I deliberated where I stood, wanting to return to him badly, but afraid I might have morningbreath.
"You're not usually this confused in the morning," he noted. He held his arms open for me toreturn. A nearly irresistible invitation.
"I need another human minute," I admitted.
"I'll wait."
I skipped to the bathroom, my emotions unrecognizable. I didn't know myself, inside or out.The face in the mirror was practically a stranger — eyes too bright, hectic spots of red acrossmy cheekbones. After I brushed my teeth, I worked to straighten out the tangled chaos thatwas my hair. I splashed my face with cold water, and tried to breathe normally, with nonoticeable success. I half-ran back to my room.
It seemed like a miracle that he was there, his arms still waiting for me. He reached out to me,and my heart thumped unsteadily.
"Welcome back," he murmured, taking me into his arms.
He rocked me for a while in silence, until I noticed that his clothes were changed, his hairsmooth.
"You left?" I accused, touching the collar of his fresh shirt.