But we also plan to exploit the technologies behindthese operating systems to provide greaterreliability and scalability in our industry standard platforms.
I have covered a lot of ground today, so let me conclude by summarizing our vision for thenew world of computing.
First, we believe that this new world will be built on open, industry-standard technology.Anywhere there is standards-based computing, Compaq wants to be the driver -- whether it'sin your home your business or your car.
Second, we will build on our leadership in business-critical computing. This will enable us toaccelerate both new and existing technologies into industry standard platforms and to delivereven more scalable and reliable systems.
Third, we will lead in delivering global service and support. This will give our customers a singlepoint of accountability as well as a lower total cost of ownership and reduced risk.
Fourth, we will focus on solutions that build on ourleadership in enterprise platforms ourexpertise in key markets our service capabilities and our partnerships with industry-leadingcompanies.
And finally, we will build even stronger relationships with you, our customers. I hope you willlook at Compaq not only as a computing company, but as a strategic partner whose missionis to give you what you need when you need it and how you want it, at the lowest total cost.
Welcome to the new world of computing.
Thank you.