Are you doing it for privacy? Because you are unhappy with how you interact with other people? Those are both fine reasons. An example of a bad reason would be because you want to mess with other people. That's just mean.
2. Examine your current personality.
No matter who you are, loud or quiet, you can feel as if people know everything about you. You will have to change an aspect of how you present yourself to get people to begin wondering about you.
3. Develop at least two hobbies.
One hobby should involve a skill, such as playing a musical instrument, and one hobby should be purely for pleasure, such as reading classical literature. Do not speak about these hobbies unless directly asked about them. Feel free to do them in public, just do not speak about them.
4. Whenever you go to a party, be sure to leave at least ten minutes before most people agree to leave.
That will leave everybody wanting more of your company (assuming you are pleasant enough.)
5. Wear dark colored clothing and trench coats.
Watch some film noir for clothing ideas.