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2015-03-12VOA常速英語: 烏克蘭戰(zhàn)爭使得很多老人處于弱勢地位

War in Ukraine Leaves Many Elderly in a Vulnerable PositionDEBALTSEVE— In eastern Ukraine, the elderly are left ... [查看全文]

2015-03-10VOA常速英語: 美國政府專家稱在飲食中考慮環(huán)境問題

US Government Panel Says Consider Environment in DietAn advisory panel to the United States Department of Agricult... [查看全文]

2015-03-06VOA常速英語: 烏克蘭當局努力去保衛(wèi)一個分裂的馬里烏波爾

Ukrainian Authorities Struggle to Secure a Divided MariupolMARIUPOL, UKRAINE— Since last month's cease-fire went... [查看全文]

2015-03-06VOA常速英語: 貨幣爭論威脅貿易洽談

Currency Squabbles Threaten to Tangle Trade TalksThe Obama administration is working hard to make new trade deals,... [查看全文]

2015-03-05VOA常速英語: 研究:被誤認為瘧疾的疾病

Study: Diseases Mistaken for MalariaA new study warns that, in Africa, illnesses causing fevers are often misdiagn... [查看全文]

2015-03-03VOA常速英語: 工作超過健康成為首先考慮的問題

Jobs Top Health as PriorityA new report says sub-Saharan Africans rate their health and health care systems among... [查看全文]

2015-03-02VOA常速英語: 華盛頓為內塔尼亞胡總理的國會談話做準備

Washington Braces for Controversial Netanyahu Address to CongressWASHINGTON— An increasingly-strained relationship bet... [查看全文]

2015-03-02VOA常速英語: 烏克蘭志愿者準備保衛(wèi)馬里烏波爾

Ukrainian Volunteers Prepare to Defend MariupolMARIUPOL, UKRAINE— Despite the ongoing ceasefire in Ukraine, soldiers... [查看全文]

2015-02-28VOA常速英語: 研究支持特魯達瓦藥作為預防艾滋病的藥物

Studies Support Truvada as PreventionNew studies show programs that use antiretroviral drugs to prevent HIV infecti... [查看全文]

2015-02-27VOA常速英語: 西方學生將作業(yè)外包給肯尼亞作家

Western Students Outsource Work to Kenyan WritersNAIROBI— On the University of Nairobi campus, talent is on sale.... [查看全文]