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The New Year is a time to reflect on what has passed and to look ahead to the opportunities to come. And this year, as I consider all that 2017 has in store, I believe those opportunities are greater than ever. For we have made a momentous decision and set ourselves on a new direction. And if 2016 was the year you voted for that change, this is the year we start to make it happen.



I know that the referendum last June was divisive at times. I know, of course, that not everyone shared the same point of view, or voted in the same way. But I know too that, as we face the opportunities ahead of us, our shared interests and ambitions can bring us together.



We all want to see a Britain that is stronger than it is today. We all want a country that is fairer so that everyone has the chance to succeed. We all want a nation that is safe and secure for our children and grandchildren. These ambitions unite us, so that we are no longer the 52% who voted Leave and the 48% who voted Remain, but one great union of people and nations with a proud history and a bright future.



So when I sit around the negotiating table in Europe this year, it will be with that in mind – the knowledge that I am there to get the right deal – not just for those who voted to Leave – but for every single person in this country.

因此,今年當我坐在談判桌前,與歐盟繼續(xù)協(xié)商時,我會將此銘記于心:我在這里是要為英國爭取最佳利益 - 不只是為投票脫歐的人爭取,而是為這個國家的每個人爭取。


Of course, the referendum laid bare some further divisions in our country – between those who are prospering, and those who are not; those who can easily buy their own home, send their children to a great school, find a secure job, and those who cannot; in short, those for whom our country works well, and those for whom it does not.

確實,脫歐公投進一步加劇了我們國家的分化程度 - 在富裕階層和并不富裕的人之間產(chǎn)生分化;在那些可以輕而易舉購置房產(chǎn),將子女送進最好的學校,輕易找到一份穩(wěn)定工作的人,和做不到以上這些的人之間,也產(chǎn)生了分化;總而言之,分化就在這些國家利益既得者和國家利益缺失者之間產(chǎn)生了。


This is the year we need to pull down these barriers that hold people back, securing a better deal at home for ordinary, working people. The result will be a truly united Britain, in which we are all united in our citizenship of this great nation; united in the opportunities that are open to all our people; and united by the principle that it is only your talent and hard work that should determine your future.



After all, it is through unity that our people have achieved great things: through our precious union of nations – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; through our union of people – from sports teams to armed forces; businesses to charities; schools to hospitals; and, above all, through our union of communities and families.

畢竟,只有聯(lián)合在一起,我們的人民才能取得如此偉大的成就:通過我們四大構成國組成的寶貴聯(lián)盟 - 英格蘭 蘇格蘭 威爾士 和北愛爾蘭;通過國民之間的聯(lián)合 - 從奧運代表隊到武裝力量;從企業(yè)機構到慈善組織;從學校到醫(yī)院;但最為重要的,是通過我們的社區(qū)組織和每家每戶之間的聯(lián)合。


Of course, it isn’t just big, global events that define a year – it is the personal things. 2017 might be the year you start your first job or buy your first home. It might be the year your children start school or go off to university, or that you retire after a lifetime of hard work. These things – life’s milestones – are the things that bind us, whoever we are.

當然了,要給某一年下一個定義,不僅僅要看那年發(fā)生的全球性大事件,更要看個人化的事件。2017年,或許你會開始人生第一份工作,或者買下第一套房子;這一年,你的孩子可能會第一次走進課堂,或者離家邁入大學校園;再或者你努力工作了一輩子,今年終于得以退休。正是這些小事 - 成為了我們生命的里程碑 - 把我們緊緊聯(lián)系在一起,無論我們是誰。


As the fantastic MP Jo Cox, who was so tragically taken from us last year, put it: “We are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us.We have a golden opportunity to demonstrate that – to bring this country together as never before, so that whoever you are, wherever you live, our politics, economy and society work for you, not just a privileged few.

去年,了不起的Jo Cox議員不幸永遠離開了我們,她生前曾說過:“跟分化我們的因素相比,我們更有理由聯(lián)合在一起,擁有更多的共同之處。” 如今便有這樣一個千載難逢的機會來證明這點 - 為了讓國家前所未有地聯(lián)合起來,無論你姓甚名誰,無論你住在何處,我們的政治、經(jīng)濟和社會,都會服務于你的利益,而不是服務于那些特權少數(shù)階層。


So as we look ahead to a year of opportunity and unity, let me wish you and your family a peaceful, prosperous and happy New Year.



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