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牛津書蟲系列 織工馬南 2 Godfrey and Dunstan Cass

所屬教程:書蟲4級 織工馬南




2 Godfrey and Dunstan Cass

2 戈弗雷·凱斯和鄧斯坦·凱斯

The most important person in Raveloe was Squire Cass, a gentleman farmer,who lived with his three sons in the handsome Red House opposite the church,and owned a num-her of farms outside the village.His wife had died many years before.


One dark November evening,fifteen years after Silas Marner had first arrived in Raveloe,some of the villagers were drinking beer in the public house,the Rainbow.Old Mr Macey,the church clerk,was remembering the Squire's wife.


'She was a wonderful lady,'he said,shaking his grey head sadly.'Everything was always so pretty and clean at the Red House when she was alive!When she died,all those years ago,the poor Squire,well,he didn't know what to do.And he's still lonely,believe me!That's why we often see him in here in the evenings.And another thing,if poor Mrs Cass were alive today,I'm sure she'd be very disappointed with her sons.The Squire should make those boys do some work,but in-stead he lets them stay at home and gives them money to spend on horses,or gambling,or women! '


'Come,come,Mr Macey,'said the landlord.'They're rich young gentlemen,after all.You can't expect them to work on the farms like us country people.But you're right about Dun-stan Cass.He's a bad one,he is.Always borrowing money,and never paying it back.Always gambling,always in trouble!He'll come to a bad end,he will!'


'But the other two are different,'said the butcher,a red-faced,smiling man.'Bob Cass is still only a boy.And Mr God-frey,the eldest,well,I don't believe he'll be like his brother Dunstan.Just look at him!He's got an open,honest face.And he's going to inherit the Squire's money and all the land.And what's more,he's going to marry Miss Nancy Lammeter.When she moves into the Red House as Mrs Godfrey Cass,she'll make life more comfortable for all the Casses.She'll save the Squire money too—the Lammeters have the best of every-thing in their house,but they're very careful with their money.'


The farrier,a small man with a sharp face,always enjoyed disagreeing with the butcher.'Mr Godfrey marry Miss Nancy!'he laughed.'That's what you think!Haven't you noticed how Miss Nancy has changed towards Godfrey since last year?You remember,he was away from home,for days and days.Nobody knows what he was doing,but Godfrey hasn't been the same since then.Miss Nancy isn't stupid—she won't marry a man she can't trust!'


The landlord always tried to prevent his customers from ar-guing.'What you all say is very true.But let's hope that Mr Godfrey doesn't lose his chance of marrying Miss Nancy.'


Meanwhile,at the Red House,Godfrey Cass was waiting for his brother in the sitting-room,with a very worried expression on his handsome face.Soon the door opened,and a heavy-look-ing young man entered.It was Dunstan.He had clearly been drinking.


'How I hate him!'thought Godfrey.


'Well,sir,'said Dunstan unpleasantly,'you sent for me,and as you're the oldest,and you'll be the Squire one day,I have to obey you.So what do you want?'


'Just listen,will you?'replied Godfrey angrily,'if you aren't too drunk to understand!You must pay me back the money I lent you last month.You know I got it from Fowler,of Church Farm.He owed the money to the Squire,and asked me to give it to him.Now the Squire is angry with Fowler for not paying,and I've got to give the money back!'


Dunstan came close to Godfrey and smiled in an evil way.'Well,my dear kind brother,why don't you find the money yourself?That would be much less trouble for me!'


Godfrey controlled himself with difficulty.'Don't smile at me like that,or I'll hit you!'


'Oh no,you won't,answered Dunstan.'Because if you do,I'll tell the Squire your secret.I'll tell him that his handsome eldest son fell in love with that poor girl Molly in the town,and married her in a hurry.The Squire'll be angry because you married her in secret,and he'll disinherit you.Then I'll get the house and land when the old man dies!But don't worry,I'm a good brother to you.I won't tell him,and you'll find the money to pay back,I know you will.'


'Where can I get the money from?'cried Godfrey.'I tell you,I haven't got any!'


'You could borrow It,'said Dunstan carelessly.'Or wait-I've had a better idea.You could sell your horse.'


'Sell Wildfire!You know how muchl love that horse!'


'Well,you could ride him to the hunt tomorrow.I know two or three men who'd be interested in buying him,and they'll be at the hunt,I'm sure.It'd be easy.'


'No,I haven't got time to go hunting tomorrow.I-I'm going to Mrs Osgood's birthday dance.'


'Aha!'said Dunstan,laughing.'And perhaps you'll see sweet Miss Nancy there—and you'll dance with her-and you'll talk of love…'


'Be quiet!'shouted Godfrey,his face turning red.'Don't speak of Miss Nancy like that,or I'll kill you!'


'Don't get so angry,brother,'answered Dunstan calmly.'You've got a very good chance with her.In fact,I advise you to be nice to her.You and I know that Molly's started drink ing.Well,if she drinks too much one day and dies,then you could marry Nancy.She wouldn't mind being a second wife,if she didn't know there was a first.And luckily you've got a kind brother who'll keep your secret well.'


Godfrey's face was white now,and he was trembling.'Look,Dunstan,I've nearly had enough of this.You can push a man too far,you know.Perhaps I'll go to the Squire now and confess everything to him.He'll discover the truth one day,because Molly says she'll come and tell him.She wants every-one to know we re married.When the Squire knows the truth,you won't get any more money from me!'


Dunstan replied lightly,'Do what you like,brother.'


Godfrey hesitated.He knew he had fallen into Dunstan's trap,when he made the mistake of marrying Molly.It was Dunstan who had Introduced his brother to Molly,hoping that Godfrey would fall in love and marry her.Dunstan was clearly delighted that his evil plan had succeeded.Godfrey was now in a difficult situation.He no longer loved his young wife,and could not stop thinking of Nancy Lammeter.He felt sure that with Nancy as his wife he would not need to have secrets,and could be open and honest with everybody.But for the moment he had to give Dunstan whatever he wanted,keep Molly happy,and lie to his father and his friends.If he told his father the truth,the situation would become impossible.The Squire would disinherit him and he would be just a poor working man for the rest of his life.And far worse than that,he would lose any hope of marrying Nancy.No!He could not accept that.He would find the money for Dunstan,and wait for the situa-tion to get better.Living with fear in his heart,the fear of be-ing discovered,was better than living without Nancy's love.


He turned to Dunstan.'It's just like you to talk of selling Wildfire—the best horse I've ever had!'


'Let me sell him for you-you know I'm good at buying and selling.I can ride him to the hunt for you tomorrow,and bring you back the money.But you must decide.You lent me that money,and you'll have to pay it back to the Squire.So it's your problem,not mine!'


Godfrey thought for a moment.'All right,'he said.'But make sure you bring me back all the money,Dunstan!'


The next morning,as Dunstan was riding Wildfire out of Rav-eloe,he passed the old quarry.All the stone had been taken out of it and it was no longer used;now all that was left was a deep hole full of reddish water.Opposite the quarry was Silas Marn-er's cottage.Dunstan suddenly had an idea.'Everybody in Raveloe talks of the weaver's money—he must have a lot hid-den away in that cottage!Why doesn't Godfrey borrow some money from him,and pay him back when he becomes the Squire?'He wondered whether to go back to the Red House at once,to tell Godfrey about this wonderful idea of his,but he did not want to miss the hunt,so he decided to continue on his way.


At the hunt he met several friends and neighbours,and be fore the hunt started he managed to sell Wildfire for a good price.The money would be paid when he brought the horse to the neighbour's house later that day.Dunstan knew it would be safer to take the horse there immediately,so that he could be sure of receiving the money.But he was confident that he could take care of Wildfire during the hunt,and so,after a glass or two of whisky,he joined the other riders in the fields.This time,however,he was not as lucky as usual,and horse and rid-er fell while jumping a gate.Dunstan got up,shaken but unhurt,but poor Wildfire's back was broken,and in a few mo-ments he died.


Dunstan looked around,and was glad to see that no other riders had noticed his accident.He did not want people to think he was a bad rider.He did not care much about Wildfire,be-cause he thought he now had a much better plan to offer God-frey.The worst thing was that he would have to walk home,something he was not at all used to doing.


He drank some more whisky from the bottle he kept in his pocket,and started down the country road.He kept thinking about Silas's money.There would certainly be enough for his own needs as well as Godfrey's.Dunstan thought it would be easy to frighten the weaver a little,and then Silas would quick-ly agree to lend his money.


It was four o'clock in the afternoon,and the whole country-side was covered by a thick mist.Dunstan did not see anyone on his way back to Raveloe.He knew he was getting close to the old quarry,although he could not see the road in front of him.At last he saw light coming from the weaver's cottage,and he decided to knock at the door.'Why not ask the old man for the money now?he thought.


But when he knocked loudly,there was no reply.And when he pushed the door,it opened.Dunstan found himself in front of a bright fire which showed every corner of the small living-room.Silas Marner was not there.Dunstan was tired and cold,so he went quickly to sit by the warm fire.As he sat down,he noticed a small piece of meat cooking over the fire.It was hanging from a large door key.


'So,the old man's cooking meat for his supper,is he?'thought Dunstan.'But where is he?Why is his door unlocked?Perhaps he went out to fetch some wood for the fire,and fell into the quarry!Perhaps he's dead!'this was an interesting new idea.'And if he's dead,who inherits his mon-ey?Who would know that anybody had come to take it away?'And the most important question of all—'Where is the money?'


Dunstan's excitement made him forget that the weaver could still be alive.He wanted Silas to be dead,and he wanted Silas's money.He looked round the cottage again.There was very little furniture,just a bed,the loom,three chairs and a table.Dunstan looked under the bed,but the money was not there.Then he noticed a plsce on the floor,near the loom,where the floorboards looked different.By pulling up one of the boards,he discovered Silas's hiding-place.He took out the two heavy bags filled with gold,put the boards back and hurried to the door.


Outside,the rain was falling heavily,and he could not see anything at all.Carrying the heavy bags,he stepped forward into the darkness.


2 Godfrey and Dunstan Cass

The most important person in Raveloe was Squire Cass, a gentleman farmer,who lived with his three sons in the handsome Red House opposite the church,and owned a num-her of farms outside the village.His wife had died many years before.

One dark November evening,fifteen years after Silas Marner had first arrived in Raveloe,some of the villagers were drinking beer in the public house,the Rainbow.Old Mr Macey,the church clerk,was remembering the Squire's wife.

'She was a wonderful lady,'he said,shaking his grey head sadly.'Everything was always so pretty and clean at the Red House when she was alive!When she died,all those years ago,the poor Squire,well,he didn't know what to do.And he's still lonely,believe me!That's why we often see him in here in the evenings.And another thing,if poor Mrs Cass were alive today,I'm sure she'd be very disappointed with her sons.The Squire should make those boys do some work,but in-stead he lets them stay at home and gives them money to spend on horses,or gambling,or women! '

'Come,come,Mr Macey,'said the landlord.'They're rich young gentlemen,after all.You can't expect them to work on the farms like us country people.But you're right about Dun-stan Cass.He's a bad one,he is.Always borrowing money,and never paying it back.Always gambling,always in trouble!He'll come to a bad end,he will!'

'But the other two are different,'said the butcher,a red-faced,smiling man.'Bob Cass is still only a boy.And Mr God-frey,the eldest,well,I don't believe he'll be like his brother Dunstan.Just look at him!He's got an open,honest face.And he's going to inherit the Squire's money and all the land.And what's more,he's going to marry Miss Nancy Lammeter.When she moves into the Red House as Mrs Godfrey Cass,she'll make life more comfortable for all the Casses.She'll save the Squire money too—the Lammeters have the best of every-thing in their house,but they're very careful with their money.'

The farrier,a small man with a sharp face,always enjoyed disagreeing with the butcher.'Mr Godfrey marry Miss Nancy!'he laughed.'That's what you think!Haven't you noticed how Miss Nancy has changed towards Godfrey since last year?You remember,he was away from home,for days and days.Nobody knows what he was doing,but Godfrey hasn't been the same since then.Miss Nancy isn't stupid—she won't marry a man she can't trust!'

The landlord always tried to prevent his customers from ar-guing.'What you all say is very true.But let's hope that Mr Godfrey doesn't lose his chance of marrying Miss Nancy.'

Meanwhile,at the Red House,Godfrey Cass was waiting for his brother in the sitting-room,with a very worried expression on his handsome face.Soon the door opened,and a heavy-look-ing young man entered.It was Dunstan.He had clearly been drinking.

'How I hate him!'thought Godfrey.

'Well,sir,'said Dunstan unpleasantly,'you sent for me,and as you're the oldest,and you'll be the Squire one day,I have to obey you.So what do you want?'

'Just listen,will you?'replied Godfrey angrily,'if you aren't too drunk to understand!You must pay me back the money I lent you last month.You know I got it from Fowler,of Church Farm.He owed the money to the Squire,and asked me to give it to him.Now the Squire is angry with Fowler for not paying,and I've got to give the money back!'

Dunstan came close to Godfrey and smiled in an evil way.'Well,my dear kind brother,why don't you find the money yourself?That would be much less trouble for me!'

Godfrey controlled himself with difficulty.'Don't smile at me like that,or I'll hit you!'

'Oh no,you won't,answered Dunstan.'Because if you do,I'll tell the Squire your secret.I'll tell him that his handsome eldest son fell in love with that poor girl Molly in the town,and married her in a hurry.The Squire'll be angry because you married her in secret,and he'll disinherit you.Then I'll get the house and land when the old man dies!But don't worry,I'm a good brother to you.I won't tell him,and you'll find the money to pay back,I know you will.'

'Where can I get the money from?'cried Godfrey.'I tell you,I haven't got any!'

'You could borrow It,'said Dunstan carelessly.'Or wait-I've had a better idea.You could sell your horse.'

'Sell Wildfire!You know how muchl love that horse!'

'Well,you could ride him to the hunt tomorrow.I know two or three men who'd be interested in buying him,and they'll be at the hunt,I'm sure.It'd be easy.'

'No,I haven't got time to go hunting tomorrow.I-I'm going to Mrs Osgood's birthday dance.'

'Aha!'said Dunstan,laughing.'And perhaps you'll see sweet Miss Nancy there—and you'll dance with her-and you'll talk of love…'

'Be quiet!'shouted Godfrey,his face turning red.'Don't speak of Miss Nancy like that,or I'll kill you!'

'Don't get so angry,brother,'answered Dunstan calmly.'You've got a very good chance with her.In fact,I advise you to be nice to her.You and I know that Molly's started drink ing.Well,if she drinks too much one day and dies,then you could marry Nancy.She wouldn't mind being a second wife,if she didn't know there was a first.And luckily you've got a kind brother who'll keep your secret well.'

Godfrey's face was white now,and he was trembling.'Look,Dunstan,I've nearly had enough of this.You can push a man too far,you know.Perhaps I'll go to the Squire now and confess everything to him.He'll discover the truth one day,because Molly says she'll come and tell him.She wants every-one to know we re married.When the Squire knows the truth,you won't get any more money from me!'

Dunstan replied lightly,'Do what you like,brother.'

Godfrey hesitated.He knew he had fallen into Dunstan's trap,when he made the mistake of marrying Molly.It was Dunstan who had Introduced his brother to Molly,hoping that Godfrey would fall in love and marry her.Dunstan was clearly delighted that his evil plan had succeeded.Godfrey was now in a difficult situation.He no longer loved his young wife,and could not stop thinking of Nancy Lammeter.He felt sure that with Nancy as his wife he would not need to have secrets,and could be open and honest with everybody.But for the moment he had to give Dunstan whatever he wanted,keep Molly happy,and lie to his father and his friends.If he told his father the truth,the situation would become impossible.The Squire would disinherit him and he would be just a poor working man for the rest of his life.And far worse than that,he would lose any hope of marrying Nancy.No!He could not accept that.He would find the money for Dunstan,and wait for the situa-tion to get better.Living with fear in his heart,the fear of be-ing discovered,was better than living without Nancy's love.

He turned to Dunstan.'It's just like you to talk of selling Wildfire—the best horse I've ever had!'

'Let me sell him for you-you know I'm good at buying and selling.I can ride him to the hunt for you tomorrow,and bring you back the money.But you must decide.You lent me that money,and you'll have to pay it back to the Squire.So it's your problem,not mine!'

Godfrey thought for a moment.'All right,'he said.'But make sure you bring me back all the money,Dunstan!'

The next morning,as Dunstan was riding Wildfire out of Rav-eloe,he passed the old quarry.All the stone had been taken out of it and it was no longer used;now all that was left was a deep hole full of reddish water.Opposite the quarry was Silas Marn-er's cottage.Dunstan suddenly had an idea.'Everybody in Raveloe talks of the weaver's money—he must have a lot hid-den away in that cottage!Why doesn't Godfrey borrow some money from him,and pay him back when he becomes the Squire?'He wondered whether to go back to the Red House at once,to tell Godfrey about this wonderful idea of his,but he did not want to miss the hunt,so he decided to continue on his way.

At the hunt he met several friends and neighbours,and be fore the hunt started he managed to sell Wildfire for a good price.The money would be paid when he brought the horse to the neighbour's house later that day.Dunstan knew it would be safer to take the horse there immediately,so that he could be sure of receiving the money.But he was confident that he could take care of Wildfire during the hunt,and so,after a glass or two of whisky,he joined the other riders in the fields.This time,however,he was not as lucky as usual,and horse and rid-er fell while jumping a gate.Dunstan got up,shaken but unhurt,but poor Wildfire's back was broken,and in a few mo-ments he died.

Dunstan looked around,and was glad to see that no other riders had noticed his accident.He did not want people to think he was a bad rider.He did not care much about Wildfire,be-cause he thought he now had a much better plan to offer God-frey.The worst thing was that he would have to walk home,something he was not at all used to doing.

He drank some more whisky from the bottle he kept in his pocket,and started down the country road.He kept thinking about Silas's money.There would certainly be enough for his own needs as well as Godfrey's.Dunstan thought it would be easy to frighten the weaver a little,and then Silas would quick-ly agree to lend his money.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon,and the whole country-side was covered by a thick mist.Dunstan did not see anyone on his way back to Raveloe.He knew he was getting close to the old quarry,although he could not see the road in front of him.At last he saw light coming from the weaver's cottage,and he decided to knock at the door.'Why not ask the old man for the money now?he thought.

But when he knocked loudly,there was no reply.And when he pushed the door,it opened.Dunstan found himself in front of a bright fire which showed every corner of the small living-room.Silas Marner was not there.Dunstan was tired and cold,so he went quickly to sit by the warm fire.As he sat down,he noticed a small piece of meat cooking over the fire.It was hanging from a large door key.

'So,the old man's cooking meat for his supper,is he?'thought Dunstan.'But where is he?Why is his door unlocked?Perhaps he went out to fetch some wood for the fire,and fell into the quarry!Perhaps he's dead!'this was an interesting new idea.'And if he's dead,who inherits his mon-ey?Who would know that anybody had come to take it away?'And the most important question of all—'Where is the money?'

Dunstan's excitement made him forget that the weaver could still be alive.He wanted Silas to be dead,and he wanted Silas's money.He looked round the cottage again.There was very little furniture,just a bed,the loom,three chairs and a table.Dunstan looked under the bed,but the money was not there.Then he noticed a plsce on the floor,near the loom,where the floorboards looked different.By pulling up one of the boards,he discovered Silas's hiding-place.He took out the two heavy bags filled with gold,put the boards back and hurried to the door.

Outside,the rain was falling heavily,and he could not see anything at all.Carrying the heavy bags,he stepped forward into the darkness.

2 戈弗雷·凱斯和鄧斯坦·凱斯







































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