Catastrophists, as you might expect from the name, believed that the Earth was shaped byabrupt cataclysmic events—floods principally, which is why catastrophism and neptunism areoften wrongly bundled together. Catastrophism was particularly comforting to clerics likeBuckland because it allowed them to incorporate the biblical flood of Noah into seriousscientific discussions. Uniformitarians by contrast believed that changes on Earth were gradualand that nearly all Earth processes happened slowly, over immense spans of time. Hutton wasmuch more the father of the notion than Lyell, but it was Lyell most people read, and so hebecame in most people's minds, then and now, the father of modern geological thought.
Lyell believed that the Earth's shifts were uniform and steady—that everything that had everhappened in the past could be explained by events still going on today. Lyell and his adherentsdidn't just disdain catastrophism, they detested it. Catastrophists believed that extinctionswere part of a series in which animals were repeatedly wiped out and replaced with new sets—abelief that the naturalist T. H. Huxley mockingly likened to "a succession of rubbers of whist, atthe end of which the players upset the table and called for a new pack." It was too convenienta way to explain the unknown. "Never was there a dogma more calculated to fosterindolence, and to blunt the keen edge of curiosity," sniffed Lyell.