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Once a hotbed of piracy, China’s music market has become so sought after that copyright deals are going for substantially more than a song.


But following a flurry of so-called exclusive partnerships between the country’s biggest internet groups and major international record labels, the government has called time on the practice.


The regulator’s ire — spurred by rivals griping at Tencent’s stranglehold on the sector — has thrown a spotlight on one of the world’s fastest-growing music markets as an increasingly important opportunity for western artists.


Paid online music is expected to rise 59 per cent this year to Rmb3bn ($455m), according to iResearch, the market research company. Moreover, industry body IFPI says almost all of this is down to streaming putting the country well ahead of every other big market.


“I think we’ll start to see international artists wanting to ‘break China’ just as much as they’ve always wanted to ‘break America’,” says Stu Bergen, chief executive for international and global commercial services at Warner Music.

華納音樂(Warner Music)負責國際及全球商業(yè)服務的首席執(zhí)行官斯圖•伯根(Stu Bergen)表示:“我想我們將開始看到國際藝術(shù)家想要‘打入中國’,就像他們一直想要‘打入美國’那樣。”

Tencent had a 78 per cent share of the market revenues last year, according to Soochow Security, a Chinese brokerage. That clout and a fat wallet has enabled the group to outbid rivals for distribution agreements with western labels eager to distribute their music in China.

據(jù)中國券商東吳證券(Soochow Security)的數(shù)據(jù),去年騰訊占該市場收入的78%。這樣的影響力加上充沛的資金,讓該集團能夠打敗競爭對手,與那些渴望將自己的音樂發(fā)行到中國的西方唱片公司達成分銷協(xié)議。

“They bid very high prices, way beyond what they thought they would be able to monetise, just to grab all the content for themselves,” says one investor.China’s National Copyright Administration called for an end to exclusive deals in September, with a view to encouraging greater competition among groups. Duan Yupin, an NCAC official, reiterated that view in the state-backed People’s Daily newspaper, last month: “It’s not normal to give a whole copyright pool exclusively to a single platform.”

一位投資者說:“他們出價非常高,遠超他們預估能獲得的收入,只為了將所有內(nèi)容攥到自己手中。”中國國家版權(quán)局在9月份叫停音樂獨家版權(quán)交易,以期鼓勵各集團間的競爭。國家版權(quán)局官員段玉萍上個月在官方報紙《人民日報》(People’s Daily)上重申了這一觀點:“像中國這樣整個曲庫的獨家授權(quán)是不正常的。”

Music labels, however, point out that the “exclusive” tag is a misnomer. The deals, they say, are more akin to the master licensing arrangement common in some emerging markets, whereby copyright is handed to one company which then cross-licences it to other platforms.


Warner Music’s Mr Bergen says Tencent is “expected to do sub-licence deals with all potential internet digital music platforms on behalf of our catalogue of artists”, adding that it is a unique arrangement that would “not necessarily be a model that would work in any other market”.


For the Chinese group, which hopes to spin off its music arm next year, having content rights is crucial. “As Tencent Music prepares for an initial public offering, the copyright they hold is the one thing they can tell investors to back up an [expected] high valuation,” notes one industry executive.

騰訊希望明年將音樂部門拆分出去;擁有內(nèi)容版權(quán)對騰訊至關(guān)重要。一位業(yè)內(nèi)高管表示:“騰訊音樂(Tencent Music)正在準備首次公開發(fā)行(IPO),他們手上的版權(quán)就是他們可以向投資者宣傳的一個賣點,這些版權(quán)將支撐起騰訊音樂(預期的)的高估值。”

Rivals are cautiously optimistic on the impact of the regulator’s intervention. The price of distribution rights will continue to rise, says the head of one production house, but “the premium will not be as high as it is now; there will be less of a bubble”.


Wang Jiang, a music producer and former director at Universal Music in China, says it will lead to a different model. “When label companies sign new copyright contracts in the future they will add more specific clauses, like how to distribute that copyright even if it is an ‘exclusive’ deal.”

前環(huán)球唱片(Universal Music)市場總監(jiān)、音樂制作人王江表示,這將帶來一種不同的模式。“唱片公司未來簽訂新的版權(quán)合同時,它們會添加更具體的條款,比如如何分銷版權(quán)——即便是‘獨家’授權(quán)。”

China’s distorted market is explained in large part by its history. Piracy was rampant across media, from stores selling bootleg DVDs to illegal downloads and streaming. Government intervention through enforcement and fines changed the picture.


Speaking at a conference in Shenzhen earlier this year, Chia-Chi Li, Tencent’s director of technology transactions, described the clampdown as “probably one of the biggest changes in the market that’s allowed us to be here today”.

騰訊的技術(shù)交易負責人黎家齊(Chia-Chi Li)今年早些時候在深圳一次會議上的發(fā)言中稱,這次整頓“可能是該市場最大的變化之一,它讓我們今天來到了這里”。

Listeners have largely segued from unpaid pirated content to unpaid-for, ad-funded streaming. Tencent Music claims 700m monthly active users and says 20m will be paying subscribers by the end of 2017.


“It’s a huge user base of free services,” shrugs one music analyst.


Despite Tencent’s dominance, it prompted a renaissance for China’s music industry more broadly. Alibaba, the ecommerce group, and Netease Cloud Music, the number two platform, ramped up. Tencent began acquiring and rolling music platforms and bolting them together with its own QQ music platform.

盡管騰訊占據(jù)著統(tǒng)治地位,但它促進了中國音樂產(chǎn)業(yè)的全面復興。電商集團阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和第二大平臺網(wǎng)易云音樂(Netease Cloud Music)也發(fā)力了。騰訊已開始收購和推出眾多音樂平臺,并將它們與自己的QQ音樂(QQ Music)平臺捆綁在一起。

Mathew Daniel, international vice-president at Netease Cloud Music, pinpoints social media’s role in the way the music industry has evolved. “Where China is different — social media is very much a local business and international ones are not available in China so things have to come from the ground up.”

網(wǎng)易云音樂國際副總裁馬修•丹尼爾(Mathew Daniel)認為是社交媒體造就了音樂產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展軌跡。 “中國的不同之處在于,社交媒體基本上是本土的,國際化社交媒體在中國不能用,所以一切都得從頭開始。”

It is little surprise that the international record labels have every intention of expanding in the country. If China’s market develops and growth proves sustainable, says one player, “I think we are going to see a creative explosion like we saw in the 60s and 70s in the west.”


Listening by numbers


Just how big is China’s music market? If you believe the streaming platforms, the numbers are huge. Tencent claims 700m users and Netease 400m.


Those numbers far outstrip the official figure of 503m at the end of 2016 and demonstrate what analyst Mark Mulligan dubs “an absolutely huge amount of overlap”.

這些數(shù)字遠遠超過了2016年底5.03億的官方數(shù)字,也展示了分析師馬克•馬利根(Mark Mulligan)所稱的“絕對龐大的重疊”。

Mr Mulligan, of UK-based music research consultancy Midea Research, says using the numbers given out by platforms implies that at least three-quarters of the Chinese population are active users, even though certain regions lack the mobile data services needed to stream.

英國音樂研究咨詢機構(gòu)Midea Research的馬利根表示,如果采用各平臺發(fā)布的數(shù)字,就意味著至少有四分之三的中國人是活躍用戶——盡管某些地區(qū)缺乏流媒體播放所需要的移動數(shù)據(jù)服務。

But if Tencent follows through on plans to list its music unit, it will be forced to shed some light on numbers — and specifically numbers of paying subscribers, which will be key when it comes to valuing the company.


The 15m paying subscribers claimed by Tencent puts in behind only Spotify and Apple Music but, says Mr Mulligan, that is by adding those on its various platforms: QQ Music, KuGou and KuWo. Unifying the numbers ahead of listing will significantly whittle that back, he says.

騰訊聲稱擁有1500萬付費用戶,僅落后Spotify和蘋果音樂(Apple Music),但馬利根表示這計入了QQ音樂、酷狗(KuGou)和酷我(KuWo)等多個平臺的用戶。他表示上市前對數(shù)據(jù)進行合并后,總數(shù)將大大縮水。

“A lot of people will just disappear because you get a lot of inertia, people who just keep paying their bills. Those are the numbers that will disappear when Tencent starts pulling [them] into a unified platform,” he says.


There are also questions over what constitutes a subscriber: just those actively streaming music on a monthly basis, or also people who are occasional users of other services, such as tipping karaoke livestreamers.


Netease, which goes for an edgier clientele with electronic dance music and hip-hop, claims the crown of fastest-growing service, with monthly active users rising 44 per cent in the year to June.



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