獲得7.3k好評的答案 @Ayush Sekhari
I sometimes use Sleep If U Can (Alarm) app on my android phone.我有時候會用一款名為Sleep If U Can的鬧鐘軟件。While setting the alarm, it asks you to choose how to turn it off. There is a option which says to turn off by using an image. While setting , you can set an image as the off key.當你在設定鬧鐘的時候,它會要求你要選擇關閉鬧鐘的方法。其中一個選項是你要拍一張照片來關閉鬧鐘,你可以自己找張圖片作為關閉圖片。Now when the alarm rings, it forces you to capture a similar image and turns off only if it is similar to the pre-set image.當鬧鐘響起來的時候,你必須拍一張和設定圖片相似的照片才能讓它停下來。I have set my turn off image as the toilet basin, so when I have to turn off the alarm , I have to search for my slippers,walk to toilet and click the image of the basin. since, I live in a hostel having shared toilets, I have to leave my room to go to toilet and take the image. This is annoying but wakes me up.我把廁所水池設為了關閉圖片,所以我為了關鬧鐘,就必須要穿上我的拖鞋,走進廁所然后對著水池拍照。因為我是跟別人合用一個廁所,所以我必須離開我的房間去廁所才能拍照。這種方法太討厭了但是卻很有效。
獲得5k好評的答案 @Aditya Deorha
I use Alarm Clock Plus★on my Android. I have to solve a maths problem in order to snooze or dismiss the alarm. Right now it is at medium difficulty, involving arithmetic between three two digit numbers.我用的是一款叫做Alarm Clock Plus★的安卓軟件,為了讓鬧鐘停下來我必須要解開一道數(shù)學題。我現(xiàn)在把它設定為中等難度,就是要解開一道三個兩位數(shù)之間的計算題。Once I set it to hard level. There were three three digit numbers having addition and subtraction between them. Had to literally rub my eyes and really concentrate to try and figure it out. You just can't sleep back after that.有一回我設定了最高難度,是要做三個三位數(shù)之間的加減運算。我當時真的是絞盡腦汁才把它解出來,在那以后怎么可能還睡得著呢。
獲得260好評的答案 @Shivam Agrawal
Flying Alarm我用的是一款會飛的鬧鐘。This digital alarm clock launches a rotor into the air that flies around the room as the alarm sounds, hovering up to 9' in the air, and will not cease ringing until the rotor is returned to the alarm clock base, compelling even the most stubborn sleepers to get out of bed on time.這款電子鬧鐘有個螺旋槳,在鬧鐘響著的時候會盤旋而上滿屋子亂飛,在回到鬧鐘底座之前它會一直響,這就逼著那些不起床的人準時爬出被窩。
獲得3k好評的答案 @Ellen Vrana
WE GOT CATS! Which is the working person's version of kids. The little buggers. I'm up at 6:30 now, every day. No alarm. So worth it.我們養(yǎng)了只貓!這小家伙對上班族來說就像自己的孩子一樣,所以我現(xiàn)在天天早上六點半起床,不用鬧鐘,就因為我愛它。