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聽(tīng)美劇學(xué)英語(yǔ)_生活大爆炸第四季 第17集 (下)




《生活大爆炸第四季》中Leonard和Penny分手后,決定繼續(xù)做普通朋友。與此同時(shí),經(jīng)過(guò)幾個(gè)月的短信交流,Sheldon終于決定和神經(jīng)生物學(xué)家Amy約會(huì),這可是他人生中的首次約會(huì)。和他堪稱絕配的 Amy,最終是否能成為他的女朋友?Penny對(duì)“謝米戀”大感興趣,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)自己成了尷尬的電燈泡。本季中,Howard的女友Bernadette也將回歸,而他的好基友Raj還停留在不能和女人正常交流的階段。
聽(tīng)美劇學(xué)英語(yǔ) 生活大爆炸第四季

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Oh, hey.

Hi. Yo, P-dog.
嗨 好啊
What's up?
宅女 有事嗎
We're here to kidnap you for a girls' night out.
Parenthetical: the term "Kidnap" is being used playfully.
說(shuō)明一下 所謂“綁架"是開玩笑的
I kind of figured that.
Good. Now put this pillowcase over your head.
很好 那就把這枕頭套套上去
She used to be much more fun, until Leonard punched her in the heart.
她以前比這有趣多了 直到萊納德狠狠傷了她的心
We just thought you might want to go out and have a good time, maybe go dancing.
我們認(rèn)為你應(yīng)該想出去 好好玩一下或者去跳跳舞
Oh. Gee, thanks, but I'm not really in the mood.
天 謝謝 可我現(xiàn)在沒(méi)心情
You do understand that it will distract you from obsessing over the rich variety of sweet loving that your ex-boyfriend is currently receiving from the fiery jewel of Mumbai.
你要知道 沉醉到其他各種甜蜜可愛(ài)事情上 能讓你不去注意你的前男友正得到孟買火熱寶貝的青睞
Okay, look, if I agree to go out with you guys, will you promise to stop pestering me about Leonard and Priya?
好吧 我要是同意跟你們出去玩 你們要保證不拿萊納德和普麗婭的事煩我
All right. I'll go change. Come on in.
好吧 我去換衣服 進(jìn)來(lái)吧
If you'd have let me bring the chloroform, we wouldn't have had to put up with all this jibber-jabber.
你要是讓我?guī)Я烁缌_芳(迷藥) 我們就不必說(shuō)剛才那么多廢話了
Anyway, after we get done snowboarding, I go back to the lodge and get in the Jacuzzi. There's no one around, so naturally, I'm free-balling it. Next thing I know, this beautiful chick shows up, drunk out of her skull, wants to get in with me.
總之 我們滑雪滑累了之后 我就回旅館泡極可意按摩浴缸了 周圍沒(méi)有人 所以我自然就讓蛋蛋出來(lái)呼吸了 然后有位美女突然出現(xiàn) 喝得醉醺醺地想跟我共浴
Question. Was it a Jacuzzi or a hot tub?
提問(wèn) 那是極可意浴缸還是熱水浴缸
Really? That's your question? What's the difference?
你坑爹呢? 就想問(wèn)這個(gè)?! 有什么區(qū)別
"Jacuzzi" is a commercial brand. "Hot tub" is the generic term. I.E., all Jacuzzis are hot tubs, but not all hot tubs are Jacuzzis.
極可意浴缸是種商業(yè)品牌 熱水浴缸是通用術(shù)語(yǔ) 就是說(shuō) 所有極可意都是熱水浴缸 但并非所有熱水浴缸都是極可意
Is that like all thumbs are fingers, but not all fingers are thumbs?
是不是就像所有拇指都是手指 但并非所有手指都是拇指
Surprisingly, yes. Nice.
沒(méi)想到啊 是的 很好
Now, what exactly are toes?
Can you please get back to the drunk girl? I'd like something to think about in the shower. Oh, yeah. Right. Anyway, she takes off all of her clothes, climbs into the hot tub, and the first thing I notice...
能否跳回去繼續(xù)說(shuō)那醉妞 我洗澡的時(shí)候需要點(diǎn)想象的靈感啊 對(duì)了 總之 她也脫光光了 爬進(jìn)了熱水浴缸 我首先注意到的是...
The water level rose.
Of course it did. It's said that Archimedes, the ancient Greek mathematician, discovered the principle of displacement while taking a bath.
水位當(dāng)然要上升 據(jù)說(shuō)阿基米德(古希臘數(shù)學(xué)家)就是泡澡時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn)了浮力定律
Terrific. Go ahead, Zack. Naked drunk girl, free-balling, continue.
太棒了 繼續(xù)說(shuō) 扎克 光光的醉妞 光光的蛋蛋 繼續(xù)
Forgive me, but I think you'll find my story is more interesting.
抱歉 但我覺(jué)得你們會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)我的故事更有趣
Does yours have wet breasts in it?
Better. It has a gold crown. You see, the king wondered how much gold was in it and charged Archimedes with coming up with the solution. Because the crown was irregularly shaped, there was no way to mathematically determine its volume. But, while bathing, Archimedes realized he could immerse the crown and measure the amount the water rose.
比這更好 里面有個(gè)金冠 國(guó)王想知道金冠中有多少黃金 讓阿基米德想個(gè)辦法測(cè)出來(lái) 因?yàn)榻鸸谛螤畈灰?guī)則 無(wú)法用數(shù)學(xué)計(jì)算出體積 但在泡澡時(shí) 阿基米德突然想到可以把金冠浸入水中 量出水面上升的數(shù)值以計(jì)算體積
So, long story short, I nailed her.
長(zhǎng)話短說(shuō) 我上了她
When he finished, he shouted "Eureka!"
想出來(lái)后 他高叫著“我找到了”(希臘語(yǔ))
No, I always shout, "Holy moly!" Don't know why. Just do.
不 我總是叫“天哪” 不知道為什么 反正就這么叫
All right, that concludes the "Getting to know you" Portion of the evening. Who's ready to play some vintage video games? And tonight's selections include ColecoVision's "Smurf Rescue in Gargamel's Castle," ColecoVision Atari's "Cookie Monster Munch," and for you text adventure aficionados, "Zork."
好吧 今晚的“讓我們了解你”部分到此為止 誰(shuí)想來(lái)玩些復(fù)古游戲 今晚的選擇包括的“藍(lán)精靈救援之格格巫城堡” 雅達(dá)利的“餅干怪獸大口嚼”(是一款《芝麻街》電玩)以及給你們這種文字冒險(xiǎn)游戲迷準(zhǔn)備的“索克”
Pick me, pick me. I'm fun.
選我選我 我可好玩啦
That all sucks the big hairy meatball.
How about I go get the karaoke machine out of my car, get plastered and blow the roof off this place?
我去把我車上的卡拉OK機(jī)拿出來(lái) 喝個(gè)酩酊大醉 然后把放聲高歌把屋頂掀飛 怎么樣
Great, I'll make a beer run.
很好 我負(fù)責(zé)買啤酒
And I'll take a shower. We'll meet back here in 15. Check.
那我負(fù)責(zé)去洗澡 15分鐘后見(jiàn) 就這么定了
I'm unhappy.
This is delicious. Where'd you learn to make chili?
真好吃 你這辣椒湯在哪兒學(xué)的
When I was at university in England, my flatmate was from Texas.
我在英國(guó)讀大學(xué)的時(shí)候 我室友是得克薩斯州人
I hope she wasn't anything like my flatmate from Texas.
Sheldon is a bit quirky, isn't he?
謝爾頓有點(diǎn)古怪 對(duì)吧
Oh, please. That crazy bastard's looking at quirky in the rearview mirror. Did you know that, per our roommate agreement, I have to wash my feet before I get in the shower? And not in the sink. We each have special buckets.
拜托 回顧那個(gè)混蛋瘋子的人生 全都是古怪這個(gè)詞兒呢 你們知道嗎 我們的室友協(xié)議里面規(guī)定 我必須在洗澡前先把腳洗干凈 而且還不能在水池子里洗 所以我們各有一個(gè)特制的小桶
Raj, did you ever tell your sister about the time Sheldon got punched by Bill Gates?
拉杰 你有告訴過(guò)你妹妹 謝爾頓曾被比爾·蓋茨扁過(guò)嗎
Oh, God, you're kidding.
天啊 你開玩笑呢吧
Nope. Gates gave a speech at the university. Sheldon went up to him afterwards and said, "Maybe if you weren't so distracted by sick children in Africa, you could have put a little more thought into Windows Vista."
真的 蓋茨來(lái)大學(xué)里演講 結(jié)束后 謝爾頓走過(guò)去跟他說(shuō) 如果你不是為非洲的病童那么勞神的話 或許你能有多一點(diǎn)想法 好好弄弄Windows Vista"
Bam. Right in the nose. Made me proud to own a PC.
砰 正中鼻頭 頓時(shí)讓我覺(jué)得 擁有一臺(tái)電腦是多么驕傲的事情
I'd like to propose a toast to a rare and wonderful Sheldon-free evening. Hear, hear. Cheers.
我提議為今晚舉杯歡慶為這完全擺脫謝爾頓的珍貴而美妙的夜晚 說(shuō)得對(duì) 干杯
You realize that's the first time we've ever done that without having to listen to Sheldon tell us why it's called a toast?
你們發(fā)現(xiàn)這是破天荒頭一遭 我們舉杯歡慶而不被謝爾頓強(qiáng)迫科普何為祝酒嗎
Why is it called a toast?
Oh, the ancient Romans put spiced toast in their punch bowls.
Sheldon tells it better.
He kind of does. Yeah. Aw, hell, I miss him.
好像是 的確是 該死的 我想他了
So, where do you guys want to go dancing?
We were hoping you'd know a place.
Yes, perhaps somewhere packed tightly with young, beautiful bodies sweating and writhing against each other in a glorious orgy of the flesh.
對(duì) 或許那里上演著一場(chǎng)超棒的肉體狂歡會(huì) 緊身的衣服藏不住年輕美麗的軀體 大家揮灑著汗水 相互扭成一團(tuán)
Oh, yeah, I know that place. What do you think?
沒(méi)錯(cuò) 我是知道這么個(gè)地方 這身怎么樣
That should display enough of your bosom to attract a new mate, or a hungry infant.
應(yīng)該能充分展示你的胸襟好吸引一個(gè)新男友 或是一個(gè)饑餓的嬰兒
Okay, let's go through this one more time. Just because Leonard has a new girlfriend does not mean I need to go out and hook up with some guy.
夠了 我再跟你們重申一次 只因萊納德有了新女友并不意味著我要出去勾引一個(gè)新男友
But you could if you wanted to, right?
但如果你想你就可以 不是嗎
Well, yeah, I guess.
話是這么說(shuō) 沒(méi)錯(cuò)
Pick out the hottest guy in the room, take him home, do unspeakable things to him, then kick him to the curb with a smile on his face and teeth marks on his heinie?
從房間里挑選出一位最辣的猛男 把他帶回家跟他做一些不能說(shuō)的秘密 然后讓他面帶微笑 臀帶牙印滾到路邊
More or less.
What's that like?
I don't know. It's fun while you're doing it. And then after, it's mostly embarrassment, self-loathing and regret.
我也說(shuō)不清 當(dāng)你做的時(shí)候 樂(lè)在其中 但過(guò)后 大多時(shí)候會(huì)尷尬 自我厭惡和后悔
I would take that deal all day long.
Yeah, well, it's not gonna happen tonight. You know, for the first time in my life, I am not in a relationship, and I'm totally okay with it.
好吧 但今晚不會(huì)發(fā)生這種事 這是我人生中第一次不談戀愛(ài) 我也完全覺(jué)得沒(méi)有關(guān)系
You know, if being on your own is new to you, I'd be happy to share some tension-relieving techniques for ladies I've perfected over the years. For example, do you have an electric toothbrush? Um, no. You should get one.
如果獨(dú)自一人對(duì)你來(lái)說(shuō)很新鮮 我很樂(lè)意跟你分享一些 我這么多年來(lái)愛(ài)用的解除空窗期緊張的女士專用科技產(chǎn)品 比如 你有電動(dòng)牙刷嗎 沒(méi)有 那你應(yīng)該買一個(gè)
What's that?
It appears to be something preserved between two pieces of acrylic.
Oh, it's a snowflake from the North Pole. Leonard gave it to me last year.
那是來(lái)自北極的雪花片 萊納德去年給我的
Oh, God, that is so romantic. Yeah, it was.
天啊 真浪漫 是呀 曾經(jīng)是
Leonard's really one of a kind.
Saying that while holding a snowflake is a bit heavy-handed, don't you think?
一邊拿著雪花一邊說(shuō)這話 不覺(jué)得手上的東西有點(diǎn)兒沉么
Let me see that. Oh, screw it. I can deal with a little self-loathing. Let's go find me a heinie to bite.
讓我看看 去它的破雪花 一點(diǎn)半點(diǎn)的自我厭惡 姐還是能處理的 走吧 找個(gè)小翹臀讓姐咬一口
Outstanding. And if we fail, we can always stop at CVS and pick you out a nice toothbrush. I call mine "Gerard."
人才呀 如果失敗了 我們可以在CVS停車 然后給你買個(gè)厲害的電動(dòng)牙刷 我管我的牙刷叫"杰拉德"
That's kind of creepy.
* Don't go breaking my heart * * I couldn't if I tried * * Oh, honey, if I get restless * * Baby, you're not that kind * * Don't go breaking my heart * *
不要讓我心碎 * 如果我?jiàn)^力一搏 結(jié)果也枉然 * 親愛(ài)的 如果我焦躁不安 * 寶貝 你不是這種人 * 不要讓我心碎 *
Anybody do "Walking on Sunshine" Yet?
I'm sorry, Sheldon bought a loom and learned how to weave?
抱歉 你是說(shuō)謝爾頓買了臺(tái)織布機(jī)然后學(xué)習(xí)織布嗎
He actually got pretty good. He made us all matching serapes.
他其實(shí)學(xué)得挺好的 他給我們都做一件相配的毛毯
I still wear mine when there's a nip in the air.
每當(dāng)寒風(fēng)刺骨的時(shí)候 我還會(huì)拿出來(lái)披上
Now, was this before or after he adopted the 25 cats?
Long before the cats. I think it was around the time he tried to declare our apartment a sovereign nation. I still have some of the currency.
在養(yǎng)貓很久之前 我覺(jué)得好像是在他試著宣告我們的公寓是個(gè)主權(quán)國(guó)家的那段時(shí)間 我至今還留有些貨幣呢
All my friends. All my friends. All my friends.
我的朋友們 我的朋友們 我的朋友們
I think it's like Beetlejuice. We said his name too many times.
我覺(jué)得就跟《 陰間大法師》一樣 咱們剛才總是念叨謝爾頓
Come on in. Thank you. Hey. I thought you were with your new buddies.
快進(jìn)來(lái) 謝謝 我還以為你跟你的新朋友在一起呢
I had to leave. They were having fun wrong.
我必須得離開 他們的玩樂(lè)方式有誤
Come here, Sheldon. Sit here with me.
過(guò)來(lái) 謝爾頓 跟我坐
Thank you.
Would you like some homemade chili?
Are there beans in it? Yes. Then it's not chili. Real chili has no beans in it, but you're from a foreign land, so your ignorance is forgiven.
湯里有豆子嗎 有 那就不是辣椒湯 地道的辣椒湯是沒(méi)有豆子的 但由于你是來(lái)自異鄉(xiāng)人 你的無(wú)知可以被諒解
Sheldon, do you want some or not?
謝爾頓 你要還是不要
Yes, please. Your girlfriend's a little short-tempered.
要 謝謝 你女人的脾氣有點(diǎn)毛躁呀
I'd like to propose a toast to friends, no matter how quirky. Cheers.
我提議舉杯歡慶致朋友們 不管他有多古怪 干杯
Priya, do you know why this is called a toast?
普麗婭 你知道何為祝酒嗎
Actually, I do. I believe the Romans used to put spiced toast in their punch bowls.
這我還真知道 是羅馬人把香噴噴的面包放進(jìn)他們的酒碗里
She's also a bit of a know-it-all.
Mmm. This is good. Whatever it is.
這挺好吃的 先不管地不地道吧
* I'm walking on sunshine * * I'm walking on sunshine * *
我走在陽(yáng)光里 * 我走在陽(yáng)光里 *
Hello? I...
你好 我
* I'm walking on sunshine * *
我走在陽(yáng)光里 *
Oh, I don't think so. I am so done with Twitter.
我還是走吧 推特什么的玩兒蛋去吧


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