星期五太棒了。一周里最棒的一天。我是Carl Azuz。首先今天時事新聞說一說西海岸肆虐的狂風,內(nèi)華達山脈風速已經(jīng)達到147英里每小時。已經(jīng)達到了颶風等級水平。據(jù)報道在降水量多達14英寸的舊金山附近,太浩湖翻起了七英尺巨浪。這是一場巨大風暴,是自2008年以來最強風暴之一。
Ferry services have been canceled, schools around the San Francisco Bay Area have been closed. A stream of moist air has flowed to the region from Hawaii. It`s effecting California, Oregon and Washington.
You`d think rain would be good for California in the middle of its historic drought, but so much rain in so little time on such dry ground can bring serious flooding. And there`s a blizzard warning in parts of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Fridays are awesome. The undisputed king of weekdays. I`m Carl Azuz. We are starting today`s commercial free coverage on the West Coast where wind gusts in the Sierra Nevada Mountains have been as high as 147 miles per hour. That`s hurricane force. Where seven foot waves have been reported on Lake Tahoe, where as much as 14 inches of rain has fallen near San Francisco. It is a monster of a storm. One of the strongest to hit the area since 2008.
Ferry services have been canceled, schools around the San Francisco Bay Area have been closed. A stream of moist air has flowed to the region from Hawaii. It`s effecting California, Oregon and Washington.
You`d think rain would be good for California in the middle of its historic drought, but so much rain in so little time on such dry ground can bring serious flooding. And there`s a blizzard warning in parts of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.