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BBC News:加拿大警方逮捕恐怖主義嫌疑人




BBC News with Julie Candler.

The police in Canada say they’ve foiled a major terror plot supported by al-Qaeda to derail a passenger train traveling between the cities of Toronto and New York. They say they’ve arrested two people who are not Canadian citizens, Chiheb Esseghaier and Raed Jaser. Both have been charged with terrorism-related offences. Canadian police say they have evidence that al-Qaeda elements in Iran were providing guidance, but that there was no indication that the alleged plot was state-sponsored. Chief superintendent Jennifer Strachan says the arrests were based on a lengthy investigation.

Julie Candler為您報道BBC新聞。

加拿大警方表示,他們挫敗了一起基地組織支持的導致多倫多和紐約之間客運列車脫軌的重大恐怖主義陰謀。他們表示,他們已經逮捕了兩名非加拿大公民,施赫布·埃塞蓋伊爾(Chiheb Esseghaier)和拉伊德·賈瑟爾(Raed Jaser)。兩人均被控告恐怖主義罪行。加拿大警方表示,他們有證據表明伊朗境內基地組織勢力提供了指引,但是沒有證據表明這次陰謀是國家發(fā)起的??偩舅固亓_恩(Jennifer Strachan)表示,他們的逮捕行動是基于長時間的調查。

"We are alleging that these two individuals took steps and conducted activities to initiate a terrorist attack. They watched trains and railways in the Greater Toronto area. These arrests are the conclusion of a very complex and lengthy investigation which involved multi-jurisdictional and multi-agency cooperation.”


The sole surviving suspect in last week’s Boston Marathon bombing in the United States has been charged with using a weapon of mass destruction against people and property resulting in death. Nineteen-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was charged as he lay in his hospital bed. If convicted, he could face the death penalty or life imprisonment. The White House has said he’ll be tried in the US criminal justice system and won’t be treated as an enemy combatant. The spokesman Jay Carney explained why.

上周美國波士頓馬拉松比賽爆炸案唯一幸存的嫌疑人被控告對群眾和財產使用大規(guī)模殺傷性武器,造成人員傷亡。19歲的賈哈爾(Dzhokhar Tsarnaev)被控告時正躺在醫(yī)院的病床上。一經審判,他將面臨死刑或終身監(jiān)禁。白宮已經表示,他將在美國刑事審判系統(tǒng)接受審判,而不會被視為敵方戰(zhàn)斗員。發(fā)言人卡尼(Jay Carney)解釋了原因。

"He will not be treated as an enemy combatant. We will prosecute this terrorist through our civilian system of justice. Under US law, the United States citizens cannot be tried in military commissions. And it is important to remember that since 9/11 we have used the federal court system to convict and incarcerate hundreds of terrorists.”


Meanwhile, residents in Boston have held a silent vigil to mark the exact moment a week ago when the marathon bombs went off. Sombre crowds gathered in the street on a sunny spring day and a prolonged hush descended on the city. As the vigil ended, church bells across Boston rang out. Earlier in the day, the funeral service of 29-year-old Krystle Campbell, one of the three people killed in the bombings last week, took place.

同時,波士頓居民舉行了默哀守夜活動,紀念一周前馬拉松比賽現(xiàn)場炸彈爆炸的時刻。在這個陽光明媚的春日,肅穆的人群聚集在街上,城市上空籠罩著肅靜的氣氛。守夜活動結束時,全波士頓所有教堂的鐘聲同時響起。當天早些時候,在上周的爆炸中遇難的三人中的一人,29歲的克里斯特爾·坎貝爾(Krystle Campbell)的葬禮舉行。

European Union

foreign ministers have permanently lifted their remaining sanctions against Burma apart from an arms embargo. They welcomed what they called a new chapter in relations with the country following a series of political reforms. The European Union Foreign Policy Chief Katherine Ashton said the EU wanted to be part of Burma’s future.

歐盟外交部長永久性取消對緬甸剩余的制裁措施,武器禁令除外。他們對緬甸一系列政治改革后掀開的新篇章表示歡迎。歐盟外交政策主管凱瑟琳·阿什頓(Catherine Ashton)表示,歐盟希望成為緬甸未來發(fā)展的一部分。

"We know that much remains to be done on human rights, on democracy, fighting poverty and achieving lasting peace. We don’t underestimate the challenges. But we believe that now it is time to engage more and to help move the transition move ahead. All these challenges can be better addressed in an open democratic society. And we look forward to working closely with the government and all other stakeholders.”


World News from the BBC.

The Turkish government has described as objectionable a request by the US Secretary of State John Kerry for the Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan to delay his planned visit to Gaza. On Sunday Mr Kerry said during his visit to Istanbul that it would be better to wait for the right conditions. James Reynolds reports.

美國國務卿約翰·克里(John Kerry)要求土耳其總理埃爾多安(Tayyip Erdogan)延遲原計劃對加沙的訪問,土耳其政府提出異議。周日,克里在伊斯坦布爾訪問期間提出,等待合適的時機訪問會更好。James Reynolds報道。

Turkey’s deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc has told reporters that John Kerry’s suggestion was objectionable and incorrect. The Turkish government doesn’t like America telling it what to do or even suggesting what it should do. But it’s notable that Turkey’s official reaction was not delivered by the prime minister himself. The US is concerned that an Erdogan visit to the Hamas-run territory of Gaza would damage America’s key priority—reconciliation between its allies Turkey and Israel.

土耳其副總理阿林克(Bulent Arinc)告訴記者,約翰·克里(John Kerry)的建議是不適宜的,不正確的。土耳其政府不喜歡美國告訴他們做什么,甚至不喜歡他們建議應該做什么。但是值得注意的是,土耳其的官方回應并不是由總理本人做出的。美國擔心埃爾多安對加沙地帶哈馬斯控制領土的訪問會危害美國的重點任務——調停其盟國土耳其和以色列之間的關系。

Police in Nicaragua have arrested a man from the United States who’s suspected of having produced child pornography. The suspect Justin Toth was on the FBI’s top 10 most-wanted list and there was a $100,000 reward for his capture. Mr Toth is accused of taking offensive images while he worked as a primary school teacher.

尼加拉瓜警方逮捕了來自美國的一名男子,此人涉嫌拍攝兒童色情作品。嫌疑人賈斯丁·托特(Justin Toth)是聯(lián)邦調查局十大通緝犯之一,F(xiàn)BI曾懸賞100,000美元抓捕他。賈斯丁·托特(Justin Toth)被控告擔任小學教師期間拍攝色情圖片。

The Italian President Giorgio Napolitano has used his inaugural address to demand a new government and urgent reforms to break the political deadlock in the country. In unusually harsh language, he accused the parliament of unforgivable failures. Mr Napolitano said that if this continued, he would not, as he put it, hesitate to take action before the country—in effect threatening to resign.

意大利總統(tǒng)喬治·納波利塔諾(Giorgio Napolitano)利用就職演說要求組建新政府,并敦促進行改革,打破政治僵局。他用非常嚴厲的語言指控議會不可原諒的失敗。納波利塔諾表示,如果這種情況繼續(xù)下去,他將毫不猶豫地在全國民眾面前采取措施——事實上就是威脅辭職。

The Football Association in England has charged the Liverpool player Luis Suarez with violent conduct after he was seen biting an opponent on Sunday. He faces being punished with a lengthy suspension. Liverpool has already fined Suarez over the incident with the player asking for the money to be donated to charity. The club says it wants the Uruguayan to stay despite this latest controversy.

BBC News.


英格蘭足聯(lián)控告利物浦隊員蘇亞雷斯(Luis Suarez)實施暴力行為。周日,人們看到他咬了競爭對手。他將面臨被判長期停賽的懲罰。利物浦已經就該事件處罰了蘇亞雷斯(Luis Suarez),該隊員則要求這筆罰金捐獻給慈善機構。利物浦俱樂部表示,盡管最近出現(xiàn)的爭議,他們希望這名烏拉圭隊員能夠留下來。



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