you're one of the best. 但我需要一個神經(jīng)外科醫(yī)生 而你是最好的那個
[40:47.72]It's not about us. 這與我們之間的事無關
[40:48.93]I would go somewhere else if I could. 只因為你是這領域最好的
[40:52.38]But... I don't know. 但...我不知道
[40:55.39]I think I found a way to save lives. 我想我發(fā)現(xiàn)了拯救人生命的辦法
[41:00.77]What sets us apart from the animals is that we can think,feel,dream and love. 我們區(qū)別于其他動物在于 我們能夠思考 感覺 夢想 愛
[41:14.30]And against all odds... 并且能戰(zhàn)勝缺陷...
[41:18.55]against all instinct... 克制本能...
[41:27.70]I think I better start talking now. 我想我最好開始說點什么
[41:36.14]We evolve. 只要我們愿意