Hence, Captain Nemo, this isn't the first time you've gone through the Red Sea aboard the Nautilus?
No, sir.
Then, since you've already mentioned the crossing of the Israelites and the catastrophe that befell the Egyptians, I would ask if you've ever discovered any traces under the waters of that great historic event?
No, professor, and for an excellent reason.
What's that?
It's because that same locality where Moses crossed with all his people is now so clogged with sand, camels can barely get their legs wet.
You can understand that my Nautilus wouldn't have enough water for itself.
And that locality is...? I asked.
That locality lies a little above Suez in a sound that used to form a deep estuary when the Red Sea stretched as far as the Bitter Lakes.
Now, whether or not their crossing was literally miraculous, the Israelites did cross there in returning to the Promised Land, and the Pharaoh's army did perish at precisely that locality.
So I think that excavating those sands would bring to light a great many weapons and tools of Egyptian origin.
Obviously, I replied. And for the sake of archaeology, let's hope that sooner or later such excavations do take place, once new towns are settled on the isthmus after the Suez Canal has been cut through-a canal, by the way, of little use to a ship such as the Nautilus!