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[00:01.00]Previously on Lost: "LOST",前情提要
[00:09.84]Camp's right over there. Can you get me some clothes? 海灘的營地就在那里
[00:12.68]- What happened to yours? - I woke up in the jungle like this. 你能給我弄點衣服嗎?
[00:16.12]Oh, FYI, the whole island vibrated. 告訴你,整個小島震動了
[00:20.00]Kate, Jack and Sawyer saw it before they had bags over their heads. Kate,Jack和Sawyer也看見了
[00:23.48]Don't worry. 別擔心
[00:25.16]Locke's gonna go after them. He said so in his speech. Locke會去找他們的
[00:27.92]What speech? 他在他的談話中說的
[00:30.28]I'm gonna find our friends. 我會找到我們的朋友們
[00:32.48]We're gonna find them. All of them. 我們會找到他們,所有人
[00:35.04]I don't know how yet, but I will. 現(xiàn)在我還沒想出辦法,但我會的
[00:40.12]You've got a problem with your roof. 你...你的屋頂有點問題
[00:43.88]Roof? 屋頂?
[01:09.16]Dude, I don't know about this. 老兄,這我不明白
[01:11.84]See, you're looking at this all wrong. 看見了嗎,你都誤解這一切了
[01:14.36]He would want us to do this. 他想要我們這么做
[01:16.04]He'd want us to ransack his tent and take his stash? 他想要我們洗劫他的帳篷 并拿走他的私物?
[01:19.28]- That sounds exactly like Sawyer. - He stole it in the first place. 嗯,倒是很符合Sawyer的作風
[01:22.56]People need food. They need medical supplies. They need... 我是說,大家需要食物
[01:27.20]...shocking amounts of pornography. 多得嚇人的色情雜志
[01:30.20]- Charlie. - Oh... Charlie
[01:34.40]- I need you to come with me. - You guys find Eko? 我要你跟我一起走
[01:37.84]Both of you. 你們兩個都來
[02:03.64]What happened? 發(fā)生什么了?
[02:06.00]Eko is dead. Eko死了
[02:09.40]We found his body in the jungle. We buried him yesterday. 我們在叢林里發(fā)現(xiàn)他的尸體
[02:14.40]How did he die? 他怎么死的?
[02:17.88]The island killed him. 這個島殺了他
[02:20.52]What do you mean, "The island killed him"? 你什么意思,這個島殺了他?
[02:24.40]What do you mean, "The island killed him"? 你什么意思,這個島殺了他?
[02:26.92]You know what it means. 你知道這什么意思
[02:29.16]With the doctor gone, the camp's on edge enough 醫(yī)生不在,營地那已經(jīng)夠緊張了
[02:31.56]without people worrying about what's out there in the jungle. 要讓人們不擔心叢林里發(fā)生的事情
[02:34.80]They're gonna look to you two to see how to react. 他們會看著你兩個來如何反應
[02:37.64]So when I tell everyone what happened, I need you to help keep things calm. 所以當我告訴大家發(fā)生的事時 我要你們協(xié)助保持事態(tài)冷靜
[02:43.32]Dude, are you OK? 老兄,你還好嗎?
[02:46.20]Hey, guys... what's wrong with Desmond? 嘿,伙計們,Desmond怎么回事?
[03:09.68]What is he doing? 他在干嘛?
[03:17.32]There's someone else out there. 那里有人
[03:25.08]- Where's Claire? - She just went for a walk. Claire在哪?
[03:27.72]I offered to watch the baby. 她剛出去散步
[03:41.68]Claire! Claire!
[03:44.60]- I've got her. - Is she OK? - 我找到她了 - 她還好吧?
[03:47.40]Claire! What happened? Claire!
[03:49.32]Stand back! Just give me some room! 怎么回事?!
[03:51.92]- Claire. - Charlie, I know what I'm doing! Claire!Claire!
[03:54.44]Is she breathing? She's not breathing? 她還有呼吸嗎?
[04:03.16]Come on. 加油
[04:05.12]Do you want me to help you? 要我?guī)湍銌幔?br /> [04:07.40]- Come on. - Claire! 加油,Claire?
[04:10.28]Claire. 加油,Claire...
[04:13.12]You alright? 哦,Claire!把水咳出來
[04:15.68]Come on, you're alright. 加油,Claire
[04:17.60]- Charlie's here! - It's all right, Charlie. 好,我們送你回帳篷
[04:19.92]- Let's get her back to her tent. - Is she OK? Let me help! 沒事了,Charlie
[04:23.08]- I'll take her... - I've got her, Charlie. 讓我來幫忙吧
[04:23.38]- 我抱穩(wěn)她了,Charlie - 讓我來吧
[04:26.72]Where are you going? Hey, how did you know? 你們去哪里?
[04:31.64]How did you know she was drowning? 你怎么知道她要淹死了?
[04:35.36]I'll tell you how he knew. 我來告訴你吧
[04:38.88]That guy... 那個人...
[04:41.12]...sees the future, dude. 能預見未來,老兄
[05:17.80]She's beautiful. 她很漂亮
[05:23.12]Thanks. 是的
[05:25.24]- What's her name? - Penny. 她叫什么名字?
[05:33.12]- How're you feeling? - Still a little shaken up. 你感覺怎么樣?
[05:37.76]I go swimming almost every day, and... 我基本每天都游泳,但是...
[05:41.04]the undertow just grabbed me. I mean, if... 那個退浪就把我卷了進去
[05:43.92]...you know, if you hadn't... - Claire? 我是說,如果...
[05:47.96]You were only gonna be five minutes. Aaron's starving. 我以為你就離開五分鐘 Aaron要餓扁了
[05:51.40]I'm sorry. 嗯...對不起
[05:57.16]Anyway, I just really wanted to say thank you. 不管怎樣,我只想說...
[06:02.08]Thank you so much... 謝謝你
[06:04.60]...for being there. 能在這里
[06:07.20]It's my pleasure. 不客氣
[06:15.08]Locke doesn't know about anything except knives and fishing. Locke除了耍刀和釣魚外,什么都不懂
[06:18.92]There's nothing to know. I don't buy this precognitive rubbish. 沒什么可懂的
[06:22.32]If the Bearded Wonder predicts the future, he wouldn't be here. 聽著,如果大胡子圣人能夠預測未來
[06:27.56]Well, whatever happened to him, we're gonna have to find out what it is. 無論他到底發(fā)生了什么 我們都能發(fā)現(xiàn)的
[06:31.68]You realize he's gonna know your plan before you come up with it. 你知道在你想到這個計劃之前 他就已經(jīng)能預知了吧,老兄
[06:34.92]In that case... 那樣的話...
[06:37.64]...we'll have to get him bloody drunk. 我們得好好地灌醉他
[06:52.52]Beautiful evening. 美妙的傍晚啊
[06:56.68]- 是的 - 說吧,老兄
[06:58.48]Say it, dude.
[07:02.52]This morning... 今天早上...
[07:04.44]...l'm sorry I wasn't more grateful. 很抱歉我沒有...很感謝你
[07:08.48]Thank you for helping Claire not drown. 謝謝你救了Claire,沒讓她淹死
[07:12.40]- No harm done. - Excellent. 一切平安無事
[07:16.88]I brought a peace offering. 我?guī)砹它c東西握手言和
[07:19.08]You know, make the truce official. 你知道,正式休戰(zhàn)
[07:22.28]Thanks, but no. 謝了,不過不用了
[07:24.16]I've spent a wee bit too much time drunk as of late. 最近我有點花太多時間喝酒了
[07:29.48]Too good for us, brother? 太好了讓我們消受不起,兄弟?
[07:33.68]Alright. That's fine. We'll take our drink and go somewhere else. 那好吧
[07:38.40]- What kind of whiskey is that? - It just says MacCutcheon. 那是哪種威士忌?
[07:55.24]Alright, then. Let's have it. 好吧
[08:00.32]No, the bottle, brother. 不,用瓶子,兄弟
[08:01.92]If you've come to drink, let's drink. 我是說,既然你們過來喝酒 那就直接喝吧
[08:04.04]Hey, let's drink. 嘿,喝吧
[08:12.64]- Cheers. - Cheers. - 干杯 - 干杯
[08:18.80]She swore like a docker 她穿著像個碼頭工人 帶著一堆門環(huán)
[08:21.08]With a cracking set of knockers
[08:23.60]She was only the farmer's daughter! 她只是個農民的女兒,哇哦!
[08:36.80]- Dezzie... - Cheers. - Dezzie? - 干杯
[08:39.04]Hey, are all your songs about drinking 嘿,你們的歌都是關于喝酒
[08:42.60]and fighting and girls with one leg? 打架,還有一條腿的女孩嗎?
[08:44.88]Well... girls with one leg and a heart of gold. 嗯...有一條腿 以及一顆金子般的心的女孩
[08:57.04]So, Dezzie... 嗯,Dezzie...
[09:00.40]...let me ask you something. - Anything, pal. 我問你點事情
[09:04.00]How'd you know Claire was drowning? 你怎么知道Claire溺水了?
[09:10.16]I could hear her calling for help. 嗯,我聽見她喊救命
[09:12.88]Oh, no, you didn't. 不,你沒聽見
[09:14.80]We were, like, a mile away. 你好像離那有一英里遠吧
[09:19.08]Well, I suppose... 嗯,我想...我的聽力很好吧
[09:21.80]...l've got good hearing.
[09:27.68]You... 你...也聽見閃電了?
[09:29.44]...hear the lightning as well?
[09:32.40]Excuse me? 你說什么?
[09:34.64]The lightning. 閃電
[09:36.64]Just by chance, you pitched your little rod outside Claire's tent. 碰巧你在Claire帳篷外扎了根桿子
[09:40.32]Two hours later, the lightning strikes. 兩小時后,就有閃電侵襲
[09:52.40]Thanks for the drink, pal. 謝謝你的酒,兄弟
[09:55.88]Hey, I don't know what you're doing, but you best tell us! 嘿,我不知道你在做什么
[10:00.16]Because you turned some key, that makes you a hero? 你以為自己轉動了把什么鑰匙 就是英雄了?
[10:02.84]You're no hero, brother. 不是英雄,兄弟
[10:04.56]I don't know how you're doing it, but I know a coward when I see one! 我不知道你怎么做,做什么
[10:09.00]Yeah! 是的
[10:11.24]You don't know what happened when I turned that key! 轉動那鑰匙時,我發(fā)生了什么事 你永遠都不會想知道的!
[10:13.96]- You don't want to know! - Dude! - 你不會想知道... - 老兄!
[10:16.60]- Get him off me! - You don't want to know! - 快下來! - 你不會想知道!
[10:24.56]System failure... System failure...
[10:32.64]- Desmond! - I'll see ya in another life, brother. 等等,Desmond!
[10:54.32]I love you, Penny. 我愛你,Penny
[11:09.32]Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God. 哦,我的天
[11:14.40]Des! Are you all right? Des.,你還好吧?
[11:17.72]Stay there, hang on. I'm just getting ice. 待在那,等等
[11:25.00]Are you alright? 你還好嗎?
[11:28.48]- You OK? - What's happening? 親愛的,還好嗎?
[11:30.28]What's happening is the result of combining ladders, 發(fā)生什么了?
[11:33.00]painting the ceiling, and alcohol. Are you OK? Are you nauseous? 邊喝酒的結果
[11:35.36]你沒事吧? 有想吐嗎?
[11:39.32]This is my flat. - 這是我的公寓 - 嗯哼
[11:41.60]If you want me to feel at home here, you might start calling it "our" flat. 雖然如果你想讓我在這里有家的感覺
[11:48.28]How many fingers, Des? 幾個手指,Des.?
[11:51.68]Love, look at me. What's wrong? 親愛的,看著我
[12:03.40]Absolutely nothing. 完全沒事
[12:31.52]Here... let me. 來,讓我來
[12:35.48]- Thanks. - Oh, hang on. - 謝謝 - 等等
[12:40.28]- You've got paint on your neck. - Really? 你脖子上還有油漆
[12:44.04]How's that concussion? 那次腦震蕩還好嗎?
[12:46.00]My severe head injury is a small price to pay 我嚴重的腦部撞擊只是
[12:49.28]for the pleasure of having you move into my humble... 我將你擁入懷抱的...
[12:54.52]...is "rat trap" accurate? 用"捕鼠夾"形容合適嗎?
[13:06.16]Voila. 好了
[13:09.48]You know you don't really need a job from my father, Des. 你其實不需要從我爸那得到工作,Des.
[13:12.60]It's not about the job. 和工作無關
[13:14.56]- I want him to respect me. - Then respect you he shall. 我要他尊敬我
[13:19.16]But if he's too daft to see how brilliant you are, 但如果出于某些原因 他太愚蠢,看不到你的睿智
[13:21.92]it's not the end of the world. 也不是世界末日
[13:25.60]What did you say? 你說什么?
[13:44.48]Here you go, love. 給你,親愛的
[13:46.44]- You alright? - Yeah. 你還好嗎?
[13:49.08]Yeah, I'm fine. Just a... 嗯,嗯,我沒事
[13:51.92]...just had a bit of a deja vu, that's all.
[14:05.64]Good afternoon, I'm here to see Mr Widmore. 午安
[14:10.00]- And you are? - Hume. Mr Desmond Hume. 你是哪位?
[14:10.94]Hume...Desmond Hume先生
[14:14.24]Hello, love. 你好,親愛的
[14:16.52]Got a parcel here for 815. 有個包裹,是給815室的
[14:20.28]Excuse me, what did you say? 不好意思
[14:23.88]I said delivery for 815. 我說,"有個包裹給815室"
[14:30.92]Mr Hume, Hume先生,Widmore先生準備會見你了
[14:32.68]Mr Widmore is ready for you.
[14:37.80]Thank you. 謝謝你
[14:45.80]Penny didn't tell me you were an actor, Desmond. Penny沒說過你曾是個演員,Desmond
[14:48.24]Oh, no, it was actually set design for the Royal Shakespeare Company. 不,那其實是為皇家莎士比亞公司 做的布景設計
[14:52.40]Impressive. You didn't graduate from university? 很不錯
[14:56.16]No, sir. I had to look after my three brothers after my father... 沒,先生
[14:59.64]Any military experience? 有過軍隊經(jīng)驗嗎?
[15:03.84]No, sir. 沒有,先生
[15:08.92]She's beautiful... 她很漂亮...
[15:11.56]...your boat. 你的船
[15:13.56]My foundation is sponsoring a solo race around the world. 我的基金會在贊助一項全球的獨帆比賽
[15:21.80]- Something wrong? - No. 有什么問題嗎?
[15:24.60]No, sir. 不,不,先生
[15:27.44]Desmond, I'll see to it that you have a position 嗯,Desmond,我會確保...
[15:30.04]in our administrative department. 你在行政部門有一個職位的
[15:32.24]Not the most glamorous duty, but it's a start. 雖然不是光芒四射的職務,但..這是開始
[15:35.76]I'll speak to human resources... 我會跟人事部說的
[15:38.20]With all due respect, sir... 嗯,無意冒犯,先生...
[15:41.44]...I haven't come here to interview for a position in your company. 我來這不是為了應聘貴公司的職務
[15:46.64]- You haven't? - No, sir. 你不是?
[15:51.24]I came here to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage. 我是來希望您同意,我和您女兒的婚禮
[15:55.92]We've been together two years now. 我們在一起已經(jīng)兩年,而且...
[16:00.08]Pen's moving in... 潘也正搬來喝我同住
[16:02.00]...and I love her. 嗯...我愛她
[16:08.00]Your permission would mean everything to me. 我非常需要得到您的認可
[16:11.48]I'm impressed, Hume. 你給了我很深的印象,Hume
[16:15.32]A very noble gesture. 非常儒雅的姿態(tài)
[16:21.76]- You know anything about whiskey? - No, I'm afraid not, sir. 你對威士忌了解嗎?
[16:26.12]This is a 60-year MacCutcheon. 這是60年份的Maccutcheon 是以Anderson Maccutcheon命名的
[16:28.16]Named after Anderson MacCutcheon. Esteemed Admiral from the Royal Navy.
[16:32.80]He retired... 他退休時所得的獎章數(shù)量 可謂前無古人,后無來者
[16:35.28]with more medals than any man before or since.
[16:38.48]Moved to the Highlands to see out his remaining years. 他搬去了高原來度過他的晚年
[16:41.84]Admiral MacCutcheon was a great man, Hume. Maccutcheon上將是個偉人,Hume
[16:45.20]This was his crowning achievement. 這個就代表了他的最高成就
[16:53.32]This swallow... 這一小口比你賺一個月的錢價值還高
[16:55.56]...is worth more than you could make in a month.
[17:06.84]To share it with you would be a waste, 跟你分享這就簡直是種浪費
[17:08.92]and a disgrace to the great man who made it. 也是對偉人的羞辱,因為你...
[17:11.96]Because you, Hume, Hume,你永遠稱不上偉人
[17:14.28]will never be a great man.
[17:22.48]Mr Widmore... Widmore先生,我知道我不是...
[17:26.20]...I know I'm not... - What you're not... 你都沒資格品嘗我的威士忌
[17:29.00]...is worthy of drinking my whiskey.
[17:33.88]How could you ever be worthy of my daughter? 又怎么有資格娶我女兒?
[18:19.56]Thank you.
[18:24.72]Thank you very much. A fiver? Thank you very much. 多謝,五鎊
[18:27.68]- I know you. How do I know you? - Leave your number if you want. - 我見過你 - 沒事,回頭見
[18:29.26]- 我怎么認識你的? - 謝謝
[18:32.20]- How do I know you? - I don't... 我怎么認識你的?
[18:33.70]- 我不...啊... - 我在哪兒認識你的?
[18:36.04]- Where do I know you from? - Look, I don't know, but, 瞧,我不清楚 如果有人能幫我的話可能會想起來
[18:39.20]I'd remember if I got some help.
[18:44.40]Hey! Can I get some help? 嘿,有人能幫我嗎?
[18:47.40]- You're Charlie. - Yeah, name's on the sign. 你是Charlie
[18:56.08]- No. - Thanks a lot. 不...
[18:58.20]No, it was in the hatch. 感激不盡
[19:01.52]I remember seeing you. There was a... 我記得見過你
[19:03.84]There was a computer, there was a button. 有個...有個按鈕,我們...
[19:07.68]We were on an island. 我們當時在一個島上
[19:09.32]- We're on an island, this is England. - No. It was real, man, I remember. 我們是在島上,老兄,這里是英格蘭
[19:13.04]Hey, alright. This is why we don't do drugs. 嗨,好吧
[19:16.08]No! I remember this! It all happened before! 不,這件事...我記得
[19:19.60]Today... this happened today. 現(xiàn)在...這件事現(xiàn)在發(fā)生了,這...
[19:25.12]I remember that he said I wasn't worthy, and then came down and took off my tie, 這...我記得他說我沒用
[19:31.48]then I lost my tie, Penny said "Where was it," and then it started to rain... 接...接著,我領帶不見了 Penny問道"領帶呢?"
[19:48.44]Your thesis is a bit neat. 主題有點太簡潔了
[19:50.32]The wild card is unpredictability. 百搭牌,鵪鶉,是不可預測的
[19:52.52]Run the same test, you get different outcomes. 試十次 會出現(xiàn)十次不同的結果
[19:55.00]That's what makes life chaotic. 就是這樣生命才變的精彩...
[19:56.68]- Donovan! - Case in point. - Donovan - 剛剛好的例子
[19:58.80]Who could've known that a drenched Scotsman would appear in this rotunda? 誰能預料一個淋得像落湯雞樣的 蘇格蘭佬會在這個大廳里出現(xiàn)呢?
[20:03.80]You've looked better, Des. 你看來好點了,Des.,不是很多,但...
[20:05.36]- I need to ask you something. - By all means, do. 我要問你點事
[20:09.40]What do you know about time travel? 你對時空旅行了解多少?
[20:24.76]- Are you bloody insane? - Just tell me if it's possible. 你瘋了嗎?
[20:27.84]Which part? The island full of mysterious hatches 你具體指哪部分?
[20:30.76]or the computer which keeps the world from ending? 還是說那個能阻止世界末日的電腦?
[20:34.40]Forget you're my best mate. 不是
[20:35.88]As a physicist, 對一個唯物主義者來說 有沒有可能...
[20:38.08]is it possible that I've somehow managed to go back in time
[20:41.60]and am now living my life over again? 我能回到過去又返回現(xiàn)實生活嗎?
[20:47.12]It's not funny, Donovan. 這可不是兒戲,多納芬
[20:48.68]Penny's father berates you for not being a "great man," Penny的父親破口大罵你是個廢物
[20:51.56]and you dream a future where you push a button to save the world. 然后你就幻想著 世界因你按了個按鈕而被拯救了
[20:54.80]These things are not in my head, brother. 這些事不是我憑空編的,兄弟
[20:57.56]I remember things. 我確實記得那些事
[20:59.72]Alright, then. 好吧
[21:03.20]- What happens next? - It doesn't work like that. 接下來會發(fā)生什么事呢?
[21:07.04]I don't remember everything, just... 我記不得每個細節(jié),只是...
[21:10.48]...bits and pieces. 只是些零星碎片
[21:12.08]How wonderfully convenient. 那多方便啊
[21:25.20]I remember this. 我記得這個
[21:27.20]I know this song. 我聽過這首歌
[21:30.20]The jukebox. 這點唱機...
[21:34.16]You're worrying me now. Des.,你別嚇我
[21:37.20]I remember this night. 我記得這個晚上
[21:40.44]Graybridge come back in the final two minutes, win the game, a miracle! Graybridge在先失兩球的局面下趕了上來
[21:45.36]And right after they win, 就在他們勝利之后
[21:47.40]Jimmy Lennon comes in, hits the bartender with a bat Jimmy Lennon穿過那個門 用球拍敲了服務生的腦袋
[21:50.32]because he owes him money! 因為他賭輸了
[21:51.84]Watch, please! Just watch! - 別開玩笑了,Des. - 看電視,拜托
[21:54.96]He'll score the first goal right now! 他現(xiàn)在就能進第一個球
[22:03.12]No, they came back. 不,他們...他們該趕上的
[22:05.44]They won. 他們...他們應該贏了
[22:07.96]Jimmy Lennon... cricket bat. Jimmy Lennon,球拍
[22:18.96]There's no such thing as time travel. 哪有時空穿梭這種事,Des.
[22:27.20]And from what I understand, 據(jù)我所知,真愛并不可靠
[22:29.04]true love can be just as unlikely.
[22:32.08]So, if you love Penny, 如果你愛Penny,別再瞎折騰了 娶她吧
[22:34.64]stop messing about and marry her.
[23:14.36]You smell like the pub. 你全身散發(fā)著酒吧的氣味
[23:16.88]That's because I was at the pub. 因為我去過酒吧
[23:21.32]- You didn't get the job. - No. 你沒得到那工作
[23:25.00]What did my father say? 我父親說什么了?
[23:27.68]Your father... 你父親...好有趣
[23:30.16]...was lovely.
[23:32.08]We just both agreed that I wasn't... 我們彼此都認為我不...夠格
[23:35.68]...exactly qualified.
[23:37.92]Well, I say we celebrate. 我們得慶祝下
[23:39.48]We celebrate that fate has spared you a miserable existence 慶幸老天沒給你一個可悲的...
[23:42.60]under the employ of Widmore Industries. 在Widmore公司就職的經(jīng)驗
[23:45.32]Let me take you out tomorrow for lobsters on the pier. My treat. 明天我?guī)愠鋈?br /> [23:46.24]我們去Lobsterson橋,我請客
[23:48.60]I don't think my failure to impress your father is any occasion to celebrate. 我給你父親留下如此失敗的印象 這可沒什么可慶祝的
[23:52.72]Well, the occasion is I love you. 可慶幸的是我愛你
[23:59.52]Why? 為什么?
[24:02.28]Why do you love me? 你為什么愛我?
[24:05.08]Because you're a good man. 因為你是個好人
[24:07.96]In my experience, they're pretty hard to come by. 據(jù)我的經(jīng)驗,很難得到這樣的人
[24:20.24]Hey. 嘿,Des.?
[24:25.44]Where are you? 你在想些什么?
[24:29.20]I'm right here. 我就在這
[24:41.84]Never done this before, have you? 你以前從沒接觸過,是嗎?
[24:46.76]- Is it that obvious? - I can always tell the first-timers. 很容易看出來嗎?
[24:52.84]Now then, may I ask your price range? 得了,告訴我你的心里價位?
[24:57.20]I'm not a man of means. 我不是有錢人
[24:59.32]I hope to, you know, one day. 我希望,有一天...
[25:01.24]I have just the thing. 我正好有這么件東西
[25:13.60]This won't blind any queens, to be sure, 當然,這戒指不會使女王為之瘋狂
[25:16.88]but still, it has the sparkle of life. 但它還是有著生命般的光芒
[25:28.88]- I'll take it. - I'm sorry? 我買下了
[25:31.08]It's perfect. I'll take it. 你說什么?
[25:33.60]No, you won't. 不,你不會買的
[25:36.76]Give me the ring, here. 把戒指給我
[25:42.04]- I don't understand. - This is wrong. You don't buy the ring. 我糊涂了
[25:45.52]You have second thoughts, you walk out that door. 你...你還有第二個想法
[25:48.12]So, come on, let's have it. 來吧,就這樣做
[25:52.56]- I don't know what you're on about. - You don't buy the ring, Desmond. 我不知道你在說什么
[26:00.44]How do you know my name? 你怎么知道我名字?
[26:01.80]I know your name as well as I know that you don't ask Penny to marry you. 我不僅知道你名字 我還知道你不會向Penny求婚
[26:05.56]In fact, you break her heart. 事實上,你還要傷她的心
[26:07.32]Breaking her heart is what drives you, in a few short years from now, 對,傷她的心,沒錯
[26:11.28]to enter that sailing race to prove her father wrong. 去參加帆船大賽 向她的父親證明自己
[26:14.56]It brings you to the island, where you spend three years of your life 就是這個原因你才來到了這個島上
[26:18.12]entering numbers into the computer 三年內你重復地將數(shù)字輸入電腦
[26:20.76]until you are forced to turn that fail-safe key. 直至你被迫轉動了系統(tǒng)崩潰的安全鑰匙
[26:26.44]And if you don't do those things, Desmond David Hume... 如果你沒做那些事 Desmond David Hume
[26:31.40]...every single one of us is dead. 我們每個人都要死
[26:38.08]So, give me that sodding ring. 所以把戒指給我
[26:49.76]You're going to be difficult about this. 我能理解你很難懂我說的
[26:53.00]Who are you? 你,你是誰?
[26:55.72]Do you like chestnuts? 你喜歡吃栗子嗎?
[26:59.68]What? 什么?
[27:01.92]Thank you. 謝謝
[27:09.52]That man over there is wearing red shoes. 那邊那個男的穿了一雙紅鞋子
[27:15.28]So? What, then? 那又如何?
[27:18.44]Just thought it was a bold fashion choice worth noting. 只是覺得這是很新潮的選擇 值得記錄下
[27:27.88]Is this really happening? 這不是真的,對吧?
[27:29.44]Sorry? 什么?
[27:34.60]I've had a concussion. 我有次腦震蕩
[27:37.96]You're my subconscious. 你是我臆想出來的
[27:41.40]Am I? 是嗎?
[27:43.36]You're here to... 你來這兒是為了...
[27:45.00]...to talk me out of marrying Penny. 為了勸我不要娶Penny
[27:48.36]Well, it won't bloody work. 沒用的,該死這沒用的
[27:50.76]- Oh, yes, it will. - No. 哦,這當然會有用
[27:52.88]There is no island, there is no button. 不會
[27:56.20]It's madness. I love her. She loves me. 全是瘋言瘋語
[27:59.16]I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her. 我要與她共度余生
[28:03.40]No, Desmond. You're not. 不,Desmond...
[28:12.48]Oh, my God. 噢,上帝啊
[28:18.44]You knew that was going to happen, didn't you? 你知道會發(fā)生這種事的,對吧?
[28:24.16]Then why didn't you stop it? Why didn't you do anything? 你為什么不阻止它?
[28:26.96]Because it wouldn't matter. 因為那根本就是徒勞的
[28:32.76]Had I warned him about the scaffolding, 如果我警告了他腳手架會出事 明天他還是會被計程車撞
[28:34.96]tomorrow he'd be hit by a taxi.
[28:36.84]If I warned him about the taxi, he'd fall in the shower and break his neck. 如果我警告了他計程車會出事 他還是會在洗澡時跌倒摔斷脖子
[28:42.40]The universe, unfortunately, has a way of... 很不幸,這個宇宙擁有一種方式...
[28:45.92]...course correcting. 來進行,"路線修正"
[28:49.76]That man was supposed to die. 那個人的時辰到了
[28:52.56]That was his path. 這是他的必經(jīng)之路
[28:57.60]Just as it's your path to go to the island. 就如同你必然會踏上那個小島一樣
[29:03.88]You don't do it because you choose to, Desmond, 你不是因為自己選擇而那樣,Desmond
[29:06.52]you do it because you're supposed to. 而是因為你注定要如此
[29:12.68]I'm gonna meet Penny in an hour. 我會在一小時后與Penny見面
[29:17.24]I've got the ring. 我有戒指
[29:19.00]She'll say yes. 她會說"我愿意"
[29:21.16]I can choose whatever I want. 我能如我所愿地選擇任何事
[29:26.56]You may not like your path, Desmond, 你可以不喜歡你的人生之路,Desmond
[29:29.92]but pushing that button is the only truly... 但是按那些按鈕將是你所做的 唯一的也是真正重要的事
[29:33.40]...great thing that you'll ever do.
[29:45.80]How much for the ring? 戒指多少錢?
[30:33.88]- Hi. - Hey. - 嗨 - 嘿
[30:36.52]- Am I late? - Right on time. - 我遲到了嗎? - 剛剛好
[30:40.92]- Take your photo, lovebirds? - No, thanks. 照張相吧,眷侶們?
[30:43.08]Come on. Something to show the grandkids! 不用了,謝謝
[30:45.60]Come on, let's do it, for all those grandkids! 來吧,Des.,照一張吧,為了孫子們
[30:48.00]You'll do it? Alrighty. 耶? 你們要來一張?
[30:50.00]Let's see what we got for you here. 看看我們?yōu)槟銈儨蕚淞耸裁?,哈?br /> [30:52.96]Beautiful desert scene? - 呵,一張漂亮的沙漠布景 - 不要
[30:54.80]No, not the desert? Alright. 不要沙漠? 好吧
[30:56.32]- I know, the Alps. Yeah? - I love the Alps. 呃,我知道了,阿爾卑斯山
[30:59.32]- Oh, I hate the Alps. - Yeah, not the Alps. 哦,我恨阿爾卑斯山
[31:02.88]Here we go. A beautiful marina scene. 啊,有了,漂亮的碼頭海景
[31:05.32]- Yeah, let's do that. - That's the one? - 行,我們照這張吧 - 就這張,對吧?
[31:08.52]Alright, you guys get in position. 好的
[31:10.72]Take your coat off, it's boiling, full of palm trees. - 把外套脫了 - 你們把位置站好
[31:11.42]顯得熱死了 里面可是有棕櫚樹
[31:13.48]Here we go. One, two... 好了,開始吧
[31:18.96]An instant classic... 噢,經(jīng)典一刻
[31:22.36]...only five quid. - Here you go, love. - 只要5鎊 - 馬上給你
[31:24.84]Here ya go, mate. 拿著吧,哥們兒
[31:27.52]- Cheers. - Out of twenty. 沒有20的小錢了
[31:29.64]You're a lovely couple. 你們真相配 很便宜的價格就留住了回憶,對不對?
[31:31.48]Small price to pay for the memories, right?
[31:43.68]I couldn't go through with it. 我承受不了這些
[31:47.16]What was that? 什么?
[31:51.20]I can't do this. 我不能這樣下去了
[31:53.36]You can't do what? 你不能怎樣?
[31:55.52]Us. 我們
[31:59.68]This. 這種...
[32:02.08]This relationship. 這種關系
[32:06.32]What are you talking about? 你在說什么?
[32:08.80]How can I... 我怎么能? 我...
[32:12.36]I can't look after you. 我沒辦法照顧你,我沒有工作
[32:14.76]I haven't got a job. I don't have any... 我沒有...
[32:17.40]I can't even afford five quid for a bloody photograph. 我甚至拿不出該死的5鎊來照相
[32:22.36]- You deserve someone better. - I know what I deserve. 你應該遇到更好的人
[32:25.36]- I chose to be with you, I love you. - Love's not enough. 我知道我應得什么 我選擇了和你在一起,我愛你
[32:26.90]光有愛不夠 當一個好人也不夠
[32:28.92]- Being a "good man" is not enough. - What's this about? 這是干嘛,Des.? 這是哪門子的說法?
[32:31.76]Where is this coming from?
[32:33.72]It's all happening too soon. You moving in. 一切都來得太快了,你搬來了
[32:36.28]You're painting rooms, you're changing things. I don't even like red! 你...你粉刷了房間 你改變了很多東西
[32:41.00]- Why would you leave your flat to... - Don't do that. 為什么你要離開你的公寓 你那昂貴的公寓...
[32:44.88]Don't you pretend you don't care. And don't you dare rewrite history. 別裝作你不在乎 你怎么敢重寫歷史
[32:48.80]I left my expensive flat because you were too proud to live there, remember? 我離開了我的昂貴公寓 是因為你不屑于住那,記得嗎?
[32:54.04]If you want me to go, 如果你真想讓我走 想讓我離開的話
[32:56.60]if you want me to leave, then... 那就別把這個搞成 什么我應得的,什么不應得...
[33:00.08]...don't make this about what I do or don't deserve.
[33:05.64]And have the decency to admit you're doing this because you're a coward. 你得有膽承認你這么做 因為你是個懦夫
[33:15.24]I'm sorry, Pen. 對不起,Pen,但是這...
[33:18.04]But, this...
[33:28.64]...we're not supposed to be together. 我們注定不該在一起
[34:02.04]What'll it be? 來點什么?
[34:09.32]Just give me a pint of your cheapest. 呃,就...就給我來一品脫你們最便宜的
[34:13.00]- I'm celebrating. - What's the occasion? 我要慶祝
[34:14.38]哦? 為了什么?
[34:16.72]I think I've made... 我想我已鑄成了人生中最大的錯誤 而最差勁的是
[34:19.16]...the biggest mistake of my life.
[34:22.04]And the worst part is...
[34:24.80]...l'm pretty sure I've made it before. 我非??隙ㄎ乙郧熬退み^同樣的跟斗
[34:26.96]That's what they call deja vu, mate. 他們就叫這"似曾相識",兄弟
[34:29.72]Do they, now? 他們現(xiàn)在還這么說?
[34:53.52]I had the wrong night. 我搞錯了晚上
[34:55.24]I was right. 我是對的
[34:57.16]I was off by a night! I heard the song, then... 我弄錯了一個晚上 我聽到了那首歌,然后...
[34:59.44]I remember this! 我記起來了
[35:01.00]I'm not crazy! I can still change things. 我沒瘋!
[35:04.68]I can still change it! 我還能夠改變事情
[35:09.56]- Jimmy Lennon! - Where the hell's my money? Jimmy Lennon
[35:14.12]Hey, duck, brother! 嘿,蹲下,哥們兒!
[36:15.48]Oh, no. 哦,不
[36:38.84]Please... 拜托...
[36:42.24]...let me go back. 讓我回去吧
[36:45.20]Let me go back one more time. 讓我再回去一次
[36:48.20]I'll do it right, I'll do it right this time. 我會做對的 這一次我會做對的
[36:52.32]I'm sorry, Penny. 對不起,Penny
[36:57.60]I'll change it. 我會改變它的
[37:00.88]I'll change it. 我會改變它的
[37:04.84]How'd you know Claire was drowning? 你怎么會知道Claire溺水了?
[37:07.52]I could hear her calling for help. 我聽到她喊救命
[37:11.08]You hear the lightning as well? 你,呃,也聽見了那道閃電?
[37:15.68]Just by chance, you pitched your little rod outside Claire's tent... 碰巧你在Cliare帳篷外扎了根桿子
[37:19.68]and two hours later, the lightning strikes. 兩小時后,就有閃電侵襲
[37:28.48]I don't know how you're doing it, but I know a coward when I see one! 我不知道你怎么做,做什么 但我知道我看見一個懦夫
[37:34.00]Yeah, a coward! 是啊,一個懦夫,??!
[37:36.04]You don't want to know what happened to me when I turned that key! 你不會想知道當我轉動 那把鑰匙時發(fā)生了什么的!
[37:39.52]You don't want to know! You don't want to know what happened to me! 下來!
[37:39.50]- 你不會想知道的! - 哥們兒!
[37:43.20]You don't want to know! You don't want to know! 你不會想知道!
[37:48.92]- It doesn't matter what you do... - What are you doing? 不管你做什么
[37:51.68]...you can't change it. 你都改變不了
[37:55.92]You can't change it, no matter what you try to do, you just can't change it... 你都改變不了
[38:03.20]He's wankered. Let's get him to his tent. 他失去理智了 我們把他抬回他的帳篷去吧
[38:07.16]Alright, Des, come on, gimme your arm. 好了,Des.,來吧,把手給我
[38:10.12]Come on, stand up. Stand up. 快點,站起來,站起來!
[38:13.92]OK, OK. I got you. 好的,好的
[38:16.92]You're a good man, Charlie. 你是個好人,Charlie
[38:20.44]Listen, I'm sorry I tried to strangle you, alright? 聽著,之前我想要扼你脖子 我很抱歉,好嗎?
[38:23.64]Fair play, mate. Here we go. 沒事兒,伙計,我們到了
[38:29.20]Sorry I called you a coward. 對不起,我之前說你是懦夫
[38:31.72]You're right, pal. 你說的對,兄弟
[38:34.16]Desmond... Desmond...
[38:39.04]...you are going to tell me what happened to you. 告訴我你到底出了什么事
[38:49.12]When I turned that key... 當我轉動那把鑰匙時...
[38:55.08]...my life... 我的一生...
[38:58.64]...flashed before my eyes. 就在我的眼前閃過
[39:02.20]And then I was back in the jungle. 然后我又回到了叢林里
[39:05.64]And still on this bloody island. 仍然在這座該死的小島上
[39:09.32]But those flashes, Charlie... 但是那些記憶的片段,Charlie...
[39:12.40]...those flashes, they didn't stop. 那些片段,它們沒有停止
[39:16.12]So... 那么...
[39:17.80]...you're telling me you saw a "flash" 你告訴我今天早上你眼前閃過 Claire溺水的畫面?
[39:20.48]of Claire drowning this morning? That's how you knew to save her?
[39:24.04]I wasn't saving Claire, Charlie. 我不是在救她,Charlie
[39:28.64]I was saving you. 我是在救你
[39:33.32]This morning... 今天早上,你跟著Claire跳了下去
[39:35.44]...you dove in after Claire.
[39:40.32]You tried to save her, but... 你想要救她,但是...
[39:46.20]...you drowned. 你...你淹死了
[39:50.00]What are you talking about? I didn't drown. 你在說什么?
[39:53.48]When I saw the lightning hit the roof, 當我看見那道閃電擊在屋頂上時 你觸電而死了
[39:56.72]you were electrocuted.
[40:00.12]And when you heard Claire was in the water, you... 而當你聽見Claire在水里時,你...
[40:03.56]...you drowned trying to save her. 你在試著救她時溺死了
[40:07.24]I dove in myself so you never went in! I've tried, brother. 我自己跳下去,這樣你就不會下去了
[40:10.28]I've tried twice to save you, but... 我試過了,兄弟 我試過兩次去救你,但是...
[40:13.56]...the universe has a way of course correcting, 這個宇宙擁有一種方式來進行"路線修正"
[40:17.52]and I can't stop it forever. 而...而我不能永遠阻止它
[40:21.72]I'm sorry. I'm sorry, because... 抱歉,我很抱歉,因為...
[40:29.12]...no matter what I try to do... 不管我怎么嘗試...
[40:35.64]...you're gonna die, Charlie. 你還是會死的,Charlie

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