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生活大爆炸第二季09.The White Asparagus Triangulation: Sheldon想促進(jìn)Leonard和醫(yī)生的關(guān)系事件





[00:00.56]Penny,hello. Penny 你好

[00:02.66]Hey,Sheldon. 好呀 Sheldon

[00:04.35]What is shaking? 有啥新鮮事不?

[00:08.60]I'm sorry? 你說什么呢?

[00:09.81]It's colloquial,a conversation opener. 一個(gè)口語化的開場白

[00:13.63]So,do you find the weather satisfying? 天氣很怡人 對(duì)吧?

[00:16.23]Are you currently sharing in the triumph some local sports team? 為最近本地球隊(duì)的勝績興奮吧?

[00:20.77]What's wrong with you? You're freaking me out. 你到底咋了? 這樣怪嚇人的

[00:23.62]I'm striking up a casual conversation with you. 我在跟你閑聊哇

[00:26.98]S'up? 咋樣?

[00:33.35]Please don't do that. 你行行好 別

[00:35.52]All right,but I'm given to understand that when you have something awkward to discuss with someone, 好吧 但我以為當(dāng)你準(zhǔn)備與某人 交談尷尬之事前

[00:39.26]it's more palatable to preface it with banal chit chat. 先用閑聊做些鋪墊會(huì)自在一些

[00:43.89]So,this wasn't the awkward part? 尷尬的部分還沒到?

[00:48.54]No. 沒啊

[00:52.19]Oh,all right. S'up? 好吧 啥~事啊?

[00:57.64]Oh,good,I used that right. 很好 看來我這句用對(duì)了

[01:00.40]Anyway,you're aware that Leonard has entered into a new romantic relationship 總之呢 你知道Leonard開始一段新戀情了

[01:04.80]which includes a sexual component? 牽扯到性關(guān)系那種

[01:10.01]Okay,feeling the awkward now. 我現(xiàn)在可感到尷尬了

[01:13.81]Her name is Dr. Stephanie Barnett and she is a highly distinguished surgical resident at Freemont Memorial. 那女的叫Stephanie Barnett 弗里蒙特醫(yī)院的有名外科住院醫(yī)生

[01:19.19]Yeah,Leonard told me. 知道 Leonard給我說過的

[01:20.24]Good. What he may have left out is how important this relationship is to me. 那就好 有個(gè)事他可能忘說了 就是這段關(guān)系對(duì)我至關(guān)重要

[01:26.94]To you? 對(duì)你重要?

[01:27.68]Yes,see,of the handful of women Leonard's been involved with, 在Leonard交往過的 為數(shù)不多的女人中

[01:31.08]she's the only one I have ever found tolerable. 她是唯一一個(gè)我可以忍受的

[01:38.88]Well,what about me? 那我呢?

[01:41.37]The statement stands for itself. 事實(shí)如此 由不得我

[01:45.84]Well,aren't you sweet? 難為你了

[01:47.16]Anyway,should you have any interaction with her, 你是不是該和她交流下的?

[01:49.64]it would be most helpful that she not see you as a sexual rival. 免得她把你當(dāng)競爭對(duì)手

[01:55.59]Yeah,I think she's pretty safe. 我覺得她可安全的很咯

[01:58.10]You say that now,but consider the following scenario: 你現(xiàn)在是這樣說 但設(shè)想下哈

[02:01.12]You're sitting in your apartment,it's late,you're alone. 可當(dāng)你夜深獨(dú)居閨房 孤枕難眠

[02:04.23]Your hypothalamus is swimming in a soup of estrogen and progesterone 雌激素和孕酮刺激你的下丘腦 使你饑渴難耐

[02:08.58]and suddenly even Leonard seems like a viable sexual candidate. 就連Leonard也突然成為 適合的交配對(duì)象了

[02:15.18]Or a,uh,"hookup" as it's referred to by today's urban youth. 或者說"吊男人" 當(dāng)今大都市 青年人口頭常念叨的

[02:19.46]- Really? - Yes. - 是咩? - 是的

[02:20.98]Now,should that happen,I would ask you to find some way to suppress your libido. 以防萬一 我希望你找些 壓抑性沖動(dòng)的法子

[02:28.81]I could think about you. 那我想想你就解決了

[02:33.73]Fine,whatever works. 可以 只要奏效我無所謂

[02:37.40]Always nice talking to you,Sheldon. 和你聊天總是很"愉快" Sheldon

[02:39.81]Uh,peace out! 癟癟!

[03:17.15]Well,this is very pleasant. 這真是太愜意了

[03:20.79]Glad you're enjoying yourself. 很高興你開心

[03:23.03]And you said there'd never be enough pasta for the three of us. 你還說意面肯定不夠三人吃咧

[03:26.77]I stand corrected. 我認(rèn)錯(cuò)

[03:28.53]You know,Italian housewives have a rule of thumb. 要知道 意大利主婦們有套經(jīng)驗(yàn)

[03:31.22]A ndful of dry pasta about an inch in diameter 一把直徑大約一英寸的干意面

[03:34.09]is sufficient for each person as it doubles in volume when cooked. 煮熟后量會(huì)翻倍 足夠每個(gè)人吃了

[03:39.39]- That's very interesting. - Thank you. - 真是有趣 - 謝

[03:41.20]She doesn't mean it. She's just being nice. 她不是那意思 只是客套話

[03:46.34]Well,Stephanie,since Leonard seems to be dropping the conversational ball, Stephanie 既然Leonard不要聊天

[03:49.84]I guess I'll just have to pick it up. 讓我找點(diǎn)話題接過來吧

[03:59.76]Have you ever witnessed a violent crime? 你目擊過暴力犯罪嗎?

[04:05.17]- No. - Good. - 沒 - 那就好

[04:06.87]What's your favorite fruit? 你最喜歡什么水果?

[04:10.01]Uh,strawberries. 草莓吧

[04:11.16]Hmm,technically not a fruit,but all right. 準(zhǔn)確的講不算水果 但還好

[04:15.47]Where did you do your medical internship? 你在哪個(gè)醫(yī)院做實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生的?

[04:17.78]Uh,Lawrence Memorial in Galveston,Texas. 德州加爾維斯頓的勞倫斯醫(yī)院

[04:19.91]Really? That's where I was born! 真的? 那可是我的出生地!

[04:24.75]You're kidding! 不是開玩笑吧!

[04:26.12]I spent so much of my childhood at that hospital. 我童年不少時(shí)間在那醫(yī)院度過的

[04:28.61]When I was 12,I got to re there in a helicopter. 我12那年 被直升飛機(jī)送去的

[04:32.95]Why,w-w-what happened? 為什么 發(fā)生了什么?

[04:34.20]Radiation burns. 放射線燒傷

[04:36.26]A little mishap while I was building my own CAT scanner. 自制分層造影(CAT)掃描機(jī)時(shí) 發(fā)生了點(diǎn)小事故

[04:39.97]I'm sorry,you tried to build your own CAT scanner? 不是吧 你想自制CAT掃描儀?

[04:42.84]No,I didn't try,I succeeded. 不 不是想 我做出來了

[04:45.25]In fact,I was briefly able to see the inside of my sister's guinea pig,Snowball, 我基本看到我姐的豚鼠-雪球球的內(nèi)部咯

[04:48.57]before he caught fire. 然后它就著火了

[04:51.69]It led to an interesting expression in our house: 于是就有了我家那句玩笑話

[04:53.62]Not a Snowball's chance in a CAT scanner. 雪球別想在掃描儀里活命 (CAT=貓 雪球=豚鼠)

[04:58.45]Uh,Sheldon? 嗯 Sheldon?

[05:01.05]Excuse me. 抱歉離開下

[05:03.23]When I come back,just for fun,the subject will be alternative history. 等我回來 為了有趣些 話題將是:歷史的分叉點(diǎn)

[05:06.57]Specifically,how would the Civil War have gone differently 尤其是 如果林肯是未來送來的機(jī)器人

[05:09.43]if Lincoln had been a robot sent from the future? 內(nèi)戰(zhàn)會(huì)有如何不同的發(fā)展呢?

[05:17.41]Look at that,there's even pasta left over. 看嘛 還有沒吃完的意面

[05:20.94]Do you understand that this was supposed to be a date? 你知道這本應(yīng)是次約會(huì)嗎?

[05:23.78]I do. Do you? 我知道哦 你知道嗎?

[05:25.44]Because frankly,you've been in a foul mood since I sat down. 老實(shí)講 因?yàn)樽晕易?你的心情就一直很惡劣

[05:32.15]Okay,here's my question. 好嘛 那我問你

[05:34.31]Why did you sit down? 你為啥要坐下來?

[05:37.21]To help. 幫忙呀

[05:38.15]Look,if you fail at this relationship,and history suggests you will, 如果你這次搞砸 歷史證明你會(huì)喲

[05:43.86]then we risk losing the medical officer that our landing party has always needed. 那我們有可能失去登陸先頭部隊(duì) 一直需要的醫(yī)療官哦

[05:51.02]What landing party? 什么登陸先頭部隊(duì)? (星際旅行每次都會(huì)先遣隊(duì)登陸探險(xiǎn))

[05:54.31]You're Kirk,I'm Spock,Wolowitz is Scotty,Koothrappali is the guy who always gets killed... 你是Kirk 我是Spock Wolowitz是Scotty Koothrappali是那個(gè)老被干掉的角色...

[06:01.63]and now we've got McCoy. 現(xiàn)在我們可算找到McCoy了 (McCoy星際中的醫(yī)療官)

[06:11.68]So,we're all standing around looking at the post-op X ray and there it is, 我們都圍著看手術(shù)后的x光片

[06:15.81]clear as day,right in the guy's chest cavity... 十分顯眼 就在那家伙的胸腔里

[06:18.52]one of my earrings. 我的一只耳環(huán)

[06:21.44]Oh,my God,what did you do? 我的天 你都做了些什么啊?

[06:24.58]What do you think I did? 我還能做什么?

[06:25.91]I discreetly slipped off the other earring,put it in my pocket and then got the hell out of there! 我小心地取下另外一只 放進(jìn)口袋 然后溜了出來!

[06:32.16]I have a bone to pick with you,sir. 先生 我可得和你評(píng)評(píng)理

[06:36.24]- Hi,Sheldon. - Hi,Stephanie. - 你好 Sheldon - 你好 Stephanie

[06:37.88]I'm sorry I'm late,but your companion left the most indecipherable invitation. 抱歉 遲來了 你的同伴留下了 最難破譯的邀請(qǐng)函

[06:42.91]What invitation? 什么邀請(qǐng)?

[06:45.96]We're going to the movies. 我們看電影去了

[06:48.07]What movie? What theater? What time? 啥電影 啥影院 啥時(shí)候

[06:52.58]If you were trying to make it impossible to locate you,you couldn't have done a better job. 如果你想讓別人找不到你 你應(yīng)該做的更絕一點(diǎn)

[06:56.52]Oh,clearly I could have. 哦 很明顯我是該這么做

[07:00.26]It took me nearly 20 minutes to go through the browser history on your computer to see 我用了將近20分鐘 查看你電腦里的歷史記錄

[07:03.20]what movie times you looked up. 查找你都搜索過什么電影

[07:06.55]Wait here,I'll find us seats. 呆在這 我去找找咱們的座位

[07:08.04]Uh,no,we have seats. 不用阿 我們有座位了

[07:09.32]Not the right seats. 不是"正確"的座位

[07:22.06]What is he doing? 他在搞什么飛機(jī)

[07:23.25]He's finding the acoustic sweet spot. 他要找一個(gè)"余音繞梁"的地兒

[07:30.28]Does he always do this? 他經(jīng)常這么干嗎

[07:32.07]Sometimes he brings a toy xylophone. 有時(shí)他還會(huì)自帶玩具木琴

[07:41.72]I am really sorry about this. 我對(duì)這一切很抱歉

[07:44.00]No,it's fine. You know,he's sweet. 不 我沒事 你知道的 他人很好

[07:54.26]My apologies,you've been sitting in it all along. 怪我 不就是你們一直坐的地兒嘛

[07:57.58]Leonard,you want to slide over one? Leonard 你能往那邊移一個(gè)位置嗎

[07:59.11]No,just sit here. 不行 你好好坐這就得了

[08:16.80]Oh,yeah,this is it. 乖乖 就是這兒了

[08:21.47]Leonard. Leonard? Leonard? Leonard

[08:25.43]What,Sheldon? What,Sheldon? What,Sheldon? 干嘛 Sheldon

[08:29.69]Tell me what you see here. 告訴我你看到了什么

[08:31.35]The blunt instrument that will be the focus of my murder trial? 這笨重的電腦將會(huì)是我謀殺你的兇器?

[08:35.37]This is Stephanie's Facebook page. 這是Stephanie的Facebook

[08:37.45]Now,where it should say "in a relationship," what does it say? 本該填"戀愛中"的地方 看她寫了啥

[08:40.70]Stephanie Barnett is single. Stephanie Barnett 單身

[08:42.32]Yeah,furthermore,earlier this evening,she threw a digital sheep at some guy named Mike. 沒錯(cuò) 還有呢 今晚早些時(shí)候 她送了一叫Mike的一只電子寵物羊

[08:49.81]Who's Mike? Why does he get a digital sheep and not you? Mike是哪根蔥 為什么他得到 一只寵物羊而你沒有

[08:53.93]It's just her Facebook page and we've only been going out a couple of weeks. 這只不過是她的Facebook 拜托 我們才拍拖了幾個(gè)星期

[08:57.99]You don't see it,do you? We're losing her. 你眼瞎了嗎 我們要失去她了

[09:03.57]Okay,I'm going to make this very simple for you. 這樣子 我和你直說了吧

[09:06.46]You are not in this relationship. 你和她沒有什么關(guān)系

[09:10.75]I am. 我才有

[09:12.93]Ergo,you have no say in anything that happens between me and Stephanie. 所以說 我和Stephanie的事 都輪不到你來插嘴

[09:21.49]I'm afraid I can't allow that. 很抱歉 恐怕我不能放任不管

[09:24.52]Pursuant to Starfleet General Order 104,Section A: 根據(jù)星際艦隊(duì)總則104條A款

[09:26.85]You are deemed unfit and I hereby relieve you of your command. 你已經(jīng)被視為瀆職 我因此解除你的職務(wù)

[09:33.60]General Order 104,Section A does not apply in this situation. 星際艦隊(duì)總則104條A款 不適用于這個(gè)狀況

[09:36.92]Give me one good reason why not. 給我一個(gè)信服的理由 為什么不行

[09:38.42]Because this is not Star Trek! 因?yàn)檫@不是星際迷航

[09:46.90]Penny? Penny? Penny? Penny Penny Penny

[09:51.51]What? 什么事

[09:53.00]This is banana bread. 這是香蕉面包

[09:56.96]This is a door knob. 這是門把手

[10:00.84]It's my understanding that an unsolicited gift of food can be a precursor 我認(rèn)為主動(dòng)送來食物就意味著

[10:04.75]to an impromptu invitation to come in and chat. 即刻邀請(qǐng)對(duì)方進(jìn)門并聊天

[10:10.60]Sheldon,would youlike to come in? Sheldon 你想進(jìn)來坐坐嗎

[10:12.59]I suppose I could spare a few minutes. 我想我應(yīng)該可以小待一會(huì)

[10:19.14]Were you robbed? 你被抄家了嗎

[10:23.03]No. 沒有

[10:24.77]How can you be sure? 你怎么能這么肯定

[10:27.23]Sheldon,what do you want? Sheldon 你到底要干嘛

[10:28.80]I'm certain this will come as no surprise to you, 我肯定你已經(jīng)見怪不怪了

[10:31.01]but Leonard is failing in yet another relationship. Leonard的戀情又一次玩完了

[10:34.45]He's having problems with Stephanie? 他和Stephanie要吹了嗎

[10:35.93]She's sending virtual livestock to random men on the Internet. 她送了一個(gè)電子寵物給了網(wǎng)上的陌生男子

[10:40.35]If Iave any hope of keeping them together,I need data. 想要他們倆破鏡重圓的話 我需要統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)據(jù)

[10:42.96]Specifically,I need to know exactly what Leonard did 具體來說呢 我想知道Leonard做了些什么

[10:46.12]that caused you to pop an emotional cap in his buttocks. 能讓你對(duì)他的小朋友敞開大門

[10:51.75]- What? - Again,urban slang. - 什么 - 再說一次 俚語

[10:54.12]In which,I believe I'm gaining remarkable fluency. 我覺得我已經(jīng)說的很溜了

[10:58.28]So,what is the "down" and the "low"? "低潮"啊啥的是什么?

[11:00.68]And don't worry,this is all entirely confidential, 別擔(dān)心 這完全保密

[11:03.05]so,you feel free to include any and all shortcomings in the bedroom. 臥室里的任何"不愉快" 你都可以和我敞開心扉

[11:07.67]We never got to the bedroom. 我們沒有到那一步

[11:10.08]Because? 原因是

[11:13.80]Oh,okay,all right,you know what? 好的 這樣子 你知道嗎

[11:16.58]I'll tell you what happened. 我告訴你發(fā)生了什么

[11:19.50]We were young,we were very much in love, 我們兩小無猜 墜入愛河不能自拔

[11:22.56]but we could only communicate through a time-traveling mailbox at my lake house. 卻只能守在湖邊小屋 用一個(gè)穿越時(shí)空的信箱互相通信

[11:32.04]It's not enough that you made me watch that movie,but now you mock me with it? 你逼著我看了那電影還不夠 現(xiàn)在還要戲弄我是吧

[11:39.31]Gentlemen,I have a question about dating and relationships. 先生們 我有一個(gè)拍拖方面的問題

[11:49.68]You told me you were going to have the talk with him. 你和我說過 你會(huì)和他好好談?wù)劦?/p>

[11:53.50]I've been waiting for someone to have the talk with me. 我一直在等別人跟我談呢

[11:56.89]More to the point,it's about finding a way to keep Leonard and Stephanie together. 總的來說 就是要想辦法 讓Leonard和Stephanie在一起

[12:00.96]Oh,I don't think you can. 我覺得你辦不到

[12:02.23]Well,why not? 為什么

[12:03.24]Look at Leonard's record. 27 days with Joyce Kim. 看看Leonard的情史 和Joyce Kim共度了27天

[12:06.76]During which she defected to North Korea. 包括她去朝鮮的那段時(shí)間

[12:09.99]Two booty calls with Leslie Winkle. 和Leslie Winkle做了兩次炮友

[12:12.55]For which she awarded him the nickname Speed of Light Leonard. 她還授予了他一個(gè)外號(hào) 閃電俠Leonard

[12:16.73]And the three hour dinner with Penny. 和Penny共進(jìn)了三小時(shí)的晚餐

[12:18.78]Which would have been two and a half if they ordered the souffle when they sat down. 從他們坐下來 點(diǎn)了蛋奶酥算起 只有兩個(gè)半小時(shí)

[12:23.19]Based on the geometric progression, 根據(jù)等比級(jí)數(shù)定律

[12:24.78]his relationship with Stephanie should have ended after 20 minutes. 他和Stephanie的關(guān)系本應(yīng)在 見面后的20分鐘后結(jié)束

[12:28.49]Yes,I'm aware of the math. 這個(gè)我會(huì)算

[12:29.78]Y equals 27 days over 12 to the nth. Y等于27天的12次方根

[12:32.29]The issue remains. 問題依舊

[12:35.06]How do we circumvent his inevitable rejection? 我們怎么避免他被甩這個(gè)怪圈呢

[12:37.88]Well,if you want to guarantee his appeal to Stephanie, 想要確保他一直和Stephanie在一起

[12:40.06]your best bet would be to kill all the other men on the planet. 大招就是宰了地球上的其他男人

[12:45.46]I'll tell you what you shouldn't do. 我來告訴你啥不該做

[12:46.43]Don't shpritz him with that body spray from the commercial where the women undress when they smell it. 不要往他身上噴廣告里那種香水 女人一聞到立馬脫衣服那個(gè)

[12:50.62]That doesn't work at all. 一點(diǎn)都不管用

[12:55.74]No matter how much you put on. 不管你往身上噴多少

[12:59.32]So,that's all you've got? Apocalyptic genocide and "go easy on the cologne"? 這就是你們給出的建議 種族滅決和少用古龍水

[13:05.46]- Yeah. - Yes. - 對(duì)頭 - 沒錯(cuò)

[13:09.76]Penny. Penny? Penny Penny

[13:12.58]What? 咋了

[13:18.94]Penny? Penny

[13:25.51]Zucchini bread. 青瓜面包

[13:28.00]Oh,thank you. 謝謝

[13:29.45]- May I come in? - No. - 我能進(jìn)來嗎 - 不行

[13:32.47]I see. Apparently,my earlier inquiry regarding you and Leonard crossed some sort of line. 我知道 之前我詢問你和Leonard的 問題有點(diǎn)過頭了

[13:38.04]I apologize. 我鄭重道歉

[13:40.12]Well,thank you. 謝謝

[13:41.95]- So,have you and I returned to a social equilibrium? - Yes. - 那么 你和我回到社會(huì)平衡點(diǎn)上了? - 是的

[13:44.72]Great. New topic. 很好 新話題

[13:47.03]Where are you in your menstrual cycle? 你的經(jīng)期是什么時(shí)候?

[13:53.05]What? 什么?

[13:54.02]I've been doing some research online,and apparently female primates, 我在網(wǎng)上做研究 很顯然 雌性靈長類

[13:57.49]you know,uh,apes,chimpanzees,you. 呃 像猿類 黑猩猩 還有你

[14:01.63]They find their mate more desirable when he's being courted by another female. 當(dāng)雄性配偶被其他雌性包圍時(shí) 對(duì)他們的欲望會(huì)顯著提高

[14:05.10]Now,this effect is intensified when the rival female 這種饑渴度會(huì)隨著競爭雌性的

[14:07.87]is secreting the pheromones associated with ovulation. 排卵信息素的分泌而增加

[14:10.74]Which brings me back to my question.Where are you in your-- 跟著也就回到我的問題 你的經(jīng)期是....

[14:16.59]Clearly,I'm 14 days too early. 看樣子 她大姨媽還有14天才來

[14:21.80]All I'm saying is if they can cure yellow fever and malaria, 如果他們能治愈黃熱病和瘧疾

[14:25.18]why can't they do something about lactose intolerance? 咋就不想辦法治治不耐乳糖癥呢?

[14:30.32]Leonard,you're going to have to let this go. Leonard 別再折磨自己了

[14:32.25]You had a little cheese dip,you farted. 吃點(diǎn)乳酪就放屁

[14:34.21]I thought it was cute. 我覺得很可愛呀

[14:38.24]Oh,hi,Stephanie. 噢 嗨 Stephanie

[14:41.62]Want some more wine? 還要酒嗎?

[14:42.70]Yeah,I mean,I assume I'm not driving anywhere tonight. 好的呀 我想今晚我不用開車了

[14:58.64]What are you doing? 你在干嘛?

[15:00.06]I have a craving for white asparagus that apparently is destined to go unsatisfied. 我很渴望吃白蘆筍 看情形是沒法滿足了

[15:10.65]Excuse me. 失陪下

[15:14.42]What the hell is wrong with you? 你到底在干嘛?

[15:15.65]I'm helping you with Stephanie. 我在幫你和Stephanie

[15:17.06]By making constipated moose sounds? 就憑學(xué)便秘的麋鹿叫?

[15:20.78]When I fail to open this jar and you succeed,it will establish you as the "alpha" male. 我開不了這瓶罐頭 而你能打開 就可以樹立你的猛男形象

[15:25.05]You see...when a female witnesses an exhibition of physical domination, 是這樣的... 當(dāng)雄性在雌性面前展現(xiàn)肌肉

[15:28.93]she produces the hormone oxytocin. 雌性會(huì)釋放荷爾蒙催產(chǎn)素

[15:31.03]If the two of you then engage in intercourse, 如果你倆之后進(jìn)行性交

[15:32.78]this will create the biochemical reaction in the brain 大腦里會(huì)產(chǎn)生生化反應(yīng)

[15:35.09]which lay people naively interpret as "falling in love." 普通人會(huì)天真地以為是"相愛了"

[15:43.43]Would it work if I just punched you in the face? 那揍你一拳能不能達(dá)到效果?

[15:47.57]Yes,actually it would,but let's see how the lid goes. 嗯 應(yīng)該可以 但我們還是擰蓋子吧

[15:51.36]I'm not strong enough,Leonard,you'll have to do it. 我不夠強(qiáng)壯 Leonard 你得幫幫我

[15:55.60]Oh,for God's sakes. 噢 上帝呀

[15:57.13]Go ahead,it's pre-loosened. 來吧 這罐之前開封過的

[16:13.00]Do you want some help with that? 要不要幫忙?

[16:14.25]No,no,no,I got it. 不 不 不 我能搞定

[16:18.25]No,yeah,yeah,he's got it,and that's not surprising. 是的 是的 他能搞定 沒啥意外的

[16:20.71]This is something I long ago came to peace with in my role as the beta male. 我早就安分于自己的小弟身份

[16:27.41]Open it. 快打開

[16:35.21]Oh,my God,are you okay? 噢 天哪 你還好吧?

[16:37.53]No,I'm not. I'm bleeding. 不 我不好 我在流血

[16:39.12]Like a gladiator! 如角斗士般淌著血!

[16:41.77]Oh,honey,you're going to need stitches. 噢 寶貝 你得縫針了

[16:43.61]Stitches? With a needle? 縫針? 用針來縫?

[16:46.18]Well,yeah,I mean,just a few. 嗯 是的 用不了幾針

[16:48.04]Oh,okay,yeah,hang on a sec. 噢 好的 等一下下

[17:01.86]FYI,I was defrosting a steak in there. 那啥 我放了塊牛肉在那里解凍

[17:08.68]What a beautiful job Stephanie did. Stephanie的活干得真漂亮

[17:12.11]I might have gone with a mattress suture instead of a blanket stitch, 雖然我更喜歡褥式縫合法 而不是毯邊鎖縫針法

[17:14.60]but you can' argue with her results. 但她的杰作無可挑剔

[17:16.99]It's a shame it won't scar. 不會(huì)結(jié)疤真是可惜了

[17:18.81]The war wound is a time-honored badge of masculinity. 戰(zhàn)傷是男子氣概的永恒標(biāo)志

[17:24.19]I can't remember a time when you weren't talking. 我不記得你啥時(shí)候消停過

[17:28.66]Just for the record,my efforts to establish you as the alpha male 聲明一下 我努力為你營造猛男形象

[17:31.79]were not aided by you bursting into tears. 卻被你的嚎啕大哭給毀了

[17:33.99]I did not burst into tears,my eyes jusgot a little watery. 我才沒哭呢 只是我眼睛濕潤了一下

[17:37.57]Watery? 濕潤?

[17:39.14]She stuck a needle into my hand! 她可是往我手上插針呀!!

[17:42.92]Hey,how's my big cry baby. 嘿 我的愛哭寶貝怎么樣了

[17:46.78]I didn't cry. 我沒有哭

[17:48.54]Okay,I'm just teasing you. But,yeah,you did. 好吧 算我在戲弄你 但是 你的確哭了

[17:53.41]Okay,it's all good. What do you say we get you home and put you to bed? 很好 傷口沒問題 我們把你送回家 躺床上去怎么樣?

[17:56.23]Oh,are you still going to spend the night? 噢 你還會(huì)留下過夜嗎?

[17:58.51]Uh,no,I think that you probablyeed to rest. 呃 不了 我想你需要好好休息

[18:01.20]She's right. As long as you're vomiting,coitus is contra-indicated. 她說的對(duì) 只要你還在嘔吐 性交不會(huì)爽到哪里去

[18:06.29]Thank you,Dr. Cooper. 謝謝你 Cooper醫(yī)生

[18:08.43]You're welcome,Dr. Hofstadter. 不客氣 Hofstadter博士

[18:14.19]Okay,I'm going to go get your discharge papers. 好吧 我去拿你的出院單

[18:19.97]What? 干嘛?

[18:20.97]Well,you seem like a perfectly pleasant person. 你看上去是個(gè)很親切的人

[18:23.65]I can't understand why women have such a hard time loving you. 真不明白 要女人愛你咋就那么困難

[18:34.58]Hey,can you open this for me? 嘿 能幫我打開嗎?

[18:37.09]- Can I see your stitches? - Sure. - 能看下你的縫線嗎? - 當(dāng)然

[18:45.00]Answering the question once and for all why Wolowitz bailed out of medical school. 解答了為何Wolowitz退出醫(yī)學(xué)院的問題

[18:50.13]Leonard,congratulations. Leonard 恭喜你

[18:51.98]What for? 恭喜什么?

[18:52.74]Your Facebook status update. 你Facebook的狀態(tài)更新了

[18:54.73]Leonard Hofstadter is "in a relationship." Leonard Hofstadter"戀愛中"

[18:58.04]What? No. No,that's not right. 什么? 不 不 不對(duì)啊

[19:00.65]Oh,man,did you switch your status before she did? 噢 伙計(jì) 你在她改狀態(tài)之前就改了?

[19:05.46]Speaking as an expert,way to look needy. 身為專家 我不得不說 你太饑渴了唄

[19:09.58]Seriously? You went first,after only two weeks? 真的? 你想改了 才兩周誒

[19:12.62]That's bold... 真是厲害呀...

[19:14.63]It's not bold,it's a mistake. I didn't change my status. 不是厲害 是錯(cuò)誤 我沒有改我的狀態(tài)呀

[19:18.55]Well,then who did? 那是誰改的?

[19:24.84]I had no choice. He cried in front of her. 我沒的選擇 他在她面前哭了

[19:29.17]You hacked my Facebook account? 你黑進(jìn)我的Facebook賬號(hào)?

[19:31.63]Oh,it's hardly hacking when you use the same password for everything,"Kal-El." 噢 你所有的密碼都是"Kal-EL" 這還用得著我黑嗎?

[19:37.73]Are you insane? 你是不是瘋了?

[19:39.15]Now she's going to think I'm desperate. 現(xiàn)在她會(huì)以為我很心急

[19:40.99]You've destroyed this relationship! 你毀了這段戀情!

[19:43.41]And you want to know what the worst part is? 想知道最糟糕的是什么嗎?

[19:45.23]You don't even understand what you did wrong because you can't conceive of something 你甚至不知道自己哪里做錯(cuò)了

[19:49.26]that you are not an expert in! 因?yàn)槟悴辉谛械氖履闶歉刹粊淼?!

[19:52.16]- In which I am not an expert... - Don't even! - 我不是專家... - 別跟我辯!

[19:57.88]I don't want to hear another word out of you. 我不想再聽你說一個(gè)字

[20:03.42]What's wrong,Lassie? Timmy fall down the well? 怎么了 小妹妹 Timmy掉進(jìn)井里去了?

[20:11.18]She just updated her Facebook status. 她剛剛更新了Facebook狀態(tài)

[20:13.78]"Stephanie Barnett is in a relationship with Leonard Hofstadter." "Stephanie Barnett和 Leonard Hofstadter戀愛中"

[20:19.14]Really? 真的?

[20:22.84]Oh,look at that. I have a girlfriend. 噢 看哪 我有女朋友了

[20:27.19]If I am permitted to speak again,Dr. Sheldon Cooper for the win. 如果能允許我再次說話 制勝法寶Sheldon Cooper博士


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