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We have as humans,We have something that no animal has,And what called is imagination.

作為人類 我們擁有動物不具備的某樣東西,那就是 想象力

And what imagination allowed you to do ?It allows you to see it before actually happen.

擁有了想象力 你可以做什么?它會讓你預感到事情的發(fā)生

What I mean by that,I need you to go 10 years to the future.20 years to the future.I need you to see yourself actually becoming the person you want to be .


You gotta live in the forward,Block the whole world out ,put some music,some classical music ,and the piano music,I don`t know what you need to listen to

生活就是要向前看,把世界拋在一邊,放上一些音樂,古典音樂, 鋼琴曲,


But I want you to take 30 minutes,go in the closet ,go in the basement,go to the library go in to the room along.And I want you to take 30 minutes, and I want you to imagine.I want you to take 30 minutes, and I want you to live in the forward.See the problem 。

但是我要你花30分鐘,把自己關在私室里 或待在地下室里,或去圖書館 亦或是獨自回到房間。我需要你花30分鐘 我需要你想象,我要你利用30分鐘 讓自己活在將來,找到問題所在。

I`m talking to some of you guys


The problem that you have,is you live in the future and you live in the present.and you keep talking about the mistakes,and you keep talking about the past,and you keep talking about the trials,and you keep talking about the situation.

你們存在的問題就是,既活在未來 又活在當下,你一直糾結(jié)著所犯的錯誤,一直談論著過去,一直講述著你面臨的考驗,一直談論著現(xiàn)在的處境.

And I want you to know , that everybody has ever been great, Everybody has the obstacle to overcome,they had the barrier that they had to climb, There is no individual who ever reach success,

可我要你明白 每個曾優(yōu)秀過的人,每個人都有要克服的障礙,每個人都有要越過的山丘,從未有人可以輕而易舉的成功

And they hasn`t go through obstacle or barrier go get there,I need you to live in the future,I need you to go in your future every single day.I need you to go in your future,I need you to see what you going to be.


Listen to me:what you are to be, you are now becoming.So,you got to use your imagination, and your imagination ,has to take you beyond the pain. and your imagination ,has to take you beyond the trouble,and your imagination ,has to take you to the next level, we have to see ourselves there,long before happened

聽我說:你現(xiàn)在努力的方向 決定了將來能成為怎樣的人所以 你必須運用你的想象力,將自己置身于痛苦之上,運用你的想象力 助你擺脫煩惱,你的想象力會帶你在人生的道路上前進一步,我們得預感未來 洞見很久以后的自我。


The second rule is :we gotta embrace faith,


I had to have faith,believe that thing that is seen 10 years from now,20 years form now. that one day that thing is gonna be successful, when I was homeless as sixteen,I couldn`t quit, when I was homeless,I couldn`t give it up, there was many of days when I thought about commiting to suicide, but I said to myself,E,just keep imagine,

我必須擁有信念,相信所預見的十年 二十年之后發(fā)生的事情,相信到那天 一切都能實現(xiàn),我16歲無家可歸 可我不能放棄,無家可歸時 我不能向現(xiàn)狀屈服,有許多日子我曾想過自殺,但是我對自己說:“E.想想未來吧

Keep thinking , keep seeing ,keep seeing ,what you are not now but what you are going to be , sometimes it`s gonna be hard, sometimes you look all around you, and nowhere do you see success, nowhere do you see anything that remoting looks like success, but you got embrace.

想想未來的日子 想想吧,務必堅信 現(xiàn)在未能成功 將來一定可以”,有時生活會很艱難,有時環(huán)顧四周,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)成功無跡可尋,即使極目遠眺也看不見成功,但是你仍舊相信.

Number 2 ,you gotta embrace the faith, you gotta believe that all what is happening right now, If you keep pressing ,if you keep pushing ,guess what ? one day is gonna be your day,that`s right, I need you to said with me, one day is gonna be your day! embrace faith,

第二點 懷揣信念,你必須堅信現(xiàn)在發(fā)生的所有,如果你一直逼迫自己 壓迫自己 猜猜會怎樣?總有一天會是你的時代 是的,請跟我一起吶喊:總有一天會是我的時代!懷揣信念

You gotta be able to see it and believe it , when is no evidence around you, when is no evidence around you,when you got pain in your life, when you are tired, when you feel like give in up and you feel like quit, when you look around you,you don`t see anything that looks anything like success,

你就能看見它 相信它,哪怕無處可尋,哪怕虛無縹緲,當你在生活中遭受痛苦,當你感到疲倦,當你想要放棄 想要退出,當你環(huán)顧四周 依舊發(fā)現(xiàn)成功無跡可尋,

you gotta embrace the faith and believe that one day it`s gonna be my day, but one day can`t be your day if you give up, If you quit ! If you quit !One day ever be your day

你必須懷揣信念 相信總有一天我會成功,但是如果你放棄 那一天永遠不會到來,如果你退出!如果你放棄!你注定是一個失敗者,

I want you to feel fault,that`s right I said it :fell forward, I want you to get to the place in your life ,that every mistake you make, every setback you get,every obstacle that you don`t overcome,every barrier you can`t climb,

我需要你接受所犯的過錯,是的 我說過 向前摔倒,我要你回顧你一生中 犯過的每一個錯誤,經(jīng)歷的每一次挫折 沒能克服的每一個障礙 沒能越過的每一個障礙

I don`t want you to give up,but I want you to fail forward, You gotta learn from your mistakes,that every mistake you make,you failed that class,get back and try again, you lose a job,get back and try again! you put all your money in investment get back and try again,

我不是要你放棄 而是讓你應該向前摔倒,這就是說 要從你所犯的過錯 挫折中 吸取經(jīng)驗 從頭再戰(zhàn)!工作丟了 重來 再次嘗試!你把所有的錢都搞投資了 那就倒退 再試一遍!

if you start a business and don1`t work ,,,,,don`t stop,don`t quit! Failed forward ,learn from each every one of your mistake . don`t quit ,don`t give up. Listen to me :don`t quit ,don`t give up if it get`s hard,

如果你開展了一項事業(yè) 但是沒有進展 別停止 別退出!向前摔倒 從你犯過的每一個錯誤中吸取經(jīng)驗,不拋棄, 不放棄聽我說:當生活艱難無比 也別拋棄 別放棄!

You`re tired not around yourself,you double tired if you have to ,but you hold on, but I want you to know,you`ll never reach your goal, you`ll never reach your dreams if you don`t use your imagination, so if you failed that class don`t drop out, when you failed that class don`t just stop going ,you going into that class, you going into that class and you going into that class and you going into that class,because I want you to know something,when you start that class over the next semester,

每個人都會感到疲憊,如果你這樣反復暗示自己 ,你會更疲憊, 你要做的是堅持,我要你知道 如果你不展望未來 你的目標終將是幻想,如果你不能心中充滿愿景 夢想永遠是虛無,所以 考試失敗時不要放棄,不要放棄前行 再試一遍,你要再試一遍……你要一遍又一遍的嘗試,因為你要明白 當你下學期開始學習這門課,你不是從頭開始 不是從最糟糕的情況開始

because you all the way up here,when you won`t quit, and now you have to go a little futher and little futher so keep reaching ,keep climbing.

只有堅持下來時候 你才會高高在上,你現(xiàn)在要做的就是一點一點堅持 一直努力 一直攀爬

But it start with a vision,fear ,it`s not real,they only place that fear can exist, is in our thoughts of the future,


It is a product of our imagination. causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist,


Fear is a choice, Only these who will risk going too far,can possibly find out how far one can go , I want you dream be so clear, that when you wake up on the morning, all you have to do i step in your dream,


And the first step for me,was seeing something I was not ,before I was. You can do it! Where you are is temporary, you are not be there for rest of your life, I don`t care what happens in your life, I don`t care what it looks like ,I don`t care where you are , Every single day when you wake up, if you gonna have energy if you gonna have passion if you gonna have dream,,,,,


Every day when you wake up, you got to start whit that vision! This is the mentality like,you got to live this, you got to eat this ,you got every single thing you do ,It`s not a cute saying ,it is a way of life, it`s got to possess everything you go, it`s gotta own you. There is no reason to have a plan B because it distracts of plan A。I want to see how far I can go ,I want to see what I can accomplish(實現(xiàn))


以此為生做好每一件事,這不是一種趣談這是一種生活方式,你做每一件事都必須這么想這是必須記住的,B方案沒必要 因為會分散A方案的精力,


I want to see what I can do ,what I can be ,what I can have,I want to see , I don`t want to see what think I can do, I don`t want to see what think is possible, I want to see what my life will looks life if I don`t count the cost,and I was willing to go further then anybody was willing to go.


One problem, the violin,,,,because to do what you do , you have got to be a world class violinist,because if you don`t, when you moving around, being through around and still trying to play, you end up doing what you did, that is missing loads of notes,and there were times when it sounded to me like a bunch of rats being strangled, seriously,that bad. but you`re not good enough,I don`t think, to get away with flying though the air and trying to play the violin at the same time. I don`t think, what you are doing right now is enough to fill a theater in Vegas. That much movement, made you not as great as you were. Anytime there`s a change to be made, you have to realize that there is somewhere else you want to be...... and I want to basically be happy.


You can`t do anything without faith. It`s impossible to accomplish anything without faith,so I need you to believe, There is still time, as long as there is a breath in your nostrils, as long as you can wake up in the morning


The first step,before anyone else in the world believe it, you have to believe it So I need you to believe,Cause if you`re willing to go through all the battling,you got go through to get where you want to get, who`s got the right to stop you?


I mean maybe some of you guys got something you never finished, something you really want to do, something you never said to someone, something...and you`re told no, even after you paid your dues? Who`s got the right to tell you that, who ? Nobody!


It`s your right to listen yo your gut, it ain`t nobody`s right to say no,after your earned the right to be where you want to be and do what you want to do ! you gotta do ,what you was called to do you gotta do,what you was born to do 。You gotta do ,what works for you, because if you do what works for you gonna blow up.


It`s in your DNA! It`s who your are! even you get knocked down, you get back, you get back, you get back, And you continue to throw shit against the wall!


You have a vision ,but listen to me :you are where you are,because of who you are . And if going to get somewhere else you gotta change something.



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