Scientists unveiled the first direct evidence thatmassive floods deep below Antarctica's ice cover areaccelerating the flow of glaciers into the sea. Howquickly these huge bodies of ice slide off theAntarctic and Greenland land masses into the oceanhelp determine the speed at which sea levels rise.
The stakes are enormous: an increase measured in tens of centimeters (inches) couldwreak havoc for hundreds of millions of people living in low-lying deltas and island nationsaround the world.
Researchers discovered only recently that inaccessible subglacial lakes in Antarcticaperiodically shed huge quantities of water. They discovered that during the same 14-monthperiod that 1.7 cubic kilometers (0.4 cubic miles) of water cascaded through subglacialwaterways, the 75-kilometer (45-mile) long glacier downstream picked up speed, movingabout 10 percent faster.
"Our findings provide direct evidence that an active lake drainage system can cause largeand rapid changes in glacier dynamics," the researchers concluded.
The study adds to growing scientific concern about the pace at which glaciers are meltinginto the seas. The ice sheet that sits atop Greenland, for example, contains enough water toraise world ocean levels by seven meters (23 feet). Even the gloomiest global warmingpredictions do not include such a scenario.