Botox is the marketing name given to a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin A. This toxincomes from the bacterium that produces the poisons responsible for causing botulism.Botulism is a form of food poisoning, the most serious symptom of which isparalysis.Botulism-related toxins attach to nerve endings, where they block their ability totrigger muscle contractions. If muscles can't contract, they can't move, resulting in paralysis.
So why would anyone risk injecting Botox into his or her body? There are legitimate medicalreasons, such as treating spasms and involuntary muscle contractions.Although the paralyzingeffects are not permanent, they can last up to eight months.And as long as Botox is injecteddirectly into a particular muscle group, there's little chance that it will spread to other parts ofthe body.
As a beauty treatment, Botox does what it's meant to do: paralyze muscles. For example,injecting botox into muscle groups near the eyes will temporarily paralyze those muscles,keeping them from scrunching up. Consequently the wrinkles, or crow's feet, they causetemporarily disappear. In time, however, wrinkles reappear.Not even Botox canpermanently reverse the march of time.