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Hi I'm Maisie Williams and I'm kind of just waiting for someone to come on stage and tell me that there's been some sort of miscommunication and that I should probably leave .no damn it .


So some of you may know me as an actress, some of you may know me for my really average tweets. oh yeah and some of you may be finding out who I am for the first time right now.


Hello, whether you knew me before or not, you're probably wondering what I'm gonna talk to you about today and I would be lying, if I said it didn't take me 1 or 2 sleepless nights trying to figure that out too,at last here I am, upon finding out the news that I would be giving a TED talk.

你好,不管你們以前是否了解我,你們可能很想知道我今天要和你們討論什么,如果我說(shuō)我沒(méi)花上一兩個(gè)不眠之夜去想這些問(wèn)題,那肯定是在撒謊,當(dāng)我知道我要做一個(gè)TED 演講的消息時(shí),

I did what I think most people do and watched about 50 TED talks back to back and read talked liked TED by Carmine Gallo for some inspiration.


was I inspired? yes and no .did it make me want to go out and change the world? hell, yeah.


did it make me feel like a totally inadequate public speaker with absolutely no point to make ,who was definitely in need of a big so Soros if she wants to keep up, indeed, what can I possibly say that would have any impact ,what point am I trying to make, and who the hell thought it was a good idea to give me a TED talk, so here's the part where I tell you what I know.

這是否讓我覺(jué)得我是一個(gè)完全不稱職的公眾演講者,說(shuō)話完全沒(méi)有意義,如果想要跟得上的話,絕對(duì)需要好好補(bǔ)一場(chǎng),是的,我說(shuō)些什么才能有影響力呢?我試圖說(shuō)明的重點(diǎn)是什么呢?到底是誰(shuí)覺(jué)得讓我做一個(gè)TED 演講是個(gè)好主意啊?好了,接下來(lái)我就講些我知道的事吧。

I'm the youngest of four siblings, my parents divorced when I was four months old, I really was the icing on the cake of a terrible marriage.


I have two step siblings who are younger than me, and a half brother who's older than all of us, I grew up in a three-bedroom council house with four of my six siblings just outside of Bristol.


I went to a very ordinary school, I got very ordinary grades, I wasn't quite good enough to get a gold star and I also wasn't quite bad enough to be kept after school .


I walked that nice center line, where if I kept my mouth shut in class, then I could probably get away with not being spoken to by teachers for weeks on end.


everything about me was pretty damn ordinary, except for how I felt on the inside, I had big dreams. Shock, from as young as I can remember I have dreamed of becoming a professional dancer.


there are certain memories from my childhood that I would really rather forget, but during those times of immense pain, I found myself instinctively walking over to my mother's CD player ,cranking up the volume to drown out the noise and letting my body move to the beat.


it's hard to describe how it fell, I was harnessing emotions that I didn't even really know the names of yet,I was summoning all of this energy and feeling it flow through my body and out of my fingertips.這種感覺(jué)很難描述,那是我還很難駕馭那些不知道名字的情感,我在召喚所有的能量,感覺(jué)到它穿過(guò)我的身體,然后從我的指尖流出,

I was alone in my own head and I felt the most alive, I didn't really know much about the big wide world, then but I knew that this feeling was addictive, and I wasn`t going to stop at nothing until I made it my profession ,at eight years old I was enrolled in dance class and by 10:00 I informed my mother that I didn't want to go to school anymore.


I wanted to be like Billy Elliot and go to stage school, this was the first opportunity or challenge I was presented with .


even as young as 10 I was willing to give up all of my friends and go away to board at a private school ,away from my siblings away, from my mum, she would repeatedly ask me: are you sure this is what you want? and to me it was a no-brainer, I didn't just want this, I needed it my grubby knees and crooked teeth were not on the list of requirements for becoming a professional dancer.


and when I look back now,bothmyself and my mother looked severely outof place, but at the time I was just tooyoung and naive to feel inadequate,Ididn't care if Billy Elliot could do it so could I,once my audition was done,Ireturned home for two weeks of staringout the window,waiting for the postman,waiting for my ticket out of my sleepyvillage and into a world of jazz handsand dorm rooms.


it was good news,followedby bad news,I had got in,but the fees toattend a school like this were not cheap,and despite my best efforts I had notreceived any government funding,Iauditioned again the following year andthis time I received 40% funding butthis was still just money that we didn'thave and it broke my heart.


I was good enough I made the cut, but Iwasn't going anywhere,it was a blessingin disguise, although if anyone wouldhave said that to me back then,Iprobably would have given on the fingerand told them to jog on.


I wasn't willingto give up that easily,so at age 11, I was bursting withexcitement when my dance teacherinformed me of a talent show whichboasted opportunities of making you astar.


this was the second opportunity I wasfaced with,I entered into singingacting dancing and modeling,the talentshow consisted of workshops and seminarswith specialists who would help trainyou up for your performance at the endof the week.


after meeting a woman called Louise Johnstonin an improvisation acting workshop, shegave me the words bowling ball and askedme to create a short scene inspired bythese words.


after making her laugh witha fictional story of how I threw abowling ball that my brother and itbounced, she asked me to join her actingagency, I didn't really know what thismeant,I knew that I would do auditions forfilms and maybe become an actor but Istill have big dreams of becoming aprofessional dancer.


so this woman wasgonna have to work a lot harder thanthat if she was gonna convinceelevenyearold me that I was gonnabecome an actress.


was this gonna taketime away from the 30 hours of dancing?was doing a week and what if I didn'tget the part? was this gonna be tooupsetting?and do actresses have teeth like mine?because if they do I'm yet to watch anyof their movies.


after meeting Louise inthe February of 2009 and trying butfailing to land the part in the hitsequel Nanny McPhee to the Big Bang, mysecond audition was for a show calledGame of Thrones, this was the thirdopportunity or challenge I was presentedwith.


I climbed the steps to theMethodist Church with my mother's handin mine, I perched my tiny bottom and oneof the seats outside the audition roomand listened to an annoying girl withher, even more annoying mother tell meall about the number of auditions shehad done prior to this one and alsoabout her pet fish.


my name was calledthenI stepped inside,I had a hard Bristolianaccent and dark rings around myeyes that were so bigthey took up halfmy face and a hole in the knee of mytrousers which I tried to cover with myleft hand.


I was talking to the current lady whotaped my audition,but as soon as shepress record it all drifted away, muchlike when I was dancing in my mother'sliving room, I harnessed all of myinsecurities and self-doubt and let itflow through the words that came out ofmy mouth.


I was cheeky, I was loud, I wasangry and for this I was perfect,after getting the partand shooting thepilot episode, the shows slowly grew tobecome one of the biggest shows intelevision history.


to this day, we'vesmashed previous HBO viewing records,we've been nominated for over 130 Emmys,making us the most Emmy nominated showto ever exist.

直到今天,我們打破了HBO 之前的收視紀(jì)錄,我們已經(jīng)獲得了130多項(xiàng)艾美獎(jiǎng)提名,成為有史以來(lái)獲得艾美獎(jiǎng)提名最多的電視劇,

we've recently finishedshooting our eighth and final seasonwhich is predicted to smash records thatwe've already broken and nearly a decadeto the day since my first audition.


I'm still wondering when am I gonna getto be Billy Elliot, I joke,but in allseriousness, I have absolutely no plansof slowing down,throughout my time inthis industry, it has been a minefield,I have grown from a child into an adultand from four feet tallinto a whopping five feet tall.


I haveconstantly been trying to say the rightthing,accidentally saying the wrong thing,trying not to swear too much and tryingto stop saying like like all of the time.


in February of 2017,a friend of mine Dom and I was riggingbeers in my kitchen and he confessed tome that there is a huge problem with thecreative industries, I agreed the seriesof events that had got me to that pointand were based mainly on luck in timingand were unable to be recreated hesuggested to me that we create a socialmedia, but just for artiststo be able to collaborate with oneanotherand create a career this was thefourth opportunity or challenge I waspresented with .


Great I thought how thehell do we do that and Daisy was born, ofcourse everyone who I spoke to about mylatest endeavor thought that I was mad ,however I know that this is somethingthat I can help change .


this last yearinthe industry we've seen a huge shiftwith the #Me Too movement, the industry isbuilt with gatekeepers holding all ofthe power and selecting who they deemtalented enough to advance to the nextlevel, more often than not is easier tocatch the attention of those peopleifyou have graduated from an expensiveschool.

去年在這個(gè)行業(yè),我們已經(jīng)看到了#Me Too運(yùn)動(dòng)的巨大轉(zhuǎn)變,這個(gè)行業(yè)由掌權(quán)者把關(guān),選擇這他們認(rèn)為足夠有天賦的人準(zhǔn)其更進(jìn)一步,如果你畢業(yè)于一所貴族學(xué)校,這往往更容易引起這些人的注意,

but even then, I have so manyfriends who are fresh out of art school,having trained for years and are stillno closer to creating a career.


now I'mnot claiming that with Daisy I can makeeverybody a star, but I do believe thatthe key to success within creativeindustries is collaborating,actors areonly as good as their writers musiciansare only as strong as their producersand designers need their teams to startthe company we self-funded.


I had a potof cash from Game of Thrones that I wasfree to invest wherever I liked,Dom hada series of businesses from the age of16, which meant he was also left with apot of cash we threw our money together,50-50 and we built a team.


Now Lady Gagahas repeatedly said that there could bea room of 100 people, and 99 don'tbelieve in you,but it just takes thatone person to believe in you and theycan change your life.


well now we have ateam of six,over the next 16months, webuild our MVP,now if you're wonderingwhat MVP is, I only found out what it isabout six months ago and from what I cangather it's a product which proves has aproblem worth solving with the minimumteam effort, so basically from my pointof view ,you're marketing something whichyou know is gonna be good one daybut is a little bit bad right now.


andfor us that was an iOS app the six of usmade an office in Dom's garden and onthe first of August 2018, we released ourversion one we had over 30,000 downloadsin the first 24 hours and over 30,000comments asking when the Android versionwas going to be coming, despite our appbeing imperfect buggy and literallybuilt by one man alone.


this was exactlywhat we needed for people to invest, welearned a lot from our angry users andour scary investors and over the lastsix months we have grown our team to 16people from then till now we've beenbuilding version 2 which we will belaunching in April,.所以這正是我們需要人們投資的地方,我們從憤怒的用戶和可怕的投資者身上學(xué)到很多東西,在過(guò)去的6個(gè)月里面我們的團(tuán)隊(duì)已經(jīng)壯大到16人,從那之后我們一直在做第二版本,它將在4月發(fā)布,

within the industrythere is a common phrase which I thinkwe're all pretty familiar with and thatis not what you know it's who youknow,and with Daisy, I hope to give thatpower back to the Creator,I want toencourage people to create a list ofcontacts that they will work with andsupport as they take their first stepsinto the fickle and often challengingcreative world.


I am of the generationwho grew up with the Internet I've neverknown anything else,we are connected we are aware and we arethe future, I hope Daisy can breathe newlife into the slightly dystopian adriddled health escapes that social mediaplatforms have become, I hope to create aspace where people can boast their artand creativity rather than what car theyare driving and whether or nottheybought it cash or on Finance,


in a worldwhere literally anyone can be famous.Ihope to inspire people to be talentedinstead,talent will carry you so muchfurther than your 15 minutes of fame, sowhy am I telling you all this,the veryfact that I'm here giving a TED talk right now is so far from anything Ithought that I was capable of,evenwriting the bio for my speech made merealize that in a decade everything inmy life has changed,


I am an Emmy-nominated actress, anentrepreneur and an activist yet I haveno formal qualifications to my name,whenI left school about seven years ago, Imade it my mission to continue learning,even though I never wanted to set footin a classroom again, who knows what'sgoing to happen to my life in the next10 years.


I surely have no ideaI've never had an end goal, it's workingout okay so far,so trust that you'regood enough if there's one thing thatI've learned is that there truly is aplace for everyone,ask questions and laugh in the face ofpeople who say that they're stupidquestions,be open to learning andadmitting when you don't know what thehell is going on.


refuse to hold yourself back and dare todream big,thank you for listening!



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