This deceptive sensation is the result of sending your brain two different signals at once. Thefirst signal is the one coming from your legs; during exercise they are in rapid, regular motion,and the brain understands by this fact that the body is moving through space. The secondsignal comes from the eyes, which are seeing that the objects around you are not passing by,and hence you are standing still. In a sense your eyes are disagreeing with your legs. The resultis that after about ten minutes of this input disparity, the brain recalibrates its internal senseof motion.
In simple terms, your brain tells itself: this is how fast objects move by when I'm walking atthis rate, as opposed to what was formerly the case. That means when you step off thetreadmill and begin actually moving through space again, your recalibrated brain is now sentthe incorrect message that you have suddenly increased your speed significantly. Once again,what the legs say and what the eyes say is out of sync. The sensation of accelerated motion isonly temporary, though, and the ever-adaptable brain soon readjusts itself once more—untilthe next time you step up on that rolling, immobile track.