At the end of dinner,a servant came in with the farmer's one-year-old son in her arms.He immediately started crying andscreaming,because he wanted to play with me.His mothersmiled and put me in his hand.When he picked me up and putmy head in his mouth,I shouted so loudly that he droppedme.Luckily,I was not hurt,but it showed me howdangerous life was going to be in Brobdingnag.
After eating,the farmer,or my master,as I shall now call him,went back to his work in thefields.I think he told his wife to take good care of me,because she put me carefully on her bedand locked the bedroom door.I was exhausted,and slept for two hours.
When I woke up,I felt very small and lonely in such a huge room,and on such a largebed.Suddenly I saw two huge rats run towards me across the bed.One came right up to myface,so I pulled out my sword and cut open his stomach.The other ran away at once.I walkedup and down on the bed,to control my trembling legs,and looked at the dead rat.
It was as large as a big dog,and its tail measured two metres.When my master's wife came intothe room some time later,
I showed her how I had killed the rat.She was delighted that I was not hurt,and threw thedead rat out of the window.