[00:09.47]Be careful. They can smell fear. 小心點兒. 她們可機靈了.
[00:34.37]-Good morning. -Good morning. -早上好 -早上好.
[00:37.54]Thank you. 謝謝.
[00:39.94]This is History of Art 1 00. 本堂課講授美術(shù)史 100.
[00:45.38]We'll be following Dr. Staunton's syllabus. 我們將遵循斯坦頓博士的教學大綱.
[00:49.58]-Any questions so far? -Your name? -有什么問題嗎? -你的名字?
[00:53.55]-Why don't you go first? -Connie Baker. -為何不先從你開始? -康尼 貝克.
[00:56.09]-Katherine Watson. Nice to meet you. -Dr. Watson, I presume. -凱瑟琳 沃森. 很高興認識你們. -我想應(yīng)該稱你為沃森博士了.
[01:01.86]-Not yet. And you are? -Giselle Levy. -還不是. 你的名字? -杰斯麗 利維.
[01:05.26]Giselle. If someone could get the-- 杰斯麗. 哪位可以幫我把--
[01:09.10]-Susan Delacorte. -Thank you, Susan Delacorte. -蘇珊 德拉考蒂. -謝謝, 蘇珊 德拉考蒂.
[01:16.54]From the beginning, man has always had the impulse to create art. 最開始的時候,人類便擁有創(chuàng)造美術(shù)的沖動.
[01:21.65]-Can anyone tell me what this is? -Wounded Bison, Altamira, Spain... -有人能回答這是什么嗎? -《受傷的野?!?,奧爾塔米拉巖窟壁畫, 西班牙...
[01:25.25]...about 1 5,000 B.C. Joan Brandwyn. ...大約公元前15,000 年. 我是 瓊 布蘭德溫.
[01:28.99]Very good, Joan. 瓊,非常好.
[01:31.26]Despite the age of these, they are technically sophisticated because-- 盡管是在那個時代,他們的技藝依然 堪稱老練是由于--
[01:35.43]The shading and the thickness of the lines moving over the bison's hump. 由于野牛背部粗獷有力的線條和陰影的繪制.
[01:40.10]-ls that right? -Yes, that's exactly right. -對嗎? -對,完全正確.
[01:44.80]Next slide. 下一張.
[01:47.34]This is probably less familiar. It was discovered by archeologists-- 這大概較不為人知曉. 被考古學家所發(fā)掘的--
[01:51.58]In 1 879, Lascaux, France. Dates back to 1 0,000 B.C. 發(fā)掘于1879年, 法國西南部的拉斯考克斯法山洞巖畫. 可追溯到公元前10,000年前.
[01:55.71]Singled out because of flowing lines depicting the movement of the animal. 由于其以生動流暢的線條來描繪動物的動態(tài).
[02:02.15]-lmpressive. Name? -Herd of Horses. -很生動. 名字? -《群馬》.
[02:05.06]-I meant yours. -We call her Flicka. -你的名字. -我們叫她“輕快小姐”.
[02:08.89]Elizabeth Warren. They call me Betty. 伊麗莎白 沃倫. 她們叫我貝蒂.
[02:11.83]Very good. 極為出色.
[02:13.60]Betty is also correct. 貝蒂的回答亦為正確.
[02:16.43]Just because something is ancient doesn't mean that it is primitive. 遠古不等同于原始.
[02:20.51]For example. Next slide, please. 舉個例子. 請翻下一張.
[02:22.91]Mycerinus and His Queen. 2470 B.C. 《米塞里諾斯和他的妻子》. 公元前2470年.
[02:25.58]It's a funerary statue of the pharaoh and queen... 這是法老及其王后的墓像...
[02:28.25]...originally intended to preserve the pharaoh's ka. Soul. ...其本意為保藏法老的靈魂.
[02:36.12]Have any of you taken Art History before? 你們中有人已經(jīng)上過美術(shù)史的課程?
[02:39.22]No. 沒有.
[02:44.20]Let's go on. Slide. 那么繼續(xù). 下一張.
[02:47.16]Seated Scribe. Egypt. 2400 B.C. 《端坐的法老》. 埃及. 公元前2400.
[02:51.00]Peasant Couple Plowing. Sixteenth century B.C. Egypt. 《耕耘著的農(nóng)夫與農(nóng)婦》. 公元前十六世紀埃及.
[02:55.27]Snake Goddess. Minoan. 1 600 B.C. 《抓蛇的女神》. 公元前1600年的彌諾斯文化.
[02:59.14]Fresco. Minoan. 1 600 B.C. 彌諾斯時期的壁畫。公元前1600年
[03:01.98]Funeral Mask. Mycenaean. 1 200. 《墓葬面具》. 邁錫尼. 1200年
[03:16.53]Could someone please get--? 能否幫我--?
[03:24.70]Thank you. 謝謝.
[03:27.91]By a show of hands only... 請讀過整部講義的同學...
[03:32.14]...how many of you have read the entire text? ...請舉手?
[03:38.78]-And the suggested supplements. -Long way from Oakland State? -以及課后輔導(dǎo)材料. -和奧克蘭州很不一樣吧?
[03:47.59]Well, you girls do prepare. 那好,你們都作了預(yù)習......
[03:50.19]If you've nothing else for us, we could go to independent study. 如果你沒有其他可教的, 我們寧可自學.
[03:54.87]Ac-- 啊--
[04:33.24]I was in California once. How do you get work done with all that sunshine? 我曾經(jīng)去過加利福尼亞. 那里陽光那么好,你怎么還能安心學習?
[04:39.71]-We tan in class. -Really? -我們一邊曬太陽一邊上課. -真的?
[04:43.61]No. 不.
[04:49.22]You know, not everybody wanted you. 別指望每個人都歡迎你.
[04:51.99]I'm not naming any names. 我并非指名道姓.
[04:54.66]These jobs usually go quickly. Ex-students, friends of, you know... 這個職位通常更替很快. 本校的畢業(yè)生, 某某的朋友, 你也明白...
[04:59.43]...the right people. ...身居要職的人的朋友.