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聽美劇學(xué)英語_生活大爆炸第四季 第17集 (上)




《生活大爆炸第四季》中Leonard和Penny分手后,決定繼續(xù)做普通朋友。與此同時,經(jīng)過幾個月的短信交流,Sheldon終于決定和神經(jīng)生物學(xué)家Amy約會,這可是他人生中的首次約會。和他堪稱絕配的 Amy,最終是否能成為他的女朋友?Penny對“謝米戀”大感興趣,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)自己成了尷尬的電燈泡。本季中,Howard的女友Bernadette也將回歸,而他的好基友Raj還停留在不能和女人正常交流的階段。
聽美劇學(xué)英語 生活大爆炸第四季

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Buona sera, Luigi's Pizza. Buona sera. It means good evening in Italian. May I say, having to explain that to you calls into question the authenticity of your ristorante?

晚上好 路易吉披薩(意大利語) 晚上好(意大利語) 這是意大利語的"晚上好" 我想說 跟你解釋這個問題 讓我對你們“餐廳”的正宗性產(chǎn)生了懷疑
Okay, I'm out of here.
Un momento. Oh, for heaven's sake. Now you're being deliberately stupid. Where are you going?
稍等(意大利語) 我的老天爺呀 現(xiàn)在你是真心在裝傻了吧 你去哪兒
I'm having dinner with Priya at Raj's. I think Howard's going to be there. You want to join us?
我要去拉杰那兒跟普麗婭共進(jìn)晚餐 我覺得霍華德也會去 你也來嗎
But tonight's Thursday. On Thursdays, everybody comes over here and has pizza. Or a reasonable facsimile prepared by someone claiming to be Luigi, but who sounds suspiciously like Jackie Chan.
可今天是星期四啊 每個星期四大家都會過來一起吃披薩 或者是看菜單挺正宗 說是由某位叫路易吉做的 可電話里的聲音卻聽著山寨得像成龍
Can't we make a one-time exception for tonight?
We could.We could also stop using the letter "M," but I think that idea is isguided and oronic.
行啊 咱今晚也可以不用字母"M" 但我覺得這主意挺“呼導(dǎo)”(誤導(dǎo))挺“奧殘”(腦殘)的
Just come with me to Raj's.
Well, I don't want to go to a party.
It's not a party. It's the same group of people who hang out here hanging out over there.
不是派對 就是原來的一群在這里聚的人今天去那里聚
I'm sorry, but five people eating and chatting is a party. How come it's not a party when we do it here?
不好意思 但是五個人一起吃飯聊天就是派對 那為啥在咱們這兒不算派對
Because we don't throw parties.
I don't know what to tell you, Sheldon. I'm going to see Priya. Everyone's over there. You coming or not?
我不知道該怎么跟你說了 謝爾頓 我要去見普麗婭 大家都去的 你來不來
Well, no, sir, and do you know why? In a word: tradition.Every Thursday night for the last eight years, you and I and our friends have gathered here in this very spot to break bread covered with cheese and sauce, discuss the issues of the day, and yes, share a laugh or two. But I guess our rich heritage means nothing to you.
當(dāng)然不去 知道為啥嗎 一個詞 傳統(tǒng) 在過去這八年的每個周四晚上 你和我還有我們的朋友們聚在這里 就在這里切開覆蓋著起司和醬料的面包(暗指披薩) 討論當(dāng)日話題 沒錯 還有分享歡樂 但我猜這些寶貴的回憶對你來說一文不值
I guess you're right. See you later.
你說的沒錯 回見
Wait! Leonard! Wait! What am I going to do for dinner?
等等 萊納德 等等 那我晚上吃啥啊
Come with me to Raj's and eat there.
I can't do that. What if he serves haggis and blood pudding?
我可不干 萬一他做了羊雜碎和黑香腸呢
I really doubt that's what he'll serve.
But what if he does? I'll be obliged to dine on liver and lungs stuffed in a sheep's stomach.
萬一他做了呢 我就不得不吃包在羊肚里煮熟的肝和肺了
And frankly, blood pudding is essentially the same thing. I don't know why he's serving both.
說實在的 黑香腸差不多也是一樣的 我不知道他為啥整這倆菜
What do you want to do? You want to come with me, or do you want to sit here alone?
你到底想干啥 是跟我一起去還是一個人待在家里
No, I'll go to your haggis party. But I'm telling you. This is adness. This is utter and complete adness.
算了 我還是去你的雜碎派對吧 但我得跟你說 這太“轟狂”(瘋狂)了 絕對是太“轟狂”(瘋狂)了
Oh, dear! What? Raj's television. I just realized we're about to spend an evening watching a plasma screen with a cluster of dead pixels in the upper left-hand corner.
天啊 咋了 拉杰的電視 我剛才意識到我們整晚都得看著左上角還有一坨壞點的等離子電視
So don't watch TV. Read a book.
那就別看電視了唄 看書吧
And be a social pariah? Oh, you know that's not my style.
想顯得不合群嗎 你知道那不是哥的風(fēng)格
The audible sigh is a show of exasperation, right? Right. Is it about me or the dead pixels?
你嘆氣是因為懊惱 對吧 對 是因為我還是壞點
Hey, you're just in time. We made Tex-Mex.
嗨 你倆來得正好 我們做了德墨風(fēng)味的小菜
Oh, sounds great.
Oh, Indians making Tex-Mex. Might as well have had the Chinese pizza.
印度佬做德墨菜啊 還不如吃中式披薩呢
Hey, you.
That's got to be fun for you, huh? Watching Hofstadter suck the saliva out of your sister's mouth?
對你來說肯定很有意思 對吧 看著霍夫斯塔德在你妹妹嘴里吮吸唾液
Excuse me. Before this evening goes any further, we need to decide where everyone is going to sit.
不好意思 在今晚開始之前 我們得先定好誰坐在哪兒
There is no assigned seats, Sheldon. Just sit anywhere. Make yourself comfortable.
又沒有人預(yù)定座位 謝爾頓 隨便找個地兒坐唄 別太拘束哈
Oh, what fun. We're like hippies at a love-in.
真有意思 我們就像是友愛集會里的嬉皮士
Just sit here. Right on, man. Right on.
就坐這兒吧 馬上 哥們兒 馬上
Oh, look. it's Harry Potter and 98% of The Sorcerer's Stone.
看吶 這不是哈利波特和百分之九十八的魔法石嗎
Okay, we've got fajitas with all the fixins, so you make your own.
好咯 這里有玉米卷餅和各種配菜 你們自便吧
Dinner, some assembly required.
晚飯 還得要自己動手的
Do you want a margarita, Sheldon?
想來一杯瑪格麗特嗎 謝爾頓
A margarita?! Where are we?! What is happening?!
瑪格麗特 我們這是在哪兒啊 出什么事兒了
Oh. Hey, Sheldon. What can I get you?
嗨 謝爾頓 想來點兒啥
Water. Neat. With a little umbrella.
水 純水 再放一把小傘
Where are all your friends?
Sadly, Penny, this evening, I am the Dark Knight, roaming these mean streets alone. A windbreaker for my cape, and a stern expression for my cowl.
可悲啊 佩妮 今晚 我就是黑暗騎士(蝙蝠俠) 獨(dú)自漫步在破舊的大街上 一件斗篷風(fēng)衣披肩 帽檐下是冷峻的面龐
Excuse me? Isn't this the point where the world-weary barkeep absentmindedly wipes down the bar and coaxes the woes out of the troubled patron?
勞駕 難道現(xiàn)在不是應(yīng)該有一位厭世的酒保心不在焉地一邊擦柜臺 一邊撫慰客人心中的憂愁嗎
Well, I was getting your stupid umbrella, but all right. What's troubling you, buddy?
我只是要幫你拿那個該死的小傘 不過好吧 有什么煩心事啊 伙計
I don't think your heart's in it, but since you asked... Apparently, because Leonard is dating Raj's sister, we're all forced to hang out at his apartment.
我知道你是裝出來的 不過既然你問了 顯然 因為萊納德在和拉杰的妹妹約會 我們都被迫去拉杰家里聚會
Oh, the horror.
哦 真糟糕
Indeed. Yeah, at one point, Raj put on reggae music, and his sister took off her shoes. It was like the last days of Caligula.
沒錯而且啊 拉杰在放雷鬼音樂(源自牙買加)他妹妹還把鞋給脫了 簡直就是卡里古拉大帝的晚年時期 (卡里古拉大帝是古羅馬帝國最荒淫殘暴的皇帝)
Oh, I have to get this. Umbrella? Wonder what she's exasperated about. Hello?
這個我得接 傘呢 真不知道她有啥好惱的 嗨
Sheldon, are you all right?
謝爾頓 你還好吧
When last we spoke, you were going to take a taxi home from Raj's, but according to Facebook, you just checked in at the Cheesecake Factory.
我們上次通話的時候 你正準(zhǔn)備打車離開拉杰家 但是根據(jù)Facebook你剛才進(jìn)蛋糕工廠了
Yes, I was in a taxi, but the driver didn't look at all like the photograph on his license, so I leapt out and ran for it.
對 我之前是在打車來著但是司機(jī)和他運(yùn)營執(zhí)照上的照片長得一點都不像 所以我就跳下車跑過來了
Wise. There you go. Just like recovering alcoholics drink in the Caribbean.
明智 給你 就像是加勒比海邊的元?dú)饣謴?fù)酒一樣
Hi, bestie.
嗨 閨蜜
Oh. Hi, Amy.
哦 嗨 艾米
How you been? Fine.
最近還好嗎 很好
From this angle, I can see up your nose.
從這個角度 我能看到你的鼻孔
Yeah, it's a great time to be alive, isn't it?
是啊 活在高科技時代挺好的 對吧
Don't worry. My problems can wait while you two hens finish your clucking.
沒關(guān)系 我的問題可以待會兒再說 你們兩個女人接著八卦吧
Look, Sheldon, Leonard is dating Priya. She is staying with Raj. That means you're all probably gonna be hanging out there more.
聽著 謝爾頓 萊納德在和普麗婭約會 她住在拉杰那兒 這就意味著你們以后很可能會經(jīng)常去那兒
Penny, I'm sorry you got dragged into this. I know you're devastated that your ex-boyfriend has found an exciting new lover with flawless, caramel-colored skin.
佩妮 很抱歉把你也牽扯進(jìn)來 我知道你傷心欲絕 你的前男友找到了一位驚艷的新歡 而且她的小麥色皮膚美麗無瑕
Okay, I'm not upset about Leonard and Priya.
Your flaring nostrils indicate otherwise.
Sheldon, look at me. I think it's time to face the fact that Leonard is the nucleus of your social group.
謝爾頓 看著我 我覺得是時候面對這一現(xiàn)實了 萊納德就是你們這個小團(tuán)體的中心
Where he goes, the group goes.
他去哪兒 你們就去哪兒
Leonard the nucleus? That makes no sense. I'm the whimsical elf that everyone looks to for a good time.
萊納德是中心 這沒道理啊 我才是異想天開的精靈讓大家歡樂相聚
I'm not saying that you're not fun. You're the most fun person I know.
我不是說你很無聊 你是我認(rèn)識的最有趣的人
A lot of people think I'm fun to be around.
Don't be needy, bestie. That's probably part of what chased Leonard away.
別耍寶了 閨蜜 也許正是因此萊納德離開了你
What I am saying, Sheldon, is that your group is Leonard-centric.
我的意思是 謝爾頓 你們那群人是以萊納德為中心的
If it were a town, it would be Leonardville. If it were an Islamic nation, Leonardstan. If it were the birthplace of motion pictures, we'd all be singing "Hooray for Leonardwood."
要是個小鎮(zhèn) 就會是萊納德鎮(zhèn) 要是個伊斯蘭國家 萊納德斯坦 要是電影的誕生地 大家都會唱著“萊納塢精神萬歲”
Ooh, I got one. If you guys were a band, you'd be called Leonard and the Leonards. So needy.
我想到一個 如果你們是支樂隊 就會是萊納德和他朋友們 太耍寶了
What you doing?
I'm setting out snacks.
You do realize everyone's eating at Raj's again tonight.
I didn't say the snacks were for you now, did I, Nosy Rosie?
這小吃又不是給你的 諾絲·羅茜(《諾絲·羅茜》是一本少兒讀物 )
You're having people over?
Yes. Must be killing you wondering who. Fine, I'll tell you. Stuart from the comic bookstore, Barry Kripke from the university, Penny's ex-boyfriend Zack and TV's LeVar Burton.
對 你一定好奇死了誰會來 好吧 我告訴你 是漫畫書店的斯圖爾特 同事巴里·克瑞普克 佩妮的前男友扎克 演員勒瓦爾·布爾頓
Really? LeVar Burton's coming here?
真的嗎 勒瓦爾·布爾頓也要來嗎
Possibly. I Tweeted him.
可能 我在推特上聯(lián)系他了
Okay, well, tell him I loved him on Star Trek.
好吧 告訴他我喜歡他在《星際迷航》的表演
Please, Leonard, stop trying to horn in on my new friends.
拜托 萊納德 別想打擾我新朋友
Of course. Good night.
當(dāng)然 晚安
Leonard. Yeah? We had a good run, you and I.
萊納德 什么 之前你我共度了許多美好時光
But change is a part of life. It certainly is.
但變化本就是人生的一部分 當(dāng)然是
Okay. I have guests coming. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave now.
好了 我有客人要來 恐怕得請你趕緊走了
I am leaving.
Don't make this harder than it is, Leonard. Good-bye, Sheldon.
別讓離別變得更加不舍 萊納德 再見 謝爾頓
And good-bye to you, sir. He'll be back.
你也再見 先生 他會回來的
Of course I'll be back. I live here!
我當(dāng)然會回來 我住這兒
Well, it would appear LeVar Burton won't be joining us. Let's get started.
好吧 看來勒瓦爾·布爾頓是不會來了 我們開始吧
I thought we'd begin by going around the room, introducing ourselves and saying a little bit about why we're here. Okay. I'm Sheldon. Uh, for regular readers of The New England Journal of High Energy Physics, I need no introduction. If you're not familiar with that publication, there's a free copy in your goody bag. Stuart?
開始先在屋里四處走走 介紹下自己 稍微說下自己為何來這 好了 我是謝爾頓 對于經(jīng)常閱讀《新英格蘭高能物理學(xué)》雜志的人來說 我不需要介紹自己了 如果你不熟悉那本刊物禮品袋里有免費(fèi)樣書贈送 斯圖爾特
Um... Hi. I'm Stuart. I run a comic bookstore, which for financial reasons, I'm currently living in. I guess what I'm hoping for most out of tonight is a hot shower.
大家好 我是斯圖爾特 我開了家漫畫書店 因經(jīng)濟(jì)原因 我最近還住在店里 我今晚到這最希望的是能洗個熱水澡
It's very nice, Stuart. Zack?
很好 斯圖爾特 扎克
I'm Zack, and I'm, uh... uh... Could you come back to me?
我是扎克 我呃...這... 我等下再說行嗎
Of course. Barry?
當(dāng)然 巴里
I'm Barry Kwipke, and I'm here because you told me there was going to be a whaffle. When is the whaffle?
我是巴里·克瑞普克 我來這里是因為你說今晚會有“湊獎” 湊獎什么時候開始
Patience, patience, Barry. The whaffle... The raffle is the grand finale to an evening-long festival of fun and folly.
淡定 淡定 巴里 湊獎... 抽獎是持續(xù)整晚玩樂放蕩的壓軸大戲
One more question...
Yes, you must be present to win.
對 你一定會抽得到
Okay, I'm ready. I'm Zach, and I'm, uh... Oh, crap, why is this so hard?
好了 我準(zhǔn)備好了 我是扎克 我呃... 討厭 為什么這么難


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