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新概念英語第二冊詳解第28課:No parking 禁止停車




§ Lesson 28 No parking 禁止停車

【New words and expressions】 生詞和短語

★rare adj. 罕見的

rare animal 稀有動物 (animal n.動物)

rare bird 珍稀鳥類

rare illness 疑難雜癥

scarce adj :少有的,表示某個時間段或某個地方少有 : Watermelon is scarce in winter.

scarce adj. 缺乏的, 不足的, 稀有的, 不充足的/ watermelon n.西瓜

rare : 指世界上都少有

coconut n.椰子

steak n.(供煎, 烤等的)肉, 魚, 肉片, 魚片, 肉排, 牛排

well done : 全熟

medium : 半生半熟的 (medium n.媒體, 方法, 媒介 adj.中間的, 中等的, 半生熟的)

rare : 幾乎是生的

★ancient adj. 古代的, 古老的

ancient Egypt 古埃及

antique 古代的, 古玩, 古董, 古老而有價值的 : antique furniture 古董家具

★myth n. 神話故事

fairy 神仙故事

★effect n. 結(jié)果, 效果

have an effect 有效果

have no effect 沒有效果

have effect on 對...有效果

The advice has no effect on me.

★trouble n. 麻煩

woman/man troubles 女人/男人真麻煩

child troubles 孩子真麻煩

never trouble troubles until troubles trouble you. 永遠(yuǎn)不要自尋煩惱

Let sleeping dog lie. 不要自找麻煩 (let sb do)

ask for trouble

He is asking for trouble.

I'm sorry to put you in trouble. 我很抱歉給你帶來麻煩(口語)

have trouble in doing sth

I have trouble (in) parking the car.

I have a lot of trouble parking the car.

★Medusa n. 美杜莎(古希臘神話中3位蛇發(fā)女怪這一)

★Gorgon n. (古希臘神話中的)3位蛇發(fā)女怪這一(凡見其貌者都會變成石頭)


Lesson 28 No parking 禁止停車

First listen and then answer the question.聽錄音, 然后回答以下問題.

What is Jasper White's problem?

Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths. he has just bought a new house in the city, but ever since he moved in, he has had trouble with cars and their owners. When he returns home at night, he always finds that someone has parked a car outside his gate. Because of this, he has not been able to get his own car into his garage even once. Jasper has put up 'No Parking' signs outside his gate, but these have not had any effect. Now he has put an ugly stone head over the gate. It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. I asked him what it was and he told me that it was Medusa, the Gorgon. jasper hopes that she will turn cars and their owners to stone. But none of them has been turned to stone yet!


賈斯珀.懷特是少有的相信古代神話的人之一. 他剛在城里買下一所新房子, 但自從搬進(jìn)去后, 就和汽車及車主們發(fā)生了磨擦. 當(dāng)他夜里回到家時, 總是發(fā)現(xiàn)有人把車停在他家大門外. 為此, 他甚至一次也沒能把自己的車開進(jìn)車庫. 賈斯珀曾把幾塊 “禁止停車” 的牌子掛在大門外邊, 但沒有任何效果. 現(xiàn)在他把一個丑陋的石雕頭像放在了大門上邊, 這是我見過的最丑陋的頭像之一. 我問他那是什么?他告訴我那是蛇發(fā)女怪美杜莎. 賈斯珀希望她把汽車和車主們都變成石頭. 但到目前為止還沒有一個變成石頭呢!


one of 其中之一

one of the students

believe in 信任; 信仰 (并不只是相信的意思,有任何時候都 “相信” 徹徹底底的相信即信任)

關(guān)系代詞 : who,whom,which,that



I have a book that/which he likes.( “book” 為先行詞 “that/which” 為關(guān)系代詞)

關(guān)系代詞有兩個功能 : 一是承上, 一是啟下(如上句中的 “book” 作從句的賓語)

The boy is my brother.

The boy is standing at the door.

The boy who is standing at the door is my brother.

I can do anything I can to help you.

I can do anything that I can do. 我愿意做我力所能及的事情來幫助你

Jasper White is one of those rare people who believe in ancient myths.

who 在這是關(guān)系詞, 起承上啟下的作用

believe 用在people之后應(yīng)該用復(fù)數(shù)對待

who 在從句中指代的是單數(shù), 就用單數(shù)對待, 在從句中指代的是復(fù)數(shù)就用復(fù)數(shù)對待

如果在定語從句中出現(xiàn)了one of作為先行詞, 它后邊的關(guān)系代詞指代的是后面的復(fù)數(shù)名詞

如果在one of前面還有一修飾詞 (the) only,那么后邊的關(guān)系代詞將指代one這個詞, 才作單數(shù)看

He is the only one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths.

one of 直接作主語的時候, 它是做單數(shù)看待的

One of the answers is ture.

One of those people is good.

ever since=since

have trouble doing 做...有麻煩

have trouble with sb. 和某人相處有麻煩

I have trouble with my roommate.

in the morning 每天早晨

in the afternoon 每天下午

at night 每天晚上

park a car 停車

because of 由于

because 的后面加句子

because of 的后面加詞或動詞 “-ing”

be able to 的主語一般都是人, 表示有能力去做

get his car into his garage.

I drove the car into the wall.

I drove the car into the tree.

drive the car into 把車子撞上某地

get sth into 把...弄進(jìn)

even once : 甚至一次,even 起強(qiáng)調(diào)

put up 張貼 put up the pictures on the wall 在墻上貼畫

not any = no

on 接觸在上面

over 懸掛在上面

one of后面加可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)

I have ever seen 做定語從句, 修飾前邊的faces

如果關(guān)系詞在從句中做賓語, 關(guān)系詞可以省略, 所以 I 前的which被省略

This is the most difficult thing I have ever done.

This is the most terrible news I have ever heard.


1.of+范圍 (of all the students)


He is the tallest in the room.

3.I have ever 從句

hope 的后面加that從句

turn sth to 把前者變成后者

turn the prince to a frog (prince n.王子 frog n.青蛙 vi.捕蛙)

He was turned to a frog

turn cars and their owners to stone

none of,neither of做主語時做單數(shù)看待

先行詞 : 放在定語從句前面, 而且是兩句話共同含有的詞, 還是被定語從句修飾的詞

定語從句 : 句子做定語, 一般放在被修飾詞后面

四個關(guān)系代詞 :


who 在從句當(dāng)中做主語或做賓語

whom 只能在從句當(dāng)中做賓語

which 指物, 即可以做主語, 又可以做賓語

that 即可以指物, 又可以指人, 即可以做主語, 又可以做賓語

【Special Difficulties】 難點

whose 后面一定要加一個名詞, 然后這個部分共同做主語或賓語

The boy whose sister is standing at the door is my brother. 妹妹站在門口的男孩是我弟弟

The pilot whose plane landed in a field was not hurt.把飛機(jī)降落在田里的飛行員沒有受傷

land 著陸

He is the right person I am looking for.

Pilot n.飛行員, 領(lǐng)航員, 引水員 vt.駕駛(飛機(jī)等), 領(lǐng)航, 引水 v.駕駛


3. Our neighbour, _____name is Charles Alison,will sail tomorrow.

(a) whose √ (b) whose his (c) his (d) of whom

whose 在這兒等于his

his是物主代詞, whose是關(guān)系代詞

關(guān)系代詞可以引導(dǎo)定語從句, 物主代詞不可以引導(dǎo)定語從句

做主語, 賓語的關(guān)系代詞有 who, whom,which,that


5.His boat,_____is Topsail, is famouse.

(a) whose the name (b) the whose name (c) of whom the name (d) the name of which √


不會說of sth the name

而會說the name of sth



whose name 也對



關(guān)系代詞可以有四個概念 :

1.代人的, 做主語或賓語who


2.代物的, 做主語或賓語 which

3.代人的也可以代物的 做主語或賓語 that


The boat whose name is...

翻譯練習(xí) :

我有一個房子, 房子的窗戶都破了.

I have a house whose windows are broken.


I have a book I am interested in.

I have a book that I am interested in.

Exersise(在需要的地方填上who, which, that或whose)

1 The only games ______ I play are football and tennis.

2 He is the only student ______ understands English well.

3 He is a writer ______ books are seldom read.

4 This is the hotel at ______ we are staying.

5 Is this the money ______ you lost?

6 That is the horse ______ won the race.

7 He is the sort of person ______ everyone admires.

The only game...I play are football and tennis.

1.不填 如果要填只能是that, 在從句中作賓語可省略

先行詞如果用only, 序數(shù)詞, 形容詞最高級修飾, 其后邊的關(guān)系詞只用that

2.He is the only student...understand English well.


3.He is writer...books are seldom read.


4.This is the hotel at...we are staying

which 句中的 “at” 原來在 “staying” 的后邊

This is the hotel which we are staying at.

介詞后加物的話, 只加which,加人的話, 用whom, 都不可用that,who也不能

She is the gril. I stayed with her.

She is the girl who/whom/that I stayed with. (句中 “who/whom/that” 可省略)

She is the girl with whom I stayed.

That is the house.I live in the house.

That is the house in which I live.

5.Is this the money...you lost? 不填

6.That is the horse...won the race.

從句中少主語: which

選which , 不能用that

句子中用詞避免重復(fù), 句首已有了一個 “that” , 故選 “which” 而不是 “that”


Who is the man that is helping you? 不用 “who” , 避免重復(fù)

7. He is the sort of person...everyone admires.他就是每個人都很羨慕的那種人

person 是先行詞, 在從句中做賓語


admire v.贊美, 欽佩, 羨慕

總結(jié) :

在做翻譯或閱讀時, 先找句子的主干, 剩下的是各修飾成分

考定語從句時, 備選答案更加難以選出, 要仔細(xì)分辨, 再復(fù)習(xí)一下這七道題

【Multiple choice questions】多項選擇題

6.It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. I've never seen ______

a.an ugly one b.an ugliest one c.the ugliest one d.an uglier one


This is the cleanest street I have ever seen.

答案 : D


better than anything else 最好

The teacher is the tallest in the room.

The teacher is taller than anyone else in the room.

I have never seen a taller one.

I have never bought a more expensive one.

7 ______ of them has been turned to stone.

a.No one b.Not one c.No d.Even one

課文中為 none of

No 是形容詞, 后加名詞

no one =nobody (“nobody” 指的是人, 它將 “cars” 排除了是不對的)


可以用的有 : neither of/none of/both of/all of

none of =not one of

9 He is a rare person. You ______ meet such people.

a.often b.never c.seldom d.sometimes

9. C

rarely=seldom 幾乎不

rarely adv.很少地, 罕有地 / seldom adv.很少, 不常

10 Not all car owners are good ______ .

a.guides b.conductors c.leaders d.drivers

選 D.

not all 不是所有的

Not all students are good.

Not all children are naughty.


12 The signs haven't had any effect. They haven't ______ anyone.

a.affected b.effected c.resulted in d.imposed

12. A

have effect 有效果

影響 effect .n.

affect .v.


My wife (drives) (leads) a car. She has (driven) (ridden) a car for many years (and) (but) she says that women drivers (do not deserve) (are not worth) their bad reputation. Yet, on the road, she often (criticizes) (judges) other women drivers.

drives/driven/and/do not deserve/criticizes

reputation n.名譽(yù), 名聲

judge n.法官, 審判員, 裁判員, 鑒賞家, 鑒定人, (J-)最高的審判者 vt.審理, 鑒定, 判斷, 判決, 斷定, 認(rèn)為 vi.下判斷, 作評價


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