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[00:00.50]Okay. Are you from the Star Wars universe? 好吧 你是來自<星戰(zhàn)>嗎

[00:03.89]Yes. 是的

[00:05.12]- Were you in the original trilogy? - Yes. - 你是<星戰(zhàn)>原三部曲里的嗎? - 是的

[00:07.12]Oh,is tre a picture of you in my llet wearing metal bikini? 噢 我錢包里照片上那個(gè) 穿著金屬比基尼的是你嗎

[00:12.82]God,I hope not. 老天 我希望不是

[00:15.14]And no,I'm not Princess Leia. 不是 我不是莉亞公主

[00:17.28]Okay,okay. My turn. 好了 好了 該我了

[00:18.99]- Are you in all six Star Wars movies? - Yes. - 你在六部<星戰(zhàn)>都出現(xiàn)過嗎? - 是的

[00:21.83]- Interestg. Are you a droid? - Yes. - 有趣 你是機(jī)器人嗎? - 是的

[00:24.97]Do you kind of look like a shiny Sheldon? 你長(zhǎng)的像閃閃發(fā)光的Sheldon嗎?

[00:29.80]Yes. 沒錯(cuò)

[00:31.87]- C-3PO. - You got it. - C-3PO - 猜對(duì)了!


[00:35.12]That's preposterous. I do not resemble C-3PO. 這太荒謬了 我和C-3PO沒有任何相似之處

[00:38.87]Don't get me wrong. I'm flattered. I just don't see it. 別誤會(huì) 事實(shí)上我受寵若驚 我沒看出來罷了

[00:47.56]Leslie Winkle. Leslie Winkle

[00:49.49]You've reached "Friends with Benefits." 你接通了"非常朋友"熱線

[00:52.89]For a booty call,press one now. 想找"炮友" 請(qǐng)按1號(hào)鍵

[00:58.12]What exactly does that expression mean,friends with benefits? "非常朋友"到底非常在哪里了?

[01:01.91]Does he provide her with health insurance? 他為她提供健康保險(xiǎn)了?

[01:05.63]No. Look,uh... 不 是這樣 呃...

[01:07.71]Imagine you maintained a friendship with someone you had sex with, 想像一下你和性伴侶維持朋友關(guān)系

[01:10.97]but you were free to date whoever you wanted. 同時(shí)你又可以自由和任何人約會(huì)

[01:14.87]I'm sorry. I can't imagine any of that. 抱歉 我完全想象不出

[01:18.54]All right. Back to the game. 我看咱們還是接著游戲吧

[01:20.39]I believe it's my turn. 應(yīng)該輪到我了

[01:21.67]You may begin your questions whenever you're ready. 你們準(zhǔn)備好了就可以開始提問

[01:24.13]Are you Spock? 你是史波克嗎?

[01:30.01]I don't like this game. 我不喜歡這游戲

[01:33.29]So,where were we? 我們剛才說到哪兒了?

[01:35.28]Aren't you leaving for your booty call? 你不去赴"炮友"之約嗎?

[01:36.76]No,it was something else. 不 是別的事

[01:38.50]Why does everything have to be about sex with you? Come on. 為什么所有事情都要跟性扯上關(guān)系? 拜托~

[01:41.57]- Whose turn is it? - We were up to you. - 輪到誰了? - 到你了 我們正等著呢

[01:43.48]Great. Just start. 很好 開始吧

[01:45.24]Okay,let's see. Are you from a TV series? 好 你是電視劇里的人物嗎

[01:49.14]She dumped me! 她把我甩了!

[01:54.13]I bet he's someone from Babylon 5. We're never going to get it. 我打賭他一定是<巴比倫5號(hào)>里的 我們永遠(yuǎn)也猜不著

[02:21.48]What happened with Leslie? Why did she dump you? Leslie怎么了? 她為什么要甩你?

[02:23.56]I don't know. She just said,Howard,Mama's a rolling stone. 我不知道 她只是說 Howard 媽媽是見異思遷的人

[02:30.40]Then her call waiting beeped and she was gone. 然后她的電話就變成語音留言 她離開了我

[02:35.53]I don't understand. 我不太明白

[02:37.07]If you were in a non-emotional relationship, 既然這是不談情只談性的關(guān)系

[02:39.65]then why are you having what appears to be an emotional response? 你為什么會(huì)對(duì)分手有如此情緒化的反應(yīng)?

[02:43.77]Sheldon,he obviously had feelings for her. Sheldon 他顯然是對(duì)她有感情了

[02:46.35]Of course I had feelings for her. 我當(dāng)然對(duì)她有感情

[02:48.13]I saw her naked,for God's sake. 我看見她赤果果了 拜托

[02:52.01]Okay,look,you just need to get your mind off it. 好吧 瞧 你現(xiàn)在需要徹底忘記這些

[02:54.40]Do you want to go to the comic book store? 你想去漫畫書店嗎?

[02:56.04]Maybe go see a movie? 或者去看電影?

[02:57.27]I don't want to go anywhere. 我哪兒也不想去

[02:59.46]You know,I'm given to understand that there's an entire city in Nevada 根據(jù)我的印象 在內(nèi)華達(dá)州有一個(gè)城市

[03:04.63]designed specifically to help people like Howard forget their problems. 是專為Howard這種想要 忘記煩心事兒的人設(shè)計(jì)的

[03:10.69]They can replace them with new problems such as alcoholism, 他們能讓新問題取代老問題 比如酗酒

[03:13.24]gambling addiction,and sexually transmitted diseases. 嗜賭成性還有性傳播疾病等

[03:18.87]Is it me,or was that Sheldon's way of saying,"Vegas,baby!"? 是我理解錯(cuò)了 還是Sheldon在說 "拉斯維加斯 寶貝兒!"?

[03:25.33]I've never been there. Have you? 我從沒去過那里 你去過嗎?

[03:26.89]Me? No. I just got "Vegas,baby!" from Vince Vaughn in Swingers. 我? 沒 這句"拉斯維加斯 寶貝兒!" 不過是跟<全職浪子>里文斯·沃恩學(xué)的

[03:32.64]It could be fun. I know my weekend's wide open,now that... 蠻有意思的樣子 我周末閑著呢 現(xiàn)在又...

[03:39.97]Okay,let's do this. Let's go to Las Vegas. 好吧 決定了 我們?nèi)ダ咕S加斯

[03:42.91]Now? Right now? 現(xiàn)在? 說走就走?

[03:44.29]Why not? People do things "right now," all the time. 為什么不? 人們總是會(huì)說干啥就干啥

[03:46.79]Why can't we be "right now" people,too? 為啥咱不能"說走就走"呢?

[03:48.94]Go home,pack a bag,and we'll be "right now" people. 去 收拾行李 咱也潮一把 說走就走

[03:52.32]I mean,I have to stop at the drug store to refill a prescription, 我是說 我得先去藥店再抓點(diǎn)藥

[03:54.64]but after that,we'll go right now. 但那之后 我們說走就走

[03:57.83]What do you say,Howard? 你怎么說 Howard

[03:59.57]I say... Vegas,baby! 我想說...拉斯維加斯 寶貝兒!

[04:03.07]What are you going to tell your mother? 那你怎么跟你老媽交待?

[04:04.37]Sea World,baby! 海洋世界 寶貝兒!

[04:10.62]y,Sheldon,are you coming? 嘿 Sheldon 你去嗎?

[04:12.18]I'd rather have a blowfly lay eggs and hatch larvae in my auditory canal. 我寧愿讓蒼蠅在我耳朵里產(chǎn)卵然后孵化

[04:19.55]Great. We'll bring you back a t-shirt. 好吧 我們會(huì)給你帶一件T恤回來

[04:25.68]Thank you. 謝謝

[04:28.01]- Hello,neighbor. - Hello,Sheldon. - 你好 鄰居 - 你好 Sheldon

[04:31.90]And how are you this fine evening? 這個(gè)美好的晚上你過得如何?

[04:34.26]- Great. - Good. I'm glad. - 很好 - 好 我很高興

[04:37.30]Really? Are you drunk? 真的嗎? 你喝醉了吧?

[04:40.21]I'm just in a good mood. 我這是心情好呀

[04:41.81]While my compatriots are in Las Vegas, 我的伙伴們?nèi)チ死咕S加斯

[04:44.22]I will be enjoying a blissful evening in my personal Fortress of Solitude. 我可以在我專屬的孤獨(dú)城堡里 度過一個(gè)愉悅的夜晚

[04:48.88]That's Superman's big ice thingy,right? 就是超人那個(gè)大冰窖 對(duì)吧?

[04:52.51]You know,I'm in such a good mood, 你知道嗎 我心情如此之好

[04:54.02]I'm actually finding your tenuous grasp of the English language folksy and charming today. 以至于覺得你英語的薄弱理解力 在我看來都變得親切和迷人了

[05:01.03]What smells so good? 什么東西聞起來這么香?

[05:02.99]That is the intoxicating aroma of Kadhai Paneer, 那是印度奶酪散發(fā)出的醉人芳香

[05:06.85]a perfect culinary representation of the freedom this evening holds. 它正象征著這個(gè)美好的自由之夜

[05:10.34]Not only is it Indian cuisine,which Koothrappali loathes, 它不僅是Koothrappali討厭的印度食品

[05:13.76]it contains a generous helping of peanuts, 里面還有大份的花生

[05:15.66]which would reduce Wolowitz to a wheezing 97-pound blister. 足以讓W(xué)olowitz變成個(gè) 97磅的直喘氣的大水皰

[05:20.96]And finally,its main ingredient is paneer, 最后 它的主料是凝乳干酪

[05:24.20]a farmer's cheese that would cause Leonard to render any room uninhabitable within minutes. 這種普通的農(nóng)夫干酪 能讓Leonard跟哪兒呆著都坐立不安

[05:32.71]Yum. 很美味哦

[05:35.16]Well,enjoy your big evening. 好吧 好好享受你這個(gè)盛大的夜晚

[05:37.53]Penny. I realize you're also on your own tonight,so if,at some point, Penny 我發(fā)現(xiàn)你今晚也是一個(gè)人 所以如果 在某個(gè)時(shí)候

[05:41.81]you find yourself with nothing to do,please do not disturb me. 你感覺到無聊了


[05:47.31]Have fun,Sheldon. 玩的愉快 Sheldon

[05:48.62]Oh,I shall. 噢 我會(huì)的

[06:01.37]No! 不~!

[06:05.61]What's wrong,Superman? Locked out of your big ice thingy? 怎么了 超人? 被你的大冰窖拒之門外了?

[06:18.23]Look at this. Mouthwash,lotion,body wash. 瞧瞧這些 漱口水 乳液 沐浴露

[06:21.37]Shampoo and conditioner together in one tiny bottle. 洗發(fā)水和護(hù)發(fā)素濃縮在一小瓶子里

[06:25.87]I love Las Vegas. 我愛拉斯維加斯

[06:28.99]Howard,could I borrow some aftershave? Howard 能借用一下須后水嗎?

[06:30.93]Black case,top compartment. 黑色包包 上面那層

[06:38.99]That's a lot of cologne. 古龍水也太多了吧

[06:40.58]First row are your musks. 第一排是麝香味的

[06:42.47]Second is woods,leathers and botanicals. 第二排是木香 皮革香和植物香系列

[06:45.30]Third is assorted pheromones. Tread lightly. 第三排是各種外激素 別亂用喲

[06:55.54]That's the spirit,Howard. Howard 這才是美國(guó)精神

[06:58.68]Yes,we can. 我們能行

[07:03.73]Come on. Let's go. 快 走吧

[07:04.58]You guys go ahead. I just have to finish up an email. 你們倆先去吧 我得寫完這封Email

[07:08.30]That's not an email. That's Leslie's Facebook page. 這哪是Email 是Leslie的Facebook頁面

[07:11.69]Okay,fine. I'm checking her Facebook page. 好吧 我在看她的Facebook頁面

[07:13.87]Look at her status update. She's saying she dumped me. 瞧瞧她的最新動(dòng)態(tài) 她說她甩了我

[07:16.32]People need to know I dumped her. 別人應(yīng)該知道是我甩了她

[07:19.12]But she did dump you. 可確實(shí)是她甩了你

[07:21.71]Grow up,Raj. There's no place for truth on the Internet. 別天真了 Raj 真相在因特網(wǎng)上是無處容身的

[07:27.83]Just go. I'll catch up with you. 你們先走 我等會(huì)兒就來

[07:30.36]All right. 行

[07:32.15]Oh,we should have a plan in case one of us gets lucky. 噢 我們得制定個(gè)計(jì)劃 以防萬一我們中有誰走桃花運(yùn)

[07:38.19]Okay,uh,if I get lucky,I'll take her to my stately manner outside Gotham City,and... 好啊 如果我走運(yùn)的話 我會(huì)帶她去哥譚市外的豪宅

[07:44.61]if you get lucky,I'll sleep on the moon. 而要是你走運(yùn)了 我就睡月亮上

[07:48.84]Sounds like a plan. 聽著不賴

[07:52.34]Hang on. I think the emergency key is around here somewhere. 等下 我覺得備用鑰匙就在這附近

[07:55.54]We have a bowl. 我們有個(gè)碗

[07:58.12]Our keys go in a bowl. 我們把鑰匙放在那個(gè)碗里

[08:00.80]You should get a bowl. 你也該弄個(gè)碗

[08:03.40]So,how did the beautiful mind of Sheldon Cooper forget his key in the first place? 那么 Sheldon Cooper的完美大腦 怎么會(huì)忘帶鑰匙了呢?

[08:08.31]I left them in the bowl. 我把它放在碗里了

[08:11.95]- I just remembered where the emergency key is. - Where? - 我記得備用鑰匙在哪兒 - 哪兒?

[08:14.68]In your apartment. 你屋里

[08:16.32]What's it doing in my apartment? 怎么跑到我們那去了?

[08:17.76]Well,I went in there a few weeks ago and you guys weren't home and I forgot it there. 我?guī)讉€(gè)禮拜前去你們那兒 你們正巧不在 我就忘在那兒了

[08:21.29]You went in my... Why would... What are you saying? 你去了我的... 為什么... 你在說什么?

[08:24.62]It's not a big deal. I was making coffee and I ran out of milk. 又沒啥大不了的 我不過是泡咖啡時(shí)沒牛奶了

[08:27.42]You're the milk thief! 你是那個(gè)偷奶賊!

[08:32.06]Leonard said I was crazy,but I knew that carton felt lighter. Leonard說我多心了 可我就是覺得盒子變輕了

[08:36.45]All right. Sheldon,look. Just calm down. 好吧 Sheldon 冷靜一點(diǎn)

[08:38.15]I will call the building manager and he'll come open your door. 我給大樓管理員打電話 他會(huì)來替你開門的

[08:40.79]You just eat your dinner here while you're waiting. 反正要在這兒等著 不如就把晚飯吃了吧

[08:42.59]Eat? My dinner? In your apartment? 在你屋里? 吃? 晚飯?

[08:45.79]Yeah. Why not? 是啊 有何不可?

[08:46.96]Sure. Why not? 沒錯(cuò) 有何不可?

[08:49.03]And after the sun's down,we can all pile in my pickup and go skinny-dipping down at the crick. 在日落之后 可以擠進(jìn)我的皮卡 一起去裸泳 游到它抽筋為止

[08:55.39]'Cause today's the day to stop making sense. 今天開始 一切都蠻不講理了


[09:02.48]I'm telling you,Leonard... video slots...

[09:04.71]free drinks brought to us by a bosomy barmaid and all you can eat shrimp for $3.95. 謝了

[09:05.38]我跟你說 Leonard 游戲屏...

[09:07.61]豐滿的酒吧女遞來的免費(fèi)飲料 還有3.95美元暢吃的大蝦

[09:12.02]Disneyland can suck it.


[09:17.06]This is the real happiest place on earth.


[09:23.40]Dude,check it out!

[09:24.89]That's laundry for a month! 老兄 瞧瞧!



[09:39.46]- What's your name? - Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali. 你好

[09:42.36]- 尊姓大名? - Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali

[09:44.16]Hello,Rajesh Ra-- Hi,Rajesh.

[09:47.06]你好 Rajesh Ra... 嗨 Rajesh

[09:49.03]I'm Michaela.


[09:51.57]So,you interested in a little party? 我叫Michaela

[09:53.09]你好 Michaela

[09:54.91]Why,yes,I love to party. 去狂歡你有興趣嗎?

[09:57.63]Party is my middle name. 當(dāng)然 我喜歡狂歡

[09:59.47]Or,it would be if it weren't Ramayan. 狂歡是我的中間名

[10:02.37]或者說 如果不是Ramayan的話就是了

[10:03.88]Uh,Raj,can I... can I talk to you for a moment?

[10:05.93]Not now,Leonard. Michaela's inviting me to a party. 呃 Raj 能不能... 能不能借一步說話?

[10:09.64]You better call the moon and make sure they have a bed for you. 現(xiàn)在不行 Leonard Michaela邀請(qǐng)我去狂歡呢

[10:12.54]你最好打電話上月球 問問那兒還有沒有你的床位

[10:15.40]Yeah. I really need to talk to you.

[10:18.27]Excuse me. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. Don't move. 我真的要和你談?wù)?/p>

[10:21.27]Just stay the beautiful,unspoiled American flower that you are. 抱歉 我馬上就回來 別走噢 也別動(dòng)


[10:27.08]What's wrong with you,dude? That woman was all up in my jammy.

[10:30.94]Okay.I hate to break this to you and whatever your "jammy" is, 老兄 你是怎么了? 那個(gè)女人已經(jīng)和我勾搭上了

[10:34.57]but I'm pretty sure she's a prostitute. 好 我也不想給你晴天霹靂 壞了你的"勾搭"好事

[10:38.36]What? No... 但我十分肯定她是個(gè)妓女

[10:41.26]什么? 不...

[10:43.11]Let me put it this way: In your entire life,

[10:45.49]how many gorgeous women have walked straight up to you in a bar and asked if you wanted to party? 這么說吧 在你這輩子中

[10:48.39]有多少漂亮女人會(huì)在酒吧里 徑直走向你 問你要不要出去狂歡?

[10:53.23]Maybe I can save her.

[10:57.56]Maybe,but I'm guessing it'll cost you about $500 an hour to try. 也許我能拯救她

[11:00.46]也許吧 但估計(jì)你試那一下 一個(gè)小時(shí)得花你500美刀

[11:06.64]It was lovely meeting you.

[11:07.98]Best of luck in your future endeavors.




[11:15.31]Oh,I miss her already. 隨便

[11:18.21]噢 我已經(jīng)開始想她了

[11:21.60]Oh,Howard's losing it.

[11:23.26]Check out his latest Twitters. 哦 Howard崩了

[11:25.57]"I'm at the bottom of a black holE staring into the abyss." 看看他最新的Twitter

[11:29.26]My life is meaningless. My future is without hope." "我身處黑洞的底部望向無盡深淵"

[11:32.88]Why don't we take him to see the Blue Man Group? "我的人生毫無意義 我的未來盡失希望"

[11:36.44]You think that'd help? 帶他去看藍(lán)人樂團(tuán)如何? (三個(gè)戴藍(lán)頭套穿黑衣服的音樂人)

[11:37.67]USA Today calls them "exuberant fun for the whole family."


[11:42.01]I don't know. Howard isn't really the family fun kind of guy. 今日美國(guó)把他們稱作 "全家人的非凡樂趣"

[11:44.91]我不清楚 Howard不像是那種 對(duì)家庭娛樂感興趣的人

[11:46.46]It's too bad he wasn't here for that hooker.

[11:48.88]She's exactly his type; a hooker. 可惜了 他沒能遇上那妓女

[11:51.78]她完全貼合他的要求 一個(gè)妓女

[11:53.51]You know,I bet if we hired her,that would cheer him up.

[11:57.06]We're not gonna get Wolowitz a hooker. 我打賭 如果我們雇了她 她能讓他打起精神來的


[12:03.99]"I'm so lonely and horny,I may open this $20 jar of peanuts and end it all."

[12:06.89]"我是如此孤獨(dú)而又饑渴 也許該干掉這罐20塊的花生 結(jié)束一切"

[12:15.26]I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get an estimate.


[12:22.89]So how was your day?

[12:26.49]Are you trying to make small talk? 你今天如何呀?

[12:28.97]Oh,sweetie,you really don't have to. 你想跟我聊聊?

[12:31.59]No,it's the accepted convention. 噢 親愛的 真的沒這必要

[12:34.49]不 這叫約定俗成

[12:36.84]How was your day?

[12:40.31]Well,uh,they shifted my schedule around at the restaurant,so my hours are gonna be a little differe... 你今天如何呀?

[12:44.52]I'm sorry. That's not going to interest me at all. Just eat. 餐廳的人調(diào)整了我的時(shí)間表 所以我上班的時(shí)間會(huì)有一點(diǎn)兒不同...

[12:47.42]抱歉 我對(duì)此完全不感興趣 吃就是了

[12:56.68]Hello again.

[12:59.49]Yeah,hi. Listen,um... 又是我

[13:01.72]if you're not busy,we were thinking maybe you could... 你好 聽著 嗯...

[13:04.62]要是你不忙的話 我們?cè)谙肽闶遣皇强梢?..

[13:06.19]We were wondering...

[13:07.71]if you're really a prostitute. 我們?cè)谙?..

[13:11.35]- You guys cops? - No. 你是不是真的是妓女

[13:12.86]I'm a prostitute. - 你們是警察? - 不

[13:15.64]Okay,great. 我是妓女


[13:25.37]Uh,the thing is,we've got this friend,and he's kind of down in the dumps.

[13:28.27]事情是這樣的 我們有個(gè)朋友 他最近有點(diǎn)兒情緒低落

[13:30.38]And we thought maybe you could cheer him up.

[13:33.17]With sex. 我們覺著也許你能讓他打起精神來

[13:36.94]I think she knows what I meant. OOXX

[13:38.55]How can she when you beat around the bh? 我覺得她明白我的意思

[13:40.41]She's from the mean streets where they shoot from the hip and keep it real. 你拐彎抹角的她怎么能明白?


[13:45.30]Don't worry. I can take good care of your friend.

[13:48.36]Okay,terrific. 別擔(dān)心 我可以照料好你們的朋友

[13:50.42]listen,is there a way that we can do this where he doesn't know that you're a, 太好了

[13:53.32]你有沒有辦法可以 讓他察覺不出來你...

[13:57.07]- you know... - Prostitute.

[14:00.41]You want the girlfriend experience. - 你知道的 - 是個(gè)妓女

[14:02.48]Yes. Yeah,exactly. The girlfriend experience. 想要女友般的體驗(yàn)?

[14:05.71]Actually,if it's not too much to ask,could we have the Jewish girlfriend experience? 對(duì) 沒錯(cuò) 就是女友般的體驗(yàn)

[14:08.61]實(shí)際上 不知道算不算過分 能來猶太女友的體驗(yàn)嗎?

[14:13.00]Okay,that's question 20. You have to guess.

[14:15.90]好 這是第20問了 你得猜猜看

[14:17.90]I don't know,Sheldon. Are you Star Wars?

[14:20.80]我不知道 Sheldon 你扮演的是星際大戰(zhàn)?

[14:23.54]How can one person be a whole movie?

[14:27.49]Okay,I give up. Can we just do something else? 一個(gè)人如何能夠扮演一整部電影

[14:30.03]Fine. 算了 我放棄 我們能干點(diǎn)別的嗎

[14:31.84]I was Spock. 那好


[14:38.33]Are you and Leonard friends with benefits?

[14:41.83]What? 你和Leonard是"非常朋友"嗎?

[14:43.30]Are you and Leonard friends with benefits? 什么?

[14:45.31]Where did that even come from? Did he say we were? 你和Leonard是"非常朋友"嗎

[14:47.87]No,Leonard said nothing. 何來此話 是他這么說的嗎

[14:49.11]But who knows what goes on over here when he pretends your mail was misdelivered?

[14:50.77]不 Leonard什么也沒說

[14:52.01]可他假裝你的信送錯(cuò)了地方 誰知道你們倆到底怎么回事

[14:54.64]Just mail,no benefits.

[14:57.18]I see. 只是送信 沒非常關(guān)系

[14:58.77]Why are you asking? 明白了

[15:00.37]I'm curious about the whole social construct. 干嘛問這個(gè)

[15:03.51]On its face,the idea of satisfying one's sexual appetite-- 我對(duì)整個(gè)社交構(gòu)成結(jié)構(gòu)感到好奇

[15:07.69]assuming one is afflicted with such-- 從表面來看 滿足一個(gè)人的性欲...

[15:09.54]without emotional entanglement,that seems eminently practical. 假如說有人遭受此事

[15:12.44]又沒有感情糾葛 是非常現(xiàn)實(shí)的關(guān)系

[15:14.21]What I've observed,however,is Howard Wolowitz crying like a little girl.

[15:17.11]然而現(xiàn)在是 Howard Wolowitz 哭哭啼啼的 就像個(gè)小女孩

[15:20.93]Well,some people just can't handle that kind of relationship.

[15:24.60]Can you? 有些人就是沒辦法處理好這種感情

[15:28.60]Excuse me? 那你行嗎

[15:30.43]Are you able to have sex with men without developing an emotional attachment? 什么意思

[15:33.33]你可以與男人發(fā)生關(guān)系 同時(shí)不摻雜任何感情進(jìn)去嗎

[15:34.96]Sheldon,I really don't want to talk about this with you.

[15:37.86]Sheldon 我真不想和你討論這個(gè)

[15:39.73]Is this conversation making you uncomfortable?

[15:41.76]Of course it's making me uncomfortable. Can't you tell? 這談話讓你感到不自在了嗎

[15:44.34]I really have no idea.I don't particularly excel at reading facial expressions, 當(dāng)然讓我不自在 你看不出來嗎

[15:48.28]- body language... - I'm uncomfortable,Sheldon! 我不清楚 我不擅長(zhǎng)閱讀面部表情

[15:51.18]- 肢體語言... - 我很不自在 Sheldon!

[15:52.85]Thank you. That's very helpful.

[15:55.75]謝謝 我懂了

[15:57.73]All right,where are these amazing shrimp?

[16:01.15]Behold. 好吧 美味小蝦在哪

[16:04.65]Seriously,you think this is the size of a baby's arm? 看這里

[16:07.55]說真的 你說和嬰兒胳膊一般大小 就是這樣子的?

[16:09.50]A little baby.

[16:12.51]Okay,I'm going back to the room. 小小嬰兒

[16:14.28]Boy,would it maybe kill them to put out a nice brisket? 好 我還是回家吧


[16:28.72]Hi,there. Howard Wolowitz.

[16:32.22]Esther Rosenblatt. 你好 我是Howard Wolowitz

[16:35.12]Esther Rosenblatt

[16:40.45]I don't think the manager's coming tonight,so here.

[16:44.47]Are you suggesting I sleep on the couch? 我覺得管理員今晚是不會(huì)來了 給你

[16:47.93]Well,it wasn't the first suggestion that came to mind,but it's the one I'm going with. 你是準(zhǔn)備讓我睡沙發(fā)嗎

[16:50.83]雖然不是我的最初想法 不過我現(xiàn)在是這么打算的

[16:52.95]I can't sleep on your couch. I sleep in a bed.

[16:55.72]And given its dimensions, 我沒法睡你的沙發(fā) 我都是在床上睡覺的

[16:56.78]I have no intention of living out E.M.Snickering's beloved children's book,


[17:00.27]The Tall Man From Cornwall. 我可不想像E.M.Snickering的 流行兒童讀物中那個(gè)

[17:03.81]What? 康沃爾的大個(gè)子一樣睡覺

[17:05.79]"There was a tall man from Cornwall whose length exceeded his bed." 那是什么

[17:09.52]"My body fits on it,but barely upon it,there's no room for my big Cornish head." 從前在康沃爾有個(gè)大個(gè)子 他的身高要長(zhǎng)過自己的床

[17:12.42]這張床我的身子躺著剛剛好 可我的頭卻沒有地方放

[17:20.84]All right,I will give you my bed on one condition:

[17:24.57]that you promise to zip your hole for the next eight hours. 好吧 我讓出床 不過有一個(gè)條件


[17:29.13]- May I say one last thing? - Only if it doesn't rhyme.

[17:32.03]- 我還能再說一句嗎 - 不押韻就行

[17:34.35]All right.


[17:40.18]Good night.


[17:45.05]Turn-ons? Let me see.

[17:47.57]Reading a good book in front of the fire,long walks on the beach... 感性趣的事 讓我想想

[17:50.47]在壁爐前讀本好書 在沙灘上漫步

[17:52.49]and getting freaky on the Sabbath with a bacon cheeseburger.

[17:55.39]在安息日里放縱一下 吃培根芝士漢堡

[18:00.02]Really? Me,too!

[18:02.92]是嗎 我也是哎

[18:04.53]Oy,gevalt,you're hot.

[18:08.39]Yeah. 噢 天吶 你真性感

[18:10.65]Excuse me for a moment. 是嗎


[18:16.52]- Hey,how's it going? - Cut the crap. You set this up,didn't you?

[18:19.42]- 進(jìn)展如何 - 少?gòu)U話 你們安排的 對(duì)不對(duì)

[18:21.18]Yes. She'a hooker,**

[18:24.25]A prostitute,yes. - 對(duì) - 她是只雞 對(duì)吧

[18:27.78]- You already gave her the money? - Yes. 是妓女 沒錯(cuò)

[18:31.61]Thank you! - 你們已經(jīng)付了錢 - 對(duì)



[18:44.02]What? Penny?

[18:46.00]I can't sleep. 干嘛

[18:48.49]Maybe that's because your hole is still open. 我睡不著


[18:53.68]I'm homesick.

[18:57.08]Your home is 20 feet from here. 我想家

[18:59.71]20 feet,20 light-years,it doesn't matter. 你家離這不過20尺

[19:03.54]It's in a galaxy far,far away. 20尺還是20光年這都不重要

[19:07.75]Damn it. 在我這 如同一個(gè)星系那么遙遠(yuǎn)


[19:12.61]What do you want me to do?

[19:15.46]Sing "Soft Kitty." 你想讓我怎么辦


[19:19.91]That's only for when you're sick.

[19:23.62]Homesick is a type of being sick. 那是只有你生病時(shí)才唱的歌


[19:29.75]Come on,do I really have to?

[19:32.75]I suppose we can stay up and talk. 拜托 真的要唱嗎

[19:35.65]那設(shè)想下我們通宵達(dá)旦 閑話家常

[19:37.18]* Soft kitty,warm kitty

[19:41.33]* Little ball of fur * 軟軟凱蒂 柔柔凱蒂 *

[19:44.35]* Happy kitty... * 一團(tuán)小毛球 *

[19:47.25]* 快樂凱蒂... *

[19:49.57]Sleepy kitty.

[19:50.54]- * Sleepy kit... - No.


[19:54.40]Start over. - * 睡睡凱... * - 不對(duì)


[20:00.70]* Soft kitty,warm kitty

[20:04.21]* Little ball of fur * 軟軟凱蒂 柔柔凱蒂 *

[20:07.38]* Happy kitty,sleepy kitty * 一團(tuán)小毛球 *

[20:10.65]* Purr,purr,purr. * 快樂凱蒂 睡睡凱蒂 *

[20:13.55]* 喵 喵 喵 *

[20:15.21]- Penny? - Yeah?

[20:18.83]Thank you for letting me stay here. - Penny? - 嗯

[20:21.60]You're welcome,sweetie. 謝謝你留我在這過夜

[20:24.50]不客氣 甜心

[20:28.45]Okay,I'm sleepy now. Get out.

[20:31.35]好 我已經(jīng)困了 你出去

[20:39.58]Oh,good. You're finally home.

[20:42.61]What were you doing at Penny's? 太好了 你總算回來了

[20:44.41]Well,we had dinner,uh,played some games,and then I spent the night.


[20:50.15]You'll be happy to know that I now have a much better understanding of "friends with benefits." 我們一起吃了晚飯 做游戲 之后我在那過的夜

[20:54.57]哦 告訴你一件好事哦 我對(duì)"非常朋友"有了更深入的了解


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