She didn't get a chance to start on the subject againduring class, and as soon as the bell rang, I tookevasive action.
"In English, Mike asked me if you said anything about Monday night," I told her.
"You're kidding! What did you say?!" she gasped, completely sidetracked.
"I told him you said you had a lot of fun — he looked pleased."
"Tell me exactly what he said, and your exact answer!"
We spent the rest of the walk dissecting sentence structures and most of Spanish on aminute description of Mike's facial expressions. I wouldn't have helped draw it out for as longas I did if I wasn't worried about the subject returning to me.
And then the bell rang for lunch. As I jumped up out of my seat, shoving my books roughly inmy bag, my uplifted expression must have tipped Jessica off.
"You're not sitting with us today, are you?" she guessed.
"I don't think so." I couldn't be sure that he wouldn't disappear inconveniently again.
But outside the door to our Spanish class, leaning against the wall — looking more like a Greekgod than anyone had a right to — Edward was waiting for me. Jessica took one look, rolled hereyes, and departed.
"See you later, Bella." Her voice was thick with implications. I might have to turn off the ringeron the phone.
"Hello." His voice was amused and irritated at the same time. He had been listening, it wasobvious.