教程:丑女貝蒂第一季  瀏覽:5483  
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    [06:25.28]Because l hooked you up, you have to make out with me in the ladies room. 因?yàn)槭俏医o你牽的線 你得跟我到女廁所去玩玩(調(diào)情)
    [06:28.95]l'm supposed to be a big 'mo. 噓! 我可是個(gè)同志哥耶!
    [06:30.62]Being straight in this business doesn't work. 我想以直男的身份 在這個(gè)行業(yè)里立足 但是不行
    [06:33.15]So unfair. 真是不公平
    [06:36.06]l finally got a hot boyfriend. l can't use it to make the other sluts feel bad. 我好不容易找到個(gè)火暴男友
    [06:38.07]想叫那些小賤人們流流口水 卻還用不了
    [06:41.10]Guess l'll just make that up to you later, then. 猜猜等下我會(huì)拿什么補(bǔ)償你?
    [06:44.40]Hey, hey, that top is love. Massani or Cavalli? 嘿 嘿 嘿 靚基佬 那上衣真贊啊 是Missoni還是Cavalli(時(shí)裝品牌)?
    [06:49.27]Yeah, l'm not doing that with you. 是啊 我才不跟你玩呢
    [06:56.24]Keep the champlane coming. 再來(lái)點(diǎn)香檳
    [07:01.78]Thank you. Oh! 好極了
    [07:03.79]Papi! Tell them you didn't get your complimentary travel kit. 哦 老爸 老爸
    [07:05.62]跟他們說(shuō) 你還沒(méi)拿到旅行套裝贈(zèng)品 多要一套 我可以拿來(lái)做伴娘禮品
    [07:07.29]lf l get enough, l can use them as bridesmaid's gifts.
    [07:10.09]- Here, you can have mine. - Oh, no. You keep yours. - 給你 拿我的吧 - 哦 不用 你自己留著吧
    [07:12.73]- You're my maid of honor. - Oh, thank you. - 你是我的主伴娘 - 哦 謝謝你
    [07:16.23]OK, so, Fernando, your cousin, married Natalia. 嗯 好吧 Fernando 你的表弟 他太太是Natalia
    [07:20.44]Their three kids are Luis, Armando and Teresa. 他們有3個(gè)孩子 分別是 Areluis Armando 還有Teresa
    [07:23.27]- That's right. - Yes. OK. - 沒(méi)錯(cuò) - 搞定! 好極了
    [07:25.21]God, l just hate it that there's no one on Mom's side of the chart. 天啊 真討厭 這圖上 沒(méi)有媽媽那邊的親戚
    [07:29.81]l can't help you there, sweetheart. 那我可幫不上忙了 寶貝
    [07:32.28]l never really knew about anybody except her mother. (那邊)除了你媽媽 我誰(shuí)都不認(rèn)識(shí)
    [07:35.15]Well, what year did Grandma die? 那么 外婆是什么時(shí)候去世的?
    [07:37.62]l don't know, Betty. Sometime after Hilda was born. 我不知道 Betty 是在Hilda出生以后的什么時(shí)候吧
    [07:40.46]Mom never even talked about her. 媽媽也從沒(méi)提起過(guò)她
    [07:42.89]- l mean there must be... - Concentrate on the people we do know. 我是說(shuō) 肯定有人知道--
    [07:44.40]Betty 先把注意力 集中到我們認(rèn)識(shí)的人身上吧
    [07:48.70]OK, l just... 好吧 我- 我只是--
    [07:52.40]Dad, are you OK? 爸爸 你沒(méi)事吧?
    [07:54.70]l'm sorry, mija. 我很抱歉 親愛(ài)的
    [07:56.97]l guess l might be a little nervous about going home. 我想 因?yàn)橐丶?我有點(diǎn)緊張
    [07:59.77]l didn't leave under the best circumstances. 我當(dāng)時(shí)離開(kāi)的時(shí)機(jī)不是很好
    [08:02.24]So they don't know you killed mom's husband? 所以他們不知道 你殺了媽媽的丈夫?
    [08:05.48]What are you, crazy? Somebody's going to hear you. - 噢! - 怎么 你瘋了啊?
    [08:08.55]Nobody knows anything except you girls and my sister Mirta. 會(huì)有人聽(tīng)見(jiàn)的
    [08:09.01]除了你們和我姐姐Mirta 沒(méi)人知道這事情
    [08:12.39]Can we stop talking about this? 現(xiàn)在咱們能別再討論這個(gè)了嗎?
    [08:14.32]- Betty, you're missing an earring. - What? Betty 你的耳環(huán)掉了一只
    [08:17.93]Oh, no! 什么?
    [08:19.33]My ''Dias'' from my ''Buenos Dias'' earrings. 哦 不!
    [08:21.66]l knew l shouldn't have brought my good jewelry. 我就知道我不該帶我的好首飾出來(lái)
    [08:24.47]l know this is the worst thing to mix with your cholesterol medication, 要知道 我知道這個(gè)跟你的 降膽固醇藥物混在一起不好
    [08:28.37]l think a celebration is in order. 但我覺(jué)得還是應(yīng)該慶祝一下
    [08:31.37]Willie, l have a confession to make. Willie 我得向你坦白
    [08:34.78]You didn't sign the papers? 你沒(méi)簽離婚協(xié)議?
    [08:39.85]You forgot she hired thugs to beat me? 你忘了她雇兇打我?
    [08:42.02]- That she's a murderer? - Wilhelmina. - 還有 她是個(gè)殺人犯? - Wilhelmina
    [08:44.25](groans) Oh, sorry, it's just...
    [08:46.09]哦 抱歉 傷又疼了
    [08:48.02]...this injury. They say l'll have to learn to live with it.
    [08:52.09]Willie, l have been married to Claire for so many years, Willie 我跟Claire結(jié)婚很多年了
      上一篇:丑女貝蒂第一季21 下一篇:丑女貝蒂第一季23


