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BBC News:特朗普抨擊奧巴馬的外交政策是“徹底的災(zāi)難”





Hello, I'm Marion Marshall with the BBC news.The US frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination Donald Trump has launched a scathing attack on president Obama's foreign policy. It is his first speech on international affairs. Mr Trump described Mr Obama's strategy as reckless, rudderless and aimless. Laura Bicker reports from Washington. The speech was delivered by a Donald Trump we don't see very often. Toned down and tied to the words on a teleprompter, he sent a mixed message to US allies. Above all else, he said they'd be left to defend themselves if they didn't pay their fair share and yet he also assured them the US would a reliable ally if he was president. The Republican frontrunner is trying to calm the nerves of those who fear he doesn't have the experience or the temperament to be president.

你好。我是Marion Marshall ,這里是 BBC 新聞。美國共和黨總統(tǒng)提名候選人唐納德·特朗普發(fā)起了縮放攻擊針對奧巴馬的外交政策。這是他對國際事務(wù)的第一次重要講話。特朗普抨擊民主黨總統(tǒng)奧巴馬的外交政策是“徹底的災(zāi)難”,魯莽輕率、缺乏指導(dǎo)、漫無目的。Laura Becca 來自華盛頓報道。唐納德·特朗普的首場外交政策演講,并不是我們所常見的。語調(diào)緩和、與電子提詞機上的演講詞相關(guān)聯(lián)。他向美國的盟友傳遞一個復(fù)雜的信息。最重要的一點,他聲稱他們會自衛(wèi),如果并沒有支付他們平等份額。而且,他也向他們保證,如果他當(dāng)選總統(tǒng),美國將是一個可靠的盟友。共和黨的領(lǐng)先候選人試圖安撫那些擔(dān)心他沒有經(jīng)驗或成為總統(tǒng)氣質(zhì)的人們。

The New York Times is reporting that the Democratic Party's trailing presidential aspirant Bernie Sanders says he's planing to lay off hundreds of campaign staffers across the country. Mr Sanders said he would remain in the presidential race through to the party's convention in July and could take on staff again if his political fortunes improved.

《紐約時報》報道稱,民主黨落后但有抱負的總統(tǒng)候選人, 伯尼·桑德斯表示,他計劃裁員數(shù)百名全國競選工作人員,桑德斯先生說他仍會參加總統(tǒng)選舉,通過7月份黨的代表大會,如果他的政治命運得到改善,他可以再次雇傭員工。

The Austrain parliament is approve controvertial measures to control the number of migrants cross into the country. From Vienna, here is Bethony Bell, The asylum law is one of the toughest in Europe, the bill alows the governmnet to declare state of emergency if migrant numbers suddenly arise and it gives the power to reject most of them off the border. Critics say the law goes against the principle of offering refugee for war and persecution. Tens of thousands of migrants have transitted to Austria in recent months, and around 100000 of asylum. Austria initially welcome refugees but it recently introduce much tough measures.

奧地利議會已批準有爭議措施以控制進入該國的移民數(shù)量。來自維也納,由Bethony Bell報道。它是歐洲最嚴格的庇護法。允許政府在移民數(shù)量陡增的情況下,宣布進入緊急狀態(tài)。這部法律規(guī)定,在邊界就可將大部分尋求庇護者擋在門外。批評人士表示,該法案違背提供躲避戰(zhàn)爭和迫害的原則。最近幾個月,成千上萬的移民涌入奧地利,大約100000人申請庇護。奧地利最初歡迎難民,但最近推出了更加嚴厲的措施。

The key suspect in November's terror attacks in Paris Salah Abdeslam has been charged with murder, using bombs and weapons and association with the terrorist group. He left a court in Paris under heavy-armed guard. Salah Abdeslam arrived in Paris this morning after being extradited from Belgium.

巴黎11月恐怖襲擊案件主犯阿卜杜勒·薩拉赫(Salah Abdeslam)已被指控犯有謀殺、使用炸彈和武器與恐怖組織有關(guān)聯(lián)等罪行。他在帶重武器衛(wèi)兵看守下離開巴黎法院。 阿卜杜勒·薩拉赫(Salah Abdeslam)于今天早晨從比利時引渡到法國。

A BBC poll has found that a about half of the people in countries across the world see themselves as global rather than national citizens. This trend is driven by emerging economies, such as Nigeria, China and India while in industrialized countries, a majority see themselves as citizens of their own country. Naomi Grimley reports. Only 30 percent of Germans questioned saw themselves as global citizens. That's the lowest figure there since 2001. Germany accepted more than 1 million refugees last year but German respondents in the poll were less convinced about the case for taking in refugees than other European nationalities such as the British. Germans also appear to be more disapproving of marriages between different races. World news from the BBC.

BBC World Service發(fā)起的一項全球民調(diào)結(jié)果顯示,世界各個國家約有一半的人口越發(fā)將自己視為“全球公民”,而不是“國家公民”。這種趨勢是由新興經(jīng)濟體,如尼日利亞、中國和印度所驅(qū)動。在工業(yè)化國家,大多數(shù)認為自己是本國家的公民。Naomi Grimley 報道。僅有30%的受訪德國人自認為是世界公民,對BBC說,這是這項民調(diào)進行15年以來德國出現(xiàn)的最低比率。去年德國為100萬難民大開方便之門,但調(diào)研結(jié)果顯示,德國受訪者并不像其他歐洲國家那樣歡迎敘利亞難民前來他們的國家,如英國。在是否歡迎跨民族婚姻的問題上,德國人似乎也更不贊成。BBC世界新聞。

United Nations's special envoy for Syria Syria Staffan de Mistura is briefing the Security Council on the peace process and hopes to set a date in May for another round of talks. The Syrian opposition cut short their participation in the precious round last week, saying they will not return until more aids were sent to besieged towns.

聯(lián)合國敘利亞特使Staffan de Mistura正在向安理會通報和平進程,希望日期設(shè)定在5月進行新一輪談判。上周,敘利亞反對派在前一輪談判中的提前撤離,并聲稱只有對圍困城鎮(zhèn)提供更多援助,他們才會加入近距離談判。

The Iraqi government has ordered the satellite broadcasting network Al-Jazeera to close its Baghdad bureau and has banned its journalists from reporting in the country. The authorities accused the broadcaster of breaking Iraqi media guidelines which include restrictions on covering insurgent groups. Al-Jazeera said it was shocked by the decision and denied any violations of professional standards.


A vigil has taken place in Liverpool for the 96 football fans killed in Britain's worst sporting disaster. The commemoration came a day after a inquest concluded that the Liverpool supporters were unlawfully killed when they were crushed to death at the Hillsborough stadium in 1989. Danny Savage sent this report from Liverpool. On the huge banners bearing the words 'Truth and Justice', tens of thousands of Liverpudlian gathered on a sunny but cold evening to acknowledge the battle the city has won. Every vantage point was taken. People perched on top of red telephone boxes. Red scarves were tied to lampposts. During the hour-long service, several people addressed the crowd including Margaret Aspinall, whose 18-year-old son James died in the disaster. The mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson praised the determination shown by the Hillsborough families.

在利物浦正在舉行燭光守夜儀式,悼念在英國最嚴重的體育災(zāi)難中逝去的96個亡靈。紀念活動的前一天,震驚世界足壇的希斯堡慘案的調(diào)查結(jié)果才正式出爐,利物浦球迷們被非法殺害,在1989年希爾斯堡體育場被踩踏死亡。Danny Savage從利物浦發(fā)回報道。巨大的橫幅上寫著“真理和正義”,成千上萬的利物浦市民聚集在一個晴朗但寒冷的夜晚,承認贏得了這場戰(zhàn)斗。每一個有利的位置都被占據(jù)。人們坐在紅色電話亭上,紅色圍巾被系在燈柱上。在長達一小時的儀式,幾個人向群眾發(fā)表講話,包括Margaret Aspinall,他18歲的兒子James死于這場慘案。利物浦的市長喬·安德森稱贊希爾斯堡慘案的家庭們所表現(xiàn)出的決心。

Police in the US city of Milwaukee have been giving details of how a 2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his mother. Patrice Price was shot once in the back while driving on a highway. Police say the gun had been left in the car by her boyfriend, a security guard. BBC world service news.

據(jù)美國密爾沃基市警方初步了解,對于兩歲男童如何開槍誤殺母親已給出詳細說明。普萊斯(Patrice Price)26日上午在當(dāng)?shù)毓飞像{車時,遭坐在身后的兩歲兒子開槍擊中。該槍支是其當(dāng)保鏢的男朋友遺留在車里。BBC世界新聞。

Hello, I'm Marion Marshall with the BBC news.The US frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination Donald Trump has launched a scathing attack on president Obama's foreign policy. It is his first speech on international affairs. Mr Trump described Mr Obama's strategy as reckless, rudderless and aimless. Laura Bicker reports from Washington. The speech was delivered by a Donald Trump we don't see very often. Toned down and tied to the words on a teleprompter, he sent a mixed message to US allies. Above all else, he said they'd be left to defend themselves if they didn't pay their fair share and yet he also assured them the US would a reliable ally if he was president. The Republican frontrunner is trying to calm the nerves of those who fear he doesn't have the experience or the temperament to be president.

The New York Times is reporting that the Democratic Party's trailing presidential aspirant Bernie Sanders says he's planing to lay off hundreds of campaign staffers across the country. Mr Sanders said he would remain in the presidential race through to the party's convention in July and could take on staff again if his political fortunes improved.

The Austrian parliament has approved controversial measures to control the number of migrants crossing into country. From Vienna, here's Bethany Bell. The new asylum law is one of the toughest in Europe. The bill allows the government to declare state of emergency if migrant numbers suddenly rise. And it gives it the power to reject most of them at border. Critics say the law goes against the principle of offering refuge from war and persecution. Tens of thousands of migrants have transited to Austria in recent months and around 100,000 have applied for asylum. Austria initially welcomed refugees but has recently introduced much tougher measures.

The key suspect in November's terror attacks in Paris Salah Abdeslam has been charged with murder, using bombs and weapons and association with the terrorist group. He left a court in Paris under heavy-armed guard. Salah Abdeslam arrived in Paris this morning after being extradited from Belgium.

A BBC poll has found that a about half of the people in countries across the world see themselves as global rather than national citizens. This trend is driven by emerging economies, such as Nigeria, China and India while in industrialized countries, a majority see themselves as citizens of their own country. Naomi Grimley reports. Only 30 percent of Germans questioned saw themselves as global citizens. That's the lowest figure there since 2001. Germany accepted more than 1 million refugees last year but German respondents in the poll were less convinced about the case for taking in refugees than other European nationalities such as the British. Germans also appear to be more disapproving of marriages between different races. World news from the BBC.

United Nations's special envoy for Syria Syria Staffan de Mistura is briefing the Security Council on the peace process and hopes to set a date in May for another round of talks. The Syrian opposition cut short their participation in the precious round last week, saying they will not return until more aids were sent to besieged towns.

The Iraqi government has ordered the satellite broadcasting network Al-Jazeera to close its Baghdad bureau and has banned its journalists from reporting in the country. The authorities accused the broadcaster of breaking Iraqi media guidelines which include restrictions on covering insurgent groups. Al-Jazeera said it was shocked by the decision and denied any violations of professional standards.

A vigil has taken place in Liverpool for the 96 football fans killed in Britain's worst sporting disaster. The commemoration came a day after a inquest concluded that the Liverpool supporters were unlawfully killed when they were crushed to death at the Hillsborough stadium in 1989. Danny Savage sent this report from Liverpool. On the huge banners bearing the words 'Truth and Justice', tens of thousands of Liverpudlian gathered on a sunny but cold evening to acknowledge the battle the city has won. Every vantage point was taken. People perched on top of red telephone boxes. Red scarves were tied to lampposts. During the hour-long service, several people addressed the crowd including Margaret Aspinall, whose 18-year-old son James died in the disaster. The mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson praised the determination shown by the Hillsborough families.

Police in the US city of Milwaukee have been giving details of how a 2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his mother. Patrice Price was shot once in the back while driving on a highway. Police say the gun had been left in the car by her boyfriend, a security guard. BBC world service news.


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