A lot of times the game becomes too scripted.When if it's too scripted and you start planning for certain things to take place that's when I believe you're weak.
What he's saying is that you have to adapt to your surroundings, your environment.
James Coburn said, "Look, man, the best thing you can do go back to Hong Kong, do what you do best come back, rock the world."
James Coburn did tell Bruce that he shouldn't keep doing TV that it would eat up his genius.He had much more to offer the world and he should hold out for starring roles.
Jimi Hendrix had to break away and go to England to be recognised as the rock star that he was.
Clint Eastwood, he had a career out of Rawhide but it was the Italian Westerns that really made his career.
Bruce ultimately had to go back to Hong Kong to be recognised as the movie star he was.Here's a plane ticket. Just go back to Hong Kong for a few years.
You wouldn't want any trouble, huh?That's one of the things I admire most about him.He said "OK. The institution's not gonna work for me.""I'll figure something else out."He just went to through back door.