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聽電影學(xué)英語(yǔ) 在云端 05 中英雙語(yǔ)

所屬教程:聽電影學(xué)英語(yǔ) 在云端



[00:05.34]is the first of its kind, a precursor of everything from JFK to de Gaulle. 是史上第一座候機(jī)樓 是紐約JFK機(jī)場(chǎng) 巴黎戴高樂機(jī)場(chǎng)們的先驅(qū)
[00:05.38]That domed main terminal, 那個(gè)穹頂候機(jī)樓...
[00:10.14]Pretty sweet. - Just take the picture. - 很動(dòng)人 - 快拍照吧
[00:16.42]Well, that's a keeper. 好了 拍好了
[00:19.74]Let me see it. 讓我瞧瞧
[00:21.74]Why she wants reminders of all the places she hasn't been is beyond me. 我也不清楚 她為何想要這些 她未去之地的紀(jì)念照
[00:26.94]I'm sure she'll be crushed for having missed this airport. 我肯定如果沒拍這個(gè)機(jī)場(chǎng)她會(huì)崩潰
[00:27.26]Before Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic, he took off from that runway. 林登伯格駕機(jī)飛越大西洋前 他就是從那條跑道起飛的
[00:32.62]Wonder why they called it the Spirit of St Louis? 你是否想知道他們?yōu)槭裁捶Q之為 "圣路易斯精神"?
[00:34.66]No. - Well... - 不想知道 - 好吧...
[00:44.98]Do you know how fucked this place is now? 你知道這他媽的鬼地方現(xiàn)在變啥樣了?
[00:47.90]I am the one thing - the one thing- 我才是唯一一個(gè) 只有我
[00:51.14]preventing this place from being totally fucked in the ass. 努力阻止這公司徹底垮掉
[01:01.46]Sometimes they just need to vent. 有時(shí)他們只是需要發(fā)泄
[01:03.70]Please, for the love of God, can I fire the next one? 求你 看在上帝份上 下一次讓我來(lái)解雇如何?
[01:07.82]Miss Barnes, thank you for joining us. - I'm here to be fired, right? - Barnes小姐 謝謝你來(lái)這里 - 叫我來(lái)是要裁掉我 對(duì)嗎?
[01:12.58]Well, we're here to talk about your future. 我們是來(lái)討論你的未來(lái)
[01:14.60]You don't have to sugar-coat it. I get the drill. 你沒必要甜言蜜語(yǔ) 我清楚得很
[01:19.70]What are they offering? 他們的條件呢?
[01:21.14]Inside the packet, you'll find a clearly worked out severance package. 這套方案里 被裁員工的條件很不錯(cuò)
[01:22.94]Give me the bullet points. 告訴我重點(diǎn)
[01:28.22]three months' pay, six months' medical. 3個(gè)月的工資 6個(gè)月的醫(yī)療保費(fèi)
[01:32.02]And a full year of placement services through our CTC. 一整年通過(guò)我們CTC負(fù)責(zé)就業(yè)介紹的開支
[01:35.38]Placement services. That's generous. 就業(yè)介紹 真大方
[01:40.42]Commonly it takes a month of searching for every $10,000 you expect to earn in salary. 通常來(lái)說(shuō) 尋找一份年薪1萬(wàn)美元的工作 需要1個(gè)月
[01:45.02]So I could be looking for a while. - Not necessarily. - 這么說(shuō) 我還有時(shí)間找上一陣 - 也不是一定會(huì)這樣
[01:46.18]Don't even sweat it. I'm pretty confident about my plans. 別擔(dān)心 我對(duì)將來(lái)早有計(jì)劃
[01:51.06]Really? - Yeah. - 真的? - 是的
[01:52.62]There's this beautiful bridge by my house. 我家旁邊有座很美麗的大橋
[01:58.18]I'm gonna go jump off it. 我要從上面跳下去
[02:02.22]Natalie. Natalie
[02:02.82]Hey! 嗨!
[02:05.38]Natalie! Natalie!
[02:14.10]People say these things all the time. It's part of the trade. 人們總是說(shuō)那種話 這是生意的一部分
[02:19.22]They do? - Yeah. - 是嗎? - 當(dāng)然了
[02:20.30]They say crazy things. They get worked up. 他們總說(shuō)瘋話 他們太激動(dòng)了
[02:27.42]She was really calm. 她真得很冷靜
[02:29.38]I think that's a good sign. 我認(rèn)為那是好事
[02:31.10]So they don't ever actually do it? - No. No, it's just talk. - 那么說(shuō)他們不會(huì)真那么干? - 當(dāng)然不會(huì) 只是說(shuō)說(shuō)而已
[02:34.86]How do you know? Do you follow up? - No, nothing good's gonna come of that, but.. - 你怎么知道? 你會(huì)繼續(xù)關(guān)注? - 不 不會(huì)有好結(jié)果的 但是..
[02:41.06]I wouldn't worry about it. 我也不會(huì)為此擔(dān)心
[02:45.54]This is what we do, Natalie. We take people at their most fragile and we set them adrift. 這就是我們的工作 Natalie 在人們最脆弱的時(shí)刻給予打擊 任其隨波逐流
[02:55.30]Ready to go back in? 準(zhǔn)備好回去嗎?
[02:58.42]All right, let's go. Come on. 好吧 我們走 來(lái)吧
[03:46.66]No, I'm fine. Tell me something sweet. 不 我很好 給我?guī)c(diǎn)好消息
[03:51.22]I'll be back soon. I'm not sure how long this exercise is supposed to last. 很快回來(lái) 我不確定這次實(shí)習(xí)會(huì)持續(xù)多久
[03:52.60]No, I don't even think of him that way. He's old. 不 我都沒把他往那方面想 他太老了
[04:36.90]I- I'm done? - I wasn't expecting this. Not at all. - 我- 我就這樣完了? - 我可沒期待過(guò)這個(gè) 一點(diǎn)都沒有
[04:41.90]Just like that? 就那樣?
[04:43.26]I'm disappointed that I've given so much of my life... 我太失望了 我貢獻(xiàn)了那么多年...
[04:46.74]This is not fair. 這不公平
[04:48.30]There are people way more qualified than me now. 現(xiàn)在有很多人比我更勝任這份工作了
[04:49.58]I don't know what to do when I wake up tomorrow. 我不知道明早醒來(lái)后該做什么
[05:00.34]You OK? 你還好嗎?
[05:05.42]Are we going? - Yeah. - 可以走了嗎? - 是的
[05:23.10]This is how I start every day of my life. 我生活中的每一天都是這樣開始
[05:28.94]Now, this is gonna be a little difficult, so stay with me. 現(xiàn)在 形勢(shì)變得有點(diǎn)困難 別走開
[05:33.58]You have a new backpack. 你們有新的背包了
[05:35.62]Only this time, I want you to fill it with people. 但這一次 我要你們把其他人都裝進(jìn)去
[05:38.50]Start with casual acquaintances, friends of friends, 從一般的熟人 朋友的朋友開始
[05:41.94]folks around the office. 辦公室的同事
[05:42.94]And then the people you trust with your most intimate secrets - 然后是你們信任 分享最深秘密的人
[05:47.82]your cousins, your aunts, your uncles, 你們的表兄弟 阿姨 叔叔
[05:48.90]your brothers, your sisters, your parents, 你們的兄弟 姐妹 父母
[05:55.22]and finally your husband, your wife, your boyfriend or your girlfriend. 最后是你們的丈夫 妻子 男友 女友
[05:58.58]You get them into that backpack. 把他們都裝進(jìn)背包里
[06:03.82]Don't worry. I'm not gonna ask you to light it on fire. 別擔(dān)心 我不會(huì)要求你們放把火點(diǎn)燃它
[06:09.46]Feel the weight of that bag. 感受一下那背包的重量
[06:12.42]Make no mistake, your relationships are the heaviest components in your life. 毋庸置疑 你們的人際關(guān)系 是生命中最沉重的組成部分
[06:19.22]Do you feel the straps cutting into your shoulders? 你們是否感到背包帶已深深勒進(jìn)肩膀?
[06:22.30]All those negotiations and arguments, and secrets and compromises. 所有那些協(xié)商 爭(zhēng)吵 那些秘密和妥協(xié)
[06:31.38]You don't need to carry all that weight. 你們沒必要肩負(fù)所有的負(fù)累
[06:35.18]Why don't you set that bag down? 為什么不放下背包呢?
[06:40.82]Some animals were meant to carry each other, to live symbiotically for a lifetime - 有些動(dòng)物天生喜歡背負(fù)同伴 終身共同生活
[06:46.78]star-crossed lovers, monogamous swans. We are not those animals. 命運(yùn)曲折的不幸戀人 一夫一妻制的天鵝 我們不是他們
[06:54.02]The slower we move, the faster we die. 我們行動(dòng)得越慢 就死得越早
[06:54.26]We are not swans. 我們不是天鵝
[06:59.42]We're sharks. 我們是鯊魚
[07:14.38]Never? - No. -從來(lái)沒有 - 是的
[07:16.38]Ever? - No. - 一次都沒想過(guò)? - 沒錯(cuò)
[07:19.14]You never want to get married? - Nope. - 你從未想過(guò)結(jié)婚? - 從未想過(guò)
[07:22.50]Ever? - Never. - 一直都沒有? - 從來(lái)沒有
[07:22.98]Never want kids? - Not a chance. - 從未想過(guò)生孩子? - 從未想過(guò)
[07:27.54]Is that so bizarre? - Yes. - 是不是很古怪? - 是的
[07:29.26]Yes, it is. - I just don't see the value in it. - 是的 是這樣 - 我只是看不出那樣做價(jià)值何在
[07:35.98]Right, sell it to me. - What? - 好吧 努力說(shuō)服我 - 什么?
[07:37.82]Sell me marriage. 告訴我婚姻的重要性
[07:40.02]OK, how about love? - OK. - 好吧 出于愛情怎么樣? - 好吧
[07:46.26]Stability, just somebody you can count on... - How many stable marriages do you know? - 穩(wěn)定性 有人可以依靠... - 你見過(guò)多少穩(wěn)定的婚姻?
[07:49.98]Somebody to talk to, someone to spend your life with. 有人可以說(shuō)話 可以共度此生的人
[07:54.42]I'm surrounded by people to talk to. That won't change. 我周圍都是可以說(shuō)話的人 那不會(huì)改變
[07:57.10]How about just not dying alone? 不會(huì)孤零零死去的理由怎么樣?
[08:01.18]Starting when I was 12, we moved each of my grandparents to a nursing facility. 打從我12歲起 我的爺爺奶奶外公外婆 就被陸續(xù)送去養(yǎng)老院
[08:05.62]My parents went the same way. Make no mistake, we all die alone. 我父母最后也是同樣的結(jié)局 一點(diǎn)沒錯(cuò) 我們最后都會(huì)孤身一人死去
[08:09.26]Now, those cult members in San Diego, with the Kool-Aid and the sneakers... 而圣迭戈那些邪教信徒 喝著Kool-Aid 穿著運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋
[08:13.78]they didn't die alone. 他們可沒有孤零零死去
[08:16.66]I'm just saying there are options. 我只是說(shuō)生活有很多選擇
[08:23.38]Oh, fuck. 哦 見鬼
[08:26.34]Brian left me. Brian不要我了
[08:33.82]All right. 好了
[08:38.86]OK. Ok. All right. 好了 沒事的
[08:43.30]All right. Shh, shh. 沒事的
[08:59.30]Natalie, this is Alex, my friend. This is Natalie. Natalie 這是Alex 我的朋友 這是Natalie
[09:02.70]I should give you both a moment. 我該讓你們單獨(dú)待幾分鐘
[09:06.26]No. No, that's fine. I'm fine. It's a pleasure to meet you. 不不 沒事 我很好 很高興認(rèn)識(shí)你
[09:10.70]Maybe we should just all go up to our rooms and freshen up. 也許我們?cè)撋蠘沁M(jìn)客房整理一下
[09:15.66]Maybe a drink? - Now you're talking. - 要不喝一杯? - 是個(gè)好主意
[09:16.54]Brian: I think it's time we C othter people <i>Brian: 我認(rèn)為各尋新歡的時(shí)候到了</i>
[09:21.06]He broke up with you with a text message? 他就發(fā)了這通短信跟你分手?
[09:21.70]Kind of like firing someone over the internet. 有點(diǎn)像通過(guò)網(wǎng)絡(luò) 遠(yuǎn)程裁員哦
[09:26.62]What a weaselly prick. - But what does that make me? - 真是個(gè)狡猾的混蛋 - 可這讓我看起來(lái)像啥樣了?
[09:32.38]Someone who falls for a prick. - We all fall for them. - 有人就喜歡混蛋 - 我們都喜歡那種人
[09:33.30]Pricks are spontaneous, unpredictable and fun. 混蛋們都熱情洋溢 無(wú)法預(yù)測(cè) 妙語(yǔ)如珠
[09:35.90]Then we're surprised when they turn out to be pricks. 當(dāng)他們最終露出混蛋真面目時(shí) 我們會(huì)非常吃驚
[09:40.34]I followed him to Omaha. - You did? - 我是跟著他去的Omaha - 真的?
[09:45.38]I had a job waiting for me in San Francisco when he got an offer from ConAgra. 我在舊金山有工作 他被ConAgra食品集團(tuán)錄取了
[09:48.66]He said we could start a life together. 他說(shuō)我們可以共同生活
[09:52.94]So I followed him. - To Nebraska? - 所以我跟著他去了 - 去了內(nèi)布拉斯加州?
[09:58.42]I thought I'd be engaged by now. 我以為我現(xiàn)在本該訂婚了

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