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Sorry, off piste a bit.Back now. Phew!
不好意思 又離題了 現(xiàn)在好了 咻!
Let's play a game. Let's play murder.
Imagine someone's going to get murdered at a wedding.Who exactly would you pick?
想象一下 如果要在婚禮上殺一個人 你會選擇誰呢?
I think you're a popular choice at the moment, dear.
現(xiàn)在來說 你應該是大眾的不二之選 親愛的
If someone could move Mrs Hudson's glass just slightly out of reach,that would be lovely.
要是有人能把哈德森太太的酒杯移得稍微遠一點 我會很感激的
More importantly, who could you only kill at a wedding?
更重要的是 什么人只能在婚禮上被殺?
Most people you can kill any old place.
As a mental exercise, i've often planned the murder of friends and colleagues.
作為腦力鍛煉 我經(jīng)常計劃怎么殺死朋友和同事
Now, John, I'd poison.Sloppy eater, dead easy.
如果是約翰 我會下毒 不挑吃 很好下手
I've given him chemicals and compounds, that way he's never even noticed.
即便我給他吃的東西加料了 他也注意不到
He missed a whole Wednesday once, didn't have a clue.
他曾經(jīng)錯過了一整個周三 完全不知所以
Lestrade's so easy to kill it's a miracle no-one's succumbed to the temptation.
雷斯垂德也很好下手 大家可以抵制這種誘惑真是奇跡
I've got keys to my brother's house, I could break in and asphyxiate him, if the whim arose.
我有我哥哥家的鑰匙 哪天心血來潮 我可以潛入他家掐死他
!He's pissed, isn't he? Ow!
他醉了 是吧? 喔
So, once again,who could you only kill here?
再一次地 什么人 只能在婚禮上被殺?
Clearly it's a rare opportunity,so it's someone who doesn't get out much.
明顯這是一個少有的機會 所以他應該是個不常出門的人
Someone for whom a planned social encounter known about months in advance is an exception.
Has to be a unique opportunity.
And since killing someone in public is difficult,killing them in private isn't an option.
既然在公共場合殺人如此困難 私下殺死他們又絕不可能
Someone who lives in an inaccessible or unknown location, then.
Someone private perhaps, obsessed with personal security.
Possibly someone under threat.
Major James Sholto, who he? - I don't think he's coming.
詹姆斯·肖爾托少校 他誰? - 我覺得他不會來
He'll be there.
Where are you living these days?
Oh, way out in the middle of nowhere.
呃 在一個不知名的小地方
The press and families gave him hell.He gets more death threats than you.
媒體跟死者家庭沒讓他好過 他收到的死亡恐嚇比你還多
A recluse?Small household staff.
Job? - Gardener. - Cook. - Private nurse. - Maid.
工作? - 園丁 - 廚師 - 私人護士 - 女傭.
High turnover for additional security.
I do security work. - Probably all signed confidentiality agreements.
我是保安 - 應該都簽過保密協(xié)議.
Do you have a secret you've never told anyone? -No.
你有沒有什么從未透露過的秘密 - 沒有.
There is another question that remains. however.Rather a big one,a huge one how would you do it?
但是還有一個很重要的問題沒有解決 一個很大的問題 你會怎么做?
How do you kill someone in public?There has to be a way. This has been planned.
怎么眾目睽睽殺死一個人?肯定有辦法 這是早就計劃好的
Mr Holmes!Mr Holmes! - Hello, Archie, what's your theory?
福爾摩斯先生! - 你好啊 阿奇 你有什么看法?
Get this right and there's a headless nun in it for you.
要是猜對了 我就告訴你無頭修女是怎么回事
The invisible man could do it. - The who, what, why, when, where?
隱形人可以做到 - 具體一點?
The invisible man with the invisible knife. The one who tried to kill the Guardsman.
隱形人可以用隱形刀 就像他殺死禁衛(wèi)軍的那樣
Oh, not just planned,planned and rehearsed.
啊 不只是計劃過 甚至彩排過
Ladies and gentlemen,there will now be a short interlude.
女士們先生們 現(xiàn)在是幕間休息
The bride and groom...The bride and groom.
Major Sholto's going to be murdered, I don't know how or by whom, but it's going to happen.
有人要殺詹姆斯·肖爾托少校 我不知道是誰 也不知道怎樣殺 但一定會發(fā)生
Excuse me, coming through. Consulting.
不好意思 借過 請教個事
Stay here. - Please be careful.
別走開 - 小心點.
Excuse me. Coming through.Excuse me.
不好意思 借過 不好意思
I'm sorry, one more. Oops. I'm so sorry.Thank you.
不好意思 還有個人 不好意思 謝謝

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