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Have you ever fired someone? If so, why?你曾經(jīng)解雇過別人嗎?如果解雇過,為什么?


獲得440.2k好評的回答@Tom Chandler:

I was 29 years old and promoted to manager of a small technical department with engineers and technicians (perhaps 10 total). 我當(dāng)時(shí)29歲,被提升為一個(gè)小技術(shù)部門的經(jīng)理,手下有工程師和技術(shù)員(共10人)?!癑erry” was a technician, very inquisitive, and often working outside the box - I liked him and felt he did a good job for the company. Jerry是一名技術(shù)員,非常勤學(xué)好問,工作也不拘一格,我喜歡他,感覺他工作做得很好。But his “outside the box” activities included criticizing corporate policies, from pay scales to benefits and many others, often writing letters to the CEO. 但他 “不拘一格”的行為也包括批評公司政策。從工資到福利,還有很多其他方面,他都要品頭論足,還經(jīng)常給CEO寫信。Jerry left, quite depressed and never worked again.后來Jerry離開了,很沮喪,再也沒找工作。


獲得52.3k好評的回答@Kittie Eubank:

I have fired multiple people from various positions at different companies. 我在幾家不同的公司解雇過許多不同職位的人。I have only fired people for one reason. They didn’t care about doing the job well. 我解雇人只有一個(gè)原因:他們不在乎工作做得怎樣。I can teach you the skills. I can show you how to do it. I can answer your questions and coach you through the hurdles of the job. 我能教你工作技巧,我能教你怎樣工作,我能回答你的問題、指導(dǎo)你跨過工作的障礙。If you’re really trying, and asking questions, and putting in the work - I will give everything I have to help you succeed. 如果你真的在努力,真的問問題,真的投入工作,我將盡我所能幫你取得成功。I can’t teach you how to care. 但我教不會(huì)你如何在意工作。Now I interview for someone who wants to do well, not someone who has already done it. 我現(xiàn)在面試時(shí)想要的是想把工作做好的人,而不是已經(jīng)做好的。This has worked much better.這個(gè)方法很好用。


獲得12k好評的回答@Brett Fox:

My heart was beating a million beats a minute when it came time to let Richard (not his real name) go. 解雇Richard(化名)時(shí)我心跳特別快。I had inherited Richard from my predecessor, and there was no question I was doing the right thing for the company. 我從前任那里接手他的,毫無疑問我為公司做了件正確的事。Richard was really struggling, and he couldn’t get anything done, and, worse yet, he was in a customer-facing role, and he was in no way a good representative of the company.他工作真的很吃力,什么工作都完不成,更糟糕的是,他要直接面對客戶,他真的不能很好地代表公司的形象。Letting Richard go was the right thing to do, but I dreaded doing it. 解雇他是對的,但我很擔(dān)心。Richard had some interpersonal issues. In fact his interpersonal skills were horrible. 他與人交往有些問題,其實(shí)他很不會(huì)和別人打交道。But Richard is a human being. He has a wife. He has kids. He has a mortgage to pay. 但他也是一個(gè)人,有妻子、有孩子、還有房貸要還。And, I was about to turn his world upside down.我的決定就要顛覆他的生活了。I felt relieved and horrible at the same time. I was relieved that letting Richard go was over. 我既感覺輕松,又有些害怕。輕松的是終于解雇他了。I felt horrible because I knew his world had been turned upside down.害怕的是我知道他的世界發(fā)生了天翻地覆的變化。


獲得4.6k好評的回答@Rick Dieterle:

I think I’ve fired three people in my professional life. Two were tough to fire, while the other was rather fun. This was when I owned a coffeehouse.我想我的職業(yè)生涯中解雇過三個(gè)人。其中有兩個(gè)很難決定,但另外一個(gè)很輕松。當(dāng)時(shí)我開了一家咖啡館。The first was the toughest. I’d brought him on board to be my assistant manager at the very beginning and the day before we opened, or maybe the day we opened… I had to let him go because he was just too rigid. He wouldn’t take direction or bend on anything. He was always right. I’d had high hopes for him too because he had some good experience being a restaurant manager.第一個(gè)最難決定。我從一開始就把他招來當(dāng)我的副經(jīng)理。開業(yè)前一天或者可能是開業(yè)當(dāng)天我就把他辭退了,因?yàn)樗^死板。他腦筋不會(huì)轉(zhuǎn)彎,也不向任何事低頭,他總是對的,我也對他期望很高,因?yàn)樗凶鲲埖杲?jīng)理的豐富經(jīng)驗(yàn)。The second was tough too because I really liked this woman (professionally speaking), but she was just flakey. It was a second job for her and as time went on, she would frequently show up late and didn’t seem to take the job seriously. I put up with it for a while because at the beginning she usually did a good job and was fun to work with most of the time.第二個(gè)也很難,因?yàn)槲艺娴暮芟矚g這個(gè)女人(從專業(yè)角度來說),但她很古怪。這是她的第二份工作。工作時(shí)間久了,她就頻繁遲到,工作態(tài)度也不認(rèn)真。我忍受了一段時(shí)間,因?yàn)樗畛豕ぷ髯龅眠€是很不錯(cuò)的,和她共事大多數(shù)時(shí)候還是很愉快的。The third one was satisfying… this kid was a college student who’d been working for me for a few months at this point. He was an average employee and did his job alright. The problem was that we’d been contacted by ASCAP a couple of times. That’s the organization that enforces copyrights on music. The woman gave off an arrogant vibe like she knew exactly what we were doing with music.第三個(gè)結(jié)果很令人滿意。那個(gè)孩子是個(gè)大學(xué)生,那時(shí)已經(jīng)在我那兒工作幾個(gè)月了。他是一個(gè)很普通的員工,工作做得也還可以。問題是ASCAP的人來造訪了幾次,這個(gè)機(jī)構(gòu)是負(fù)責(zé)音樂版權(quán)的。那個(gè)女人非常傲慢,好像她真知道我們在拿音樂做什么文章似的。After her first visit, I switched to only playing the radio. I instructed the staff that we could no longer play our own music from our iPods or CDs because of copyright laws. Everyone complied. Well, except for this one guy.她第一次造訪之后,我就只播放廣播里的音樂。因?yàn)榘鏅?quán)法有規(guī)定,所以我要求員工不要再播放ipod或CD里自己的音樂了,大家都服從命令,只有那個(gè)男孩例外。When I was around, it wasn’t an issue, but when I wasn’t, he’d play his iPod. I reiterated to him privately that it was no longer OK and why. He understood. It happened a second time and I had another conversation with him about it. I went into a little more detail this time explaining that we could be sued or forced to pay the ASCAP fee.我在的時(shí)候還沒事,我不在他就播放ipod里的音樂。我私底下反復(fù)找他說這樣不行,也說明了原因,他都懂了。這件事又發(fā)生了一次,我又找他談。我這一次更詳細(xì)地解釋說我們會(huì)被指控或罰款。Well, the final straw came. During a trip, when I was checking in with my manager, she told me this guy was playing his music and she’d told him not to. He continued doing it. I was incredulous. This was not a stupid kid… he was a college student at a pretty good school.終于他最后的機(jī)會(huì)也沒有了。一次我出差,和經(jīng)理溝通時(shí),她告訴我那個(gè)男孩正在播放自己的音樂,她去阻止了,但沒用。我真無法相信。他不是一個(gè)愚蠢的孩子,他可是一所不錯(cuò)的大學(xué)里的大學(xué)生。I returned a few days later. As soon as he came in, I brought him in the back and fired him. It was fun to fire him because this little boy just refused to listen even after I gave him several chances.幾天后我回來了,他一來上班我就把他帶到后面,解雇了他。辭退他很開心,因?yàn)檫@個(gè)小男孩甚至在我給過他幾次機(jī)會(huì)之后仍然不服從管理。


獲得6.1k好評的回答@Can Baysal:

Yes several. First of all, firing someone is not the best experience a manager would have in life. 是的,我解雇過幾個(gè)人。首先,解雇員工不是經(jīng)理的工作中最好的經(jīng)歷。So most people I know are trying to keep it at a minimum, but it is inevitable to fire some people in your career, as it is a natural part of business environment.所以大多數(shù)我認(rèn)識(shí)的人都盡量少解雇員工,但在職業(yè)生涯中辭退員工是不可避免的,因?yàn)檫@是商業(yè)環(huán)境中很自然的一部分。Most people I fired was either under performers or wrongly placed people regarding their talents, with no hope or sign for development. 大部分我辭退的人要么表現(xiàn)很差,要么就是因?yàn)楸环旁诹瞬荒馨l(fā)揮他們才能的錯(cuò)誤的位置上而沒有發(fā)展的希望或跡象。A few people I fired, was disciplinary problems, like habitually late to work, problematic intercommunications with co-workers etc.很少有人被我解雇是由于紀(jì)律方面的問題,比如習(xí)慣性遲到、和同事溝通有問題等。I unfortunately fired one person from a company due to mismanagement of our general manager, under his orders … 有一個(gè)人很不幸地因?yàn)榭偨?jīng)理的管理失誤在領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的命令下被我解雇了……It was a sad story, but in short, in order to protect several people, you might be forced to fire one or two.那是一個(gè)悲傷的故事,但簡單說來,為了保護(hù)某些人,你可能會(huì)被迫解雇一兩個(gè)人。



As an HR head, I have fired several employees. 作為人力資源主管,我解雇過幾個(gè)員工。I still find firing employees a difficult job. 但我仍然認(rèn)為辭退員工不是容易做到的事。Most of the times employees are fired because of their attitude rather than their performance. 大多數(shù)時(shí)候員工被解雇是因?yàn)樗麄兊膽B(tài)度而不是因?yàn)樗麄兊谋憩F(xiàn)。Performance can be improved. However, it is extremely difficult to change someone’s attitude. 工作表現(xiàn)能改善,然而一個(gè)人的態(tài)度很難改變。At times employees are fired for political reasons. 有時(shí)員工由于政治原因被解雇。It is sad but it happens.這種情況很傷人心,但卻時(shí)有發(fā)生。





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