There's no debate.Bruce Lee is definitely the father of mixed martial arts.
I do think ther's a correlation there,but it's not that jeet kune do is the same thing as MMA.
If Dana White says Bruce Lee is the father of mixed martial arts,I would say he's one of the earliest ones,but Gene LeBell is the father of mixed martial arts.
In 1963 you'll see Gene defeating Milo Savage, a professional boxer Well Bruce wasn't into mixed martial arts in 1963.
As I was choking him,he grabbed my hand and started to bite,and I said"Milo, you bite my hand, I'm gonna take your eye out."
He opened his mouth, I pulled my hand out and I choked him.And he was out, like,for 22 minutes.
Gene LeBell taught Bruce Lee grappling moves.I'd throw him and flip him and he'd land on his feet.Then had a spin, do a crescent kick on me or do a judo throw.And he was a magnificent athlete.
If you're gonna say father of mixed martial...it's gotta be Bruce.He's before anyone else.He's the first one who decided to put it all together He had the little shorts on, too.
That's as close as he could get to what the UFC and the MMA was 25 years later.