閃電俠第一季 第11期:風暴之后發(fā)生的劫案
Mr. Allen, while I am extremely eager to determine your full range of abilities, I do caution restraint.
He just passed 200 miles per hour.
It's not possible.
Mom! No, Barry! Mom!
No! Don't let him touch you!
What is all this?
Witnesses from the robbery at Gold City Bank.
Perp made off with 200 grand, more or less.
Catch these guys.
The windows blew in. It was like a hurricane. Everyone ran for cover.
We're going to have a sketch artist work with you, if you feel up to it.
Third robbery in a month where a freak storm precedes it.
Sounds like one of those "Wide world of weird" cases Barry's obsessed with. He's not obsessed.
Guess you haven't read his blog.
The security cameras at the bank.
Apparently it all shorted out.
We got a bunch of witnesses here. They all have cell phones.
The sky went black and then, boom. Outside was inside.