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[00:00.53]Previously on "Lost"...
[00:01.85]It was them. The Others...
[00:03.56]Have you seen other people on this island?
[00:05.46]I hear them. Out there, in the jungle.
[00:08.84]They whisper.
[00:16.63]They've attacked us, sabotaged us, abducted us!
[00:20.34]We're not the only people on this island, and we all know it!
[00:24.48]Maybe it's time we stopped blaming us and started worrying about them!
[00:27.58]They came the first night, took three of us,
[00:30.29]then they came back and took nine more.
[00:34.04]They're smart, and they're animals,
[00:36.74]and they could be anywhere at anytime,
[00:39.21]and if you think that one gun and one bullet is gonna stop them...
[00:45.01]think again.
[00:59.17]This is not your island.
[01:01.68]This is our island,
[01:04.05]and the only reason you're livin' on it
[01:06.75]is 'cause we let you live on it.
[01:14.47]They're getting closer! Move it!
[01:20.54]Burn those!
[01:21.90]Shred faster!
[01:24.07]Hurry up!
[01:26.14]Sayid! Take these files!
[01:28.99]Burn them!
[01:34.14]Keep shredding you cowards!
[01:36.28]We leave when I say!
[01:40.93]Stop again, and I'll kill you myself!
[01:46.45]I'm your commanding, officer, and you will do--
[01:49.92]Stop! Get down! Get the hell down!
[01:51.53]Get down, get down!
[01:52.56]You, no, no, no, drop your gun on the ground now!
[01:55.27]Freeze! On the ground now!
[01:56.86]Stop burning that stuff! Get the hell down!
[01:59.56]Who's in charge here?
[02:04.16]I said who's in charge?!
[02:08.31]Somebody better tell him to stop, or god help me, he's dead!
[02:11.45]They don't understand, sergeant.
[02:12.80]They understand. Listen up!
[02:14.98]I'll fire on three! One, two...
[02:17.72]Stop shredding or they'll kill you!
[02:26.24]You in charge?
[02:27.94]- No, I am not. - Who is?
[02:34.53]There is no commanding officer here.
[02:37.05]He left two hours ago for Hillah.
[02:40.31]Your English is good, Abdul,
[02:42.59]but you're lying,
[02:44.52]and that ain't so good.
[03:00.24]That's him, sergeant.
[03:04.23]Let's go, hombre.
[03:10.38]Son, we don't want to be here any more than you do,
[03:14.62]and your pal Saddam had to go marchin' into Kuwait, so here we all are.
[03:21.19]Buccelli here says you speak English. You ever do any translatin'?
[03:25.38]Formally? No.
[03:27.33]Hell, fact you know what "formally" means, well, we're good.
[03:35.11]Apache helicopter went down in this sector two days ago.
[03:38.39]Our sources tell us the pilot was captured.
[03:40.62]It's very important that we get this pilot back.
[03:43.37]We know he was taken to the local Republican Guard intelligence commander--
[03:47.66]a man named Tariq.
[03:49.97]Do you know him?
[03:51.37]Yes, he was our commanding officer.
[03:54.27]You know where he is?
[03:56.93]When the bombing started, he fled to Hillah.
[04:02.04]Hillah, huh?
[04:05.08]Yes, that is right.
[04:12.84]Welcome to Hillah.
[04:32.24]Where's Jack?
[04:45.55]There. See?
[04:51.77]Go back. I'll deal with this.
[04:56.26]Go back, Ana Lucia, and don't tell anyone what you saw.
[05:32.98]What are you doing here, Danielle?
[05:37.18]Looking for you.
[05:58.88]Where are we going?
[06:01.68]You said you were looking for me. What was your plan--
[06:04.87]to hide in the woods, hoping I would pass you by?
[06:08.49]I was going to wait until dark, then find you at your tent.
[06:16.22]We need to keep moving.
[06:17.55]Not until you tell me where we're moving to.
[06:20.16]Trust me.
[06:22.71]The last time we met,
[06:24.41]you arrive to warn us the others were coming,
[06:26.69]which they weren't.
[06:28.06]In fact, it was a diversion to kidnap Claire's baby,
[06:31.15]so pardon me for not trusting you.
[06:35.64]This place I'm taking you to--
[06:38.33]there is something that will help you, something important.
[06:46.75]So trust.
[06:52.09]Take this.
[07:00.91]If I'm lying, it's yours to use.
[07:10.29]How much further?
[07:13.44]Not far.
[07:17.24]Ask him where he took the pilot.
[07:22.39]They want to know where the pilot is.
[07:28.25]Tell him his mother is a goat.
[07:32.41]He says he does not know.
[07:34.63]Look, we know for a fact he interrogated the pilot day before yesterday--
[07:38.39]hell, probably in this room.
[07:42.01]Tell him we get our man back safe and sound, he goes free.
[07:50.02]They will let you go if you tell them where the pilot is.
[07:56.88]You are a disgrace.
[07:59.82]You're an Iraqi soldier!
[08:01.47]Steal his gun and kill them all.
[08:05.87]Right there on his belt.
[08:10.28]You can get a few of them before you are killed.
[08:14.63]What's he saying?
[08:17.26]He says he does not know.
[08:21.50]I was born, but I wasn't born yesterday, son.
[08:25.26]Now you don't help me out here, someone else will take over,
[08:28.59]and that someone, he won't play nice at all.
[08:36.77]I am sorry. He does not know.
[08:42.63]Okay. You had your chance.
[08:50.08]Lock him back up.
[09:13.34]This is unbelievable.
[09:23.65]Hey. Hey, you hear that thing?
[09:26.88]You hear that frog? The frog?
[09:31.09]You want to help me find it?
[09:36.26]What, we ain't friends anymore?
[10:08.40]What do you got there, Rerun?
[10:14.38]Yeah, well, you got a spot of "nothin'" on your chin, there.
[10:21.73]"Dharma initiative ranch dressing."
[10:25.50]You know, you're supposed to refrigerate that after you open it.
[10:29.43]Well, actually on the back it says
[10:31.50]it'll keep at room temperature for up to 7 years.
[10:37.67]Well, well, looky who's got a secret stash.
[10:41.48]Please, dude, you can't tell.
[10:43.95]What, that you stole food from the group?
[10:48.99]Now why would I want to do that?
[10:51.22]Come on, man, please?
[10:54.71]Son of a bitch.
[10:59.27]Dude, it's just a tree frog.
[11:01.36]- Have you seen it? - Yeah.
[11:06.44]Tell you what--
[11:07.81]you help me find that thing, you can keep right on ranch dippin'.
[11:12.04]We got a deal?
[11:16.55]How much further?
[11:19.52]- Danielle? - We're here.
[11:21.90]And where exactly is "here"?
[11:28.28]What is that for, Danielle?
[11:31.35]Help me!
[11:32.75]Hey! Over here!
[11:40.90]- Help! - Sayid, listen to me.
[11:43.80]Hey! Aah! Over here!
[11:49.40]Please! Help me!
[11:55.50]Help me!
[11:57.06]Don't believe a word he says.
[12:00.73]He's one of them.
[12:02.13]I have no idea what she's talking about. She's crazy.
[12:05.75]How long has he been up there?
[12:07.07]Since last night. Please, just cut me down.
[12:10.59]My name is Henry Gale. I'm from Minnesota.
[12:17.43]- Please. - He's lying.
[12:23.35]I'm going to cut him down.
[12:27.06]Thank you.
[12:28.73]You're making a serious mistake.
[12:34.68]It's okay, it's okay. You're all right. You're all right.
[12:41.03]Hold on.
[12:44.17]Take it easy.
[12:49.15]Oh, no.
[12:51.89]Danielle, don't!
[13:15.67]You could have killed him.
[13:18.36]If I wanted to kill him, I would have killed him.
[13:23.28]You shot this man with no provocation.
[13:25.46]He is one of them!
[13:29.24]Tie him up.
[13:31.48]You should take him to your doctor.
[13:33.55]He's no good to you dead.
[13:35.40]And then what?
[13:37.80]You talk to him, Sayid.
[13:40.69]As I recall, that is what you do.
[13:46.75]But know this--
[13:48.74]he will lie.
[13:50.81]For a long time, he will lie.
[14:34.17]I want to talk to you about your buddy Tariq.
[14:41.77]All right, look, I get it.
[14:43.76]You're a man who values loyalty.
[14:46.70]Even doing a little translating for us,
[14:48.98]you feel like you're doing the wrong thing.
[14:51.45]I get that, and I respect it.
[14:59.09]This is what Tariq was doing before he took over command of your intelligence unit.
[15:05.27]He was the head of a chemical warfare battalion in the north,
[15:09.02]personally supervised the use of Sarin gas on this village.
[15:21.12]You recognize it, don't you?
[15:24.97]You had relatives in that village, didn't you, Sayid?
[15:32.69]So you know what Sarin gas does.
[15:37.23]No discrimination.
[15:39.78]The entire marketplace.
[15:41.78]Innocent women...
[15:59.59]Loyalty is a virtue,
[16:03.51]but unquestioning loyalty--
[16:07.02]I don't think that's you.
[16:11.31]Why should I believe you?
[16:15.65]How do you think we knew you had relatives in that village?
[16:18.84]We liberated your personnel file and Tariq's.
[16:28.20]All we want is our pilot back, so we can send him home to his family.
[16:37.81]Tariq will never talk to you.
[16:41.23]That's why you're gonna have to make him talk to you.
[16:53.59]John. John, wake up.
[17:03.43]Come out here.
[17:13.53]Minnesota, huh?
[17:17.38]That's the question, isn't it?
[17:27.33]Where am I?
[17:29.21]- Who are you? - Henry. Henry Gale.
[17:32.49]Aah! My back!
[17:36.20]We're going to take it out, but first I want you to relax.
[17:41.46]How did you get to this island?
[17:43.48]Four months ago, we crashed, my wife and I.
[17:46.96]- Crashed in what? - A balloon.
[17:50.47]We were trying to cross the Pacific.
[17:55.75]Your wife-- where is she?
[17:59.67]She died.
[18:01.73]She got... she got sick three weeks ago.
[18:08.37]We were staying in a cave off the beach.
[18:13.60]My shoulder.
[18:16.69]At least untie my arms!
[18:18.92]What the hell is going on here?
[18:21.98]Rousseau trapped him in the jungle.
[18:26.42]- She believe she's an other. - An "other" what?
[18:31.56]- You shot him with an arrow? - Do I have a bow?
[18:35.47]Hey, hey, you with me?
[18:39.86]What, you were just gonna let him bleed to death?
[18:41.62]I was trying to get honest answers while he was able to give them...
[18:45.43]and his wound is far from life-threatening.
[18:48.61]We should let Jack treat him first, then we'll get our answers.
[18:54.00]do not untie him.
[19:08.42]This is how people get killed in scary movies.
[19:11.50]If it were a scary movie, I'd be with a hot chick, not you, Barbar.
[19:18.43]- It's Babar. - How about you shut up, Hammo,
[19:21.42]or your ranch disorder's gonna be the new lead item on the coconut internet.
[19:26.70]Fine. Go ahead.
[19:30.77]Tell everyone the fat guy's been hiding ranch dressing,
[19:33.86]the fat guy who likes to eat.
[19:36.38]Yeah, I'm fat.
[19:38.51]Fat, fat, fat, fat, fat. You think I don't know that?
[19:43.95]At least people like me.
[19:48.57]You know what? Find the damn frog by yourself.
[19:52.26]Hurley, wait!
[19:53.87]Wait! Hey, Hurley!
[19:57.50]Look, man, I'm sorry, all right?
[20:01.48]This frog is killin' me. You gotta help me out...
[20:44.62]So what do you think?
[20:46.71]What do you think, John?
[20:49.68]I think he's pretty convincing.
[20:54.40]Yes, he is.
[20:57.60]The real problem is there's no way
[20:59.74]we can be sure he's telling the truth.
[21:04.17]That is not necessarily true.
[21:09.85]Does Jack have the combination to the armory?
[21:14.73]For now, he does.
[21:17.63]How long would it take for you to change it?
[21:31.43]If you're angry,
[21:34.03]looking for someone to punish...
[21:36.35]Why would I need to punish anyone?
[21:45.25]I want to find out who he is. I want the truth.
[21:51.03]And I think we both know that Jack will have
[21:53.02]issues with what must be done in order to get it.
[22:01.48]So how long, John, to change the combination?
[22:06.19]A couple minutes, tops.
[22:09.33]Then I suggest you get started.
[22:23.69]Did he say anything while you were treat--
[22:25.68]No, he didn't.
[22:28.21]He was in shock.
[22:32.84]We can't just leave him layin' here, Jack.
[22:35.40]People will see him and create a panic.
[22:37.88]Yeah? Well, where do you think we should put him?
[22:39.99]I say we put him in the armory. It's secure.
[22:44.27]Better to err on the side of safety, Jack,
[22:46.54]at least until we can be sure.
[22:57.03]For now.
[23:26.37]All right, pull that cot in here.
[23:28.50]He shouldn't be on his back.
[23:30.50]Good idea.
[23:43.94]Hey, what the hell you doin'?
[23:47.01]What needs to be done.
[23:58.97]They're letting speak to me alone now?
[24:06.55]You need to tell me where the helicopter pilot is.
[24:22.11]This is their new bluff?
[24:25.00]That you're going to torture me?
[24:33.11]They think you will do this?
[24:36.25]Sayid, you are a loyal soldier.
[24:40.20]The son of a great hero.
[24:42.25]Do not disgrace your father!
[24:48.82]You wouldn't dare harm me!
[24:51.03]You will follow my orders as your commanding officer!
[24:54.39]Take that bag.
[24:55.83]Put it over your head and tape it up.
[24:58.40]Kill yourself, now!
[25:00.42]That's an order.
[25:01.94]Do it and die with what little honor you have left.
[25:07.05]You would have me take my own life...
[25:10.32]the information means nothing to you!
[25:58.04]The pilot was executed two days ago.
[26:01.37]He is buried in a field 4 kilometers from here.
[26:05.63]I can take you there.
[26:27.14]Damn it. Sayid, open the door!
[26:31.77]- Sayid, answer me! - Jack.
[26:35.29]Why isn't this combination working, John?
[26:39.81]Did you change it?
[26:43.96]Why would you do that?
[26:48.47]You're raising an army.
[26:52.30]And why you didn't ask me to help, well, that's your business,
[26:54.69]but there's only one reason to raise an army, Jack,
[26:57.45]and that's because we're at war.
[27:00.63]And like it or not,
[27:02.41]whatever Sayid has to do behind that door, that's a part of it, too.
[27:07.91]What if he's telling the truth, John?
[27:11.70]What if he's not?
[27:25.72]Get up.
[27:30.59]What's happening?
[27:33.75]Here, let me help you.
[27:42.98]You said you've been here for four months.
[27:46.91]You said you came to this island four months ago, yes?
[27:50.13]Where am I?
[27:53.11]Please answer my question.
[27:56.94]Yeah-- yes, we landed four months ago, maybe more.
[28:02.80]Who are you?
[28:03.85]And you were in a cave for all that time?
[28:05.78]Off the beach...
[28:08.56]on the north shore of the island.
[28:10.17]How far from this beach to where you were captured?
[28:12.67]I don't know.
[28:13.48]-How many days' walk? - Two-- two days.
[28:15.47]Why did you stay on the beach for so long?
[28:17.75]Why wouldn't we?
[28:20.43]We wanted to be there for flyovers.
[28:23.22]We had an emergency beacon-- a transmitter.
[28:25.98]- What kind of transmitter? - An A.D.F. beacon.
[28:30.18]We wanted to make sure we'd be spotted.
[28:36.37]Look, whatever you think I am, I'm not.
[28:41.78]Please-- please just... tell me your name.
[28:46.29]You wife-- what is her maiden name?
[28:50.05]- Where did you meet her? - University of Minnesota.
[28:52.86]How did she die?
[28:54.60]She got sick.
[28:57.61]She got sick?
[29:01.73]It started as a fever.
[29:04.50]After two days, she was delirious...
[29:09.91]then she died.
[29:22.10]I don't know why you're asking me all these questions.
[29:25.13]I don't know why you're treating me this way...
[29:29.32]why I have to explain to you who I am
[29:31.98]when you don't tell me who you are.
[29:34.66]I was 23 years old when the americans came to my country.
[29:39.41]I was a good man.
[29:41.43]I was a soldier...
[29:44.23]and when they left,
[29:47.04]I was something different.
[29:49.62]For the next six years,
[29:51.73]I did things I wish I could erase from my memory,
[29:55.43]things which I never thought myself to be capable of...
[30:01.30]but I did come to learn this--
[30:04.74]there is a part of me which was always capable.
[30:10.69]You want to know who I am?
[30:17.24]My name is Sayid Jarrah...
[30:21.24]and I am a torturer.
[30:37.95]Where is it?
[30:40.09]There it is.
[30:54.68]Dude, nice catch.
[30:57.18]Well, I'll be damned.
[30:59.40]All that noise from this tiny critter.
[31:03.22]Kind of reminds me of a turtle I once had.
[31:05.94]His name was Stewart.
[31:07.74]He ran off when I was 10.
[31:10.62]Well, that's what mom said.
[31:13.07]I kinda think she threw him out.
[31:19.45]Well, you're a happy little fella, ain't ya?
[31:29.18]I have an idea.
[31:32.24]Why don't I take him far from here,
[31:36.06]two beaches away?
[31:38.04]Maybe I'll finda Mrs. Tree frog.
[31:41.11]That way, he won't keep you up anymore, and everyone's happy.
[31:47.97]Yeah, that's one idea.
[31:51.89]Here's another.
[32:00.67]I hear with a little ranch, they taste just like chicken.
[32:31.29]Give you a hand?
[32:40.62]- Jack, I know this-- - Shut up.
[32:58.02]Where are the pliers?
[33:02.54]Tell me about this balloon.
[33:06.88]This balloon that brought you here with your wife-- tell me about it.
[33:10.29]What do you want to know?
[33:19.19]She's 140 feet high, 60 feet wide...
[33:24.72]and when she's up in the air,
[33:26.11]550,000 cubic feet of helium and 100,000 of hot air keep her up.
[33:32.45]And if you could look down on her,
[33:34.82]you'd see a big, yellow smiley face on top.
[33:40.77]Why would you travelin that way?
[33:45.67]Because I was rich, because...
[33:50.31]it was my dream...
[33:55.03]and Jennifer thought it would be neat.
[33:59.22]You were rich.
[34:07.11]I guess I'm thinking of things in the past tense now.
[34:10.57]How's that for optimism?
[34:13.44]What did you do to become so rich?
[34:17.42]-I sold my company. - What kind of company?
[34:20.37]- Mining. - What did you mine?
[34:23.87]We mined nonmetallic minerals.
[34:28.97]I know, everyone wanted to talk to me at cocktail parties.
[34:40.26]Give me your hands.
[34:43.98]Give me your hands!
[34:52.08]Where is she buried?
[34:53.83]- What? - Listen to me.
[34:56.36]You said you buried your wife. Tell me where.
[34:59.92]- What are you gonna-- - Wwhere?!
[35:01.99]In the jungle!
[35:04.41]By the balloon, in the jungle.
[35:06.57]How deep? How deep did you dig the grave?
[35:09.74]I don't...
[35:10.70]How deep? How many shovelfuls of earth?
[35:13.59]Did you use your hands? How long did it take you?!
[35:16.60]- I don't remember! - You would remember!
[35:19.45]You would remember how deep!
[35:21.83]You would remember every shovelful, every moment!
[35:25.37]You would remember what it felt like to place her body inside.
[35:30.21]You would remember if you buried the woman you loved.
[35:34.89]You would remember, if it were true!
[35:42.06]Did you... did you lose someone?
[35:46.03]Did you lose someone here on the island?
[35:48.75]Did you lose someone, too?
[35:50.69]What happened to her?
[35:57.22]It was an accident. It was an accident.
[36:01.31]The woman responsible thought she was someone else,
[36:05.00]someone coming to hurt her.
[36:07.81]Someone like you!
[36:09.83]Just-- just-- this is all a mistake.
[36:13.04]Slow down here, okay?
[36:15.32]Hurting me isn't gonna bring her back.
[36:17.68]You know what I lost!
[36:19.85]Tell me the truth!
[36:22.10]Tell me who you are!
[36:24.11]No! No! No! Help! Stop!
[36:27.36]Tell me the truth! Tell me who you are!
[36:37.33]- Open it. Open it now. - Jack, this has to happen.
[36:42.38]Open that damn door, you understand me?! You open it now!
[36:53.47]What do you want me to say?!
[36:55.55]Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it! Just-- please...
[37:00.66]I want you to tell me the truth!
[37:02.90]Open the door.
[37:06.46]- Let go of me, Jack. - Or what?
[37:08.29]You want to pushthe button? Open the door.
[37:16.25]It's under a minute now, John. You better think fast.
[37:19.48]- You wouldn't. - What? I wouldn't what?
[37:22.23]If we don't... you would risk everyone's lives?
[37:26.35]You talked me into pushing that button once, John, but it's yours now.
[37:30.55]You're the one who won't risk it, you.
[37:32.36]Me? I don't think anything's gonna happen when we get down to zero.
[37:35.92]You want to see what's gonna happen?
[37:37.39]Let's just see what's gonna happen.
[37:39.87]Who are you?! Who are you?!
[37:49.28]Okay, okay, okay, right, 15, left--
[37:52.33]You think I'm stupid? You open it!
[38:37.30]- He's lying! - Not like this!
[38:39.04]I'll tell you whatever you want!
[38:40.36]He's lying! He's lying!
[38:43.72]That's enough!
[39:01.33]What the hell was that?
[39:04.18]He is one of them.
[39:06.03]Yeah? Did he tell you that?
[39:09.08]- No. - Then how do you know?
[39:12.98]Because I know. He is one of them.
[39:19.79]I think that's what Rousseau thought about you once, Sayid.
[39:22.98]If I'm not mistaken, she strapped you down,
[39:24.98]she shocked you, all because she thought you were one of them.
[39:28.67]- He is. - What?
[39:32.70]He is one of them.
[39:34.59]To Rousseau, we're all "others."
[39:40.14]I guess it's all relative, huh?
[40:13.20]You got a wife? Kids?
[40:45.97]I'll take him.
[40:53.19]It's over. We're pulling out, not going to Baghdad.
[40:57.63]So your man Saddam gets to stay in power, which means you,
[41:00.80]in all likelihood, will remain in his employ.
[41:04.42]Guess you're lucky to have a new skill set you can use.
[41:09.43]What you made me do,
[41:11.13]no human being should ever have to do to another.
[41:18.38]One of these days...
[41:20.33]there will be something you need to know.
[41:24.96]And now...
[41:26.44]you know how to get it.
[41:30.53]I will never do that again.
[41:41.96]Good luck to you, Sayid.
[41:45.46]Bus fare back to Ramadi.
[41:48.58]Let's move out.
[42:14.52]There is a man down in the hatch...
[42:18.37]a stranger captured by Rousseau.
[42:23.09]I beat him.
[42:26.50]I beat him badly.
[42:33.51]Why are you telling me this, Sayid?
[42:38.55]Jack asked me how I knew--
[42:41.04]knew for sure that this man was lying,
[42:44.60]how I knew for sure that he was one of them, one of the others.
[42:51.11]I know because I feel no guilt for what I did to him.
[43:03.33]But there is no way I can ever explain that to Jack or even Locke...
[43:08.47]because both of them have forgotten.
[43:11.73]Forgotten? What?
[43:15.28]That you were strung up by your neck and left for dead,
[43:18.75]that Claire was taken and kept for days,
[43:20.75]during which God only knows what happened to her,
[43:23.51]that these people, these "others", are merciless...
[43:29.57]and can take any one of us whenever they choose.
[43:39.43]So tell me, Charlie.
[43:43.82]Have you forgotten?
[05:43.00]迷 失 第二季 第十四集
[00:01.49]是他們 其他人...
[00:18.05]破壞我們 還綁架我們的人
[00:20.26]我們不是這島上唯一的一群人 這我們大家都知道
[00:27.07]他們第一晚來 帶走了我們?nèi)齻€人
[00:34.12]他們很聰明 而且像野獸一般
[01:14.17]他們離這越來越近了 趕快撤
[01:26.53]Sayid 把這些文件拿走
[01:34.07]你們這些孬種 繼續(xù)碎文件
[01:40.83]再停下來 我就親自殺了你
[01:46.41]我是你的上級 你應(yīng)該照著我的話...
[01:49.30]停下 趴下 快給我趴下 趴下 趴下
[01:52.48]你 不 不 不 趕緊把槍扔在地上
[01:55.09]別動 趴在地上
[01:56.60]不要再燒了 給我趴下
[02:08.61]最好有人告訴他停下 不然他就死定了
[02:11.29]他們聽不懂 中士
[02:12.47]他們聽的懂 聽著
[02:16.19]一 二...
[02:17.40]快別再碎文件了 不然他會殺了你
[02:27.87]不 我不是
[02:40.23]你的英語說得不錯 阿拉伯人
[03:00.34]就是他 中士
[03:04.15]我們走 伙計
[03:10.31]小子 我們和你一樣也不想待在這兒
[03:25.62]正式的? 沒有
[03:35.08]兩天前我們有一架阿帕奇直升機(jī) 在這個地區(qū)墜毀了
[03:51.27]認(rèn)識 他就是我們的指揮官
[04:02.13]希拉 是么?
[04:05.04]對 沒錯
[04:51.80]回去 這兒由我來應(yīng)付
[04:55.83]回去 Ana Lucia
[05:32.87]你在這兒干什么 Danielle?
[06:25.44]實際上 你是為了引開我們的注意力 好擄走Claire的孩子
[06:28.72]所以很抱歉 我不能相信你
[07:00.31]如果我騙你 你就開槍好了
[07:32.34]聽著 我們知道他前天 審問了那個飛行員...
[07:42.16]只要我們的人完好無損的回來 他就自由了
[07:47.80]如果你告訴他們飛行員在哪里 他們就讓你走
[07:58.96]偷走他的槍 把他們都?xì)⒘?br /> [08:05.04]槍就在他的皮帶上
[08:22.84]你不肯幫忙 自然有別人會來接替
[08:40.31]好吧 你是有過機(jī)會的
[09:21.61]嘿 嘿 你聽見沒有?
[09:33.92]怎么著 我們不再是朋友了?
[10:12.06]沒錯 不過你的臉上還有一塊叫 "沒什么"的東西
[10:23.13]你知道 打開它后應(yīng)該把它放冰箱里
[10:27.15]事實上 這背面寫著
[10:35.46]喲 喲 看看是誰的私人儲藏室
[10:38.97]別 伙計 你可不能說
[10:41.65]什么 不說你從大伙那偷東西吃?
[10:48.82]嗨 伙計 拜托了好不好?
[10:57.00]伙計 只是只樹蛙而以
[11:05.34]你幫我找到它 就可以安心繼續(xù)享受你的色拉
[11:25.98]那些拿來干嘛 Danielle?
[11:39.29]Sayid 聽我的
[11:47.09]求求你 救救我
[12:05.45]求求你 把我放下來
[12:06.89]我叫Henry Gale
[12:31.24]沒事了 沒事了 你沒事了
[12:44.91]哦 不
[12:48.40]Danielle 別
[13:14.87]如果我想殺他 他早就死了
[13:34.08]你問他話 Sayid
[14:30.37]我想和你談?wù)勀愕呐笥?br /> [14:33.84]Tariq
[14:38.27]好吧 我了解
[14:43.26]甚至為我們做翻譯都覺得 好像在做什么錯事
[14:55.63]這是Tariq在掌管你的情報部門前 所作的事情
[15:05.58]曾親自監(jiān)督了這個村莊里 沙林毒氣的使用
[15:17.64]你認(rèn)識這個村子 對吧?
[15:21.37]你在那個村子有親戚 對吧 Sayid?
[16:12.13]你覺得我們怎么知道 你在那個村子有親戚的?
[16:50.01]John John 醒醒
[17:10.03]明尼蘇達(dá) 是么?
[17:13.95]很可疑 不是么?
[17:26.64]Henry Henry Gale
[17:32.70]我們會把它取出來 但是首先你得放松
[17:41.29]我們掉到這個島上 我妻子和我
[18:32.01]嘿嘿 能聽見我說么?
[18:37.75]我只是想趁著他還行的時候 從他嘴里得到真實可靠的回答...
[18:44.99]我們應(yīng)該讓Jack先治療他 然后再問我們想要知道的東西
[19:07.99]如果這是恐怖片 我應(yīng)該是和一個 美女在一起 而不是你
[19:17.55]不然你的色拉紊亂癥 立馬成為椰子島互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上新的頭條了
[19:27.36]告訴所有人那個胖子 一直在私藏奶油色拉醬
[19:33.24]對 我很胖
[19:35.44]胖 胖 胖 胖 胖
[19:45.09]你知道嗎? 你自己去找那該死的青蛙吧
[19:48.80]Hurley 等等
[19:50.09]等等 嘿 Hurley
[19:53.96]聽著 伙計 對不起 好了吧?
[20:43.01]你怎么認(rèn)為 John?
[21:47.32]而且我想我們都知道Jack肯定不贊同 得到真相所必須采取的手段
[21:57.90]所以要多久 John
[22:20.17]- 在你治療的時候他有沒有說... - 沒有
[22:29.36]我們不能讓他這么躺著 Jack
[22:31.94]人們會看見他 接著恐慌就會開始了
[22:34.40]是么? 那你覺得我們應(yīng)該把他放哪?
[22:40.81]為了大家安全 就算犯個錯也是值得的 Jack
[23:22.24]好 把那個帆布床拖進(jìn)來
[23:24.97]他背上有傷 不能直接這么躺著
[23:40.48]嘿 你到底是在干嘛?
[24:32.85]Sayid 你是一名忠誠的士兵
[24:47.24]你要聽我的命令 我是指揮官
[24:57.93]照做 然后帶著你僅剩的一點榮譽死去吧
[26:25.20]Sayid 開門
[26:28.28]Sayid 回答我
[26:31.79]這密碼怎么不行 John?
[26:48.60]你為什么沒要我?guī)兔? 當(dāng)然 這是你的事
[26:50.69]但要組建軍隊只可能有一個理由 Jack
[26:58.80]Sayid在這門后做的任何事 也是這場戰(zhàn)爭的一部分
[27:04.44]如果他說的是實話呢 John?
[27:30.19]來 讓我?guī)湍阋话?br /> [27:39.41]你說你在這島上已經(jīng)四個月了
[27:43.12]你說你四個月前到的這個島上 對吧?
[27:53.17]對...對 我們四個月前落在了島上
[28:09.42]- 幾天的路程? - 兩...兩天
[28:34.60]無論你認(rèn)為我是誰 我不是
[28:38.32]拜托 拜托...
[28:45.23]- Murphy - 你在哪兒認(rèn)識她的?
[29:30.81]我23歲時 美國人來到了我們國家
[30:13.74]我叫Sayid Jarrah...
[30:50.22]伙計 好身手
[31:15.32]呃 你是個快樂的小家伙 不是嗎?
[31:36.88]這樣它就不會叫了 大家都開心
[31:43.72]是啊 這是個辦法
[31:56.45]我聽說抹上一點色拉醬 它嘗起來就像雞肉
[32:36.24]Jack 我知道...
[33:02.24]那個把你和你妻子帶到這兒來的氣球。 跟我說說
[33:14.78]它高140英尺 寬60英尺...
[33:20.31]在空中時 55萬立方的氦和 10萬立方的熱空氣能讓它保持飛行
[34:15.91]- 礦業(yè)公司 - 你們采什么礦?
[34:49.20]- 什么? - 聽著
[34:51.93]你說你埋了你的妻子 告訴我在哪里
[34:56.48]- 在哪兒? - 叢林里
[35:00.13]熱氣球旁邊 就在叢林里
[35:01.83]有多深? 你挖的墳?zāi)褂卸嗌?
[35:06.48]有多深? 有多少泥土?
[35:09.02]你是用手嗎? 挖了多久?
[35:11.83]- 我記不起來了 - 你記得起來的
[35:25.90]如果那個被埋的是你所愛的女人 你肯定會記得的
[35:30.46]如果這些都是真的 你會記得的
[36:08.65]我們慢慢談 好嗎?
[36:19.45]不不不 救命 停下
[36:22.50]告訴我真相 告訴我你是誰
[36:33.06]打開 馬上打開
[36:35.31]Jack 這是不得已的事
[36:37.99]打開門 聽見了沒?
[36:51.22]你現(xiàn)在讓我干什么 我都照做
[37:02.07]- 放開我 Jack - 不放怎樣?
[37:03.64]你想按按鍵? 打開門
[37:11.82]只剩一分鐘了John 你最好考慮快點
[37:15.11]- 你不會的 - 什么?
[37:21.88]上次是你說服我按按鍵的 John
[37:25.70]你是那個不肯冒一下險的人 你
[37:27.54]我? 我覺得它到了零什么事也不會發(fā)生
[37:30.90]- Jack... - 你想看看會發(fā)生什么事嗎?
[37:44.84]好吧 好吧 好吧 右15 左...
[37:47.74]你當(dāng)我傻么? 你去開
[38:32.67]- 他在撒謊 - 沒有
[38:35.59]他在說謊 他在說謊
[39:12.93]Rousseau當(dāng)初也是這么認(rèn)為你的吧 Sayid
[39:16.18]沒記錯的話 她設(shè)了陷阱把你捆住 而且用電擊你
[39:27.65]對Rousseau來說 我們都是其他人
[39:33.28]我想這都是相對而言的 是么
[40:46.37]結(jié)束了 我們不去巴格達(dá)了
[40:50.80]你們的領(lǐng)袖薩達(dá)姆仍舊可以掌握政權(quán) 也就是說
[41:35.18]祝你好運 Sayid
[42:26.72]為什么告訴我這些 Sayid?
[43:04.97]忘記了? 什么?
[43:11.66]Claire被綁架了好幾天 沒人知道在她身上發(fā)生了什么
[43:22.62]他們可以在任何時候 帶走我們中的任何一個
[43:32.59]所以告訴我 Charlie

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