I'm going on the serious stoning adventures,traveling along the three mighty rivers on the planet.This river has given rise to some the world great civilazations.For centuries ,they worship their life in giving waters,and fear their awesome distructive powers.On the epicjourneies,I meet extraordinary characters,and experience the veery different cultures.religons and countries.But they become emerged into the secrety rivers.In this eipsode,we travel along the longest river-the Nile.Two great tributries form thee mightg river,the White Nile running north from Vitoria,and the Blue Nile springing from the highland Ethopia.I begin my journey from south to sea.The Nile flows through the landscape Sudan and Egypt.The life-giving river is the one of the craddle for humanity.But with population along the banks rising ,and ever-great straining being placed on the river,threaten the stability of the entire region.