This film has three distinct layers: an outer, oilylayer to prevent evaporation; a middle layer oflacrimal fluid, the main ingredient of tears; and aninner, mucous layer. This three layer film isreplenished every time you blink, and it providesessential protection for your eyes.
Most of your body is protected by skin of course, and your outer layer of skin is made of deadcells and keratin, an opaque, protective substance. Your eyes need to betransparent,however; they can't be covered by a layer of dead cells and keratin. One of themain functions of tears therefore, is to keep these cells alive.
Tears are loaded with electrolyte salts, chemicals that are also found deep inside your body.These salts make your outer eye cells feel like they're inside your body, preventing them fromturning into cells similar to skin cells.
Tears help your eyes in other ways too. When a speck of dust gets in your eye, it's coated withmucous from glands in the white of your eye, then washed out with extra fluid from the lacrimalglands, the main tear producing glands above the eye.
To protect your eyes from germs, tears also contain bacteria fighting enzymes. What's more,tears provide a good optical surface. They smooth out the microscopically uneven cells of yourcornea. Without tears, tiny irregularities in your eye would give you constantly fuzzy vision.
Although they're most apparent during a good cry, tears are actually an essential part ofeveryday life.