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聽電影學英語 蒙娜麗莎的微笑07

所屬教程:聽電影學英語 蒙娜麗莎的微笑




[00:04.53]They think you're dangerous? 他們認為你危險?

[00:06.54]Oh, no, darling. No. Subversive. 噢不,親愛的. 豈止危險. 我成了破壞分子.

[00:12.88]It's gotten to the point... 而關鍵的是...

[00:14.44]...where you don't know who is protecting whom from what. ...你根本無從知曉是什么人 在維護,維護誰,防范什么.

[00:18.51]Or should that be "from whom"? Well, whom gives a damn anyway? 或者應該問 "在防范誰"? 哼,誰他媽的知道?

[00:25.52]They're doing me a favor really. 他們真是幫了我的忙啊.

[00:30.53]Will you be all right? 你還好嗎?

[00:35.80]Better than that. 比那時候好多了

[00:41.91]I should really have left when Josephine died. 約瑟芬過世的時候我就該離開了.

[00:49.61]Nothing left to love here anymore. So.... 這兒沒什么可留戀的了.....

[01:07.43]Hello? 有人嗎?

[01:10.60]-Miss Watson? -Yes. I'm back here. -沃森小姐? -我在這后面.

[01:15.10]I've never been to this part of campus before. Where are we? 我從未來過校園的這個區(qū). 這是哪里?

[01:20.48]No man's land. So to speak. 可以說是 “女兒國”.

[01:27.52]Come on in. 過來吧.

[01:30.05]What's all this? 這都是些什么?

[01:32.39]Different things different days. 不同時期的不同作品.

[01:34.72]People who inspire me, artists I admire, editorials I don't. 感動我的人,我推崇的藝術家 我不喜歡的評論.

[01:41.40]So you came to see me. 而你來見我是為了……

[01:45.57]-You gave me a C. -I'm kind. -你給我打了個C. -算是慷慨了.

[01:48.94]The assignment was to write about Bruegel. I did that. 要求寫篇關于勃魯蓋爾的作業(yè). 我完成了.

[01:52.21]-No, what you did was copy Strauss. -I was referencing an expert. -你沒有, 你只是抄襲了史特勞斯的文章. -我是參考了專家的文章.

[01:56.28]If I wanted to know what he thought, I'd buy his book. 如果我想知道他的觀點的話,會去買他的書.

[02:03.39]Miss Watson, with all due respect.... 沃森小姐, 盡管對您尊敬之至....

[02:07.89]Bruegel was a storyteller. Find the stories. 勃魯蓋爾擅長講故事. 去查尋他的故事吧.

[02:10.33]Break them down into smaller pieces. You might actually enjoy it. 把它們化整為零, 你將會真正的樂在其中的.

[02:15.37]-You're giving me another chance? -So it seems. -你會再給我一次機會? -極有可能.

[02:21.47]Is that my file? What's it say? 這是我的檔案嗎? 上面寫了什么?

[02:26.58]Well, let's see. 好,讓我們瞧瞧.

[02:29.95]-Straight A's. -Until now. -全是 A -直到現在.

[02:34.32]President of the poetry society, captain of the debate team... 詩社社長,辯論隊領隊...

[02:38.15]...co-captain of the tennis club, founder of the horticulture league. ...網球俱樂部副主席, 園藝社團創(chuàng)辦人.

[02:42.03]-I sound like a pompous ass. -Yes, you do, but a very busy one. -聽上去我像個華而不實的傻瓜. -的確,而且相當忙碌.

[02:46.63]And it says here that you're pre-law. What law school are you gonna go to? 這里說你還參加了法律預科. 你打算去哪里讀法律?

[02:51.63]I hadn't thought about that. After I graduate, I'm getting married. 我沒想過. 畢業(yè)后,我準備結婚.

[02:55.57]-And then? -And then I'll be married. -然后呢? -然后我就成已婚的了

[03:00.18]You can do both. 你可以二者兼顧.

[03:01.78]Just for fun, if you could go to any law school, which would it be? 開玩笑的說,如果你真的讀法律, 會去哪里?

[03:07.35]Yale. 耶魯.

[03:09.65]Yale. 耶魯.

[03:11.02]They keep five slots open for women, one unofficially for a Wellesley girl. 他們給女性留了五個名額,其中之一已然 非正式的聲明是留給韋爾斯利學院的女生.

[03:16.09]But you haven't really thought about it. 但是你并沒有認真考慮過.

[03:36.51]Wake up, Joanie, wake up. Wake up. 醒醒,瓊,醒醒. 醒醒.

[03:41.85]Okay, don't get up. 好的,別起身.

[03:43.35]Don't hear what I have to say about Tommy and Spencer... 還記得我和你提過的 湯米和斯賓賽在一起嗎...

[03:46.42]...Iooking at an engagement ring... ...湯米瞧見訂婚戒指了...

[03:49.86]...for you. ...斯賓賽為你準備的.

[03:53.03]You're sure? 你肯定?

[03:54.70]That's everything we always wanted, huh? 這不就是我們想要得嗎,哈?

[03:57.10]We'll be best friends, and our husbands will be best friends... 我們會成為最親密的朋友, 我們的丈夫也將是最好的朋友...

[04:00.74]...and we'll have houses together and we'll have babies together... ...我們還會成為鄰居, 我們的寶寶們將一起玩耍...

[04:04.27]...and they'll be best friends. ...他們也會是最好的朋友.

[04:06.54]You're going to be Mrs. Tommy Donegal. 你將成為湯姆 唐戈夫人.

[04:09.95]When? 何時?

[04:11.21]I'll get the scoop tomorrow. You go back to sleep. 我明天會深入調查的. 你繼續(xù)睡吧.

[04:16.52]The first part of the exam will consist of two pairs of slides. 測驗的第一部分包括兩頁雙面的試卷.

[04:20.66]Please identify each of the slides by name, period and date. 請在每一面上寫出 繪畫者,時代和日期.

[04:24.93]Then compare and contrast them. 然后進行比較和對比.

[04:27.06]You will have 1 0 minutes for each pair. 每一組有10分鐘

[04:29.60]Then you will write a 1 500-word essay... 接下來寫一篇1500字的評論...

[04:32.14]...describing the stylistic differences between Raphael and van Eyck. ...描述一下拉菲爾和范愛克, 在繪畫風格上的不同處.

[04:37.04]Eyes forward, Miss Delacorte. 朝前看,德拉考蒂小姐.

[04:40.08]You have 40 minutes. 你們有四十分鐘.

[04:42.38]Good luck. 祝好運

[05:00.73]-Excuse me. -Governor. Another shot, please. -請讓一下. -州長. 另一位大人,這邊請.


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