I remember an instance when I was probably 10 and my mother told me I had a booger in my nose. She told me out of kindness before leaving the house but still I felt crushed. This simple instance has stuck with me. I let it grow into being by watering it with my fear and thoughts of not being good enough, an embarrassment, even ugly.
No more. I will not allow this seed to grow any longer. I will take responsibility for my thoughts and not put the responsibility or blame on others. I choose my thoughts. I choose how I feel about myself.
But what if there is someone in your life actually telling you that you are fat or ugly or a failure?
You are still responsible for making those sayings a reality. You can choose to make them a reality or you can squash them immediately and not let them ever enter your thought.
Taking control of your thoughts is huge. Once you become aware that every thought you have the good, the bad and the ugly is a choice then you can take the steps to choose to only allow the good into your consciousness and therefore your reality
First off, simply by becoming conscious of your thoughts. Take note of your thoughts throughout the day.
When you look in the mirror, what are your thoughts saying? Where did they come from? Are you going to choose to water those thoughts? Are there new thoughts you are willing to replace with the old?
Taking control and responsibility for your thoughts will set you on a path of conscious control of your direction in life.
Stop allowing other people to take the lead. Choose for yourself what your reality will be.
Your thoughts are completely in your control.