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聽美劇學(xué)英語(yǔ)_生活大爆炸第四季 第16集 (下)




《生活大爆炸第四季》中Leonard和Penny分手后,決定繼續(xù)做普通朋友。與此同時(shí),經(jīng)過幾個(gè)月的短信交流,Sheldon終于決定和神經(jīng)生物學(xué)家Amy約會(huì),這可是他人生中的首次約會(huì)。和他堪稱絕配的 Amy,最終是否能成為他的女朋友?Penny對(duì)“謝米戀”大感興趣,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)自己成了尷尬的電燈泡。本季中,Howard的女友Bernadette也將回歸,而他的好基友Raj還停留在不能和女人正常交流的階段。
聽美劇學(xué)英語(yǔ) 生活大爆炸第四季

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I came as quickly as I could.

Okay. Why?
好的 為什么
To comfort you, of course. Sheldon told me about Leonard dating Rajesh's sister. So I high-tailed it over here to pick up the pieces of your broken heart.
當(dāng)然是趕來安慰你 謝爾頓說了萊納德跟拉杰妹妹約會(huì)的事 所以我趕到這里來安慰你破碎的心
Amy, I'm fine.
艾米 我沒事
You don't have to be strong for me. Now let's talk about Priya, that man-stealing bitch.
你不用在我面前逞強(qiáng)的 我們來談?wù)勂整悑I那偷男人的婊子
In situations like this, best girlfriends are often catty about the other woman.
在這樣的情況下 閨蜜經(jīng)常都一起聲討小三的
Really, I am not upset about Leonard and Priya.
真的 我對(duì)萊納德和普麗婭的事毫不傷心
Oh. Then perhaps you don't understand what's going on. Your former boyfriend has replaced you with what appears to be a very suitable mate. Arguably much more suitable than you.
那你可能是并不清楚是怎么回事 你的前男友另找了一個(gè)看上去非常相配的女友 可以說比你更相配得多
Oh. Well, good for him. Hey, what do you mean, "More suitable"?
好吧 那對(duì)他來說不錯(cuò)啊 你說“更相配”是什么意思
Well, granted, Penny, your secondary sexual characteristics are reasonably bodacious. but Priya is highly educated, she's an accomplished professional,she comes from the culture that literally wrote the book on neat ways to have sex. Whereas you, on the other hand, are a community college dropout who comes from the culture that wrote the book on tipping cows.
佩妮 雖然你的第二性征 相當(dāng)明顯 但普麗婭有高學(xué)歷 她是成熟的專業(yè)人員 她們的文化中甚至還有性愛寶典 而你 只是社區(qū)大學(xué)輟學(xué)生 你們那的文化中只有如何把牛推倒的書
Yeah. Okay, I got it. I got it. So... what is all that stuff?
好吧 我聽懂了 那些都是什么
This is a portable electroencephalogram. I'm doing research on emotions and brain activity. So when you start crying, I can see which region of the brain is activated. Then I'm going to stimulate the analogous area in the brain of a rhesus monkey and see if he cries. Cool, huh?
這是個(gè)便攜式腦電波機(jī) 我正在做關(guān)于情緒和大腦活動(dòng)的研究 所以你哭的時(shí)候 我能看到你大腦的哪一區(qū)域被激活 然后我就刺激獼猴大腦中相似區(qū)域 看它是否也會(huì)哭 很酷吧
I choose you.
Yep. I moved out of my mother's house. Cord is cut.I'm all yours.
對(duì) 我搬出了我媽家 切斷了束縛 我是你的了
What did she say when you told her?
你告訴她時(shí) 她怎么說
I don't know. She hasn't responded to my email yet.
不知道 她還沒回我的電郵
This is so great. I love you, Howard.
太好了 我愛你 霍華德
I love you, too. So what's for dinner?
我也愛你 晚飯吃什么
Well, I don't really have much of anything in the house.
That's fine. Why don't we go fool around in our bedroom? And then you can go shopping.
沒事 不如先去我們的臥室做點(diǎn)好事 然后你可以去買東西
I thought maybe after we eat, we could see an early movie.
我想吃完后 我們?nèi)タ磦€(gè)早場(chǎng)電影吧
I'd love that.
I love the way you say, "I'd love that."
She says it the same way I do. "I'd love that." Everybody in India says it that way.It's not a big deal.
哥也是這么說的 好啊 印度人人都這么說 沒什么了不起的
Rajesh, don't be a child.
拉杰 別這么幼稚
I'm not being a child. Leonard, I swear to God, if your sister ever comes to town, I shall have my way with her.
我沒在耍幼稚 萊納德 我對(duì)天發(fā)誓 你姐姐要是來這 我也會(huì)好好"關(guān)照"她的
My sister's 38 and married.
All the more shame that will fall upon the house of Hofstadter.
那就讓霍夫斯塔德家族蒙受更多恥辱(模仿莎士比亞句式 )
Ooh, I thought I smelled pizza.
That's remarkable. If pepperoni were an explosive substance, you could replace German shepherds at our nation's airports.
太了不起了 要是意大利辣香腸是爆炸物 你就可以取代國(guó)家機(jī)場(chǎng)的德國(guó)牧羊犬了
Hi. Penny, right?
你好 你是佩妮對(duì)吧
Oh, yes. H-Hi. I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company. I don't want to impose.
對(duì) 你好 抱歉 我不知道你們有客人 不想來打擾
No, no. It's not an imposition. At this point, in our ecosystem, you are akin to the plover, a small scavenging bird that eats extra food from between the teeth of crocodiles. Please, fly into our open maw, and have at it.
不 你這不是打擾 此時(shí)在我們的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)中 你就相當(dāng)于千鳥(千鳥又叫牙簽 常充當(dāng)鱷魚牙簽的角色) 一種小型凈化鳥類 從鱷魚的牙縫間吃掉多余的食物 請(qǐng)飛到我們張開的咽喉 盡情享用吧
If I had more than a box of baking soda in my refrigerator, I wouldn't have to take that.
要不是我冰箱就剩一瓶小蘇打 我肯定不吃這嗟來之食
Hi, bestie.
嗨 閨蜜
So, um, Priya, you're a lawyer, right?
普麗婭 你是律師 對(duì)吧
I know. Pretty boring, huh?
我懂 很無聊是吧
Oh, come on. It's not boring at all. She's currently helping set up a secondary derivative market which would allow overseas car firms to hedge their investments against potential advancements in battery technology.
拜托 一點(diǎn)都不無聊 她正在幫助建立一個(gè)二級(jí)市場(chǎng) 以便海外汽車公司鞏固其投資以對(duì)抗電池技術(shù)的潛在進(jìn)步
Thank you, Leonard. That doesn't make it sound boring at all.
謝謝你 萊納德 讓我的工作聽著一點(diǎn)都不無聊了
I'm sorry , but...
So, how you holding up?
I'm fine.
Oh, who are you kidding? She's breathtaking.
開什么玩笑 她那么動(dòng)人
So, Penny, Leonard tells me you're an actress. That must be pretty exciting.
佩妮 萊納德跟我說 你是個(gè)演員 這工作肯定相當(dāng)令人興奮吧
Oh, yeah, yeah. It's real great. Today I drove to Van Nuys for an audition. I thought was going to be for a cat food commercial. Turned out to be porn.
對(duì) 是挺棒的 今天我開車去范奈司試鏡 我原以為是一個(gè)貓食的廣告 到那才發(fā)現(xiàn)是黃片
Did you get the part?
I didn't do the audition.
Given the state of your career, can you really afford to be picky?
鑒于你岌岌可危的職業(yè)生涯 你還能挑三揀四的嗎
I took acting classes when I was at Cambridge. I loved it. We did Taming of the Shrew.
我在劍橋的時(shí)候上過表演課 我超愛的 我們當(dāng)時(shí)教的是《馴悍記》(莎士比亞著名喜劇)
Oh, wow. I love Taming of the Shrew. I did a paper on it in high school.
哇 我超愛《馴悍記》 我高中的時(shí)候還寫過一篇論文呢
"Who knows not where a wasp does wear his sting? "
"In his tail."
"In his tongue"
"Whose tongue?"
"Yours, if you talk of tails, and so farewell."
你的 如果你談?wù)摰氖俏舶?保重啦"
"What, with my tongue in your tail?"
“什么 我的舌頭在你的尾巴上”
I'm regretting my earlier cattiness. She is an absolute delight.
真后悔之前我對(duì)她做出這么惡毒的評(píng)價(jià) 她絕對(duì)是個(gè)可人兒
Wow. Wow, indeed. I can't believe we're finally living together.
爽 爽死了 真不敢相信我們終于住在一起了
Yeah. You know what would make this moment perfect?
是啊 你知道什么能讓這一刻更加完美嗎
A little snack. You got any string cheese?
零食 你有奶酪棒嗎
No. I-I might have some cheddar.
沒有 我可能有些干酪
Not as good. You can't make strings with it. Remind me to put it on your shopping list.
那個(gè)不好 拼不成繩子 記得提醒我把它加入你的購(gòu)物清單
You have hypo-allergenic detergent?
Better put it on the list. If you wash my underwear with regular soap, I get little red bumps on my tuchus.
那這個(gè)也要買哦 如果你用普通的肥皂幫我洗內(nèi)內(nèi) 我的屁屁會(huì)長(zhǎng)小紅點(diǎn)
Wait a second. I'm doing your laundry?
等等 我還要幫你洗衣服
Well, honey, it's not gonna do itself. Oh, before I forget, tomorrow morning, you're driving me to the dentist.
拜托 寶貝 衣服又不會(huì)自己跳進(jìn)洗衣機(jī) 差點(diǎn)忘了 明天早上你得開車送我去看牙醫(yī)
I have to take you?
You don't have to take me. You get to take me.
現(xiàn)在不是一定要你做 而是你必須要做
Wait a minute. Are you telling me your mother usually takes you to the dentist?
慢著 你的意思是你媽媽通常都帶你去看牙醫(yī)嗎
It's not weird. There's lots of kids there with their moms.
這有什么奇怪的 診所里有很多小孩都是媽媽陪著來的
I can't believe this.
Why? It's fun. If I have no cavities, afterwards, we go out for a treat.
為什么 多有愛呀 如果我沒有蛀牙 檢查過后我們就去大餐一頓
All right, Howard, let's get something straight right now. I'm not going to be your mother.
夠了 霍華德 有件事我必須得跟你直說 我不會(huì)像你媽一樣照顧你的
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where did that come from?
喂 喂 喂 此話怎講
Who's that?! Is it a sex criminal?!
誰(shuí)啊 是性侵者嗎
Nobody wants to do that to you, Ma!
媽 在你面前誰(shuí)都硬不起來
Where were you?!
Didn't you read my email?!
You know I can't turn on that ferkakta computer! I left you some brisket on the kitchen counter!
你也知道我不會(huì)開那破電腦 我給你留了點(diǎn)雞胸肉在廚房柜臺(tái)上
Thank you!
Remember to floss after. We have the dentist in the morning!
吃完記得用牙線剔干凈 明天早上我們得去看牙醫(yī)
Oh, hey. What's up?
I just wanted to check in on you.
It seems like the appropriate thing to do when one's best friend finds herself replaced by a smart, beautiful woman with the smoldering sexuality of a crouched Bengal tiger.
這是最恰當(dāng)不過的事情 因?yàn)楫?dāng)自己好朋友發(fā)現(xiàn)自己被一個(gè)聰明美麗的女人所取代 而她如同溫順的孟加拉母老虎 有一種蓄勢(shì)待發(fā)的性欲
I already told you, I'm okay with it. I mean, if anything, I'm quite pleased that Leonard has found someone that makes him so happy.
我跟你說過 我沒事 我是說 我甚至于還很高興萊納德找到了能讓他開心的人
It's okay, it's okay.
沒事的 沒事的
Thank you. Now, let's get these electrodes attached and see what's going on in that pretty little noggin of yours.
謝謝 現(xiàn)在先把這些電極貼上 看看你的小腦袋里到底哪部分讓你哭泣
I smell Chinese food.
It's actually Thai. You're slipping.
其實(shí)是泰國(guó)菜 你的嗅覺下降了
Are Leonard and Priya here?
They went to Catalina for the weekend.
Oh. Where's Raj?
At home, forbidding it.
在家 遠(yuǎn)程禁止他們?nèi)?/div>
How about Howard?
I'm given to understand his mother grounded him for running away.
據(jù)說他的母親把他禁足了 防止他偷跑
Oh, okay. Well, I guess it's just the two of us, huh?
好吧 那就剩咱倆了 對(duì)吧
Actually, it's the three of us.
事實(shí)上 是剩咱三個(gè)
What up, bestie? Good news. Thanks to you, I was able to make a rhesus monkey cry like a disgraced televangelist.
你好啊 閨蜜 好消息 多虧了你 我才能成功把恒河猴弄哭 就像那種蓄意煽情的情感類節(jié)目主持人一樣
So, you feeling better?
Not really.
Sheldon, you have a guest who's upset.
謝爾頓 你的客人心情不好
Right. I'll make tea.
知道了 我去倒茶
Sweetie, it's okay. I don't want tea.
親愛的 沒關(guān)系 我不需要
I'm sorry. It's not optional.
抱歉 你沒得選擇


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