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聽美劇學(xué)英語(yǔ)_生活大爆炸第四季 第18集 (上)




《生活大爆炸第四季》中Leonard和Penny分手后,決定繼續(xù)做普通朋友。與此同時(shí),經(jīng)過幾個(gè)月的短信交流,Sheldon終于決定和神經(jīng)生物學(xué)家Amy約會(huì),這可是他人生中的首次約會(huì)。和他堪稱絕配的 Amy,最終是否能成為他的女朋友?Penny對(duì)“謝米戀”大感興趣,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)自己成了尷尬的電燈泡。本季中,Howard的女友Bernadette也將回歸,而他的好基友Raj還停留在不能和女人正常交流的階段。
聽美劇學(xué)英語(yǔ) 生活大爆炸第四季

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Sleep okay?
Mm-hmm. Great.
Hey, can I ask you something?
Last night, me wanting to try that stuff out of the Kama Sutra, was that fun for you or kinda racially insensitive?
昨晚我想嘗試《性愛寶典》里面的那招 你是覺得有意思呢 還是覺得有種族歧視
Yeah, just because you're in bed with an Indian woman, you think that gives you permission to use crazy positions from an ancient Indian love manual?
Hey, if you can find a book called Weird Sex With White Boys, I'd be okay with that.
喂 你要是能找到一本《與白人男孩兒的詭異性愛》我也沒意見
No, no, you have such beautiful eyes. Have you ever thought about getting contacts?
別戴 你的眼睛這么美 你考慮過戴隱形眼鏡嗎
I tried in the seventh grade. I could never get used to them.
我七年級(jí)的時(shí)候試過 總是戴不習(xí)慣
Oh, that's too bad.
Yeah, if I had contacts I would have been the coolest debate club president ever to be stuffed into his own cello case.
對(duì)啊 要是我戴上隱形眼鏡 我肯定就是史上最酷的被關(guān)在自己大提琴箱里的辯論俱樂部主席了
If you had them on now, you could see what we're going to do next.
你要是現(xiàn)在戴上 就能看見咱們接下來要做啥了
Th-that's okay. I can infer from context.
沒 沒關(guān)系的 我可以腦補(bǔ)的
Hey, Raj, wanna see a new magic trick I've been working on?
嗨 拉杰 想見識(shí)一下我最近練的小魔術(shù)嗎
Howard, if I may interject here with a piece of friendly advice. Is working on magic tricks really how you want to spend your time?
霍華德 容我插句嘴 給你一條友情建議 難道你的人生就指著這些魔術(shù)小把戲了嗎
Granted, you're just an engineer, but... that doesn't mean you might not someday build a geegaw or a thingamabob that may get you a "thank you" in someone else's Nobel Prize acceptance speech.
我知道你只是個(gè)工程師 但是這并不意味著你不會(huì)某天做出一個(gè)小把戲或者小玩意兒能讓別人在諾貝爾獎(jiǎng)的獲獎(jiǎng)演說里送你一句“感謝某人”呀
Is the trick making him disappear?
Sure, let's see it. Here, shuffle these.
好吧 咱們看看吧 給 洗一下牌
Now spread them out on the table face down. Pick one, look at it.
正面朝下 攤在桌子上 挑一張看一眼
Now remember your card, put it back in the deck.
記住這張牌 再把它放回去
Is it any wonder he doesn't have a doctorate?
Remind me, what's your birthday?
提醒我一下 你生日是哪天
October sixth.
Okay, October is the tenth month. So ten—one plus zero is one, plus six is seven. Turn over the seventh card.
好的 10月是第10個(gè)月份 那么10 1加0等于1 1加6等于7 翻開第7張牌
How about that!
Is that your card?
Yes, it is. Very cool!
對(duì) 沒錯(cuò) 真厲害
It's not cool. It's a childish trick designed to confuse and intrigue simpletons. How'd you do it?
一點(diǎn)都不厲害 只是個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的用來戲弄傻瓜的小把戲而已 你是咋弄的
A magician never reveals his secrets. But surely a future Nobel Prize winner can figure it out.
魔術(shù)師是不會(huì)透露他的秘密的 但未來的諾獎(jiǎng)得主肯定能搞明白的
Fine. Give me a second. You ever notice when he thinks real hard, it smells like bacon?
好啊 讓我想想 你有沒有注意到 每次他認(rèn)真思考時(shí)都會(huì)散發(fā)培根的味道
Oh, hey! Sorry! Oop! Sorry! Pardon me! Oh, I'm so sorry! Oh, that was my fault.
喂 不好意思 抱歉 抱歉 真不好意思 都怪我
Check it out. I just got contacts.
看吧 我戴隱形了
One, two, three, four, five. No way.
一 二 三 四 五 不可能吧
That's your card, right?
這張牌就是你挑的 對(duì)吧
Seven of clubs! That is amazing!
草花7 太神奇了
It's not amazing. All magic tricks are merely a combination of manipulation and misdirection with the occasional dwarf in a box wiggling his feet.
一點(diǎn)都不神奇 魔術(shù)小把戲都離不開操縱和誤導(dǎo)的窠臼 有時(shí)候還會(huì)有侏儒藏在箱子里晃腿
Oh, really? So how did I do it?
哦 真的嗎 那我是怎么做到的
I don't care how you did it. I have more important things to think about. Clearly, the cards are marked.
我才不在乎你是怎么做到的 有更重要的問題等著我思考 顯然這些牌上都是有記號(hào)的
I thought you had more important things to think about.
I do. You just happened to have caught me on a break. Oh, let me see those cards.
沒錯(cuò) 你恰好碰見我休息了 讓我看看這些牌
Big deal. Not knowing is part of the fun.
有啥大不了的 不知道才有樂趣啊
"Not knowing is part of the fun." Was that the motto of your community college?
“不知道才有樂趣啊” 這是你們社區(qū)大學(xué)的校訓(xùn)嗎
Hey, guys, what do you think? Priya took me clothes shopping.
各位 你們覺得咋樣 普麗婭帶我去買衣服了
Hey, you look great. Good for you, Priya. I could never get that stupid hoodie off him when we were...
哇 看起來真不錯(cuò) 干得好 普麗婭 我怎么樣都沒法讓他不穿那件難看的帽衫 在我倆還那啥的時(shí)候
Well, you look great.
額 你看起來好帥
Thank you.
Let's go hang everything up.
Yeah, good.
嗯 好
New contacts. I should have done this years ago.
新隱形眼鏡 我該早幾年戴的
So you finally getting used to them doing it on a daily basis?
I'm not going out with him. He can sleep with whoever he wants.
我已經(jīng)不和他在一起了 他想跟誰上床都無所謂
Yeah, I was talking to Raj. Oopsy.
我在和拉杰說話呢 啊哦
This deck is rigged in some fashion.
Fine. Get another deck and I'll do the trick with that.
好吧 換一副牌我照樣能變給你看
So you're saying this is a regulation deck?
I'm saying believe in magic, you muggle.
我是說要相信魔法 你個(gè)麻瓜
You know, well, I'm happy Leonard's found someone. Not that anybody asked.
我很高興萊納德找到了女友 雖然沒人問起這個(gè)
How many Star Trek uniforms do you have?
Just two: everyday and dress.
就兩件 常服和禮服各一
Listen, we need to talk about something.
Oh, my God, you're breaking up with me! Why would you take me out shopping and then break up with me? That is so cruel!
天哪 你是要跟我分手 為什么要帶我去買衣服然后跟我分手 那太殘忍了
Leonard, I'm not breaking up with you.
萊納德 我不是要跟你分手
Oh, okay. So, what's up?
哦 好吧 那你要談什么
It's a little weird, your ex-girlfriend hanging out here all the time.
我就覺得怪怪的 你前女友一天到晚在這玩
I know. I usually never see my ex-girlfriends, unless their hard drives crash.
我知道 我通常跟前女友老死不相往來 除非她們的硬盤崩潰
I'm just saying, how would you feel if I was hanging out with my ex-boyfriend?
我只是說 要是我整天跟前男友混在一塊 你覺得怎樣
Um, not great, I guess. But Penny and I are just friends.
不怎么好 我想 但我和佩妮現(xiàn)在只是朋友
I don't care. This is a woman you have slept with. If you want her around, then I have to wonder if maybe you're not ready to move on.
我不管 她曾跟你上過床 要是你仍想她在眼前晃 那我不得不認(rèn)為你仍對(duì)她舊情難忘
No, no-no-no, I'm ready! I gave up the gift of sight for you. If that's not moving on, what is?
不 不不 我忘了 我都為了你寧愿目不能視 這還不算忘了舊情算什么
You need to cut the cord with Penny. Oh... okay.
我想讓你跟佩妮徹底斷了 哦 好的
You don't sound very confident.
No, no, I'm confident. It's not like I'm unfamiliar with the "get lost" conversation. Although, this will be the first time I'll be the one saying it.
不 不 我很有信心 我很清楚什么叫“我要跟你一刀兩斷” 雖然 這是第一次我跟人這么說
Thank you. I appreciate it.
謝謝你 我很感激
Sure.Oh, God, you smell so good. Of course, that could just be my other senses getting stronger.
應(yīng)該的 天哪 你真香 當(dāng)然 也有可能是我其他感官更加靈敏了
Hypothetically, if I had access to a Lieutenant Uhura uniform, would you wear it?
假設(shè) 我能弄到一件烏胡拉中尉的制服 你會(huì)穿嗎(《星際迷航》角色 女性)
Leonard, it's a source of great pain to me and my family that my brother has that outfit in his wardrobe. Can we not discuss it?
萊納德 這是我和我家人莫大的痛苦 因?yàn)槲腋缫鹿窬尤挥羞@一套行頭 能不討論這個(gè)嗎
I'm sorry. Never mind. And was your card the jack of diamonds? Oh, unbelievable!
抱歉 別介意 你之前拿的牌就是方塊J嗎 難以置信
Know how he did it yet?
Aw, he has the same look my little nephew gets when he can't figure out how I got his nose.
嗷 他跟我小侄子一個(gè)表情 他想不通為何我鼻子跟他一樣時(shí)就這樣
You know, I have some remedial magic tricks that might be more your speed. Like, ooh, look! The pencil's rubber!
我還有幾個(gè)治愈系的小魔術(shù)可能更適合你 比如 快看看這鉛筆上的橡皮
Hey, I think I know how you did the card trick.
Oh, please, if I don't know, you don't know. That's axiomatic.
拜托 我都不明白 你怎么可能知道 這是不言自明的
Come here. You're right. Not too bad for someone who doesn't know what "axiomatic" means.
我說給你聽 還真給你說對(duì)了 對(duì)一個(gè)不知道什么叫“不言自明”的人來說 還真不賴
Oh, hi. Hey, you, What happened with the contacts?
嗨 你好 你的隱形眼鏡呢
One of them's upstairs. The other one sort of slipped back into my skull.
一個(gè)在樓上 另一個(gè)好像已經(jīng)跑腦袋里了
Hey, is that one of the new shirts Priya got you?
You don't wanna wash that. No? No, that's silk.
可不能這么洗 不能嗎 不能 這是絲織品
Seriously, what would you do without me? Yeah. You know, I gotta tell you, I think you got a real winner with Priya.
老實(shí)說 沒有我你可怎么辦哦 是啊 我不得不說 我覺得你找上普麗婭真是太幸運(yùn)了
Yeah, me, too.
She seems really sweet. Believe me, you do not want to take that for granted. There are a lot of bitches out there.
她真是太可愛了 相信我 你可不能覺得理所當(dāng)然 外面可有大堆大堆的婊子
Yeah, bitches are the worst.
是啊 找個(gè)婊子可就太糟了
All right, I'll see you later.
好了 回見
Uh, Penny, there's something I have to tell you.
佩妮 我有事想跟你說
Okay, uh, how do I put this? Um... are you familiar with Darwin's observation of the finches in the Galapagos Islands?
好吧 怎么說呢 你了解達(dá)爾文在加拉帕戈斯群島考察雀類時(shí)的觀察法嗎
Did they make a movie about it?
Then no.
All right, well, anyway, Darwin observed that when two groups of finches competed over the same food source, eventually one of them would evolve a different beak shape so they could feed on something else.
好吧 達(dá)爾文觀察到當(dāng)兩組雀類去競(jìng)爭(zhēng)同一種食物來源 最終 其中一種會(huì)進(jìn)化出不同的鳥嘴從而能以別的東西為食
So what do you think we can learn from that behavior that we can apply to our own lives?
Uh, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush?
一鳥在手 勝過二鳥在林?
Sure, that has birds in it.
當(dāng)然 這話里也有鳥
It's fun talking to you, Leonard; I always learn stuff.
跟你說話真有趣 萊納德 總學(xué)得到東西
I'm sorry, but I'm gonna count that.
抱歉 那就算你答應(yīng)了


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